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Shadow Lands: Book One: Branwyn’S Quest
Shadow Lands: Book One: Branwyn’S Quest
Shadow Lands: Book One: Branwyn’S Quest
Ebook238 pages3 hours

Shadow Lands: Book One: Branwyn’S Quest

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Branwyn and Bridgette: two blue-eyed, fair-haired sisters and all the other has in the world. An odd dream lands Branwyn in a strange world. Summoned by Netari to the Shadow lands, Branwyn learns of her and her sisters origins and the possibility that the parents she never knew may still be alive. Confronted with their destiny as warrior witches, Branwyn and Bridgette must now train in the arts of magic, sword fighting, and herb lore in order to save a world they never knew existed as well as the lives of their friends and those of their bonded warriors. The fate of the world or at least the Shadow Lands rests in the hands of the sisters. Its all up to them; the fate of a world and the lives of many people rests on their shoulders. Will they succeed? Or fail?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 23, 2014
Shadow Lands: Book One: Branwyn’S Quest

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    Shadow Lands - Xlibris US

    Chapter 1

    I was walking through a forest that was older than time. It was filled with towering sequoias, massive oaks, beautiful sycamores, and dozens of other trees that were both familiar and yet strange. The ground was littered with colorful foliage. The leaves were so deep that I sank to mid calf with each step I took. A pleasant scent wafted up from the forest floor. It was a mixture of earth, decaying leaves, the strong scent of herbs, and the faint scent of m agic.

    I enjoyed the crunch the leaves made as I stepped on them and the scratchy feeling against my legs. The air smelled crisp and clean and I inhaled deeply as I wandered through the forest. My feet followed a path that was invisible to the naked eye and it drew me deeper into the forest like a magnet draws metal. Somehow I knew that there was a clearing up ahead and that’s where my feet were leading me.

    Finally, I reached the clearing and paused at its edge. Looking around I could see it wasn’t very large, maybe 50 paces across. The clearing was ringed by willow trees and dotted with dozens of wild flowers and their scent perfumed the air. Running through the clearing was a small brook and standing tall and proud in the center amongst its neighbors, was a giant oak. At the base of the majestic oak stood a small stone table in the shade of its long branches.

    Standing to the side of the stone table was a hooded and cloaked figure. The figure was holding something in their hands and I could feel them watching me. I was torn between wanting to flee and wanting to stay. Before I could make up my mind my feet drew me into the clearing. I was nervous as I walked towards the mysterious figure. Here I was in the middle of a wooded area with a stranger, if that wasn’t considered dangerous then I don’t know what was. Different scenarios of what could happen flitted through my mind as I stopped a few feet from the tree leaving the table between me and the figure just to be safe until I found out if they were dangerous or not. I was trying to gather enough courage to speak when the cloaked figure spoke.

    Greetings Branwyn, the voice was soft and musical like a thousand tiny bells ringing or a forest filled with singing birds.

    Who are you and how do you know my name, I asked fearfully.

    Golden laughter answered me. You don’t need to fear me Branwyn. I mean you no harm.

    How do I know that? I don’t know you and for all I know you could be hiding a weapon inside your cloak. The woman was quiet and it made me nervous. I hope I didn’t offend her or make her mad.

    She moved suddenly throwing back her hood and opening her cloak in one fluid movement. I stared at her. How could I not? She was beautiful, beautiful like the moon on a cloudless night. Her hair was the color of silver and fell in soft waves to her knees. Her face was heart shaped with high cheek bones, a small dainty nose, rosy lips, turquoise eyes and pointy ears. She was small and tiny with a narrow waist.

    My eyes were drawn to her cloak which at a distance appeared to be black, but on closer inspection was a deep, dark blue with silver in it, and looked like the night sky. She wore a dress that was white and she was barefoot. Do I look dangerous to you Branwyn?

    No, I croaked clearing my throat, No you don’t, but you could still be dangerous.

