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The Beatitudes Bible Study: Taking the Beatitudes Message to This Generation
The Beatitudes Bible Study: Taking the Beatitudes Message to This Generation
The Beatitudes Bible Study: Taking the Beatitudes Message to This Generation
Ebook243 pages2 hours

The Beatitudes Bible Study: Taking the Beatitudes Message to This Generation

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About this ebook

Before preaching the sermon on the Mount, Jesus summoned his disciples to the top of the Mount and shared the Beatitudes with them. After presenting each Beatitude, Jesus declared that they would make his followers the salt and light of this world. In The Beatitudes Bible Study, author Marlin J. Harris offers a leaders guide to a study of the Beatitudes, lessons that will help flavor the world with his love and goodness and perpetually shine his holy light on others.

The guide includes a host of resources to help a leader impart the wisdom of the Beatitudes. It includes access to PowerPoint presentations created specifically for each section, scriptural references, songs and music videos selections, group activities, discussion questions, and more.

An accompaniment for Let the Beatitudes BE My Attitude in You, this guide presents a dynamic and uniquely structured group experience for believers desiring to find new spiritual heights with the Lord. It leads Christians toward the intense discovery and the personal adornment of these unexplored spiritual jewels to comprehend more completely heavens way of life on earth.

Praise for The Beatitudes Bible Study

The author says that the Beatitudes are character-building callings from the Master himself to take up a sacred quest to become the person God created you to be. I couldnt agree more. Allow Marlin to guide you through this rediscovery of a special gift in scripture, the Beatitudes.

Wanda S. Lee, National Executive Director of the

Womens Missionary Union, Southern Baptist Convention

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 18, 2016
The Beatitudes Bible Study: Taking the Beatitudes Message to This Generation

Marlin J. Harris

Marlin Harris was a Spanish high school teacher for 14 years after serving as a hospital administrator for 20 years, with missionary service in Bangladesh, Costa Rica, and Paraguay for 15 years, and as the executive director of the Baptist Hospital in Asunción, Paraguay for 11 years. He is now retired due to disability and the diagnosis of ALS, but Our Lord continues to lead him each and every day.

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    The Beatitudes Bible Study - Marlin J. Harris

    Copyright © 2016 Marlin J. Harris.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations where noted (NASB) were taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Interior Illustrations:

    Conceptual drawings by Marlin Harris.

    Finished illustrations by Ralph Mark Jr.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-9903-9 (sc)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/12/2016



    Preface:  A Personal Message to the Group Leader


    Lesson 1:   Introduction

    •   What Is an Attitude? How Is It Formed?

    •   How Do the Beatitudes Remake Us?

    •   The Beatitudes Are All about Who we are TO BE for God

    •   Let’s Leave the Land of Lukewarmness

    Lesson 2:   Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God (Matthew 5:3)

    •   The Grandeur of God!

    •   Who Are the Poor in Spirit?

    •   We Enter the Land of the Beatitudes with Only the Cross of Christ

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Poor in Spirit

    •   A Daily Encounter with God

    •   Thoughts and Meditations

    •   Closing Prayer

    •   Conclusion

    Lesson 3:   Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4)

    •   Abraham’s Beatitude Moment

    •   When Sorrow Strikes Like a Tsunami

    •   God Is Offering His Insurmountable Peace and Comfort to You!

    •   The Marshlands of Mourning

    •   The Beatitude Moment for Those Who Mourn

    •   Our Tapestry of Life

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   Closing Prayer for Comfort Taken from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 4:   Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)

    •   Living a Turn the Cheek Mentality

    •   Claim the Mirrored Mountains of Meekness

    •   Moses and Meekness

    •   Jesus Is the Light—Let Him Shine through You!

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Meek

    •   Where meekness will lead you!

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 5:   Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matthew 5:6)

    •   Three Major Spiritual Distractions Are Now behind Us!

    •   Righteousness Is God’s Word

    •   The Written Word

    •   His Word Living in Us!

