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Love That Triumphs
Love That Triumphs
Love That Triumphs
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Love That Triumphs

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Love that Triumphs is the condensed story of Dr. Gene Morris, Pastor of Maranatha Christian Fellowship and President and Founder of Maranatha Bible College and Institute in Cleveland, Ohio. He was born in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania to a coal-mining family in 1930. His love for God enabled him to triumph through years of chronic pain and every stage of Alzheimers disease, yet through it all maintained a vibrant testimony that brought love and hope into the lives of those he touched. Dr. Gene Morris died at home in Chagrin Falls, Ohio on February 5, 2015, or did he? Listen to the enclosed CD and determine for yourself. When you read the memoir of his life in this book, ask yourself this question. How big is God?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 17, 2015
Love That Triumphs

Lorene M. Morris

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lorene M. Morris, widow of Dr. Gene Morris is “Mom” and “Grandma” to several spiritual children and grandchildren. She is a retiree of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She has published “Blood In The Garden” (with six 5-Star ratings on Amazon) among other smaller publications. She served with her husband in teaching writing and speaking classes at Maranatha Bible College. Her challenge now is to help to guide her grandchildren in their walk of

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    Love That Triumphs - Lorene M. Morris

    Copyright © 2015 by Lorene M. Morris.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 08/07/2015







    CHAPTER 1 The Arrival of Genorvious

    CHAPTER 2 Life in Fredericktown, PA

    CHAPTER 3 Gene Arrives in Cleveland

    CHAPTER 4 Gene Is Introduced To His First Love

    CHAPTER 5 In The Ministry

    CHAPTER 6 Family Responsibility

    CHAPTER 7 Maranatha Christian Fellowship


    CHAPTER 9 Maranatha Bible Institute

    CHAPTER 10 Burning The Candle

    CHAPTER 11 The Jewish Connection

    CHAPTER 12 Living In Pain

    CHAPTER 13 Caregiving: Sister and Mother

    CHAPTER 14 The Grace Years

    CHAPTER 15 The Last Mile

    ADDENDUM Letters and Testimonies


    This book is based upon the true life story of my husband, Dr. Gene Morris. For nearly 34 years, we loved the Lord together and loved each other passionately. First, I want to give thanks to my husband for living the life he professed in public and in private and for making me proud to testify, He lived what he preached. As our mail carrier declared, He was the most positive man I’ve ever known. In almost an unconscious way, he made others feel good about themselves even when he was suffering great pain in his own body.

    I want to express my deep gratitude for the prayers of the saints that have held me up these past several weeks. Without them and the grace of God, I don’t believe I could have made it thus far, let alone be able to write this book. Our spiritual children and grandchildren have poured out their love and concern and given great encouragement. I have received support from so many that I dare not try to list names, for I most assuredly would fail to include everyone.

    Finally and forever, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for in His providence giving me His best in my beloved husband, friend, soul-mate, lover, prayer partner and the spiritual head of our home. In His mercy, He brought Gene Morris to faith and 60 years later, in His mercy He took him to his forever home. This book is an act of obedience to our Lord as I await the day of my eternal deliverance into glory. - Gene’s Bride


    If any man love God, the same is known of him. – I Corinthians 8:3

    When a man of God dies, nothing of God dies….. – a quote from Dr. Chuck Swindoll on WCRF Moody Radio on April 22, 2015.

    Genorvious Morris, an African-American baby began life in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania on November 16, 1930. His love of God enabled him to triumph through years of pain and every stage of Alzheimer’s disease, yet through it all, maintain a vibrant testimony that brought love and hope into the lives of those he touched. Dr. Gene Morris died at home in Chagrin Falls, Ohio on February 5, 2015, or did he? Listen to the enclosed CD and determine for yourself. When you read the memoir of his life in the book, LOVE THAT TRIUMPHS, then ask yourself this question, how big is God?


    I forced one wobbly foot after another and was aware that someone was holding me in place with her hand firmly around my arm. Tears streamed down my face as with blurred vision, I saw a hand here and there reaching out to me. Here I am, I thought. I’m where I never wanted to be, walking behind my husband’s casket as the pallbearers carried his body out of the church toward the waiting hearse. It was the final step. I had forced myself through the Thursday morning at 7:18 a.m. when he breathed out the breath of life from his body until this moment. The thought of giving him a funeral worthy of the life he had lived for the Savior is what sustained me and kept me from allowing the pain in my chest to swell. But now it was over and there was no more buffer against the reality that I was left alone in this world without the strong, steady man of God at my side.

    Lord, I want to go, too! Oh, God, please take me! I don’t want to be left here alone. But the only sound was muffled voices and the closing of the door of the hearse. The pain in my chest swelled until I hoped that maybe this was it, God was getting ready to answer my prayer. But, alas, the pain subsided and I stared out into the darkness feeling more alone than I ever had before.

    Somewhere beyond the pain, there was an abiding thankfulness that it had been my privilege to be the bride of Dr. Gene Morris for nearly 34 years. And in spite of the agony of loss, I knew that God had been merciful to fill those years with His goodness and love. By His grace, He had allowed us to serve Him together in several capacities. Even in the early stages of dementia brought on by strokes, we had traveled to conferences, held Pastor’s luncheons for Christians United for Israel and God had used us to be Dad and Mom and Grandpa and Grandma to our spiritual lineage. He was present to support events at Maranatha Bible College as much as his health would allow. The descent into the seven stages of Alzheimer’s/dementia and strokes (the doctors are unsure of the proper designation) remained almost level for eleven years, leaving just the last two years a frustrating struggle.

    Yet, through it all, my wonderful husband kept a positive attitude and did not complain, for his mind was stayed upon his Lord. His lips were ready to praise and his feet were ready to tap to his favorite Gospel music. If he didn’t read the Scripture daily, I read it to him. And so it was, the moment God took back the breath of life from him, a beautiful peace came upon his face for in that moment he was with the Savior he loved and served for 60 years. Yes, 60 years exactly from the day (February 5, 1955 – February 5, 2015) he invited Jesus to be his Savior and Lord.

    3/27/15 – From Parkside Church, Bro. Coffy responded to my request for an additional eight DVD’s of Gene’s funeral with the following words. Of all the funerals I’ve ever witnessed, this funeral was the best. If I can have the same things said about me when I die as were said about your husband, I will be most happy. Although I never knew him, I know he was a wonderful man.


    The Arrival of Genorvious

    Ouch! Get off my foot, Leverda, Seven year old Glaston said as he pushed her to one side.

    Well, I want to see, too, she pouted as she slid her arm around his back and

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