    She laughed again and smiled. You’re cautious. I like that. It’ll help you in the days to come.

    What do you mean the days to come and who are you? I questioned. She didn’t answer. Instead, she turned to the table beside her and set down a small intricately carved wooden box and filled a goblet with some red liquid. She replaced the pitcher, picked up the goblet and turned to face me. Her turquoise eyes glowed softly in the shadow of the giant oak as she offered me the goblet. I took it and sniffed the dark liquid carefully.

    What is it?

    Wine. Drink and I will tell you who I am and why I called you here.

    I looked at her dubiously and tentatively took a drink. The wine exploded in my mouth and I drained the entire goblet in one gulp. My head was spinning as I lowered the goblet and handed it back to her. I’ve never tasted wine like that before! I exclaimed as I licked my lips.

    She chuckled as she set the goblet on the table. It’s made from the berries of the Fire tree. Another goblet and you would be unconscious for the rest of the day.

    All I could say was wow. I waited for my head to stop spinning before I asked, Are you going to answer my questions now?

    She gave me a small smile before she started to talk. My name is Netari and you are in the Shadow Lands…

    Why is it called that, I interrupted. Looking around I said, I see no shadows.

    It’s called the Shadow Lands because your ancestors were unable to see it. Those few who could see it just saw glimpses of the land and shadows of the inhabitants. Thus they deemed it the Shadow Lands. There were a select few, like you, who were able to journey into the Shadow Lands and truly see the land and those who reside on it. They are the ones who spread rumors of what the Shadow Lands and its inhabitants looked like.

    Okay…, but why am I here? I questioned.

    You are here because your people have always been able to truly see us and you are powerful. Your family is filled with magic. An ancient magic that is both strong and powerful because of your ancestry and magical abilities. We need your help.

    Help with what?

    A war is coming. My kind is working on recruiting people like you to help us. A bunch of half-mortals have discovered a way into the Shadow Lands with the help of our enemies. They are going to invade and destroy us, and use our magic to rule both their world and the Shadow Lands.

    What do you expect me to do?! I exclaimed. I’m just a teenager! I don’t have magic! I’m not a warrior!

    You are a warrior and you have magic, Netari said kindly as she placed her hands gently on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. You’ll be trained as a warrior and taught how to use magic. You’ll be with others who are just like you. Everything will be fine. You’ll see.

    Can I please have a day or two to think it over? I whispered feeling very young and overwhelmed.

    Of course you can, Netari said softly as she squeezed my shoulders and let go. I watched as she turned from me and opened the box from the stone table. I had forgotten all about that. Nestled inside the box was a necklace, of a tear drop shaped crystal on a thin silver chain. Netari took the necklace out of the box and placed it around my neck. It rested in the hollow just below my throat.

    This necklace is yours to keep, whatever you decide. The crystal will change color with magic, and the chain will grow longer or shorter depending on your mood. Eventually you’ll be able to transform it into any type of jewelry you want, Netari explained.

    I was surprised by the gift and said thank you as I raised my hand to touch the necklace. It was beautiful. It felt, right resting against my throat and it had a familiar weight. It felt like I had worn a necklace like this before, in another lifetime.

    Netari gave me a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek before she stepped away from me. I’ll contact you the day after tomorrow. No matter what choice you make, you are considered a friend of the Shadow Lands and are always welcome. Until next time, Netari said as she raised her hand and everything around me blurred and fell away.

    I woke up in my bed to the sound of my alarm going off. I rolled over and shut it off before I flopped back in bed. I stared at the ceiling as I remembered what Netari had said to me. Weird dream, I thought as I moved my hand from above my head to scratch my neck. My hand froze as it touched the necklace.

    Shit, it really happened! Great, this is going to make my life even more complicated than it already is, I groaned as I realized that what I thought had been a dream wasn’t really a dream. It had actually happened and that meant that somewhere out there was the Shadow Lands and a woman named Netari who wanted my help fighting a war.

