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Our God Is Able!: Declaring Our God's Name, Power, and Praise
Our God Is Able!: Declaring Our God's Name, Power, and Praise
Our God Is Able!: Declaring Our God's Name, Power, and Praise
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Our God Is Able!: Declaring Our God's Name, Power, and Praise

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Our God Is Able bears witness to the marvelous miracle: mighty signs and great wonders and gifts of and through the Holy Spirit in accordance with Gods will made manifest even in these end times, as it was when Jesus the Lord walked the shores of Galilee.

The Lord our God is the only true and living God! He exercises dominion over all His works. He is eternally unchangeable in His nature and character, love, grace, and power to save, heal, and deliver. His Word is true, all-powerful, and does what it says. The Holy Bible is filled with amazing revelations about the kingdom of God with its transforming power: therein Jesus preached, taught, healed diverse sickness and diseases, saved, delivered, set the captives free, broke social barriers, and raised the dead! Alleluia! These things were written for our example and application by the power and authority in His holy name! Come what may, it is not over until God says it is over! The greatest miracle, however, is healing and wholeness of a sin-sicked soul! It is by, with, and through the Spirit of grace and truth that our lives were spared, and we overcame various captivitiespersonal challenges, the bloody (un)civil war, and most especially, a life-threatening situation. If the Lord God Almighty hadnt sent us help from above, it would have all been long over.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 13, 2016
Our God Is Able!: Declaring Our God's Name, Power, and Praise

Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa

Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa is a Christian! She is the third of three children born unto her parents Madam Gbeh Boyonnoh Iris Reeves (RIP) and Mr. J Sackor Brooks I (RIP); three other siblings - three of the six are deceased (RIP); she is married and blessed with wonderful, loving children, and large extended family at home and abroad. Louise Duwli completed High School, Undergraduate -BBA/Management at the University of Liberia (LU), and also Professional Studies in Liberia, and Pan African Institute for Development (PAIDWA), Cameroon, West Africa. She immigrated to the United States during the Liberia unCivil Conflict, and was blessed to further her education - obtained MSW/Widener University, Pennsylvania, and is a former Master In Divinity (MDiv) Student/Palmer Theological Seminary. As marvelous as these are, attesting to Apostle Paul, she counts all but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ …! She has over the years served in various capacities - both the public and private sectors as church worker, administrator, principal, social worker. Louise Duwli extremely traumatized by the crisis, grieved the losses, but remained deeply grateful and highly appreciative to The Lord God Most High, she was spared along with others. She was inspired and began soul-searching to know His plan and purpose for her life. She later enrolled in the Monrovia Bible Training Center, the turning point of her Christian-Faith Journey, obtained Diploma in Pastoral Counseling, along with her husband. Prior to that, she envisioned herself a seasoned Liberian Diplomat like her aunt, Mrs. Angie Brooks (RIP), also a Former President of the United Nations General Assembly, completed Professional Studies in Diplomacy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liberia, and enrolled in Ibrahim B Babangida Graduate School of International Studies, LU) in preparation for the Liberia Foreign Service. However, as wonderful as serving one’s country is, likened to ‘a malleable piece of clay in the Potter’s Hand,’ her zeal was divinely shifted to a higher dimension for the Master’s Service. Yes, that passionate response to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ – Kingdom Purpose, Kingdom Mission, Kingdom Building …, to the saving of souls everywhere, all to the Eternal Glory, Honor, Praise of the Rock of Our Salvation, which is unfathomably, far far greater and eternally rewarding! Praise Jesus!

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    Our God Is Able! - Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa

    Copyright © 2016 Louise Duwli Brooks Koffa.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-3142-2 (sc)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    Author Bio



    Dedicated to Mama:

    Madam Gbeh Boyonnoh Iris Reeves,

    with God’s great, unconditional, everlasting love,

    peaceful rest, and eternal bliss, through

    Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    Thanks so very much with appreciation, Mama

    Love and blessed wishes to you in Jesus’ Name!

    MaLou (aka, Gbahwehlae, Daekar, Nimneh Weah Bleh Duwli, Gbaklogba).

    Ezekiel 37:1–14 (King James Version)

    The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and He set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones.

    And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley: and, lo, they were very dry.

    And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God Thou knowest.

    Again He said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye bones, Hear the Word of the Lord.

    Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live.

    And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord

    So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

    And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.

    Then said He unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy son of man, and say to the wind,

    Thus saith the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

    So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

    Then He said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost, we are cut off for our Parts.

    Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, O my people,

    I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

    And ye shall know that I Am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves.

    And shall put my Spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall put you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.


    Our God Is Able, the biblical revelation upon which this book is based, is a short phrasal topic, but deeply inspirational and very profound in the truest sense. It is rooted upon the great and mighty miracles by the working of God’s mighty resurrection power, through His good pleasure, for His name, glory, honor, and praise! It testifies volumes and volumes of the glorious majesty and marvelous works of the Almighty Sovereign Lord, the Creator, sustainer, upholder of the universe, redeemer, healer, Rock of our salvation, the Glorious Ark of our strength, health of our countenance, the Great Physician, the Crown of our joy, defense, shelter, strong tower, God and Father in Christ Jesus. It speaks of the kind of mustard-seed, mountain-removing faith Christ Jesus talked about in Matthew 17:20, the kind of moving and shifting power through the Spirit of Christ Jesus the Lord. He is Almighty: all power belongs to Him, the True Light in whom is life; illumines every man that comes into this world (John 1:4).

    Dr. Luke (18:27) says, " …, the things impossible with humankind are possible with God", who miraculously preserved us to make known His power, declare His wondrous works that many be encouraged by the Word, reverentially fear, and trust Him. Today in these end times, as always in all generations, He still transforms the most impossible, heart-wrenching, chaotic situations by the mighty working of His awesome Word and Power, to the end, He alone, who is omniscient, omnipotent, eternal, is glorified, for He shares His glory with no man nor his praise with graven images (Isa. 42:8). God is all-knowing; He Is, lives forever, and knows all things. He reigns and rules forever, self-revealed to redeem, and reconcile humanity back to Himself through the Finished Work of Christ Jesus who suffered, bled, and died but rose triumphantly from the grave with all power over hell, death, the grave, sickness, and diseases in His hand. Jesus gave unto believers in Him the key to the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 16:19), sent His Holy Spirit of Life in Him to consummate all things (i.e., creation, incarnation, redemption, etc.), perfecting all things together unto the second coming of the Lord Jesus, the Righteous Judge who will judge the world in righteousness and in truth. According to the Holy Bible we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, yet as humans we stumble and fall from grace and glory; but God in His infinite mercy upholds and raises us (Ps. 145:14) in Christ Jesus. I praise Him for not marking iniquity against us, for who could stand: the precious blood of Jesus appeased His righteous judgment against humanity and restored us back to Himself; yes there is forgiveness, mercy, and plenteous redemption with Him (Ps. 130:3–7). Our God is the only wise God of infinite perfection: knows our many weaknesses, frailties, faults, flaws and failures; the upright and pure, all-knowing One remains ever steadfast to His Exalted Word and to those who hope in Him. He is the only true and living God who knows the end from the beginning, and from the ancient times declared the things that are right, even according to His great eternal counsel; despite our pitfalls and shortcomings, He brought us through by His Spirit who revealed deep and secret things (Isa. 46:10; I Cor. 1:26–27) according to His Will.

    God is adorable, honorable, glorious in majesty, fearfully and worthy of praise, much more than enough; He far most excels all of Creation and anything desired; all-powerful with no restraints, no limitations, King of kings, Lord of lords, reigns forever! In Him I put my trust, for Who are we that God is mindful of us (Ps. 8:4); granted life and favor, visits and preserves us by His Spirit (Job 10:12), remembers us in our low estate, and raises us up by the exceeding greatness of His resurrection power (Ps. 113:7-8, 136:23). That same power that raised Jesus from the dead; seated Him at the right hand of the Majesty on high, far above all principalities, powers, might, dominions, and all (Eph. 1:21, 2:6, Heb. 8:1)." Of a surety, it is indescribably mind blowing, far from the norm, and only by divine favor through Christ Jesus, I am blessed to share God’s miraculous intervention in this manner.

