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A Song in the Dark
A Song in the Dark
A Song in the Dark
Ebook147 pages1 hour

A Song in the Dark

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About this ebook

This book of poems is a healing process for me.

Living through many losses, my father died before I was two years old, my mom just after I migrated to the USA (I did not attend her funeral because of culture shock and fear of the unknown), and my only son on the night of December 25, 2006.

At the age of sixty-six, of course, there are many other losses. Early retirement is a loss of not much outside connections, but I have a choice: to enter the room of suffering and mourning or to enter the room of happiness, choose life, and be happy. Turn my lemons into lemonade.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Finding the courage and the strength to greet each day with daily exercise, eating the right foods, drinking plenty of water, not worrying, and feeding on the Word of God.

Happiness is sure to become a way of life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 17, 2015
A Song in the Dark

June Davis

I am June M. Davis, unmarried and retired. My age is sixty-six years old. I migrated from Jamaica, West Indies, in the year 1977 to the USA as a registered nurse. Education I am a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree in health-care management and an incomplete master’s degree in midwifery. Occupation As an RN, I worked at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in West Los Angeles from October 1979 to June 2012. I also worked through the nurse’s registry at various hospitals like Daniel Freeman Hospital from 1981 to 1996. I did some real estate buying, selling, and managing duplexes and triplexes from 1987 to 2009. Family Sad to say that I do have lots of blood family members, but the relationship is almost nonexistent. My only child, my son, was very gifted and talented in music. He sang and played the piano and the trumpet, even in event performances. He was a competitive winner in breaststroke swimming and played well in ball games when they threw him the ball. He attended college at the age of sixteen years old and died at the age of eighteen years old, as such is the law of a single-parent family without any form of support. It takes a village to raise a child. Social I play the piano very well, sing very well, and love to dance and recite poetry very well. I can be funny. I call myself a comedian. Religion I am a Christian. I will preach if you let me say the spoken Word, especially the Psalms. In all, I love the Word. It keeps me safe and gives me sanity.

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    Book preview

    A Song in the Dark - June Davis



    in the


    June Davis

    Copyright © 2015 by June Davis.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 07/17/2015





    A Song in the Dark



    Busy Market Street

    Busy Pico Street


    Change Part Two

    Change Part Three



    Daily Victories

    Design Intelligence

    Divinity Chocolate

    Eating to Live


    The Mote and the Beam


    Vacation Island—Palace Hotel

    Vacation Trip Follow-Up


    Presence Part Two


    Presence Part Four


    Reteach Loveliness

    Reteach Its Loveliness

    Winds Scatter

    Being of Service

    Being of Service Part Two

    Silence Part Three



    Silence Part B


    Sunshine in Darkness: Shadow Playing

    Taking Responsibility

    Targeted Words

    The Cat

    The Old House

    The Prize

    The Treadmill Part Two

    The Treadmill Part Three


    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part Five

    Window of Memory

    Window of the Mind

    A Song in the Dark

    At the amusement park, the young foreigner stood in line

    To get on the roller-coaster ride.

    Her children, in front of her, were excitedly talking to their new friends.

    Her thoughts were

    I am scared. I have to make a decision,

    Not only make a decision, but

    I also have to make a right choice.

    I am used to having my own business,

    But I am in a foreign country.

    I do not know the culture.

    I love the country, and I want to make it my home.

    My mentor introduced me to friends.

    They all looked so appealing and self-made.

    My children are important in my choice.

    Then again, I have to make a decision on a new career.

    I do not even remember what I am good at.

    The children’s voices brought her back to the present.

    Mom, it is time to get on the ride, come on.

    She stepped out of the line and said,

    "No. You go on without me.

    I will be waiting right here for you

    When the ride is over."

    The children replied,

    "No, Mother. You are coming with us.

    We are not going without you."

    She thought,

    This is the amusement park. I have to help them to

    Remember this day in a positive way.

    Smiling, she got on the ride.

    She had difficulty fastening the seat belt.

    She tried to hide her nervousness.

    Her child beside her easily fastened the seat belt,

    And they all laughed.

    The ride was a successful distraction from thinking.

    The next week, she enrolled in a class

    That she thought she had no interest in.

    At the end of the day, when she was picked up,

    She said to her mentor,

    This is not what I want to do.

    The mentor replied,

    This is what I know, try it. You might like it.

    She kept on going to class daily,

    Being attentive and never neglecting her assignments.

    Each accomplished piece of work, she would take it home

    And show it to her children.

    Her children would cheer her on as she made progress.

    She gradually began to appreciate the career class,

    Make her own friends,

    Listen to the possibilities in this new career path, and she graduated.

    The task of finding a job was very simple.

    The class that she thought she did not like

    Turned out to be her greatest asset.

    The community had a need for that kind of skill.

    The very next week after graduation,

    She started—she started working

    And has been working ever since.


    He smiled when he saw her for the first time

    She was like an angel from heaven

    Made perfect in the afterlife

    When one loses everything—like

    A father who died before he could be remembered

    A mother who was remembered but could have stayed longer

    Two siblings at a young age, before being able to say

    I love you to them

    Three much older sisters who could still be here, being old

    An only child and more friendly older people losses—

    Enduring such deprivations of life

    Can make or break one.

    One can fall into depression and stay there to their detriment

    Living in self-blame when life is what it is

    We are born

    We play our part on the stage of life

    And then we exit the stage

    Longevity is the goal

    But some are born great, and some, not so great

    Which does not decrease their value in the eyes of the

    Creator in any way

    His last words count.

    With this knowledge in mind, a prudent person

    Will respect the gift of life in every and almost any thing

    For after all, he, the Creator, made everything great and small

    And afterward, he says

    That is beautiful

    Not having people to converse with on a daily basis

    On a positive level can drive the mind to

    See an angel in everyone

    That is fortunate to come in contact with them.

    Such was the case at an annual community event

    The breakfast hour was in progress

    Everyone was mingling, eating, and getting acquainted

    This individual was isolated, standing alone

    Eating and admiring people, trees, flowers, and the building’s architecture

    When seemingly, out of nowhere, a well-dressed feminine character appeared

    Said hello, and started a conversation

    The individual, with a great smile, thought

    Me, someone is interacting with me. This must be an angel

    Sent from heaven to restore a lost, rejected mind

    Bringing it back to the present moment of people interaction

    To say Hello, how are you doing? and talk to people.

    The conversation was a great learning experience

    The feminine character was working and going to college

    Majoring in a course name that was unfamiliar

    They talked of the workplace

    Opportunities in the medical profession, the self-satisfaction

    And the financial independence that can be gained

    They both had so much knowledge of their discussed topics

    They could have kept on talking

    But it was time to enter the conference room

    To the individual’s surprise, the seeming angel said

    I am going over there, pointing to the east, where the food was

    "You have a good day

    It was nice talking to you"

    The individual was disappointed

    In not having someone seeming to be an angel to sit beside him in the great hall

    So the individual joined the entering crowd of people

    The feminine character was never seen again

    But the demeanor of happiness, being impeccably dressed

    Having a clear speech, the seeming aura of goodness and mercy

    And the thought still resided

    It must be an angel

    Because only an angel can persevere until the end

    However good or bad was done

    How can one not become

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