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A Nightly Word: For Those Who Seek Pragmatic Spirituality
A Nightly Word: For Those Who Seek Pragmatic Spirituality
A Nightly Word: For Those Who Seek Pragmatic Spirituality
Ebook189 pages1 hour

A Nightly Word: For Those Who Seek Pragmatic Spirituality

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Are you a spiritual explorer?

For over three years, Patricia Gomavitz has channeled pragmatic spiritual concepts through a series of nightly messages from the causal entity Joseph, and in this book, she shares those teachings with you the same way Joseph has given them to her: one word at a time.

Each night the message begins: ""Good evening. We are here with you."" Joseph then elaborates on a word of their choice-struggle, gratitude, faith, and many more-illuminating the spiritual implications of each word, and how you might apply this knowledge to improve your everyday life. As an entity that exists on the causal plane, Joseph has an exalted vantage point from which to offer advice for life here on the physical plane as well as insights to what lies beyond. Joseph has provided these incredibly rich and complex spiritual teachings in an easily accessible format with straightforward language and an eye toward the practicality of understanding such concepts so that they may be used.

If you are searching for teachings that resonate, you likely have a vibrational curiosity that allows for this study, a drive Patricia is familiar with as a life-long spiritual explorer. She knows what it's like to yearn for teachings that fit like a key in a lock, and she hopes that all who are receptive to the information offered here will find it naturally, and be uplifted. The student discovers the teacher when he is ready to learn, and if you are drawn to this book and its wisdom, Joseph just may be the teacher you seek.

From antiquity, the great spiritual masters haveeach in their own wayuniquely articulated the one common thread that is found in every sacred text, irrespective of the faith; that we are all a part of something far greater than ourselves, and that when we are open to It, we receive impeccable and comforting guidance and wisdom. In A Nightly Word, Pat Gomavitz proves she is listening and she graciously shares a sacred continuum of thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that will enrich your life and make the world a better place.

(Re)Defining Moments - Becoming Who You Were Born to Be""

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 15, 2015
A Nightly Word: For Those Who Seek Pragmatic Spirituality

Patricia Gomavitz

Patricia Gomavitz's lifelong interest in coordinating mind, body, and spirit led to a degree in physical therapy and years of intense spiritual exploration. She was the director of physical therapy at Northridge Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles, and she was recruited by Dr. Eugene Richards to assist him in developing the acute rehabilitation center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

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    A Nightly Word - Patricia Gomavitz

    Copyright © 2015 Patricia Gomavitz.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Bashar material and quotes Copyright © 2015 by Darryl Anka. Used with permission from Bashar Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Spiral quote used with permission of Royce Carlson and Juanita Hull-Carlson.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3016-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3014-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015904522

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/14/2015




    The Word


    Gratefulness #1

    Life Purpose


    Spiritual Practice

    Spiritual Teaching












    Challenge #1

    Transgression #1


    Patience #1


    Mind Wandering

    Love #1


    Joy #1


    Recall #2




    Self-Realization #1



    Appreciation #1

    The Sky Is the Limit!

    Energy Variables


    Coherence #1









    Current Lifestyle (Stress)

    Past Life Reviews


    The End of the Day

    Heart Energy

    Choice #1

    Transgression #2


    Corpulence #1

    Transformation #1


    Transgression #3


    Communication—With Others



    Challenge #2

    Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

    Appreciation #2




    Challenge #3








    Soul Levels







    Self-Realization #2





    Patience #2

    Interdimensional Travel

    Being Open


    Gratefulness #2

    Wishful Thinking


    Coherence #2

    Spiritual Exploration #1

    Choice #2



    Joy #2

    Corpulence #2

    Love #2


    Astral Travel

    Interdimensional Realities

    Transformation #2





    Spiritual Exploration #2


    Repetition of What Works for You

    Honesty #1

    Honesty #2, or Paradox




    Joy #3



    Translation #2








    Collaboration #2



    Challenge #4




    Decision Making

    Spiritual Attributes




    Spiritual Exploration #3

    Spiritual Concepts

    Connection—To Others and Your Higher Self

    Communication—All That Is



    Forgiveness #2



    Coherence #3


    Joy #4


    Apprehension #2

    Communication/Connection—With Essence

    Practical Spiritual Information



    My deepest gratitude to Melanie Thorne and Elle Keith who assisted me in the preparation of this manuscript for publication, and of course, to the causal entity Joseph who provided these nightly messages.


