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Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo
Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo
Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo
Ebook289 pages4 hours

Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo

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The boy Scarlet Rosendale and his parents, Alice and Thomas Rosendale, had narrowly escaped their home at The Nook, an inn nestled in the harbor to welcome seafarers with a clean bed and hearty food. Without the help of four close friends, Scarlet would by now be imprisoned on the Renegade as a slave to be tortured and killed to break the Curse of Bodiaka. Watching the gulls swoop low over the water in search of fish, Scarlet wondered if his friends Jeffey, Frankin, and Domiq were safe. And had his lifelong harbor pal Skimpy been able to escape the revenge of Ambioca for helping Scarlet and his family get away? Scarlet hoped his friends had not come to harm from the deadly pirate crew of the Renegade, the ship that had formerly belonged to his great grandfather and was rightfully his to claim one day.

Thus continues The Scarlet Minor Chronicles, a story of adventure, true love, greed, and corruption spanning five volumes:

Scarlet Minor and the Renegade
Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo
Scarlet Minor and the Crossed Blades Skull
Scarlet Minor and the Last Atlantic Fleet
Scarlet Minor and the Isles of Black Gold
Release dateJul 8, 2015
Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo

K.E. Andam

Kenny Andam (born Kenneth Ekow Andam on January 8, 1976) is the author of Scarlet Minor and the Renegade, the first in a series of books called The Scarlet Minor Chronicles. Kenny was born in Takoradi, on the West African coast in the country of Ghana. Before deciding to write his first novel, Kenny represented Ghana in track and field during his formative years as an athlete. He has always been a dedicated reader and a writing enthusiast with a strong desire to someday become a published author. Mr. Andam is also an inventor and avid entrepreneur. He has innovated technology in the field of web video, interactive communication and mobile computing. Kenny attended Brigham Young University and competed on the track team for his alma matter. After graduating, Mr. Andam competed on the track and field circuit and represented his country Ghana in two world championships and also in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games in Australia. Kenny lives in the United State of America with his family. For more information or to provide feedback, visit for his work of authorship or for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

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    Scarlet Minor and the Twin Pikes of Nebo - K.E. Andam

    Chapter 1



    A tall, sturdy lad stood in the ship’s stern, staring out over the frothy waves as night descended and a full moon rose overhead. Anyone who had known him before could see the youth had matured almost overnight, growing taller and more regal in bearing. Yet a hint of uncertainty lingered in his stance. Squinting against the growing darkness, he watched as in the distance, harbor lights winked on one at a time, several miles behind the boat in Buccaneers Bay, the boy’s former home. Somewhere in the bay or perhaps now on the open water a cursed ship captain named Stonecold Ambioca impatiently walked the deck of his pirate vessel, the Renegade , as it headed out to sea in search of the lad. Destroying the boy – to free Captain Ambioca of the curse of belonging to the Living Undead –would also prevent young Scarlet from fulfilling his destiny.

    The boy, Scarlet Rosendale, and his parents Alice and Thomas Rosendale, had narrowly escaped their home at The Nook, an Inn nestled in the harbor to welcome seafarers with a clean bed and hearty food. Without the help of four close friends and Strongy the One-Armed Slayer in a clever escape plan designed by the pirate and former crewmate of Captain Ambioca, Scarlet would by now be imprisoned on the Renegade as a slave to be tortured and killed to break the Curse of Bodiaka. Watching the gulls swoop low over the water in search of fish, Scarlet wondered if his friends Jeffey, Frankin, and Domiq were safe. And had his life-long harbor pal Skimpy been able to escape the revenge of Ambioca for helping Scarlet and his family get away? Scarlet hoped his friends had not come to harm from the deadly pirate crew of the Renegade – the ship that had formerly belonged to his great grandfather and was rightfully his to claim one day.

    Gazing across the sea as the harbor lights were lost in the distance, Scarlet jumped as a heavy hand descended on his shoulder. Glancing around, he sighed with relief to see his new friend and confidante Strongy, who had helped him escape the clutches of Ambioca, Strongy’s former friend and now formidable foe.

    You all right, lad? the aging sailor asked in a low voice.

    Scarlet nodded, glad Strongy had not used his stump arm to greet him, as it might have felt like a club and startled the youth.

