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Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems.: When Life Threatening Situation Met with the God Kind of Faith, What Happens Next?
Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems.: When Life Threatening Situation Met with the God Kind of Faith, What Happens Next?
Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems.: When Life Threatening Situation Met with the God Kind of Faith, What Happens Next?
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Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems.: When Life Threatening Situation Met with the God Kind of Faith, What Happens Next?

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Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya holds a doctorate of divinity from the International Miracle Institute (imi), Pensacola, Florida. He is an international speaker and teacher of the Word of God filled with the Holy Spirit. He is an apostle to nations of the world, and he addresses critical issues affecting the nations political and spiritual development. He is from Ghana, West Africa, and he was born in 1969. He is called and chosen by God from childhood to rescue nations from satanic manipulations and destruction of life and property. He is a divine agent of peace.

Rev. Dr. Aboya is the founder of the International Center for Pure Worship. He is called to the prophetic ministry. He is married to Blessing Aboya and blessed with four children, Michael, Daniel, King David, and Prince Jephthah. To God alone be the glory. Jesus is Lord.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 14, 2016
Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems.: When Life Threatening Situation Met with the God Kind of Faith, What Happens Next?

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya

I was called and chosen by God since childhood to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. However, I have gone through various kinds of suffering in the ministry, in the family, and personal life. Satan keeps on attacking me with difficulties, sickness, hatred, and envy, but God is always by my side. The Bible says; "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all." This Scripture has been fulfilled in my entire life. When you read my book, you will get to know and believe and be encouraged that God is faithful to everything He says in His Word the Bible. Jesus Christ.

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    Relax. Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems. - Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya

    Copyright © 2016 Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2538-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2539-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2537-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 201592144

    WestBow Press rev. date: 1/12/2016


    1 Foreword

    2 Dedication

    3 A Word from Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya

    4 Historical Background of Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya

    5 Health Challenges

    6 God's Report about Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya: Scriptures Personalized

    7 How to Meditate on Scriptures

    8 Personal Prayers and Supplications

    9 Reminding God How I Glorified His Name in the Past

    10 Special Words of Appreciation to Fathers in the Faith and Mentors



    Rev. Dr. Jonathan Aboya, a Servant of God

    by Bishop Dr. Sunny Sydney

    Since I met Reverend Dr. Jonathan Aboya some four years ago, I have noted the boldness, enthusiasm, and resilience---even in the face of challenges---that he exhibits in pursuit of his heavenly assignment at all times. Several discussions and observations from my association with him have revealed his fervent dedication to prayer and their results. These results have distinguished him as an effective warrior in the kingdom of God.

    Relax---Jesus Is Bigger Than Your Problems is a narrative of his tenacity and unshakable trust in God, wherein God has shown Himself as both Jehovah Elshadai, the all-sufficient One, and Jehovah Rapha, the Healer. Within this enthusiasm and tenacity for the aspects of God is a humble spirit. Reverend Dr. Jonathan Aboya knows from whence he came and knows that all glory belongs to God. He is an honest man, careful to give God all the glory and align all he says and does with the Word of God. I know and believe that whenever the faith of man touches the heart and will of God, healing and diverse miracles occur with proofs. Reverend Dr. Aboya has presented himself as a living proof of God's love, mercy, benevolence, and power through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

    I anticipate that this book will bless many people as much as it has blessed me. It will be a great tool to many, helping them build their faith. It will help those who are willing to trust God's demonstrated and delegated power to destroy every satanic work of darkness in the face of unfavorable and devastating medical reports. I pray that the God that healed Brother Jonathan will show Himself mightily by healing all who read and study this book. The experiences narrated in this book will remain indelible in the hearts and minds of believers so that when they call on the name of Jesus, it will not just be a mental assertion but a call born of the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is why and how signs, wonders, and miracles follow certain people.

    I thank God we are living in the days when God is placing a fresh mandate on His people through practical life experiences that cannot be learned in schools. I highly commend Brother Jonathan for sharing this awesome testimony with the body of Christ and unbelievers alike. While believers are challenged to step up in faith and pray for power to claim what rightfully belongs to them, unbelievers are invited to taste and see that the Lord is good. For by repenting their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and the Redeemer of their souls, sinners are forgiven and accepted into the kingdom of God. There eternal life, healing, and other gifts of God become theirs through Christ Jesus. In Daniel 11:32 (KJV), the prophet Daniel rightly asserted that the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.



    This book is dedicated to my children, Michael Aboya, Daniel Aboya, King David Aboya, and Prince Jephthanh Aboya. I mean for them to know that without Jehovah God, to whom I have dedicated my entire life to serve and worship Him solely, I would not be alive today to be their father. According to the story my mother told me, I should have died at age three. Since 1980, when I gave my life to Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, I have never turned to the right or to the left to worship any other god. I have also recognized the Holy Spirit as my comforter, my teacher, and my dependable helper at all times. The Holy Spirit has led me to wonderful places and directed me to meet with my destined helpers, who have beeen so instrumental to the development of my personal life and spiritual life. All of you have seen me and watched me faithfully serving the King of Glory without giving up under any circumstance.

    I implore you to

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