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Mission Field: Holy Spirit Prime Function
Mission Field: Holy Spirit Prime Function
Mission Field: Holy Spirit Prime Function
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Mission Field: Holy Spirit Prime Function

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Mission Focus of the Gospel with God

Our Mission Field is not just Israel, Middle East, Greece or Italy but every part of the world. The hope of the world is the gospel of salvation. And by the help of the Holy Spirit we are empowered to witness the Saviour of the world and to win sinners to Jesus Christ. The word of salvation is sent to all people. And must pray for the salvation of the world daily. God is gracious and patient. The Lord is not willing that any person should die unsaved but all people come to repentance. As you read this book: Mission Field, It is my prayer that you will rise up as a witness of Jesus Christ and minister the gospel of salvation to people near you and far. May you be full of the presence and joy of the Holy Spirit to share the message of salvation to others. Then the people of the world will be saved by Jesus Christ in his power and grace, and they will be strong against idolatry, sin and Satan and come out of darkness (being ignorant of who God is and disobedient to the gospel). The salvation of God is to rescue and preserve people from the wrath and judgment to come.
Release dateMar 11, 2015
Mission Field: Holy Spirit Prime Function

Benjamin Maira

Benjamin Maira is divinely called, empowered and sent by the Lord. A minister of the gospel set apart by the Holy Spirit for the Holy Service. He is a writer, ministry specialist and speaker. Pastor Ben is founder and senior minister of Sent One Ministries and Set Minster Chapel. As an accomplished minister he takes the gospel and work of God to the people. His purpose is world cause of the Lord Jesus Christ and to witness his Name. Benjamin and his wife, Flora reside in London, UK with their godly children.

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    Mission Field - Benjamin Maira

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    ISBN: 978-1-4969-9598-8 (sc)

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    Chapter 1   Jesus Christ and Mission

    Chapter 2   The Gospel Mission

    Chapter 3   The Holy Spirit Mission

    Chapter 4   Mission Centre

    Chapter 5   Mission Crusade


    Ministry Scripture

    Ministry Notes:

    Mission Focus of the Gospel with God


    My wife and children

    To my wife Flora, thank you for your love, support and contribution.

    To my sons: Benson, Boniface and Barry. I encourage you to know the word of salvation for your life. Thank you for allowing me to write.

    To fellow Christians, let this book edify you to grow and do great things of God in your life by the word of salvation and prayer in the Holy Spirit.

    To Barnabas and Paul, thank you for your work of salvation. I have learned the way you started to do the work of the gospel after the Holy Spirit sent you away, and you spoke the gospel of salvation. This has made me to know mission field of the gospel is the prime function of the Holy Spirit. Barnabas and Paul, your work of salvation to the Gentiles is the highest. I am thankful to that. Let every Christian also do the work of salvation by witnessing Jesus Christ and minister the gospel to the sinners.


    To unsaved people, devoted Christians, ministers of the gospel and God

    To the unsaved people, this book is for you. I exhort you to know the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ.

    To Christians, I edify you to speak the word of salvation to the sinners and win them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    To the ministers of the gospel, I exhort you take the gospel and work of the Spirit to the people of the world. By the help of Jesus Christ, you will testify, minister, preach, teach and show forth the gospel, which is the hope for the world. To God, thank you for trusting me with the gospel of salvation.


    Authority and commission of the Lord

    In his two books, physician Luke wrote what Jesus did and taught in his mission to Israel and the mission of the apostles by the gospel in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Acts 1:1 shows us Luke’s reference to his first book, the gospel of Luke. In the book of Luke, Luke 4:18-19,43 and Luke 5:31-32, we read the mission of the Lord, he came to preach the gospel and to call sinners to repentance. Jesus Christ had a mission! His mission was more than just touch the poor, heal the sick and deliver people from evil spirits and raise up the dead. Jesus came to save people from their sins.

