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Boys Adventure Through the Wild West
Boys Adventure Through the Wild West
Boys Adventure Through the Wild West
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Boys Adventure Through the Wild West

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If you are into GHOST TOWN adventure stories,

then this is the adventure of a lifetime!

Experience the EXPLORER boys Journey as they enter the towns and

ranches of the real WILD WEST.

As you experience the journey,

It will seem like you are right there with them.

You will want to help them along the way

but, you will fi nd they'll have to help them self as they continue through the

real WILD GHOST TOWNS and Ranches.

In front of you, mysterious creatures or objects might appear to be spooky

and dangerous. Th ere are snakes and a witchy bug that might make you sick.

You could fall through a trap door and who knows where you will fall into.

They will find many interesting things like whats in the chest or box?

Could it be gold or rope and light to help them along the way?

Keep on.

Experience the journey as you go exploring some dangerous Ghost towns and

if you go to a ranch to explore; could they be able to help you out?

If the wall opens up and youre behind the wall and cannot get out. What are

you going to do to get back to the hotel?

Is the strange creatures or object like a ghost and a trap door REAL?

Experience the journey if you DARE!

Are you brave enough to experience the journey?

If you DARE to go on.

Its a challenge to approach these mysterious creatures or objects!

Release dateNov 23, 2015
Boys Adventure Through the Wild West

Irene Jane Holmes

Irene J Holmes works at home as a writer, homemaker, and as a mother. She has been in college for about year know and is going to (SNHU) Southern New Hampshire University Online course. She is majoring in screenwriting. She has been working hard in her classes so she can try to achieve her writing goals. Her instructor from the creative writing course, Susan Sojourna Collier, has helped us out a lot. She gives us inspiration notes. She is very positive to help us achieve our goals as a writer and in our lifetime to come. “Workshop on short story: Hey, Irene! Great job with your critiques! You addressed many of the same issues I pointed out in my note. Also, you were very clear with your notes and suggestions and your comments targeted ways to heighten the story-telling experience. It appears that you are invested in your peers’ literary growth—which is pretty cool. You are such a powerful writer.” —Susan Sojourna. She was born in Bountiful, Utah, and raised in Boardman, Oregon. She finished her last year of high school at W F West; Chehalis, Washington. She now lives in Olympia, Washington. She is a mother of five wonderful children of four boys and one girl. Richard Vernon, Tim Jr Mikel, Michael Jesse, Colleen Mary, Alvin James H-K. She loves to tell her stories and sing her songs to her kids or anybody who would love to hear her work. She has earned her certificates for writing stories for children she has taken this home course at Stafford Career Institution; Graduated: Jan, 03, medical coding she has taken this home course at: Home professions; Graduated: March,2000, Training college Certificate: Business Office Computers (BCTI) Business Computer training Institute; Graduated; January, 1997 In Seattle, WA, (CNA) Certified Nurse Aid she has taken this college course at: Community College Nursing Home; Graduated; December, 1991 In: Sale Lake City Utah. She has explored many options to make her stories come to life as the audience is reading her stories, poems, and songs. She loves to write; it helps her with her daily stresses that come upon her. Writing is very important to her because she loves to help people out. She hopes that some of her writings in her songs, poems, or even her stories can help inspire someone to keep their heads up. Like the song, she wrote for her three older boys “I want to be like my brothers.” This song seems to help all her kids to keep going and never give up. She has written some manuscripts that have not been published. Here are some written books she has: Boy’s Adventures Through the West (in the process of getting it published) Boy’s Adventures at the Ocean. Some Children Books, Alphabet Number Color Animal Kid (In process of getting it published) The Wonderful Day with the Boys She has also written some poems: “The Dark, Gloomy Night” “A Summer to Remember” “Our First Baby Girl” And she has written songs to help inspire everybody: “I Want to Be Like My Brothers” “Please Remember Your Birth Family” “Oh Beautiful (Sweet Pea)(Angel)(Mikey)(Sunshine)” “Miracle Baby of Mine" Her most recent memoir is Alvin’s First Fourth of July, 2014. She has other stories about to be finished and is starting to write another memoir, novel, and more poems and songs for all types of age group of readers. She is working on to get all her manuscripts published.

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    Boys Adventure Through the Wild West - Irene Jane Holmes


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    © 2015 Irene Jane Holmes. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/23/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0930-3 (sc)

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    I am dedicating my book to my late father (Vernon Carl Holmes) who passed away Nov 2012. My Father loved the outdoors. He used to love to go exploring through trails, forest, mountains, Ghost Towns and anywhere in nature. He loved to take his children and family on journeys through different types of nature and go camping as well. This book fits my father’s personality of him very well because, of the Ghost town experience is something he always loved to do. Almost any time he would go on a road trip somewhere, He would stop and look at ghost towns along the way and see other nature and object like waterfalls, nature hikes, and trails. When it comes to my Father, he seemed to fit right in with nature. My Father loved to teach his children about nature as, well as other basic home and educational topics. My family and I will always miss him but, we know he is in a better place and can explore nature anytime where he is. My brothers spread his ashes as requested by our fathers will @ Grand Teton National Park where he loved exploring this nature park’s trails and other nature scenery at this journey through this peaceful park…

    Author: Irene Jane Holmes


    Her Father (Vernon Carl Holmes)



    Chapter 2 HUKLE GHOST TOWN

    Chapter 3 HOOPA GHOST TOWN

    Chapter 4 CORLANDO CITY

    Chapter 5 BLACK HORN RANGE




    The Author Bibliography of Irene Jane Holmes




    D riving down Highway 5, a group of tired, looking, grungy brothers missed their exit on the way home. Therefore, they decided to go to their Grandmother Jane’s house and get some rest before journeying to their home.

