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Just Say It: 7 Steps to Effective Public Speaking Skills
Just Say It: 7 Steps to Effective Public Speaking Skills
Just Say It: 7 Steps to Effective Public Speaking Skills
Ebook39 pages24 minutes

Just Say It: 7 Steps to Effective Public Speaking Skills

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If you do not try it, how will you ever know if you can do it? If you do not keep trying, how will you know how good you can become? This book explains seven steps that are essential if you want to master the art of public speaking. The fear of public speaking is conquerable. Although its not a quick fix, it is possible that you can be made into a confident orator once you begin the journey to public speaking that is outlined in this book.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 20, 2015
Just Say It: 7 Steps to Effective Public Speaking Skills

Bennique Inderria Brown

Ms. Bennique Inderria Brown Born on Saturday, her favorite day of the week, August 7, on the beautiful island of New Providence, she was blessed Bennique Inderria Brown, the second of three children. Her tertiary education led her to the College of the Bahamas, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, specializing in English language and literature, and a master of science degree in reading with concentration in inclusive education. Ms. Brown was taught from a very early age about religion. Moreover, her years of dedication to the Pentecostal ministry provided her the opportunity to serve on the usher board and sing on the praise team and combined choir. She has learned that in all things you must put God first, and in return, he will give you the desires of your heart. One such desire of hers is to become a world-renowned international public speaker addressing the youths of this nation to follow their dreams. She is definitely well on her way to accomplishing this dream as she is a part of an international organization that has enhanced her public speaking and communication skills. She joined the Toastmasters organization in 2005 and, during that time, has held the positions of secretary, vice president of membership, vice president of education, and president. Ms. Brown has one of the best careers in the world. She guides, counsels, and fashions the ideas of the brightest and freshest minds on the planet. Yes, she is an educator contributing to the growth of knowledge in the nation. Presently, she is stationed at the Great S.C. McPherson Junior High School (home of the Sharks). In September 2014, she was appointed as the school’s reading coordinator. She has also facilitated the school’s speech club since 2007. Speaking is where she finds excitement. She believes that the highest level of communication is to speak with passion and sincerity. Despite her love for public speaking, one of her greatest accomplishments happened when she fulfilled the dream. In June 2012, she published her first book of poems entitled Life’s Experiences. Additionally, in December 2014, Ms. Brown published a children’s book entitled The Big School, which was officially launched on February 7, 2015. Her writing career has just begun, as there is much to be expected in the very near future. Special moments happen when you work without looking for rewards but achieve them anyway. In January 2014, Ms. Bennique Brown was named the teacher of the year at her school for 2014–2016. Her secret to success has a lot to do with her favorite quote, "A journey of one thousand miles begins with one step. Ms. Brown is a writer, a public speaker, a teacher, a lover of fine art, a shopper, a trendsetter, a leader, and most importantly, a dreamer. She makes the dreams come alive in her head, because if she doesn’t, they will remain a constant buzz. Buzz . . . did you hear it? The rest about Bennique Inderria Brown is still unwritten.

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    Book preview

    Just Say It - Bennique Inderria Brown

    Copyright © 2015 by Bennique Inderria Brown.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 08/19/2015

    Illustrators names: Mr. Dana T. Burrows and Ms. Alicia Hall

    Editor: Mrs. Erica Clarke







    Research It

    Write It

    Edit It

    Review It

    Practice It

    Just Say It

    Do it… AGAIN!

    Tips to Relieve Presentation Nervousness

    Other books written by the Author

    My Dedication

    This book is dedicated to Mrs. Jacqueline D. Allen

    In the last moments before her untimely death, she encouraged me to continue working towards my goals…to Walk into my Season.

    Thank you, Mrs. Allen!


    February 7, 2015

    My Gratitude…

    I thank God FIRST!

    To my strong support system and cheerleaders:

    Mommy, Daddy and Pebby… I love you guys to infinity.

    To The Speech Club at S.C. McPherson Jr. High School, I would never have imagined that I could have learnt so much from you all. This book is an extension of all that I’ve taught you and more. Thanks for being my inspiration Jonnee’, Kiante’ Durran, Yanina, Chelsea, Dedrick, Justin, Aaryn, Gia, Sterlina, Toinette, Alexandria and Preanna.

    To the best Speech Club assistant anyone can ask for, Mrs. Shakhana Wallace-Ferguson, thank you for all of your support.

    To my competent editor and friend, Mrs. Erica Clarke and talented illustrators Mr. Dana T. Burrows and Ms. Alicia Hall, thank you so much!

    Finally, to everyone who have assisted in the growth and development of my speaking career, and in the lives of my speech club babies,


    My Passion

    me speaking.jpg
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