    Indeed it was a meltdown moment with the sentence of death hanging in the balance, in depressed mood, cast down liken unto the dump, with a sense of hopelessness, diminished interest, pleasure, strength, and little or no appetite. But God who alone is God sent us help from His sanctuary in Mount Zion; healed and delivered our souls from destruction (Ps. 20:1– 2; Ps. 107:20; Ps. 103:1-4) by His great, awesome, yoke destroying, transforming power through the Holy Spirit, the Anointed One who permeates and works through believers in the Lord Jesus. Glory be unto His holy and righteous name! It was truly by His unmerited favor we have overcome, for greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world (I John 4:4). Certainly it is only through the glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit who invites us and gives the ability to respond and flow in His anointing. Despite the crisis and its impact He caused us to behold such greatness of His majestic power, act in faith by standing upon His precious promises in His Holy Word. He bestowed such heavenly graces as I poured supplications with strong prayers, He enabled me make prophetic decrees, thus calling Him to His Word as covenanted, established as promised (Job 22:28; Ps. 119:89; Isa. 43:26). Glory to His Most Excellent name!

    His name is powerful, mighty destroys stronghold, He is Lord! Yes, Yahweh the Lord, the covenant keeping God, miraculously self-revealed by His Spirit of Truth: He Is the Almighty God of all creation: heaven, earth, the seas, and all within belong to Him, including us, ours, and every good and every perfect gift. The Holy Bible teaches everything, everyone is God’s; power and might are His (Zach. 4:6; Ps. 100:3; Eph. 1:5–12, 2:1–10; Jas. 1:17). He is the Eternal God and Loving Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; God and Father of those who are Christ’s, Abraham’s (including the spiritual) seed and heirs according to the promise of God; heirs with God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29). His Word is Eternal: authentic, sole authority, not debatable, established forever; saves, delivers, empowers, does exactly what it says. Praise Jesus! For in Him is life, the light of humankind, He gives life more abundantly much more than we can comprehend even with the highest IQs, the best minds put together. He sets the captives free from the iron and fiery furnaces, fiery serpents, established them unto divine inheritance, He is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He Is our God and Father through His redemptive love, divine adoption by the Blood of Jesus, in whom is the fullness of the Godhead bodily; we are complete in Him… (Col. 2:9). We can only know Him by His grace and mercy according to the measure of His fullness as revealed in the Spirit of Christ! Meanwhile, words are farfetched in narrating this story, and only the great goodness of the Lord God makes this possible. Thus, it is in reverential fear, humility, and deepest gratitude, sacrifice of praise, rejoicing with trembling and thanksgiving, I declare His holy name, the greatness of His power sharing the great things the Lord God Almighty has done. The Lord our God self-exists: HE is self-sufficient, manifests supernatural acts according to His good pleasure; by the creative power brought creation into existence and upholds all things by the Word of His power to whom all the glory, praise and honor are ascribed through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Lord (John 12:23–25, 13:31). He washed our sins in His own precious blood, raised us up together, and bestowed upon us dominion to reign in earth and heaven (Eph. 2:6). He inspired me to declare His Word into the atmosphere, over our lives, and over our situations; He establish the decrees by His Word as promised, brought forth miracles: mighty signs and great wonders to pass; because He is Faithful… (Gen. 1:26, Ps. 8; I Cor. 1:9, Rev. 1:5)!

    Life itself is a divine miracle that emanates from above; it is not attributed to man, it is not magical, It has nothing to do with heroism, and it is definitely not based on divinations as some may perceive, but it absolutely comes from the great and Almighty God whose throne is heaven and footstool is the earth, performing and perfecting that which is well pleasing for His Namesake, to whom be glory, forever! It is certainly not manmade, occult, nor of anything or anyone else, but instead supernatural powers rain down from the Living God, the Creator and Sustainer of Life, demonstrating His Kingdom in earth by His divine presence, power and glory, according to His good pleasure. Despite the troubles, the detours, edge-of-cliffs, life-threatening experiences, be it uncivil war, sickness, diseases, and all that we have gone through and may even go through as long as life lasts, only the eternal self-giving God in Christ is able to do incomparably more than we can ever imagine. For He offered Himself, a ransom redeemed, and reconciled fallen humanity unto Himself by the power of the Holy Spirit: was crucified, died, and was buried, Jesus rose up from the grave, He is alive forevermore; as the song testifies, An empty tomb is there to prove our Savior lives. And because He lives, we live also for He still saves today, ordering chaos by His Holy Word and Spirit, and is able to subdue all things, including our lives according to the mighty working of His power. Certainly, the steps of a good man are directed by the Lord …, believers are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and keep standing upon His faithful promises (Ps. 37:23, 119:133; II Cor. 5:21); He is eternal, faithful and merciful, truly honors His Word above all His name!

