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Enlarge My Territory?: Bring It On!
Enlarge My Territory?: Bring It On!
Enlarge My Territory?: Bring It On!
Ebook195 pages2 hours

Enlarge My Territory?: Bring It On!

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As Christians, we read about and long to live with God in the Promised Land. We see it as a someday thingsomething that will happen in the future. But did you know you can live in the Promised Land now? You dont have to wander through life without meaning, going nowhere.

Enlarge My Territory will help you find the resources to live life to the fullest. Author Suzi Johnson shares how she did just that, how God answered her prayers beyond anything she ever imagined. And Johnson offers practical advice on how you can live the life God intends for you. As Johnson invites you into her life and personal journey you will learn what worked for her and how you can obtain the money, friends, job, and family support to allow you to enjoy life.

God wants you to have the best possible life. Discover how to experience blessings beyond what you could ever imagine. You can live life to the fullest thanks to Gods blessings.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 11, 2015
Enlarge My Territory?: Bring It On!

Suzi Johnson

Suzi Johnson earned a master’s degree from Texas Tech University. She has been vice president of a manufacturing company, a management consultant, and owned and operated three accounting and tax offices. She and her husband live in Lubbock, Texas. They have four grown sons, thirteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

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    Enlarge My Territory? - Suzi Johnson

    Copyright © 2015 Suzi Johnson.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Most Scripture taken from the King James Version.

    Some Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-0351-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-0353-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-0352-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015917955

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/23/2015





    Part 1 What Does This Mean: Enlarge My Territory?

    The One-Hour Miracle

    Life Is a Journey

    •   The Journey of a Lifetime

    •   School Reunion

    •   Motorcycles and Signs

    •   Ask for God’s Direction

    •   Tell It Like It Is

    •   Twenty-Five Fewer Minutes of Sleep

    •   The Edge of Survival

    •   How to Create Your Own Good Luck!

    •   Moments When You’re Busy during Peak Tax Season

    •   In the Beginning

    Summary: What Does This Mean: Enlarge My Territory?

    Part 2 Why Would I Want to Enlarge My Territory?

    Manage Your Life

    •   How to Successfully Manage Your Life

    •   Discover the Elements of POLC

    •   How To Be Successful

    •   Overcome the Threats in Your Life

    •   God’s Way for Management

    •   Enlarge My Territory?

    Blessings vs. Cursing

    •   What Are the Obstacles?

    •   What Are the Shields?

    •   What Are Principles and Truths?

    •   How to Allow Tremendous Blessings

    •   Which Are You?

    •   Seven Keys to Success

    Summary: Why Would I Want to Enlarge My Territory?

    Part 3 How Do I Go about Enlarging My Territory?

    Life Is a Process

    •   Strengthen Your Stakes

    •   The Ideal You

    •   Tic-Tac-Toe—Success in a Row

    •   How to Get Along with Others

    •   Encourage Others

    •   If Life Is Not about Money, Then What Is It About?

    •   Honey Draws More Flies than Vinegar

    •   Be Your Own Coach

    •   Take Responsibility

    •   Annoyances Are Not Trials

    •   How Blessed Are You?

    •   The Golden Rule

    •   Believe in Resolutions

    •   Fill in the GAP

    Life Is a Choice

    •   Love What You Do

    •   Five Ways to Lose Unwanted Pounds in Five Days

    •   Five Ways to Get Five New Friends by Friday

    •   Three Ways to Draw People to You

    •   Seven Choices to Have the Life Others Envy

    •   How’s Your Memory?

    •   Give God Your Lemons—He Makes Lemonade

    •   Bless Them—Change Me

    •   My Personal Vision and Goals

    •   Determine Your Gifts

    •   Consider This

    •   Where’s Your Mission Field?

    •   Discover Who You Are

    Choose Life

    •   Just Do It

    •   How to Shrink Your Problems

    •   You Say, He Says

    •   Life Is Not Magical

    •   Love Is Not an Emotion

    Be Still and Know That I Am God

    •   Listen!

    •   Aha Moments

    •   Promote Peace

    •   Where Have You Been?

    Summary: How Do I Go about Enlarging My Territory?

    Part 4 Inspirations

    •   Inspirations from James 1–5

    •   Isaiah 54

    •   Psalm 18:36

    This book is dedicated to a man

    who doesn’t need to read it—but will.

    My dearly beloved husband,

    John F. Johnson


    The title of this book brings the Prayer of Jabez immediately to mind, where Jabez asks God to enlarge his territory. Having taught at the university level for many years, reading this book also brought to my mind practices of good leadership.

    Good leadership involves presenting a concept or project, extending a challenge, providing practical tools with which to accomplish it, and ascertaining measurable goals that allow one to recognize the difference between the beginning condition and the desired result. This book does just that and more.

    The author, my sister, shares how God enlarged her territory, how God answered her prayer beyond anything she ever imagined, and offers practical advice to readers as to how they, too, can live the life God intends for them. In sharing her personal experiences, she invites you into her life and personal journey, relating to you in a warm, conversational manner as if she were a lifelong friend or maybe your sister.

