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All in One
All in One
All in One
Ebook212 pages3 hours

All in One

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The entire creation that God has created is all in one in the church. All in one in man means no matter where you come from, what you do and social background, religion, ethnicity, color, language rank, status, rich or poor, doctor or housekeeper, black or white, king or homeless, male or femalewe are all coming from one father and mother through birth. Adam lay with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD, I have brought forth a man, and later, she gave birth to his brother, Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil (according to the book of Genesis 4:12).

All in one in the soul is the destination of the saved into one place, and the destination of the lost is into another place. The Bible says that there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Salvation comes only from the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, in other words, the God of Heaven and the earth. But perdition is from Lucifer, in other words, the devil and old serpent. Therefore, anyone who accepts Jesus Christ will be saved, and anyone who doesnt accept Jesus Christ will be lost. Only those who accept Jesus Christ will be saved. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

All in one in the Spirit, according to the book of Ecclesiastes 12:7, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Our composite in all in one on earth is the body, the soul, and the spirit; but our composite in all in one in heaven is God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. Even here on earth, we link the fate of our existence to this. Therefore, we walk in the spirit but not in carnality. We walk with the core of our existence, Jesus Christ, the Master of our salvationbut not with the destroyer and enemy the devil, Lucifer. That is why we walk by faith and not by sight. Our all in one on earth is our all in one in heaven because we have to do it right on earth to be recompensed in heavenso its all in one. Be advised that the entire content of this writing may not be 100 percent compatible to those whod rather turn religion into a comfort zone, and this is being addressed from the pews to the pulpit.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 7, 2015
All in One

Pastor David Marcel

P. David Marcel was born in Port-Au-Prince Haiti in 1981 November 12 and was raised up in the Church of Jesus Christ as Pentecostal. The call of God started to rise into consciousness as a burning fire. He attended High School at Gerard Gourgue where he graduated in 1999. In the year of 2000, he moved on in the ministry, by helping his father, Bishop Daniel Marcel, to grow up churches around the country in his ministry known as Christian Holiness Ministry as a mission and also helped to facilitate children’s lives around the country in his organization known as Good Shepherd Orphanage. Around 2004, P. David Marcel was ordained as a pastor in the Christian Holiness ministry alongside of his brother P. Samuel Marcel. On November 2, 2004, the author moved to Rocky Mountain, VA, USA. He studied in Blue Ridge Bible College campus till May 2007 with an associate degree. After graduation, Pastor David Marcel immediately moved to Orlando, Florida, where he helped and deeply involved in ministries from diverse locations. In 2009, he moved to New Jersey where he got married with Nancy Marcel in November 2010, in Mount Olive Church of God where he was received as a pastor. He has two children in 2014. Until today God has given him the opportunity to motivate, inspire, and encourage the church, as his blessings and open doors come each day of his life for the perfection of the church.

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    All in One - Pastor David Marcel

    My Perimeter is Made With Pure Holiness

    Holiness is a space or a dimension that is being put in availability by God for everyone, but only those that are washed and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb can access it. Holiness is the perimeter that keeps growing in the name of Kingdom come. In addition to that, it’s the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom on which The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in all the Heavens and in all the Earth. Now, the Kingdoms of this world, to be The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ - Revelation 11:15 the seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and He will reign forever and ever." Generally, the state of being holy is the call of God to any individual accepting His only-begotten Son; as associated with the divine power by His Salvation and through the connection of the Godly relationship on earth.

    Sacred: considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion, or inspiring awe or reverence among believers in a given set of spiritual ideas. In other contexts, objects are often considered ‘holy or sacred’ if used for spiritual purposes, such as the worship or service of God the Creator through His begotten Son Jesus Christ. Fortunately, these themes cannot be or no longer use for non-spiritual contexts, so-called sacred truths in most of the constitutions". Because every constitutions that accept things against God, our Lord Jesus Christ and against the Holy Spirit; in other words, a dysfunctional or disability in the mind; an example like Sexual immorality or taking the 10 commandments out of the constitution or taking the prayer to God out of all institutions cannot be stated as a sacred of whatsoever. It is often ascribed to people, such as: holy men in the Gospel of Jesus Christ were good; not just do the good things, but accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and creator.

    Holiness keeps on growing; filling the globe, starting up from the core of the earth; filling up the Universe, starting up from the core of the Milky Way galaxy; filling up the heavenly, starting up from the earthly; filling up the supernatural, starting up from the natural; filling up the darkness with Light and the hearts with Love, etc.… This is not being controversial to the mind, though it seems like reading reversibly to how people might think. But, it is being written to help us understand. However, Jesus Christ came on the earth and invested the Holiness and purity among all those that integrated in Him and with such Power; the Saint will judge even angels.