    The Lord our God is Eternal: He is, was, and is to come! He is our help, shelter, hope, He is good to all, His tender mercies over all His works; He manifest His kingdom in the earth - saves, delivers, edifies, guides, and empowers by His Holy Spirit. He also inspires us to respond to Him in faith through the Holy Spirit who makes evident His great and mighty acts, spiritual gifts, and mighty working of His awesome power (Heb. 2:4). Therefore I strongly believed something good was going to happen. As biblically revealed that which was ordained before time (i.e., healing, deliverance, resurrection power) was and is made available (to all who believe and declare the power and authority in His holy name) through His Holy Spirit in these last days. Unfortunately I was initially operating in ignorance contrary to God’s Will, and although blessed, I acted in fear and faithlessness, O, it hurt so bad, I allowed myself to be stressed, crushed and broken under so much pain and agony, deafened and blinded by the crisis. I was so very far from understanding and hearkening diligently to the prophetic voice for the time and season. But I was happy when I saw, ‘Rediscovering the Prophetic’ a sermon by Martin Luther King, Jr., shared by Rev. Joseph N. Adams, a Methodist Pastor in Birmingham, UK, who reminds the Church that we are Called and anointed by the Lord God Almighty to be prophets to our generation in the same way, even by the mighty working of His incredible Power as wrought, through Amos(5:1-5:24) and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.; to again, continually know and understand God’s Perfect Will for our Churches.’ And as time went on, it was understood that the ‘sentence of death’ had no power over His handiwork in that season or any other time, not until He says it’s over. O Praise His Holy Name! Our souls were restored through the power of God, the Spirit of God, to know that He alone is God, that all may see, hear, fear, and trust Him, all to the praise of the riches of His glorious grace bestowed unto all believers in Christ (Eph. 1:6), for His Namesake and Glory!

    His handiworks are displayed with such incredible splendor! He makes known the glorious evidence of His existence through His creation, the universe: the sun and moon, stars of light, the clouds, above, the great sea teeming with all kinds of creatures, the earth with humans, beasts, plants, minerals, and much more. The Lord God has not only made Himself known through His creation but, as previously noted, through the Holy Bible, written by inspired men, self-interpretative, final, authentic authority through which the nature and existence of God are revealed in part through the Spirit of Christ. God is fully revealed in Christ Jesus (John 14:9): the nature and personification of God, the Living Word enfleshed, without sin accomplished God’s plan of salvation: to redeem, purify, and atone for the sins of fallen humanity, as many as believe in Him. And though finite, we can know Him by grace through faith and by responding to a personal invitation and relationship through the Spirit of Christ who equips us with a teachable spirit that is apt to learn through studying, and applying what the Bible teaches about the name and attributes, power of God. I also read about and appropriated the all-sufficient atoning blood of Jesus, the Lord; learned of His birth through the Virgin Mary; and His excellent ministry to the poor, needy, lost, sick, and demon possessed; He broke social barriers, saved, healed, and delivered. His pardoning grace, allows believers in Him to share in the overcoming victory and inheritance in Him, enables us to passionately respond to kingdom mission, tap into available divine resources, and continually offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving in spirit and in truth, unto His second coming.

    He is Immanent! I certainly attest to the truth that no matter what life may bring, God is Real and unequivocally declare, void of controversy, (doubts, disbeliefs, conjunctions), miracles are as real and active today as they were in the beginning. Paul testifies to the Great Mystery of Godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (I Timothy 3:16). Jesus walked the shores of Galilee, preached, taught, manifested the Kingdom of God, healed diverse illness and diseases, cast out demons, raised the dead, broke social barriers, and met other needs (1 Tim. 3:16); all power in heaven and earth belongs to Him. There is power, healing, salvation, deliverance, and life in the precious Blood of Jesus. Through grace and mercy, we experienced the glorious manifestation of His purpose and divine activities as we committed to spiritual discipline, ceaseless worship, supplications, prayers, intercessions, with thanksgiving (2 Ti. 2:1).

