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The Essence
The Essence
The Essence
Ebook75 pages16 minutes

The Essence

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About this ebook

The book consist of thirty two poems, letters, and/or expressions. It start off with romance, builds up to a middle twist and ends again with love. I wrote this for people out there that can't find words to express to their loved ones, although not strictly. I want you to laugh, meditate, feel, and enjoy this book. If you must take it seriously be professional and profound. If you don't take it seriously, simply grasp from it what you will. I thought of it to get you inspired to do something or help you on your way to a better you. I wrote this for your enjoyment. Even if you've never read poetry before, I put this toguether thinking of many ways to appreciate it, with different angles and points of view. If you like something its for you, if you don't, simply ignore it.
The expression is my gift to you, the lifestyle was theoretically concluded from what I understand. The names I used do not necessarily represent the actions, or character of people with that name.
Love can be expressed in many different ways, poetry is a classic and natural way I am comfortable with. I thought of an ideal, and expressed it into reality. I have seen, read, and experienced many things, and love was one of them. Once is enough to understand, that you can't find it in someone else, but in yourself first.
If you are reading this may it be of great benefit and advancement in your life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 5, 2015
The Essence

J. Maci

I grew up in El Paso Texas, calm, spiritual, and ambitious in nature. The strong, genuine people of my environment build up what I am today, and helped shape my life. I've been writing since the age of 9, and decided that The Essence would be my first book. I delight myself in the finer things in life, such as music, elegance, and class. At the same time I feel culture to the core of my being. Anything earthy, and cool in nature feeds my soul. I am a part time painter/artist, and I enjoy playing the drums, and guitar. I like traveling, seeing new people, places, and things. I would like to travel to Paris, Venice, and Buenos Aires soon enough. Stubborn, yet understanding and patient, I like things my way, and for the benefit of all. I consider myself spiritual, not religious. I would like to create new concepts, and start new ideas that will help us get to the next step, and the step after that. I enjoy intellectually congruent conversations with like minded people. I have read and understood the oldest, longest book, to an above average level. I do research to satisfy my need for truth, and have discovered things about the intelligent design of things and life itself, to be quite simple yet a hard pill swallow. I have high standards and faith in all of us that we can handle and overcome any circumstances. Everything happens because someone brought it in to consciousness for a reason, and proved to himself and others that, Imagination is the Limit, and all you need is love.

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    Book preview

    The Essence - J. Maci

    Copyright © 2015 by J. Maci.

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    Rev. date: 10/21/2015





    For you

    Symphonic Thunder





    Marble tones




    On point

    The Truth


    Your Body

    The Game






    Your molecule





    Free will






    Inner Spirit

    About the Author

    About the Book

    The contemplation of your presence collides with the emotions of my heart


    For you

    The contemplation of your presence collides with the emotions of my heart.

    Love, beauty, and sweetness are just simple childish remarks I express for you.

    Your eyes radiate life in me like nothing else.

    They can keep all the material things, all I want is you.

    Romance for the rest of the world is just an obsession, romance for me, is for you, my lifestyle, my truth,

    My passion, my reality,

    I want to surround myself with you,

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