    My perimeter is too pure to be seen with naked eyes; however, it can be transformed to be witnessed by the whole world. As a matter of influence of the divinity to impact those that are lost, so that they may be influenced by the good conduct, behavior and the ultimate relationship with God. The book of Psalm 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Hence, we can be in great confusion, have we not understand the basic principle. The principle of the traffic light does not allow the red and green light to be on simultaneously; this would create confusion among drivers, Saying what should we do? Some would have called the police and saying there is a problem. This is exactly what God is telling us in the book of Psalm in the first chapter. We would be more comfortable and regenerated if we produce the fruit after our own kind, which is holiness. In the book of Genesis, the bible clearly says after God finished creating the sun and the moon, God said that the sun to rule by day and the moon to rule by night; according to the book of Psalm 136 v 8-9 the sun to govern the day and the moon and starts to govern the night. There is a phenomenon by the name of the effect, this is when the sun and the moon come together, which is known by the name of eclipse and it is not really good to be looked at with naked eye. What is the effectiveness of an eclipse on the human eye? I do not refer the sun as light and the moon as darkness from the spiritual prospective, but I simply give an example to bring us all into a common understanding that the light and darkness would be foregathered up into one place; this will be the last battle that the Holy Bible refers to as the battle of Armageddon and this is when the darkness will be completely destroyed and the darkness will be defeated.

    Around 1995, a man who was a voodoo doctor, around that time became a Christian, he was a member at the Christian Holiness Ministry: by Bishop Daniel Marcel, a ministry in which God entrusted him and his lovely wife Marie Ange Marcel. That man gave a powerful testimony of what could have happened to him, had he kept on persecuting Christians. The things that he said were completely impossible for the naked eyes to see. As he testified, saying "one day a pastor and family come to live in the same area where he was, three months later, the pastor started a revival among the people. Many of those who joined that spiritual activity accepted Jesus Christ every single day during that revival. He was frustrated that he could no longer kill the people by the use of black magic, and then he believed killing the pastor or persecuting his family would be the end of everything.

    At the first night, he took the form of a dog to get close enough to the pastor’s house, when he got there at night, he didn’t see the house; a house he had been investigated on for the past three months, not that he got lost, but that God turned the Pastor’s house invisible that night. The next day, early in the morning he went to that same place and realized that the house was still there. At the second night, he thought that he couldn’t see the house because he was in the form of a dog; and decided that he would go as a man, in the human form. When he was walking along the way, he saw the place of the house was on fire; in fact, around the distance of one kilometer; fire was all over the places. So he couldn’t even approach close enough.

    The bible says in Matthew 18:20 for where two or three are gathered together in my name; there, am I in the midst of them. Furthermore, in the book of Matthew 28 v 20 and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (world)." In other types of details about holiness around religions of the world, we come to see that in each religion, there is a concept of being holy, but the major question goes, can holiness comes from twisted belief or false religions? Certainly not! We have witnessed that through the entire wonderful examples and precepts that the Lord had instructed us as being Christians; it’s the derivative from the anointing of The Lord, by living how God wants us to. This is the only way that holiness can be put in application through Jesus Christ while on earth. We basically understand holiness as being separated from worldly aspects and influences. The Bible says not to conform of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind according to Apostle Paul. Romains 12:2

    We see in extreme examples that some men in the Catholic religion become priests and separated from women; some become monks and live in monasteries while some of the women become nuns and live in convents separate from the rest of the world. In Eastern religions, we have seen that the concept of holiness also entails separation from the world and meditation in an environment that promotes peace and tranquility. In every religious group, the concept of holiness entails a separation from the world, but not all of them are the true holiness, but the one in Christ Jesus.

    Holy Ground

    Exodus 3:5 Do not come any closer, God said. Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. NIV Put off thy shoes - The reverence due to holy places thus rests upon God’s own command. The custom itself is well known from the observances of the temple; it was almost universally adopted by the ancients, and is retained in the East. Holy ground - This passage is almost conclusive against the assumption that the place was previously a sanctuary. Moses knew nothing of its holiness after some 40 years spent on the Peninsula. It became holy by the presence of God. We can describe the word Holiness states whatever belongs to God and wherever the presence of God is, is Holy. In other words, the earth, the universe and all existence ought to be Holy. Psalm 24 says that the earth and everything that is in it belong to The Lord (God Jesus Christ"), Is omnipresent and created all things, which is the Lord’s presence is everywhere at once and everything is the Lord’s property. Know ye that Holiness was meant to cover it all.