    Oh, maybe I should introduce them to you. The oldest brother is Farrel, who is easy going most the time. Ezra is the smallest yet he is the wise guy and the leader of the group. Next is Clarence, you will discover his charm and he the brave one of the group. Then comes Bob, who is the protector of the group. Finally, you’ll find Mikel, who gets anxious easily.

    On a beautiful Summer morning, Grandma sits in her white rocking chair on the cedar porch enjoying the warm day. The boys sit down on the steps on the porch to enjoy some of the grandma’s poems. Grandma saw the boy’s appearance was (dirty, tired, brushed face look) and exclaims,

    Grandma Jane said,

    What happened to you, boys.

    Ezra exclaims, "We wanted to go gallivanting through the adventures of the Wild West. We started driving to the first ghost town in Utah, and we stopped to walk inside Scarlet GHOST Town and we saw a hotel. We decided to investigate the hotel. It looked old and run down, however still in good shape. We walked up the spiral stairs and investigated the bedrooms. As we walked into one of the bedrooms, we could see an old dusty brown chest in the far corner. Each of the boys tried to open the chest, but it is locked, and we had no key.

    Just then, out of nowhere, a ghost appeared in the middle of the room.

    Suddenly, we heard a mysterious voice shout Get out of my room and leave my chest alone.

    It sounded like a mid-40’s woman’s voice. At first, nobody could figure out where the voice was coming from! We looked around the room and saw no one."

    Just then, we (All Boys) exclaimed, Calm down, we are not going to take anything. We are just investigating. You know just looking around.

    The voice said, "Okay, ‘Fine, but still get out of here. (Voice; angry, and still) Therefore, we left the room.

    Whoa! What a selfish woman, said Ezra ‘angrily.’ Where did that voice come from? It must be a ghost. In that chest would probably be nothing but her dresses anyways?

    Maybe we can come back later and see if we can open the chest with a key… says Mikel. Yaw right, Farrel interrupted, and the woman ghost would just kick us out again.

    Ezra explains, Maybe the woman’s ghost would not be there next time.

    "Yaw maybe,

    says Clarence, However, let’s try it."

    Bob said, (quietly), We’ll have to be careful. She’ll come back to protect her chest.

    Yeah, okay. Ezra ‘smart-aleck’ exclaims. Maybe we will be back to this room when we are done looking at this ghost town.

    We continue looking at the rest of the rooms in the hotel, and we see an old silver/brass bed frame, Oak tables, Oak chairs and Silver curtains. Mikel and Clarence walked into one of the rooms and picked up a book from the table. Mikel reads a little of the book. He discovers that the book looks like an old journal. It is the same as ours today. However; instead, it is old and still in good shape. A page has been ripped out, says Mikel. Clarence shouts, I found the missing page from the journal.

    Clarence begins reading a few of the missing pages. October 10, 1857… It was somebody’s journal of their life. Clarence gives the page to Ezra, who gets his tape out of his pocket and tapes the page together.


    Bob and Farrel are looking through a drawer in another room. They find a key, pads of blank paper and an old ink pen. They pull them out of the drawer and start to write a note. Farrel says excitedly, Guys come and check this out! The other boys try to write with it too. They each sign their name and take the paper with them. Ezra says, Here is some money for them, why don’t we leave it in the drawer.

    They write, We found these things to help us along the way and took things as a souvenir. Here is some money to pay for the items that we are keeping. Please find the money to replace them. They took pictures and recorded them with their video camera, as they were too big to carry.

    Clarence says, why not try this key in the chest. We go back to the room where the chest is and Ezra puts the key in the keyhole of the chest. It unlocks. We open the chest together. Inside, we find Women pink dress, pictures, and $500 in gold coins. We left $100 of cash inside of the chest and wrote another letter. We took $500 in gold coins and the pink dress. We took pictures and recorded the rest with our video camera.

    The boys went downstairs and put the stuff we found in our backpacks and took it with them. They went to the kitchen and looked around and saw an old cooler, an old brick cooking stove, some table, chairs, brass utensils, and dishes. They did not see anything interesting to take with them, so they left and checked out the register desk but, it was empty, so they left the hotel.

    As, the boys continue walking down the road, they saw a bar and stepped inside too looked around. They left the bar, as there’s nothing of interest inside.

    It was warm and bright outside on a summer day. The boys walked across the street and entered the store. As, they looked around they see a desk, table, empty cabinets, chairs, blue curtains, and a drawer. The boys are fumbling through the drawer; they see four silver coins… Ezra wrote another letter and place it in the drawer wrapped around $4 in cash.

    When the boys walk across the street to the post office and walked in and looked around. They saw an old letter on a distant shelf and a drawer inside of a desk, and a chair. Inside the drawer is two letters. The letters are not yet open. Clarence open’s one letter and finds an old spoon. The letter read;

    Dear Sis;

    We are all doing fine. Please come and visit us some time. We miss you. Love, Mom’

    What a short letter, Clarence comments.

    Ezra reads the next letter, and it says,

    "Dear Dad,

    We are okay, except your grandson died of the measles. Please come as soon as possible.

    Love, Son"

    Ezra comments

    What a sad letter.

    Out of compassion, Ezra leaves $5. Even though there was nothing inside. Let’s take the spoon and get out of here’’ Clarence says quickly. Bob adds, Leave a dollar for the spoon first." Clarence takes out a $1 bill

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