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The Flying Kangaroo: Book 1
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 1
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 1
Ebook68 pages58 minutes

The Flying Kangaroo: Book 1

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This is another story I wrote for my darling grandchildren, when they holidayed with us on our property overlooking the beautiful Lake, at Lake Boga.

They were my inspiration, and the reason I began writing childrens stories.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 20, 2017
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 1

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    The Flying Kangaroo - Irene Drummond

    Copyright © 2017 by Irene Drummond.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017915258

    ISBN:      Hardcover            978-1-5434-0440-1

                    Softcover             978-1-5434-0439-5

                    eBook                  978-1-5434-0438-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 10/03/2017





    Chapter 1 A Phenomenon

    Chapter 2 Nothing Stays the same forever

    Chapter 3 Aunt Ruby Erupts

    Chapter 4 The Lift-Off

    Chapter 5 Fire Bugs

    This is another story I wrote for my darling grandchildren, when they holidayed with us on our property overlooking the beautiful Lake Boga. They were my inspiration, and the reason I began writing children’s stories.

    It is to Natasha, Craig, Tamra, and Nerissa that, I dedicate this story; of a Mystical kangaroo who overcomes all obstacles in his quest to fly; so as to fulfil all the expectations his mob placed upon him at birth, and, in doing so, does his bit towards saving the environment from further destruction; out yonder, in-his-neck-of-the-woods, way-out-the-back –o’- beyond, in the wild bushlands of Australian’s Blue Mountain Rangers.

    Chapter 1

    A Phenomenon

    Every once in a while, something quite remarkable and very, very special happens; it’s called a phenomenon. And it was deep in the heart of the Australian Blue Mountain Ranges, in a lush green valley called Mystery Valley, that one such phenomenon took place.

    It all began, on one fine sunny day, when Amelia, a blue –flyer-doe kangaroo, talking to her best friend, another blue –flyer-doe, said, ‘You know’ Maude, I feel totally different about this joey. I have the strangest feeling he is going to be, in some way, very special. I somehow know, he is going to be special, for a special reason.’

    ‘That’s strange,’ Maude said, ‘I have exactly the same feeling about my tiny joey. I feel she is here for some special purpose as well.’

    From then on, the two does often met and talked about their joey’s progresses, especially in the cool of the evening when grazing the open floor of the valley with the mob. And as each and every event came to pass, they spoke of it.

    They spoke of the joyous feelings that beset them, when feeling their tiny embryos moving down and out of the birth canal. Of watching, intrigued, each tiny membrane, unaided, crawl its way up through the fur on their stomach, and make its way into the pouch, and, once there, quickly find a teat and begin nurturing.

    Knowing they had just witnessed the arrival of two very special little creatures, they were hard-pressed to keep the joyous news to themselves, but somehow, instinct told them they must - well, for the time being anyway.

    It was early one morning, making her way down to the creek with the mob, that Amelia way-laid her friend, saying, ‘Maude, I have something absolutely thrilling to tell you.’

    ‘Oh my stars,’ she gasped, standing erect. ‘You have the most incredible purple aura. What is it, Amelia?’

    ‘Have a look. See for your-self,’ she told her excitedly, holding her pouch open.

    Maude peering into the other’s pouch at the tiny joey, and Amelia, reaching in, gently stretched a small membrane from the tiny creature’s back, and softly said, ‘They are wings, Maude. I have examined them most thoroughly, and they are wings. Do you believe that? He has a perfect set of the tiniest wings I have ever seen.’

    ‘Impossible,’ Maude burst out, looking back up at her friend in astonishment. ‘Why? It’s preposterous.’

    ‘Well, that is, as it may be, but that is what they are. Look at the other one,’ she told her, gently stretching out the other wing.

    Maude bent again, looked long and hard, and straightened, looking at her friend’s face and asking in soft tones of wonder, ‘What do you make of it?’

    ‘Well, Maude, I have done a great deal of thinking since I made my discovery a few days ago, and I keep coming back to the same thing. I believe he is special for a very special reason. He has been granted a great gift by the powers that be, for some very special reason. That is all I know.’

    ‘Well, I never,’ Maude murmured, completely at a

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