    It is also expected in the hands, which is to mean praisers and in the hearts, which is to means worshipers. It has been said about who shall ascend to the hills of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place. According to Psalms 24:3-5 who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully; He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

    What If

    It is obvious that there are a lot of what if among us today that have nothing to do with confusions that we create, nor complaints used to be and are still in this world. What if the bible makes us think beyond comprehension? What if also has to do with our faith and destiny or the will of God. What if is not to weaken us, but to strengthen us in the case of encountering with many skeptic questions full of irritations of the curiosity and purposed confusions, and advertising from the outsiders; in other words, the worldly folks or mercenary and devil’s agents. What if Adam and Eve did not eat the forbidden fruit, what would have happened throughout the course of history? What would have happened had God had not created the heavens and the earth nor separate the waters from the waters or the other detail; how would it be like? What if God did not divide the language into languages nor destroy the people in the history of the Towel of Babel during Noah’s time, what would have happened? What would’ve happened if there were not those corrupted ones in Sodom and Gomorrah? How would it be, had there not been an Ishmael but only Isaac, Would there still be fighting in the Middle East? What if Jacob did not have the blessing from his father in the place of Esau, Would Israel still be blessed? What if Joseph had never been sold by his brothers as a slave, would he still have been the one and only leader of Egypt under Pharaoh?

    What if Lucifer had never rebelled against God in heaven, would there still be a temptation? Alternatively, how did a temptation get into Lucifer’s heart when there was no temptation? Conversely, why Lucifer is the only angel whose heart was available to be tempted as origin? What if forgiveness was available for the devil, demons, falling angels, evil spirit, and the leaders of all roots of evil, which is Lucifer? Would they be so faithful to Lucifer that they would not let go of their rebellion and ask forgiveness to God? Alternatively, would Lucifer himself beg God for his forgiveness? What if Jesus Christ did not die on the cross to save humanity, would the apocalypse and the End have started back-then? What if religion or denomination did not exist, but the whole world following The One God of Creation and The One Lord of Salvation?

    What if death did not exist? Would God open up doors of other galaxies and other planets for a universal multiplication? Conversely, is that exploration will be designated for only those elect and saved through Jesus Christ? What if darkness did not exist, would there be any physical shadow at all? What if the body did not exist, would there be any unlimited realm to dwell in beside the spiritual? What if Love was not, would there be any survival and existence at all? – Certainly not. This fact can only make you think, among these what if, there are some that you can answer and some that you can just keep on thinking about; which is a remarkable elevation of our reflection. I could have written hundreds and even thousands of them, but I cannot think of how big God is. So, the conclusion will always remain, God is God and remain God. Our readings, writings, our commentaries and reflections, will not change God, for He is the Word of life, the God of our creation and the Lord of our Salvation.

    The book of John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome. One of the most extraordinary things is that God knows the future of every existence, even of their own free will – Natural, supernatural and etc.… God knows every pass, every present, every future, every fate, destination and termination. God knows them by logs, by letters, by numbers, by viewings, by logics, by analysis, by knowing, by sounds, by frequencies, by scales, by measures, by perimeters, by kilometers, by bytes, by megabyte, by terabyte, by gigabyte, and by gigahertz, in full, by seasons and episodes. Yes God knows all the natural, supernatural, all levels and dimensions.

    Illusions, delusions, visions, dreams, imaginations, consciousness, subconsciousness, and all kinds of realms, spaces, principalities, past present and future, God holds in His hand.

    What if is not to weaken the mind in doubt, but to build the strength of the mind from time to time, interrupting all kinds of disrupted ideas against God out there. The what if is a continuing episode to be written as a secondhand script in your own book, do not forget that the word of God is the opening of all books and the closing of all books.

    Growth And Multiplication

    What would be the highest standard of humanity, to possess the full understanding of multiplication? It would be so imminent without any doubt that some of the philosophers and scientist, or all of them would be provoked, as a person expressing his or her understanding, according to his or her fundamental research, without using the specific example of the humanistic science protocol. Growth refers to an increase in some quantity over time. The quantity can be: Physical growth in height, growth economically or growth in Abstract a system becoming more complex, an organism becoming more mature.

    It becomes as total confused mendacity, so-called evidence that the scientists are using that which is not being approved by the truth of God. Because only God is the truth and God’s agenda in all points of view, is not compatible with the twisted mind-evidence that scientists are trying to prove unto the world. Creation, evolution, growth, production and reproduction or multiplication; all of these are God’s creation. Praise God, We know the source of all existence instead of all kinds of diverse criteria that are being

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