    •   Maintain a Stay-Hungry Diet

    •   We Are Constantly Fulfilled

    •   Study and Apply Every Scripture

    •   The Rich Ridge of Righteousness Becomes the Beatitude Moment for Those Who Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness

    •   Experience the Word!

    •   A Desperate Seeker of Righteousness

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Between The Beatitudes Reflecting On The First Four Beatitudes

    Lesson 6:   Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy (Matthew 5:7)

    •   Peter’s Beatitude Moment

    •   Mercy Means New Life

    •   The Dark Caverns of Mercy

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Merciful

    •   Where Does Mercy Lead Us?

    •   Extend Mercy to All in Your Path

    •   Closing Prayer of Mercy from 1 Timothy 1:15-17

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 7:   Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8)

    •   How Pure Is Our Heart before God?

    •   The Purging Valley of the Pure in Heart

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Pure in Heart

    •   Once We Have Obtained a Pure Heart from God, How Can We Keep It Pure?

    •   A Prayer for the Pure in Heart from Psalm 24:3-5

    •   Transparent Relationships with All Those around Us Too!

    •   Conclusion

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 8:   Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of God (Matthew 5:9)

    •   Joseph, a great instrument of peace

    •   Peacemaking Principles from Proverbs

    •   Peacemakers Come from a Pure Heart (make the following comments while remaining on this slide.)

    •   Primary Peacemaking Tools

    •   A Prime Example: Peacemaker Ministries

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Peacemakers

    •   I Am the Vine

    •   Thoughts for Meditation

    •   Prayer for Peacemakers from Luke 6:35

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 9:   Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10)

    •   Expect Persecution

    •   Righteous Living Like Jesus

    •   Polycarp

    •   The Precipices of the Persecuted: We Are Martyrs Daily for Christ!

    •   The Beatitude Moment for the Persecuted

    •   Thoughts for meditation

    •   Closing prayer from Hebrews 12:1-3

    •   BEing the Beatitudes

    Lesson 10:   Conclusion

    •   The Beatitudes in Couplets

    •   Forget Your Past—Leave Sin and Sorrow Behind

    •   Focus First on God—Forget Self and Feast on the Word

    •   Fellowship Fully with Your Lord—Fill Yourself with His Presence

    •   Find His Burning Heart—and Let It Consume You

    •   The Purposeful Sequenced Order of the Beatitudes

    •   Discussion Guide:

    •   The Beatitude Mentalities

    •   Concluding Questions to Reflect Upon and Discuss

    •   Looking to our Future beyond this earth

    The Beatitudes And Scripture Passages By Beatitude

    The Beatitudes Bible Study Participant Guide

    Song Titles And Album References (Included On Power-Points) By Lesson

    Album Information

    The Story And Other Music Videos


    Beatitudes Songs With Youtube Links

    This book is dedicated to the memory of Peggy Hethcock, whose

    life epitomized the Beatitudes and touched every person she met

    with the powerful presence of Jesus Christ living in her.


    In the opening pages of his book Let the Beatitudes BE My Attitude in You, Marlin Harris says that the Beatitudes are character-building callings from the Master himself to take up a sacred quest to become the person God created you to be. I couldn’t agree more.

    The Beatitudes have the potential for transforming our lives if we understand the meaning behind Jesus’ words. Jesus calls us to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and then, out of that love, serve others. This is a call to a relationship, not just a checklist of dos and don’ts—a relationship with our heavenly Father, who watches over us and desires to live in and through us to touch the lives of hurting people. The Beatitudes remind us we that are blessed, that we will have a deeper joy when we follow his teachings. Allow Marlin to guide you through this rediscovery of a special gift in Scripture, the Beatitudes.