    Leaning against the rail, Strongy’s gray-streaked hair and beard were whipped by the evening breeze. Your mates will be fine, he said, reading Scarlet’s thoughts. To change the focus he added, "You’ll get your sea legs on this voyage, and then we’ll go after the Renegade."

    Where are we headed? Scarlet asked. He had been told by one of the crew earlier but had forgotten in the excitement of putting out to sea.

    The Americas – Caribbean isles, Strongy nodded approvingly. We’ll unload this cargo there and look for another ship to take us to Nebo.

    Scarlet looked relieved. The Twin Pikes of Nebo hold the key to ending this bitter curse for good. That is my ultimate destination once I change ships later.

    What’s it feel like – being immortal, Strongy asked, curious about those who were doomed to live forever. Although Strongy himself had drunk a few drops of liquid that had given him the edge of the Curse, he did not receive the full measure of its power and was unsure whether he would be doomed to live forever. Scarlet took a seat on a wooden barrel. I don’t really know. Different, I guess. Maybe my body will become stronger, my mind sharper, and my instincts will kick in.

    Strongy stared at him a moment before asking, Instincts for what?

    Shrugging, Scarlet said, I’m not sure. Somehow I sense that at the Twin Pikes of Nebo we’ll find what we need to fulfill my destiny as outlined in my Great Grandfather Eyesinwealth’s scrolls. It might be a sage or someone I’m supposed to meet, supernatural or human.

    Strongy’s eyes narrowed. You think we’ll be dealing with the spirit world, then?

    Maybe. All I know is I must stay alert for whatever is to come.

    Below deck, Alice Rosendale, Scarlet’s mother, was busy organizing the galley against the protests of the cook. Jimson did not take kindly to Mrs. Rosendale’s rearrangement of the galley cooking premises, and continually muttered under his breath as she stacked plates and washed pans to make the area clean and well organized.

    Daft woman! Whoever heard of a female in a ship galley?

    Oblivious to his dark glances and mumbling, Alice Rosendale hummed as she went about her work. But when she offered cooking tips for the next day’s meals, Cook Jimson lost his temper and pointed vehemently at the door.

    Out – out with ya! I’ll have no woman prettifying my galley! This ain’t no fancy dining establishment!

    She swept away with a lift of her head and rustling skirts. I’ll be back to help tomorrow, she called brightly.

    Over my dead body, the cook said under his breath.

    Meanwhile, many miles behind on board the Renegade, Captain Ambioca was pacing the deck in great agitation under a starlit sky. He had lost several crewmen to the Poladia of Buccaneers Bay, along with the Scroundler Trio. The three crewmates of his ship had been cursed along with Ambioca to become the Living Undead. But their failure to find Scarlet Rosendale – the Chosen One – in Buccaneers Bay had led to Ambioca’s fury and their banishment through his pronouncement of a secondary curse that hurled them out of the physical realm into the supernatural underworld.

    A sailor scuttled into view, unfortunate for the hapless crewman.

    Ambioca called out: You there! Come here. Did you get the lad named Skimpy – the one that helped the Rosendales escape?

    The man’s face flushed. No-no, sir. We couldn’t find him.

    Ambioca drew his sword. Think hard, mate, or I’ll probe your memory with my blade.

    The man involuntarily stepped back. Sorry, Captain. The boy got away from us. We had him cornered for a moment or two…

    Ambioca stepped forward and thrust his blade through the man’s chest in just the right place that would kill him almost instantly without drawing much blood. And I have you cornered for the same length of time. Sorry, old chap.

    As the sailor staggered across the wooden deck, Ambioca gave him a great heave, pushing the man over the side of the ship to a watery grave. None of the crew witnessed the murder. If they had, they wouldn’t have said a word against the Captain, fearing reprisal.

    After a bored glance to be sure the body sank after hitting the surface of the water, Ambioca turned to face the open sea. Scarlet Rosendale was out there somewhere, and not that far ahead of his ship. He would pursue the Mamaladi Stormer and try to catch the boy before he reached land and could disappear. But Ambioca might need to summon help from the supernatural world where as one of the Undead, due to the Curse, he now had many friends…

    Perhaps he should contact the Scroundler Trio once more who had been his protectors for decades. The Trio had successfully identified and removed obstacles from the path of the Renegade before any were encountered. They had predicted attacks by ocean demons and water trolls of the seven seas. Ambioca had great faith in the Trio’s ability to help him as spiritual guides to the travel path of the Renegade. Having brought the Trio to Buccaneers Bay with the assistance of Brilika to search out the hiding place of Scarlet, although they had failed and been cursed to the underworld forever, he knew they were his last hope of finding the boy from The Nook on the open waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

    * * * * *

    As the night grew darker, Scarlet again studied the waters behind the Mamaladi Stormer for signs of Ambioca’s pursuing vessel.

