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Have you ever experienced the pangs of wanting to be chosen? Maybe it was the elementary playground when dodgeball teams were being established. Or perhaps it was a clique you desperately wanted to belong to. Maybe you've experienced the yearning to be selected for a job over other qualified candidates. Or perhaps you remember that junior-high dance and how badly you wanted to be asked by that special someone. Every one of us has a desire to be significant, to matter, to be chosen. In this Bible study, you will explore the lives of women who you may find to have striking similarities to your own life. These women didn't lead perfect lives, didn't have the most impressive qualifications, and didn't always win the popularity contest. They made mistakes and lived with regrets. But God chose them, and He used them for His purposes. God has important, significant work He has chosen for you to do. Begin the journey of discovering your significance in God's word. You have been chosen.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 27, 2016

Dr. Alicia Kay Parker

Alicia Parker was born in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. She is the oldest of three children. She currently lives in Florida, where she is happily married to Clai and is the mother of Pierce and Ethan. Alicia attended Cedarville College for her bachelor's degree in biology, Stetson University for her master's degree in educational leadership, and the University of Central Florida for her doctorate degree in educational leadership. Her passion is teaching. She loves to encourage other women in the study of God's Word. She has written multiple Bible studies for women. She enjoys speaking and teaching at women's events. Her husband serves faithfully alongside her as they raise their children and serve in their local church.

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    Chosen - Dr. Alicia Kay Parker

    Copyright © 2016 Dr. Alicia Kay Parker.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2293-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2292-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015920493

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/04/2016




    Week 1: Chosen from the Beginning

    Week 2: Deborah Chosen to Judge

    Week 3: Rahab Chosen In Spite of Herself

    Week 4: Chosen to be Jesus' Friend

    Week 5: Sarah a Chosen Mother

    Week 6: Chosen to Influence the Future

    Closing Letter


    This book would not have been possible without the support of my husband Clai, my parents Larry and Bonnie, and my Grace Girls Jenny, Elizabeth, Dawne, Tiffany and Jackie and my dear friends Karen and Kati.

    Mom, thank you for sitting next to me that evening at my desk and believing I could publish a book. Dad, thank you for your unwavering commitment to Jesus and the study of His Word. Clai, thank you for the many nights of keeping the boys occupied so I could write. You support every single thing I do. I am so glad you are my partner in life's journey. Grace Girls, thank you for editing my writing, spontaneous Saturday mornings at Dunkin Donuts, prayer walks on the beach, frozen yogurt on forgotten birthdays, collating 1,400 copies of Bible studies by hand, and for your passion and commitment to our ministry and to prayer. I love each of you. Karen, thank you for using your gifts of editing on this project. Our friendship is one of the best gifts God has ever given me. Kati, I am blessed to call you a friend. Thank you for being a voice of reason and my favorite grammarian.

    May this be an offering to my Lord and Savior, Jesus.


    This Bible study is designed for you to spend approximately ten to fifteen minutes a day, five days a week studying the Bible, answering questions, and spending time in prayer. You can opt to do this as an individual or as a small group. There is space to write your answers in the book itself. Use the margins to jot other notes or feel free to highlight, draw, and mark it up. Make it your own!

    If you are doing this in a small group, I would encourage you to meet weekly. Have a facilitator take the lead to prompt participants to answer key questions about her study during the week. Questions can include things like:

    1. What is one thing you learned that impacted you this week?

    2. What questions did you have as you studied?

    3. Is there something you want to change as a result of what you've studied?

    The most important thing is to stay in the Word! God wants to have a relationship with you. You can't grow a relationship unless you spend time together. So find a time and a location and commit to building a habit of getting into God's Word every day. It will be time invested like no other, and the benefits will amaze you!

    Dear Sister,

    I often wonder if other women sometimes feel like I do. There is a desire deep within my spirit to be used by God in an important and meaningful way. Do you ever wonder if you are making a difference or if your life is truly significant? When I was a little girl, I thought if I was good enough and important enough perhaps God would add my story to the Bible. I wanted to live a life so significant that God would want to write about it. You can imagine my disappointment when my mother informed me that the Bible was finished, and nothing more would be added!

    I believe that within each of us is a longing to matter, to be someone who is significant. When we seek a fulfillment of that desire in this world, we are left empty. However, a life surrendered to God will never go unnoticed or unfulfilled. He wants to

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