    —Wanda S. Lee, National Executive Director, Women’s Missionary Union, Southern Baptist Convention; former missionary nurse in St. Vincent, Windward Islands, and author of The Story Lives On and Live the Call


    A Personal Message to

    the Group Leader

    I thank God that through your sensitivity to the prompting of his Holy Spirit you have assumed spiritual leadership to guide this unique study on the Beatitudes. My fervent prayer is that the power of the Beatitudes will be unleashed mightily in your life, in your walk with the Lord, and in the lives of each of your group members. I can bear witness that the Beatitudes have remade my spiritual life, even though beforehand I felt very comfortable and confident with where I was with our Lord. Your group will encounter precious Beatitude moments of pure discovery that will open up new dimensions with our Lord and produce a highly charged and overwhelming passion for him. This is what happened to me on a very deep level with each of the Beatitudes. The purpose of this study is to allow God to become greater and even more personal in all our lives, the goal he most longs to accomplish with each of his children.

    Jesus desires that his Beatitudes message touch this generation, and you are playing a very important role in helping to make this happen! The Beatitudes have been largely neglected for two thousand years and God wants them to become a dynamic part of who we are as his followers. My desire is that this study will be an unforgettable experience for each person who makes this spiritual pilgrimage! I sincerely admire and appreciate your commitment to lead this dynamic study and group experience.

    Below I have listed various resources to make these studies unique and appealing. Before you begin the study, please e-mail me at so that once I hear that you will lead the study I will email you my Dropbox Link to the folder with all the Beatitude Bible Study Power-Point Presentations for you to use and additional files with information which will be helpful for the Beatitudes Bible Study.

    Also I encourage all group members to obtain a copy of Let the Beatitudes BE My Attitude in You to use as a personal reference during the study. It will help each person dig deeper into each Beatitudes and also be more prepared for each study. Copies of the book are available through the publisher,,,, and also at a discounted price on my website: When ordered from my website I will gladly send each study group member a signed copy of the book.

    Study Resources

    • Dynamic PowerPoint presentations have been developed to accompany each Beatitudes Bible Study lesson. This is to help facilitate the teaching of each lesson with images and music. These resources provided for the study will lead your group into a full experience of each of the Beatitudes. Each study requires about one hour to complete with your group. This Bible Study Leader Guide has narratives for each slide. Each slide commentary is designated by an individual paragraph or sentence accompanying each slide in the exact order they are presented in the lesson power-points.

    • The pivotal point of every lesson is its Beatitude moment in which, hopefully, the key message of the Beatitude will be assimilated into each participant’s life and walk with our Lord, resulting in a more intense relationship with God.

    • Christian contemporary songs cited in the Group Leader Guide are included in the lesson Power-Points to embellish the message of each study. Some are specially included to provide a time of personal reflection about specific life experiences and decisions to be made before our Lord.

    • At the conclusion of the Group Leader Guide, you will find a complete listing of songs mentioned in the book and included in the Study. I feel that these songs really help to magnify the message and personal experience within each lesson. Just for your reference, you will find on the Beatitudes website YouTube links for all songs available through that resource. On one of the final pages of this Leader Guide is a listing of all songs with their YouTube links. Notation is made if the song is not available on YouTube. This is strictly for your reference. All songs and music videos are already inserted into the Power-Point Presentations.

    • Selected music videos from The Story will also powerfully bring home the main messages of different studies. These are also included in the Power-Point presentations. I suggest obtaining a copy of The Story DVD in order to use other music videos from this album for other studies or messages. A link to purchase The Story DVD is also on the website.

    • Additional unique group activities are also incorporated into different studies to emphasize on a personal level the messages revealed in each of the Beatitudes.

    • There are suggestions for weekly BEing in the Beatitudes activities to be done between the weekly group sessions so that members can devote themselves to further study and reflection regarding that week’s Beatitude message.

    The Beatitudes Life album. God inspired to me the writing and arrangement of a special song about each of the Beatitudes, along with a Beginning and Conclusion song. These songs will be compelling for your group to listen to and sing along with at the conclusion of each study. Each song is included at the end of each Beatitude lesson Power-Point. This album is also available on the website

    • An additional resource to share with each group member who is utilizing the book, "Let the Beatitudes Be My Attitude in You" is The Participant Guide which was developed by Ray Cureton, a close friend and pastor, who voluntarily designed this guide to assist readers of the book to identify the key ideas presented. It was not possible to include every element

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