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What Your Eyes Have Not Seen: Seventh Edition
What Your Eyes Have Not Seen: Seventh Edition
What Your Eyes Have Not Seen: Seventh Edition
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What Your Eyes Have Not Seen: Seventh Edition

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This book contains very important information for everyone alive today, especially as the millennium and beyond are looming toward us all. Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ will be very soon in the future, although myself or anyone else on earth can say that they know in which day that will happen. This is because Jesus told us himself, in the New Testament, that no man knows that day and hour, except our Father in heaven. I can attest, though, that I have had a number of angelic visits and also visions from the Lord, and in these pages, I relate those experiences. I do not ask that you believe all or any part of my book. What has happened to me has been nearly unbelievable to myself. I cannot expect you to believe simply by my words. All that I do ask, though, is that you read and listen for your own self, and you will receive all proof of my claims in the near future. It is my hope that you will have this information when you most need itduring Armageddon. Many of you will fare much better by far to have this information now, while you can study and read it, than later, when earthquakes and all sorts of havoc are happening around some of you. Always remember that, even though there will be a time of havoc, afterward the Lord will return for the resurrection, and life will be very beautiful in heaven and on earth. God be with each of you during these times and the times yet to come. Amen.
Release dateDec 3, 2014
What Your Eyes Have Not Seen: Seventh Edition

Michael W. Cadry

I was born in Dearborn, Michigan on October 12, 1955. I graduated from high school with honors in 1974. I have eleven years of typographical experience, though I worked many odd jobs before that. For the past ten years, I’ve resided in Phoenix, Arizona. Only within the past year or so have I been able to put this book together as best I can. I am not a great author or writer, so I hope you will bear with my shortcomings in writing this book. I just happen to have many important things to say considering what has happened in my life, and it concerns every person alive today. My main objective in life is to notify people of the experiences I’ve had so that they will find it easier to deal with their own incredible experiences in the near future. I care about every one of you, and I know that God loves you even more by far. There will be changes in the earth and its population, but this is not the end of life on earth. It will all be a change for the best indeed. No one knows when these times will come to fruition, but it is very, very soon, so it is best to keep working at your job and life and to have faith in your own future. God bless you all very much, especially in the times to come. Amen.

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    Book preview

    What Your Eyes Have Not Seen - Michael W. Cadry

    © 2014 Michael W. Cadry. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/02/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5710-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5709-2 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve


    Everyone will learn so much within the next few years. The knowledge contained within this book will help. Always pray sincerely for an answer to a question you may have to God, and be sure of the answer before you speak to another of it. It’s an easy mistake to make. God doesn’t give you more than you can bear, but any chastisement or suffering is done to make you stronger. It also serves as a price for any wrongs you’ve committed in the past. The tests are to make you stronger spiritually, in the same way that lifting weights makes you stronger physically. Unless you’re faced with the testing coming against you, you will not know how to deal with it successfully later when you’re in heaven. Experience is a great teacher by God’s hand. If a test of your loyalty seems so great that you would want to take your life instead (commit suicide), simply rest from it and call upon God, asking for strength to face it. For a few moments, you may want to take your life to avoid that test, yet five minutes or a day later, you may not feel that same feeling of despair and it will be much too late to change your mind. Most of you, as you read this book, will think it unlikely that you will need to know this information. But in the very near future, you’ll need it before it’s too late. You won’t understand until that time comes. You will be inundated by all that happens on the earth in the days to come. You must also learn to fight and ignore the devil or the evil that will come so that you are ready for heaven. The more you know, the better off you’ll be and the less suffering you’ll have to endure. Hopefully, all that I have learned and experienced already will save you from having to learn it for the first time on your own. By learning what is within this book simply by reading it, you’ll be able to concentrate more easily on the tribulations that will come your way in the present and near future. Please try to trust me throughout this book. My prayer is that He’s with you all in the time to come, and that you put your faith, confidence, and trust in Him, along with your love. He is everywhere in spirit, within angels and even within every man who is alive, to differing degrees. Prepare yourselves now for Jesus’ return to earth. It will be a great blessing for all who welcome Him.



    T here’s so much more besides our little world on earth, and yet it is a great stepping stone into that heavenly universe around us. For those of you who think an earthly death is the end of your life, you may soon be convinced otherwise of the real truth.

    It all began in Westland, Michigan on a morning of early March. I was working for a large supermarket as a midnight stock clerk, stocking the cereals, when I sensed a very strong presence come near me, but I could see no one. I didn’t know what to make of this feeling and just wondered about it, continuing my work. That morning, I went to get my new girlfriend to take her to school for her morning classes.

    I said nothing about this unusual feeling to her, and we soon arrived at school as usual. Walking into the vestibule at school, I looked once again into her eyes deeply, and saw that same joy and sparkle of love within them that always radiated from within her, which was what had attracted me to her in the very beginning. As if by revelation, an inner voice within my thoughts and heart told me that it was God’s spirit within her body and soul that I was seeing in her eyes.

    Stopping to speak with some friends of ours, I began answering their remarks and questions at the same time they were speaking their initial questions. I was hearing their thoughts as they thought them, but I didn’t realize it at first. So I thought I was hearing their speaking instead until they spoke.

    My girlfriend and I knew something unusual was happening to me. We excused ourselves quickly and left our friends in wonderment. I took her to her first class, and we didn’t speak about what had happened, but only laughed nervously. My thoughts were racing at pondering what was going on at that time, but I had no answers then. After that, I went home. Lying in bed, I wondered about what had happened. I didn’t say a word to my family about it. I was in bed for maybe five minutes, looking up at the ceiling, when I again felt a presence come near me and grow very much stronger. My heart began beating as I’d never before known. When I looked at my chest, I could see it rising strongly where my heart was. I began trembling and thought that I was having a heart attack. I thought first to call a doctor, but it seemed there was no time. I then thought to call in my mother, but figured there was nothing she could do. I then thought to pray to God. I asked Him to please let me live to stay with my family and friends on earth, so that I could tell them what was happening to me.

    Immediately after I’d finished my last word to Him, a crystal clear, commanding voice filled the air above me. Calm yourself, He said, and think of those you love. I knew immediately that it was the Lord’s voice and I was filled with great amazement. I tried to think of my family and friends. To my horror, I could only envision them in my thoughts with evil-looking eyes and angry faces. It seemed like a nightmare and I became even more afraid, trembling more fiercely and crying.

    Once again, His voice spoke to me. Get your wallet and look upon the faces of those you love. Whenever He spoke—those few seconds—it calmed me so that my thoughts were not on fear or shaking. Instead, I thought about His voice and words, and obeyed them, yet things were happening so quickly.

    I immediately went for my wallet, which was on the dresser, with great haste. I practically stumbled over my bed. As I opened the wallet, I couldn’t believe what I was really seeing.

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