    Patricia Gomavitz had been channeling the causal entity Joseph through automatic writing for three years when this message came in: Patricia, have you considered sharing this information with others who may be interested?

    The information was a series of words presented to Patricia each evening—apprehension, joy, love, loneliness, and transcendence, to name a few—with Joseph’s take on the spiritual implications of each word. Through these nightly messages, Joseph’s goal was to present pragmatic spiritual concepts and also to elaborate on how one might incorporate those concepts into everyday life on the physical plane.

    At the time of Joseph’s pointed question, Patricia hadn’t yet considered sharing her nightly transmissions, but she was the perfect person to do so. A true spiritual explorer, Patricia has been deeply involved with metaphysical studies since she became interested in the mind/body/spirit connection as a child. Though she was raised in a traditional Christian home, she studied all the other Western and Eastern religions, as well as theosophy and hypnosis. She also read about mystics and seers, and she investigated other types of spiritual traditions and practices that were very far removed from what her family taught.

    Patricia was active in the Lutheran community during her thirties, teaching Sunday school and serving on the church board, but by then she knew that this path did not feel right for her. She took a practitioner’s course, and though she does not practice as a practitioner in a church, she continues to use the principles she learned there in her healing work to this day. Then she left the church and expanded her spiritual studies, continuing her search for teachings that would fit like a key in a lock, reading various books by innovative spiritual teachers of the time.

    Patricia also took a psychic development course in the sixties, which is where she first learned she had the ability to channel. She started with verbal channeling during one of the sessions and then went on to do automatic writing. While Patricia’s spiritual repertoire continued to expand, and she learned more and more, she was still seeking her true path. Ultimately, nearly twenty years later, it would be wisdom from one of Joseph’s neighbors on the causal plane that would strike the right chord.

    During her spiritual explorations, life went on, of course, and Patricia stopped doing any channeling or automatic writing while she worked and raised a family. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in physical therapy, but she did not practice this profession during the early years of raising her children. However, her interest in the body/mind/spirit connection continued, and after her children were a little older, she began to work as a physical therapist. She became licensed in biofeedback, and her specialty was working with chronic pain patients; she became the director of physical therapy at Northridge Hospital in California. The medical director at Northridge was recruited to create the inpatient acute rehab program at Cedars-Sinai, and he asked Patricia to join him and assist with the development of the program, which she did.

    Patricia continued to cultivate her spiritual studies too, still searching for the right fit. She began following the channeled teachings of many historically prevalent works. She also became a student of various healing modalities. Additionally, she participated in a dream study with a spiritual teacher who was a minster whose mother had studied psychology with Carl Jung.

    Finally, in the 1980s, Patricia was introduced to the Michael teachings and knew she had found what she was seeking. This was it. She was able to join channeling sessions with several mediums from the original Michael Teaching Group. She started asking questions and verifying the answers until she was fully convinced this entity was the teacher she was meant to study with. Patricia has continued this study ever since.

    It was during one of these sessions with Michael, channeled by Victoria Marina-Tompkins, that Patricia was told she would begin channeling a causal entity that Michael joked was at arm’s length from them. After the death of her second husband, who was less interested in the spiritual realms, Patricia had begun doing automatic writing again. She added these nightly writing sessions to her routine of working from home doing medical review of physical therapy online, followed by meditation and swimming each night, and her daily gratefulness during the last lap of her quarter mile. At Michael’s suggestion, Patricia gave the entity she was channeling a name: Joseph, which came to her after some deliberation.

    Three years of nightly words later, Joseph suggested that she compile her automatic writing on a computer so that their message would be able to reach a larger audience. With a little gentle nudging from Joseph, who always reminded her that all is choice, Patricia decided to share this information with others. Good evening. We are here with you, was the first thing Joseph said to Patricia, and it remains their means of introduction. And now, through this book, Joseph can be here with you. You may use this book as you wish—read it front to back in the order the words were channeled, or simply flip open the book and read the pages that call to you. There is no wrong way to receive Joseph’s guidance and insight.

    Patricia’s lifelong interest in spirituality and the body/mind/spirit connection, and her experience in both areas, combined with her ability to teach complex otherworldly ideas with comfort, confidence, truth, and authority, make her the perfect channel for Joseph’s pragmatic spiritual concepts. As you will see, there is some repartee between Joseph and Patricia; her responses are presented in italics, as Patricia responds to Joseph’s questions with thoughtful and relevant answers. Joseph often addresses the larger audience—you—directly as well. Joseph references the extraterrestrial Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, whose teachings Patricia has been following for

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