    Don’t worry, lad, Strongy said. He won’t catch us.

    Scarlet briefly nodded. I hope not. I wish I knew more about life on the open seas. How did you become a pirate? I thought the golden days of piracy ended a hundred years ago.

    Strongy crossed his arm and stump over his chest. Well, that’s true. Piracy reached its heyday in the 1600s and 1700s, especially in the North Atlantic. But even now in the nineteenth century, pirate ships sail the seas in search of commercial booty and private vessels to commandeer. I’m sure your folks hosted many a pirate at The Nook without even knowing it.

    Oh, they knew all right, Scarlet said. But they minded their own business. There were pirates from every corner of the world – Asia, Russia, Europe, Africa, India, you name it.

    Aye, Scarlet, that’s the truth. Pirates have sailed all the waters of this earth since the beginning of time. Some of ’em became famous. When I was a boy your age, my uncle sailed with Jean Lafitte in the 1820s. He told me tales of preying on rich merchant ships in the Caribbean and along the North American coast, taking their goods as well as the arrogance from their manner, Strongy chuckled. Lafitte helped his brother Pierre unload smuggled goods until the U.S. government passed the Embargo Act of 1807. The brothers moved their base to Louisiana and then got involved with piracy. That’s when my uncle met up with Lafitte, but they quarreled and almost dueled, then laughed it off and parted ways. The Lafitte brothers were known for treating captives decently, sometimes returning captured vessels to the rightful crew.

    He paused to see if Scarlet was still listening. The boy was taking in every word.

    Strongy continued, Some merchants are fine men, doing business fairly and sharing the profits with their workers. Others have a bad reputation for cheating their employees and driving up the prices of their merchandise from overseas shipping. My uncle inherited a sum of money when his father, my grandfather, died, and bought a small vessel that he overhauled. He headed out on the open seas and traded peaceably with surrounding nations. But when he got cheated in the price of goods being shipped on his vessel, he vowed revenge and began hunting down the worst of the merchants, boarding their ships and taking their cargo. Putting into port, he would distribute the goods to hard-working sailors from any ship, or to the local poor.

    Scarlet’s eyes widened. He loved hearing tales of piracy on the distant oceans and longed to share their adventures. I thought piracy in the Caribbean region died out years ago.

    For cargo, yes. But the demand for slaves increased, and humans became the sought-after cargo, especially in North America. My uncle, John Richmond, raided many a ship, taking African slaves from below deck in filthy compartments not fit for animals, and freeing them when they made landfall. That’s when I decided to become a deck hand on his ship.

    Strongy explained the system of operation. A ship’s crew elects both the captain and quartermaster. They, in turn, appoint the other officers. The captain must have a reputation as a fearsome warrior that the crew can trust to lead them. But when not at war with another ship or a band of pirates, the quartermaster calls the shots. Most pirates share whatever they take. The pirates injured in battle also receive a share.

    Sounds like a good plan, Scarlet said.

    Strongy went on to explain that many pirates contributed part of their captured gold or silver to a fund to compensate crew injuries. He held up his stump arm as an example. Payments of 600 pieces of eight might be paid for a man’s loss of his leg, or 100 pieces for losing an eye.

    So the pirates weren’t just lawless men, Scarlet said thoughtfully.

    Not all, Strongy replied. Some lived very well by their wits and the pirates’ code. When there was no gold or silver to be taken, plunder was seized from a vessel’s cargo. Often it was medicine that was valued most. But many pirates could count on earning a sizable reward from taking a large ship, and some would retire from the sea to buy an estate and settle down when they struck it rich.

    So a pirate never knows if or when he will get rich, Scarlet mused.

    Right, Strongy agreed. You take your chance like in any occupation.