    ‘Our God Is Able’ is rooted in the basic foundational truth as written in the Holy Word of God. He is well able! He is relational, with supernatural ability and ordered all things according to His eternal absolute, almighty sovereign power, independently within and of Himself; He is self-existent, self-sustaining, unchanging, and self-disclosed (Gen. 1:1; Ex. 3:14; Ps. 90:2; John 1:1–3, 8:58; Rom. 1:19, 20). This is a living memorial to our God, the only Truth and Living God, our fear, dread, sanctuary, who by His resurrection power quickened, raised Henry from his deathbed, and made him whole. The doctors worked and did all they knew, but in the end they could do no more. Even though Henry was given up, the Lord God, the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, breathed His Breath of Life into Henry Sr., restored his soul again; gave wisdom and understanding, watched over us, led and guided us, to the end that Henry Sr. was able to use all of his limbs and organs. I greatly rejoice in the Lord our God, who shielded us in His favor, provided our every need, protected us with angelic hedge; divinely graced His people to stand still and see His salvation, in line with what He was doing through Henry for such a time in season.

    I greatly rejoiced in the miracle-working power of God in Christ Jesus and am blessed to share this divine breakthrough with family, friends, and loved ones, and though with humongous personal challenges in writing, He granted the grace of authorship, as instrument in His Hand, to pen this book first and foremost to His glory and honor. I praise and highly appreciate Him for our extended and faith family, social communities, doctors, nurses, and other supporters and well-wishers all part of God’s Purpose and Plan. I acknowledge and bless the Holy One who by His Word, brought the whole universe into being: paid our sin debt in His fullness. And gave us the guarantee by His Spirit(Eph. 1:14); whose name we are so unworthy to pronounce except by grace through faith in Christ Jesus the Lord, whose word we speak with all boldness; who magnified His Word above all His name (Ps. 138:2)!

    Therefore, as debtors I unashamedly revere God Almighty through Jesus Christ our Lord, for His magnificent power even as I narrate far less than a bird’s-eye description of the unreckonable shared attributes. Surely it had nothing to do with the usual ‘I, me, myself,’ ours or anybody in particular. All I can say is, the Lord our God showed us undeserving, unearned, unmerited favor, by His lovingkindnesses, solely by inspiration of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus, and allowed me to prophetically utter what I felt led to do like Ezekiel, the mighty prophet of God, did in the days of old. Truly, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8)!

    I am ever grateful to the great God of the universe, most especially for His merciful kindness toward us and for allowing me the blessed opportunity to declare His great goodness, yea, all He did for us to wit, that He alone is God, worthy of eternal praise and adoration! He is absolutely able, far more able and more than enough, He was, is, and is to come, He abides and reigns forever and brings to pass His Will in earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10). Yes, the Almighty God, the Perfection of Beauty, even the God of all Creation made the worlds …, called forth the earth from the rising of the sun to the going down therefore, deserves unbroken praise in all places of His dominion (Ps. 50:1,2).

    I worship His majesty and ascribe all the glory, laud and honor due unto His glorious and righteous name! He deserves adoration, deepest gratitude, highest honor and appreciation, salutation; sacrifices of righteousness, sacrifices of thanksgiving, and with clap offering I applaud Him, who brought us through with His powerful right hand. He still saves as seen in Psalms 91:16, ‘With long life will I satisfy him and show him My Salvation.’ I also thank the Lord for the grace given to tell it wherever we go that …, ‘God is alive and well, speak of His power to save, heal and deliver, for bringing Henry, Sr. through; being strongly confident that Prayer of Faith works; indeed Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8)! As biblically affirmed, He is most excellent, He made and upholds the world with His supernatural ability and far excels all creation: He is self-existent, unchanging, and immanent (Gen. 1:1; Ex. 3:14; Ps. 90:2; John 1:1-3, 8:58; Rom. 1:19– 20). He is known the world over by innumerable names and attributes; the only true and living God and Savior is One! All other gods(graven images, icons, etc) are twice dead: roots and branches; the works of skillful artists who are as dead as their idols and the worshippers thereof. But thanks be unto the Sovereign Lord God of all Creation- who lives forever, sustains, grants favor, life, abundant goodness and Truth.