    You will enjoy, appreciate, and benefit from her generosity in sharing the wisdom God has so richly bestowed upon her.

    Gail Shipley


    Why did I write this book now? For years I would journal things that happened in my life that were impressive to me, and I developed the habit of collecting various articles or notes that related to living life. God had put a book in my heart, and I knew one day I would stop long enough to write it.

    Two years ago I became more serious about writing but could not figure out how to put everything together. I had a huge box of papers and notes. There was no time in my schedule, but mostly there was no way in my brain to make that big box into a readable book. I began to ask God for wisdom and direction.

    When John was planning a deer-hunting trip to Colorado for the week, I planned to go to New Mexico to our vacation home for the same week. I would take the box and attempt to sift through it. Considering that I am not a loner and really don’t enjoy being alone, my family was shocked that I would spend that week in the mountains.

    The time resulted in a week spent with God. I turned on the television to the channel that only plays Christian music and asked God to orchestrate the days. I began to outline on a yellow pad what I wanted to accomplish and in what amount of time.

    I stopped and thanked God for direction and wisdom for getting these things done. Going through the box, I only pulled out the papers I personally had typed or handwritten from my heart. It was as if God said, There’s your book. All the other notes were left in the box.

    For three days I typed furiously to get the handwritten notes typed so someone other than me could read them. In the past I had contacted several publishers and still had those notes. When I went to bed on the third night, I earnestly asked God for direction concerning a publisher.

    My new goal was to have the book ready for the publisher by Friday—in two days. During breaks, mealtimes, and the one-hour walk I took through the mountains every day to renew my mind as well as my body, I would try to listen to God. From the time we had studied the Prayer of Jabez at our church, I pondered, Exactly what does ‘enlarge my territory’ mean? That should be the title of my book.

    I had all the notes together but with no order. While sorting them, I began to realize they were in four categories. It was shouting time when I could see how each category related to Enlarge My Territory. James reminds us that all we have to do is ask for wisdom when we need it, and we will get it.

    By Friday the notes were ready to send to the publisher. I knew without a doubt that God had 100 percent given me this book on paper. If I began to feel fretful about portions of it, I would be reminded by a physician friend who writes articles for the medical field. He once told me, I could spend hours rewriting and outguessing myself. There comes a time I just have to decide this is ready for print.

    God gave me this book! Who am I to rewrite or to outguess Him?

    My sincere desire is that each reader will be encouraged, drawn closer together in Christian unity, and receive a greater vision of what God will do for those who trust Him.

    My daddy was a preacher, among many other titles. Throughout my life, I have always drawn strength from the philosophies and ideas he projected. He was especially strong in his beliefs, morals, and values. I never knew exactly what made him tick. At times he was very mysterious, but he was always understanding and honest. My husband says frequently, A person is either honest or he is not.

    Typing manuscripts of several books he has written has given me much insight as to why he felt so strongly about working for what you get and working hard. He was a stickler for being prompt and responsible and carrying one’s load. He could manage money like the greatest, most educated money-management consultant in the world.

    He stood very fast in all his beliefs and changed his mind only when it would prove to be beneficial. Any advice he offered needed to be taken with love and admiration, because it came from a very wise man. He learned the facts of life through experience.

    R. J. Walls was a successful man. Success can be defined as having obtained one’s goal. He kept goals, small and large, for every aspect of his life, including spiritual, mental, and physical, and worked toward them until he achieved them. He was co-owner of a manufacturing company and realized a comfortable living. He was a very generous and lovable man, especially with his family. He walked with God daily, and I loved him very much.

    In August 1989 he went to be with the Lord.

    I am so thankful to have had him for my earthly father and for teaching me about my heavenly Father. I am so thankful that he followed the Lord’s guidance when he chose my mother, Fay Walls, as his wife. I am equally thankful to have had her for my earthly mother. She went to be with Daddy and the Lord in February 2008.

    My point in talking about my parents is: Each of us has a tremendous responsibility to teach our children and grandchildren the following principle.

    Jesus tells us that He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last. We are to allow Him to be our companion, guide and comforter. If we do this from January 1 through December 31 each year, then we can be successful, prosperous, and victorious in everything we do. Why?

    Because He never fails.

    How grateful I am to have been taught to experience the joy of how powerful prayer is. It is only a breath away. How grateful I am to know that when my parents went to their heavenly home, I can see them there eternally.

    It is never too late to begin to influence our families and leave a Christian heritage we can pass to our children. The big question is, "How? There are so many unanswered questions about life. Typing those manuscripts reminded me of how much I take for granted. How fortunate I am to have been raised by Christian parents and have a Christian husband, children, and grandchildren, Christian sisters, and Christian in-laws. Is it just luck? I don’t think so! God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children" (Prov. 20:7 MSG).


    Suzi Johnson


    I have a book hidden in my heart. Thank You, God, for revealing it to me! My heart is pounding to get it out and on paper. Understand that everything good we have is definitely a gift from God!

    At work on one particular day, I remembered that I had not been asking God to order my day each morning. As I started to ask Him and prayed, I give this day to You, dear Lord. I was reminded that today is a gift from God.

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