    A crewman of the vessel walked past, performing his night watchman’s duty. All was quiet in the water around them. Clouds had gathered overhead to hide the moon and stars.

    I understand why your uncle followed in Lafitte’s wake, and now, you too, Scarlet said.

    There’s nothing else I’d rather do, Strongy answered calmly, even though it cost me my arm.

    Do you think Ambioca will catch us? Scarlet asked anxiously.

    I don’t know. But if he does, we’ll be ready, Strongy answered confidently.

    Just as he was about to explain his plan, a splash was heard at the side of the boat, followed by a scraping sound of something moving along the vessel’s wet outer wood.

    Scarlet and Strongy jumped up quietly and exchanged a quick glance. Scarlet wondered whether to stand and fight or dodge imminent conflict and hide from the invader – for that is what they thought the sound represented.

    Strongy put a finger to his lips in a quiet signal. Scarlet breathed softly as his heart raced. Both stared at the ship rail where the sound was coming from. Strongy pulled his blade silently from its sheath and stood waiting.

    A moment later a head popped up at the rail, soaking wet.

    Skimpy! Scarlet and Strongy said in unison.

    Boy, am I glad to see you two, Skimpy said, extending a hand to be helped over the rail. Both eagerly helped their friend slip onto the deck of the boat.

    How did you get here? Scarlet asked in disbelief.

    After you escaped from Buccaneers Bay, what was left of Ambioca’s crew searched the harbor and town for me. A couple of them nearly found me under a fruit seller’s crate on Market Street. I knew I had to leave. Even if they gave up, Ambioca would send others to find me. So I got Tangie and Marengo to borrow a small boat known for speed, and with the wind that sprang up, we were able to catch up with you before Ambioca’s larger vessel could.

    Skimpy took a pocket watch from his vest pocket and flashed it upward as the moonlight broke through the clouds, sending a quick beam of light to the small boat clandestinely following the larger vessel. Skimpy, Scarlet, and Strongy turned to look for the smaller boat tossing on the waves and were able to catch a glimpse as it turned around to head back to Buccaneers Bay.

    Welcome aboard, mate, Strongy said, offering his good arm in a handshake.

    Thanks, Strongy, Skimpy grinned, and then grabbed Scarlet in a hug. Whatever happens, I’m in it with you guys.

    * * * * *

    Chapter 2



    "Y ou’re a true friend, Skimpy, Scarlet said. My parents will be happy to see you, too."

    We can use another crewmate on this vessel, Strongy said. Glad you made it aboard.

    I couldn’t let you have an adventure without me – not after everything you and Strongy told me about the Curse of Bodiaka.

    Well, then, Strongy said, let’s work on a plan for battling Stonecold Ambioca when he catches up. That’ll be the first obstacle in our search for the key at the Twin Pikes of Nebo. Will you feel his presence as he approaches, Scarlet?

    The young man nodded. I think so, since we’re both the Living Undead due to the Curse of Bodiaka. And now I am the protector of the truths of the people of the Golden Stool.

    Good, Strongy said approvingly. I, too, have some protection. I can only be killed by the hands of a pure human soul without blemish.

    Skimpy shook his head. There aren’t too many of those around nowadays.

    So I should be fine for some time then, Strongy grinned. Now let’s figure out what to do and how to prepare the crew.

    As the vessel’s crewmates and few passengers bunked down for the night, the three friends devised a plan to confront Ambioca whenever the Renegade appeared on the horizon.

    Scarlet spoke up thoughtfully. You know, my father told me when I was struck by the power of the Curse of Bodiaka and entered a trance that the first words I uttered when regaining consciousness were water and fire. I think that may be the key to our greatest threats – they will attack by water and by fire.

    Could well be true, Strongy said as Skimpy nodded. "So part of our survival strategy will be to prepare the life boats and inspect the ship. We can also ask the Captain of the Mamaladi Stormer to double the watch so that we aren’t caught unaware. Scarlet, are you able to sense the power of enchantments at your beck and call – like those of Princess Abyll before she died during the attack of the Ghost Face Warriors?"

    Scarlet leaned back and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply and slowly, letting his mind freely wander into every crevice of his spirit in search of the newly-bestowed power of the Curse.

    Nothing could be felt, despite his powers of concentration. Skimpy and Strongy watched him closely.

