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Mystery Ii: Theory of Supernatural Relativity
Mystery Ii: Theory of Supernatural Relativity
Mystery Ii: Theory of Supernatural Relativity
Ebook90 pages58 minutes

Mystery Ii: Theory of Supernatural Relativity

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About this ebook

Big Bang
The modern science of Cosmology has given us a model of the physical creation we know as the Universe. They call it the Cosmos. They say, and I agree, that Something, infinitely dense exploded around 13-14 billion years ago. They call it the Big Bang. They know nothing of that Something that exploded; nor can they ever know with their minds in the physical realm with its physical laws and math. In fact, they are a bit frustrated and embarrassed . . . so they call this enigma a Singularity.
The author has solved this Singularity in his first book:
Mystery of Being

Black Holes and the Big Crunch
This book is a sequel to the first. Another Singularity has really stumped and depressed them: Black Holes. In the center of every galaxy is an infinitely dense, mysterious Black Hole with an infinitely powerful gravity field. They do not give out any radiation; so they are invisible to the eye and to all modern instruments. Their most threatening feature is their devouring gravity field.
Einsteins equations of his general theory of relativity predict that these Black Holes will eventually swallow up ALL the physical universe then collapse into each other and form the Big Crunch. Cosmologists sadly agree with Einstein. The destruction of the physical realm is inevitable. I sense a deep depression when I observe, study the brilliant minds since Einstein to today. I sense empty hopeless hearts. The men I studied are all atheists. They are mired in the physical realm.
The author introduces the Supernatural Realm, with Superior Dimensions and a Superior Spectrum. The physical realm will be redeemed along with the souls who accept Gods Love!
The author redefines gravity; also introduces a new

Theory of
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 5, 2014
Mystery Ii: Theory of Supernatural Relativity

O H Delgado

I am a seeker of truth, a dreamer, and I can loosely identify myself as a philosopher. I am at this writing seventy years old. I hold a BS degree from UTEP in math (minor in engineering). I have a passion for math and things scientific; I also love the Bible. It has always bothered me that the Church and the scientific community are so cold toward each other. With this first published book of mine, I strive to show that the Author of the Bible and the Author of Creation (the cosmos) is one and the same; therefore, I endeavor to show that true science and true interpretation of the Holy Scriptures do not conflict. I live in beautiful San Diego, California. I am thoroughly enjoying my retirement, my family and church family.

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    Mystery Ii - O H Delgado

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 12/04/2014




    Table of Contents




    My Life

    01) The Singularity

    the Big Bang, Black Holes

    and the Big Crunch

    02) The Grace Of Tragedy

    03) Supernatural Relativity

    04) God’s Intimacy

    05) The Supernatural

    06) Ministering Spirits

    07) Authenticity Of The Holy Bible

    08) The Dark Side

    Note: The first 3 appendices are in my first book they represent my personal experiences with the Light.

    Appendix A

    Lord of Creation

    A lovely vision of Jesus and the Cosmos

    Appendix B

    Goodness and Mercy

    Two warrior angels came to my aid

    Appendix C

    Indian Boy

    The Lord warns me of danger in 2 dreams as a child

    Note: The next 3 appendices are my personal experiences with the Dark side.

    Appendix D

    Joe Cool

    A manifestation and deliverance

    Appendix E

    King of the World

    A euphoric vision of evil

    Appendix F

    The apparition

    A demonic apparition as a human


    A list of good works and ministries to research


    To Elahim, God of the Bible with praise and thanksgiving who blesses us abundantly. God of our Fathers and our Lord Jesus Christ. To His Honor and Glory.


    Thanks again to Judy Ross for use of her painting for the cover. John and Judy Ross are my Pastors at:

    Cloud Nine Worship Center in San Diego, CA.

    We, floating on Cloud Nine are a happy, bubbly, joyous Euphoric Mom-&-Pop family church in Spring Valley (suburb of San Diego). Catch us on livestream.

    Judy is a prophetic artist. Check out her work at:

    The Sword and the Gems is what I call Judy’s painting. I’ve already given my interpretation in my previous book. It speaks deeply to me; so you’ll have to read it.

    I wish to deeply thank the Church Lady of Cloud 9, Lynne Thomas for editing & proof-reading the manuscript so professionally - after all, she’s a retired school teacher!


    Once again Theophilus, I seek thine critical review; thou lover of the holy scriptures; Christian or Jew, thou lover of God. To thee do I dedicate this work.

    Also to the devoted, well educated scientist who has given his life to understanding the physical realm he has chosen. To thee I dedicate this work, as well my aforementioned book.

    To all my readers: may you be many, I dedicate these two works. You Seekers of Truth as I am; whether Christian, Jew, other religion … atheists, agnostics, all ages: hi–schoolers, college kids, those educated by the challenges of life, moms, dads, grandparents, and especially teachers & professors in all levels of education.


    I consider myself a Seeker of Truth. In my youth I was enthralled by the creation; later in life I was mesmerized by the Creator. All this I have summarized in my first published book Mystery of Being.¹

    Judged wise or fool, my initial loving response to the atheistic mindset is in my first book. It’s a short documentary on the Big Bang. In fact I solve the singularity that modern science cannot! I explain in detail what exploded, why the explosion and, who is responsible! Please read and contemplate; then come back and read this one … what, back already???

    This is my second loving response to the atheistic mindset. As you read you will realize I have solved another singularity that science cannot: Black Holes and more depressing, the Big Crunch. I consider this volume to be a sequel to my first.

    For decades I have been utterly dismayed by the atheistic proclamations from famous men of science who study the creation outside the bounds of earth (what we consider the Universe). Today these scientists are known as Cosmologists who call the Universe the Cosmos.

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