    One of the key statements we see and hear on the gospel of Luke is forgiveness of sins. As the healing of God is publicly shown in divine mission of Jesus in Israel, we all also read of the salvation of God in Israel. Luke 2:31-32 shows clearly, Jesus is the Saviour of the world, to the Jews and Gentiles. In Luke 5:17, we read the power of the Lord was present to heal, as Jesus was teaching in the Synagogue of the Jews. Luke 5:23-24 we read the words of Jesus concerning the salvation of God. Jesus said to the sick person your sins are forgiven. When the religious Leaders and doctors of the Law were offended and upset with this statement, Jesus responded by saying this I said, that you may know that the Son of Man has power on Earth to forgive sins. Power to forgive sins? Yes, Jesus saved people from their sins. The word power simply means authority. Jesus has authority to forgive sins. The Lord Jesus is the Saviour!

    In this book: Mission Field, I will be talking about the gospel and the work of the Spirit to the unsaved world. No person can testify the gospel and minister by the Spirit without the authority and commission of the Lord. Jesus before he left the Earth and go to Heaven to his Father (The Lord God), he gave authority and commission to his twelve disciples, who also he named apostles. In Luke 24:46-47, Jesus said this words: And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

    He told his disciples and his key apostolic men, that they have to preach repentance and remission of sins through his name (the Name of Jesus) to all nations beginning at Jerusalem. In the book of Acts we see Peter and Paul in their gospel mission to the people, preaching the forgiveness of sins that comes by the name of Jesus. See, Luke 5:30-31 and Acts 13:38-39.

    Dear reader, as a Christian who knows Jesus Christ as Saviour. I want you to know the Lord has given you a divine mission and that is to take the gospel and the work of the Spirit to the unsaved world. Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save people from their sins. You are his witness for the salvation of other people. People from different places of the world need the Saviour, the Lord Jesus. In this unsaved world, people suffer and struggle with sin and Satan, idol worship, shame, the power of darkness and worst of all, if people don’t receive the gospel they are in serious danger of the wrath and judgement to come. But God is full of grace and mercy, he wants to make peace with his people. That divine mission is for all Christians to play their part, and testify the gospel of salvation by the Spirit.



    Mission Field of the gospel and work of the Spirit

    Mission Field! What is it? Your mission field is people who don’t know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour. The mission field of a Christian and every minister of the gospel is the unsaved world. In other words sinners. Who is a Christian? It is every person who has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Who is a minister of the gospel? Every ministry gifts set forth in Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:28 is a minister of the gospel. Both a Christian and a minister of the gospel are called, empowered and sent to the mission field of the gospel and work of the Spirit. Every person as a Christian and a minister of the gospel has been given special grace and power to testify to the world, the gospel of salvation by Jesus Christ.

    In the book of Acts of apostles, there was a key church know as Antioch church. We read of the Antioch church in Acts 11:19-26 and Acts 13:1-5. The Antioch church was a Mission Centre. The Antioch church was a mission based church. The Antioch church we see Internal and external work of the Spirit. Firstly, there was teaching of the word of God, (Acts 11:25-26). Secondly, we see worship to the Lord in the presence of the Holy Spirit, (Acts 13:1-2). And thirdly, we see the preaching of the gospel of salvation to the world, Acts 13:4-5,46-47). In the first Mission Trip of Paul and Barnabas outside the Antioch church (Acts 13-15), we see these two apostolic men hazarded their lives of the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 15:26 says these words of Scripture: Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Acts 13:13, shows us in the mission field of the gospel and work of the Spirit, there is a need of Mission Team. The first mission team was Barnabas, Paul and John Mark. Then in Acts 15 because of Paul and Barnabas parted company, a new mission team was formed. Apostle Paul took Prophet Silas and in Acts 16 he found also a disciple named Timothy. Mission field of the gospel and work the Spirit is a team thing. If today, we are going take the gospel and work of the Spirit, we, all of us, Christians and ministers must work together as a mission team. All people in different places of this world can hear the gospel and see the work of the Spirit. If Christians and ministers of Jesus Christ will stand

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