    Trying again, Scarlet drew deeper into himself and concentrated on all five senses, from the center of his brain to the tips of his fingers and toes, in search of a hint of the Curse of Bodiaka’s effect.

    Skimpy nudged Strongy. There, in the dark corner of the ship between the rail and stacked crates of cargo, a dim light began to glow on Scarlet’s forehead, almost imperceptibly at first. Within a few seconds it grew brighter. Another moment and it stretched beyond the ship to reach into the sky above their heads, like a woodland creature standing in a moonlit field. Within the glow a train of fireflies quickly spelled out the word Bodiaka before disappearing.

    Scarlet – the light has broken out again – like before in Buccaneers Bay! Skimpy said excitedly.

    Opening his eyes in surprise, Scarlet felt the light settle gently over him, like a warm cape on a cool night. Looking at his two friends, he saw their eyes open wide.

    You did it! Strongy exclaimed. You connected to the power of the Curse. It will help protect us against what is coming.

    Fortunately there were no other sailors around, or they might have been scared or told others about Scarlet’s glowing light.

    Pulling the power back within himself, the glow diminished and died. Scarlet let out the breath he had been holding without realizing it. I’ll have to practice using it. I have no idea what this new power is capable of doing.

    Good idea, Skimpy said, swallowing hard.

    Best get started, lad, and don’t let the crew see ya’. They’ll be fearin’ for their lives and maybe betray you to Ambioca, if any of his sailors crept aboard back at the dock.

    Scarlet hadn’t thought of that possibility. Even now, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, they might be sharing a ship with a traitor who could report their activities to Ambioca when they reached port. Maybe they had been paid to do so.

    Time to sleep, Strongy advised. You’ll be needin’ it soon.

    The three parted with a promise to keep the power of the Curse a secret, except for Scarlet’s parents, and he agreed not to tell them unless necessary, as they already knew some of the secret based on what had happened back at Buccaneers Bay.

    * * * * *

    In the bow of the Renegade a grizzled man of medium height stood facing the open sea. As the ship left the harbor behind in the wake of the outgoing tide, it rolled into deeper waters as a cloud shifted over the face of the moon. The man’s expression was cold and calculating. His dark eyes glittered dangerously.

    Brilika! he called, turning to face the main deck.

    Instant scurrying of several pairs of feet accompanied by whispers finally brought the sailor in question before him as the others stepped into the shadows to avoid being seen.

    Captain? Brilika faced Ambioca, awaiting orders.

    Summon the Scroundler Trio, Ambioca said with the ghost of a smile.

    Aye, Captain. Brilika said, wiping the surprised look from his face as he rushed below deck to retrieve the divining rod that never left his travel chest. Opening the trunk’s heavy wooden top, he uncovered the rod from within a piece of muslin cloth and closed the lid before carrying the rod to the main deck. As the watchmen looked on, Brilika held the rod aloft and recited an incantation:

    Brom heydur – Scroundler Trio – mitte hern! (Attention, Scroundler Trio, you are summoned)

    The night-time sea air grew still and heavy as though awaiting a strong storm to hit. Suddenly with a rush of wind the sky was filled with fine dust that abruptly detached from the ship’s frame to blacken the night, and a high keening sound could be heard. In a few moments the dust mass drew water and vapor from the sea to mix vibrantly and create a substance that formed the outline of three creatures of unusual height and irregular shape – indefinable as human or spiritual. They settled onto the wooden boards of the deck to face Captain Ambioca, who did not flinch. Brilika, wide-eyed, stepped back and then turned to rush below deck and return the divining rod to his sea chest.

    You have called us, Captain Ambioca? To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?

    The three voices spoke in unison in a gurgling tone. The globular shapes swayed slightly, like drops of water about to dissolve.

    Where has the Chosen One escaped to – the boy from Buccaneers Bay who carries the Curse of Bodiaka?

    One of the jelly-like Scroundlers rose a meter higher than the others. We found him for you at the Inn of his family, the descendants of Captain Eyesinwealth. What you did with him is your concern.

    Captain Ambioca squinted his left eye. I am making his whereabouts your business now since you allowed him to slip from my grasp. Find him – tell me where he is – and that worthless traitor, Strongy the one-armed Slayer.

    The three Scroundlers wove back and forth several seconds before the watery middle creature lifted its head to rise a few feet off the

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