    Chapter 2

    B ought time sleepy head! I thought I was going to have to come up and drag you out of bed, Bridgette teased as I walked into the kit chen.

    Bridgette was my big sister. It has been the two of us for as long as I can remember. We were given up for adoption when I was 6 months old and Bridgette was 4. Our parents just didn’t want us anymore. We were in and out of foster homes until Bridgette turned 18 and I was 14. We’ve been on our own for almost a year now. It’s hard, but we no longer have to move all the time.

    Branwyn did you hear me? Bridgette’s voice broke into my internal dialogue.

    Sorry I was lost in thought, I said a little guiltily. What’d you say?

    Bridgette sighed and looked at me worryingly. I asked if you want anything for breakfast and if you’re nervous for the first day of school.

    I’m n…not very hungry, but I would take a cup of t…tea and I am nervous for school. C..Can we p..please stay here till I graduate? I always stuttered when I was nervous. It was a habit that had gotten me in a lot of trouble while I was in foster care. I just realized that during my talk with Netari in the Shadow Lands I didn’t stutter a single time. Huh.

    Here you go Branny, Bridgette said as she handed me my tea. I inhaled and smelled peppermint and a little bit of ginger. At least this will settle my stomach and make my breath smell good. I don’t want to get sick the first day of school.

    Thanks Bridgette and please don’t call me Branny. It’s embarrassing.

    Bridgette stuck her tongue out at me as she tidied up the kitchen and put away the remainder of our breakfast. Bridgette and I looked a lot alike. We were the same height (just shy of 6'1"). Both of us had the same honey colored hair and pale blue eyes. When we were younger people couldn’t tell us apart. However, it’s much easier to tell us apart now that we’re older. I have streaks of red in my hair and am on the heavier side. Bridgette has more blonde in her hair and has a scar on the right side of her neck. She’s had that since she was 10. Our foster parents at the time got into a fight and attacked each other with knives. Bridgette was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    I glanced at the steam punk clock above the sink and saw that it was already 7:45. I was going to be late. I drained the rest of my tea as I stood up and slung my back pack over my shoulder. C…can you take me to school Bri? I want to get there early, so that I can check in and find my classes.

    Sure, just let me wipe the table and I’ll be ready to go.

    I tried to be patient as she finished up, but I was nervous and a little scared. All done, Bridgette said as she gathered up her purse and keys. She gave me a big sisterly hug as we went out the door. You’ll do fine sweetie. You’ll see. Just take your time when talking and don’t get embarrassed if you stutter.

    The ride to school was short and I wished it had taken longer. I took several deep cleansing breathes as Bridgette pulled up in front of the school. The place was already crawling with kids! I was totally dismayed because I thought it was going to be like my last school where kids didn’t start showing up until 8:00 even though class started at 8:10.

    Bridgette touched my arm and asked if I wanted her to come with me. I gave her a nervous smile and said N…no, I’ll be fine. She squeezed my hand and said good luck as I climbed out of the beat up old ford pick-up she drove.

    Thank goodness the office was easy to find. I was able to duck in there quickly and escape the stares and whispers of hey, there’s a new kid in school. Whispers that I have heard many times and they always make me self-conscious. I was glad to see that I was the only student in the office. No one was at the front desk so I had to wait. My stomach was starting to get butterflies when the office door opened and several people walked in.

    I watched as a tough looking man in a stark black suit went into a room labeled Principal with two boys trailing behind him. I jumped as he slammed the door and I could hear him yelling. A woman had followed them in and she apologized for not being here as she came around the desk. She was a petite middle aged woman with brown eyes, short brown hair, and dressed in a pencil skirt and white blouse.

    My name is Ms. Joan Peters, what can I help you with today?

    Before I could even open my mouth to speak a deep and sexy masculine voice interrupted me. Is Mr. Reeds busy? I turned around and standing a few feet behind me was a boy a year or two older than I was. He was one of those tall, dark, and handsome boys. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and framed a face that was roughly handsome. Green eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I was always shy and awkward around boys.