    Evidently God’s handiworks and His glorious radiance are seen everywhere. The sun and moon, stars of light, the clouds, above, the great sea teeming with all kinds of creatures the earth with humans, beasts, plants, minerals, and much more, all display His glory. God made Himself known not only through His creation but also by His Holy Word, written by inspired men, and is self-interpretative, authentic, final authority. He is fully revealed in Christ Jesus, the Living Word, became flesh without sin to accomplish God’s plan of salvation. He redeemed, purified, and restored fallen humanity, as many as believe on His name. God is personal and so real, faithful, and merciful, and humbled Himself in the highest heaven, made Himself known to humankind by His unfailing love, according to His divine counsel. He offered Himself, the all-sufficient atoning sacrifice, on the tree altar, and after all rose up triumphantly and is exalted in the highest heaven, gives us the blessed opportunity to have personal relationship in complete surrender and through study, implantation of His Word, and application of what the Bible teaches (Isa. 53:10; Heb. 4:15,16). That includes His name and the shared attributes; the all-sufficient atoning blood sacrifice, death, and resurrection; the blessed hope and the messianic anointing. God in Christ Jesus showed up in human history 2000 years ago, by His great redemptive passionate love to redeem humankind from destruction. He offered Himself once for all, the ultimate sacrifice, the pure sinless Lamb of God, in bringing many sons (and daughters) unto glory by His sacrificial death, burial and triumphant resurrection, and empowers us to reign victoriously through His Holy Spirit (not only in the sweet by and by) but to taste a glimpse of His kingdom while in the earth.

    The Lord God gave such ability to declare prophetic utterances into the atmosphere, and to tap into divine flowing resources during these trying times. We were blessed to rejoice in hope, not hope that is seen but in that which is not seen, one that does not make ashamed nor disappoint; thus I waited in Him, I received strength in my inner man, inspiration to remain steadfast despite the odds, and continually offered sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving unto the day of the miracle (Rom. 8:24; Heb. 11:1).

    Even though God is known by His many names and attributes from generation to generation, dominions, ethnicities, cultures, languages, countries, and continents, none can really describe Him, except as self-revealed. His names are innumerable, He is the One Truth and Living God! He lives forever! As He is, so is His Word, so is His Name, so is His power, so is His praise to the ends of the earth, and eternally. So great and awesome is He that the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him (2 Chron. 6:18)! And if the seas were a vault, or the computers, or so forth, it would not be adequate enough to store His-story, including the vastness and power His kingdom. God is great and greater than all: He cannot be understood with the carnal or natural mind, only as made known by the Spirit of Christ! God is Great: as He is so are His attributes, power, unchanging, everlasting, self-giving, all- loving, all-forgiving, steadfast forever, above all, all-wise, great …, but immanent. God is ever present. He is as real today as He was millennia ago and forever. There are no conjunctions or whatsoever about Him; He is real, Jesus is so Real to me, and through His Spirit, I remain strongly confident, fully persuaded as He has done in the past, He is doing in the present, and will ultimately do according to His Will (1 John 5:14–15).

    Unfortunately, I do not know what you (reader) may be going through right now, but the good thing about it is that God knows and still loves, cares for you, and is touched by what you are experiencing (Heb. 4:15,16), as this great Christian Lyric says, ‘Only Believe …, all things are Possible.’ Jesus took our place on the old rugged cross: He was tortured, despised, spat upon, beard plugged, name called, rejected, severely afflicted, and martyred (Isa. 50:6; Luke 22:63), yet, He lives again and forever. Bear a little with my folly, please. You may be in a difficult phase of life, facing persecutions, trials, and tribulations, personal and family concerns, addiction, bondage of sin and transgression, illness, dis-eased. Feeling a sense of rejection, despised, abandoned, with unresolved grief and loss/es, or whatever it may be. It is a heart thing, from mine to yours, be it known God is well able to perform and perfect that which concerns you.

    And remember that the greatest miracle ever is the healing of a sin-sick soul, as Pastor Hinn often says; it is God’s Will that everyone, everywhere be saved and as such lift up holy hands in praise unto Him and Him alone, for salvation comes with unreckonable benefits absolutely by, with, and through, Christ Jesus the Lord (Ps. 103:1-, 134:2, I Ti. 2:8). Initially, my rejoicing was somewhat biased, perceived as an ‘I, me and mine,’ thing, I mean being healed, lo, and behold, I came to understand

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