    He’s busy Darius. Maybe you should come back later when he’s not busy, Ms. Peters replied sternly.

    Nah, I’ll wait for him to get unbusy with Beor and Nathaniel, Darius replied in an almost cocky smart ass voice. I heard him move and sit down in one of the chairs lined up against the office wall right by the door. I could feel him watching me and it made me nervous, which I didn’t need because I was already nervous and I was afraid that I was going to start stuttering.

    What can I help you with sweetie, Ms. Peters’ overly sweet voice pulled my mind from the boy behind me. Her voice reminded me of foster mom number 3. That foster mom had always spoken in a falsely sweet voice to Bridgette and me when others were around and then turned into a neglectful and hateful woman the second no one was around to observe her.

    I took a deep breath before I carefully answered Ms. Peters, M…my name is Branwyn MacQuerrie. I t…transferred here from Bangor, Maine.

    I hated it that I was stuttering. People always looked at me and treated me different, when I stuttered. I have been called stupid and bullied (by classmates, teachers, and foster parents alike) because of my stuttering. I hated it. These thoughts stampeded through my mind as I waited anxiously while Ms. Peters got my schedule printed out and my data put into the computer. I was conscious of being watched by tall, dark, and handsome the entire time. Sigh…these were the days when I wish I could just disappear.

    Finally, Ms. Peters handed me my schedule and explained how the school was set up. You’re awfully young to be a Sophomore in high school, she carefully commented to me. I’ve seen her type before (foster mom number 5). She was a gossiper and she wanted juicy information to gossip about to the other teachers during lunch.

    I looked at her false smile and realized that I didn’t like her. I actually disliked her and it was a strong dislike. She reminded me too much of mean foster moms. I was in the g…gifted program back in M…Maine. I w…was top in my class and the s…smartest in my school. I s…skipped a grade when I was in grade s…school.

    No need to brag Ms. MacQuerrie. The students here are smart also. If you want to do well here and fit in don’t show off how smart you are and try not to stutter.

    I felt my cheeks redden as she finished speaking. I could not believe that I was already being picked on and it was by an adult. I carefully picked up my papers and turned to leave.

    Apparently you didn’t learn any manners in Maine. When someone gives you something you’re supposed to say thank you.

    Ms. Peters’ sickenly sweet voice made me stop and turn back to look at her. In my politest voice I said quite distinctly (so I wouldn’t stutter), I would thank you Ms. Peters, but I do not thank people who insult me or pick on me for stuttering. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to class. I heard Darius cough and it sounded suspiciously like a laugh. I caught a glimpse of Darius smirking as I left the office.

    As the office door closed behind me, I checked out the paper that Ms. Peters had given me.

    1st hour-Geometry Room 321 Mr. Klein

    2nd hour-Advanced Physical Science Room 410 Mrs. Richard

    3rd hour-Computers Room 110 Ms. Osborne

    4th hour-English 2 Room 220 Mr. Clark


    5th hour-Foreign Language Room 218 Mrs. Clark

    6th hour-Gifted Program Room 400 Mr. Moore

    7th hour-Biology Room 130 Mrs. Robinson

    I’m surprised that the classes didn’t look that hard. I’m curious as to what language I’ll be learning and if I’ll be doing it as an independent study. Like at my last school or if I’ll be in a classroom with other students. Hopefully my hour spent during the gifted program time is challenging. At one of my schools all I did during my gifted program time was help the teacher come up with activities for the other students. Talk about boring.

    Room 321 wasn’t very hard to find. It was just down the hall from the office. Even though it was only 8:05, there were several kids already sitting in the room waiting for class to begin. I decided to take a seat in the middle of the classroom. Long ago I found out that sitting in the middle of the classroom was safer than sitting in the front or in the back. People didn’t seem to notice you as much if you sat in the middle.

    As I sat down, I dug in my book bag for a pen and notebook. I figured that while I waited for class to start I

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