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Mia: Dreams Do Come True
Mia: Dreams Do Come True
Mia: Dreams Do Come True
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Mia: Dreams Do Come True

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The smell of coffee filled the air as she awoke to the sunlight shining through her bedroom window. She hated the very thought of waking up because that meant she had to leave him. He was the one she had waited for her whole life he was the one who needed and loved her and she knew it. It didnt matter what exotic adventure had unfolded it was him in every dream, giving her the strength and courage to get her through her everyday life that had become so empty and so lonely. Finding herself unhappy and trapped in this life that she had immersed herself in so many years ago. Rayne had created away to escape.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 27, 2015
Mia: Dreams Do Come True

Mia Caruso

Mia Caruso was born in Lindenhurst, New York. At the age of twelve she and her family started a new life in West Palm Beach, Florida where she resides to this day. Several years ago she started dreaming and that is how Mia came to life.

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    Mia - Mia Caruso

    Copyright © 2015 Madeline R. Caruso.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3723-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3724-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015912360

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/27/2015


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Author’s Note

    To my parents, Marguerite and John Caruso, thank you for giving me a wonderful childhood. I love you.

    To my friend and spiritual advisor, Pat Allen, author of The White Dove and The Bear, Numerology, Thank you for helping me find true love.

    To everyone who helped me believe in myself, thank you.


    A s far back as I can remember, I was a dreamer—not just any dreamer. I was born to dream; it was the one thing in life that I did well. I can remember being in elementary school and not being able to concentrate because of my incessant dreaming. I lived in a world of fantasy, which I thought was normal until I got older and realized I was by myself.

    Everyone I knew went off to school, got married, or got a job. They were planning their futures like normal people do, and I was not. I was waiting for the one to walk into my life. Not just any one. Mine was special. I know this might sound a little crazy, but he and I were together before this lifetime. It was not about falling in love with someone; it was much deeper. He and I were bonded together for all eternity, etched into each other’s hearts and souls forever. There would be no death do us part. Growing up, I honestly felt as though I was an alien who was dropped off on this planet and that in the process of being dropped off, he and I were separated. Now my sole mission in life was to find him. Sort of like a twin without the other half. A part of me was definitely missing.

    Like a ship without an anchor, my mind would drift to wherever my fantasy world of thoughts would take me, floating away in search of my true love. Unfortunately, since my mind would drift off so frequently, it was difficult for me to have a conversation with someone. My mind would wander away into my dream world, searching for him. This was a very annoying trait, but those who knew me accepted my rude manner. Those who did not know me probably thought I was a flake. It was rude. I hated how my mind operated, because I was constantly thinking of him. I was desolate without him.

    Everyone has a purpose or a passion in life, and this was mine. I knew he was out there waiting for me and that as soon as our eyes met—like magic—we would instantly know who the other person was. Finally, my heart would be home again. God only knows how badly I wanted to be home! This was the reason I was born, my absolute reason for living. I never shared this thought with anyone. I kept it to myself like a well-guarded secret, safe within my heart. I was just waiting for the day my true love would appear so we could be together forever. I just wanted to go home, and he was my home.

    Although he didn’t have a certain look—like blond hair and blue eyes or dark hair and dark eyes—I knew he would have a certain look in his eyes. I would know him immediately. I would talk to God and say, Hello, uh, excuse me, God. Where did my heart go—my true love? He’s not with me. Is this some sort of joke? If it is, it’s not funny.

    As I got older, about the time all my friends went off to plan their futures and left me behind, I realized I had to dismiss my dreams and grow up. I started to feel I had let my dreams get the better of me. I decided my thoughts about true love were just some fantasy I had concocted as a young child, like some sort of Cinderella story. I somehow convinced myself that he didn’t exist; it was a childhood fairy tale I had to forget.

    Fast-forward to my life now. I was in the kitchen, washing dishes while looking out the window, wondering what my life was missing. I had a wonderful husband who loved me, great kids, a beautiful home—what else could I need or want? What was wrong with me? The feelings I had when I was young were coming back again. The wanting, the need for something more, the emptiness that had not been filled deep within my soul. I know passion is lacking in my relationship, but so what? Everyone is so busy; who has time for romance and all that stuff? Right? Wrong!

    I fantasized all the time about being swept away with romance. I dreamed of my Prince Charming treating me like Cinderella or of a man seducing me just by looking at me. I’d run the gamut of emotions: fantasy, love, lust, seduction, and crushes—playing everything out in my mind.

    One day while having lunch with a friend, I told her about the emptiness I was feeling. I did not mention all the fantasizing. Life is about real issues—money, bills, work, kids, relationships—and we have to tackle whatever problems surface on any given day. That is reality, not my make-believe fantasy life. It was time for me to figure out what was missing in my life.

    Much to my surprise, my friend was feeling the same way, although she’d never said anything to me until this day. I guess some things we keep to ourselves. She said that sometimes she falls asleep and dreams of things that she wants in her life—and they become real in her dreams. Whatever she is yearning for at that moment comes alive through her dreams. My first thought was, does she know who she is talking to? I mean, after all, I was born to dream, but I’d never imagined myself getting caught up in my dreams again, not like this, anyhow!

    That night in bed, I allowed my mind to wander to wherever it wanted to go. At some point, I felt as though my body was drifting up and away. I felt like my spirit had been set free. I had a thin, cotton, strapless dress wrapped around my chest and draped down to the middle of my thighs. My hair was flowing wildly with a flower tucked on one side. I was standing near a lagoon on a very beautiful tropical island, surrounded by palm trees and soft white sand. The water was crystal clear. I had never seen such beauty until I looked up and saw him. He had perfect body; he looked like he had been chiseled out of stone. His bronze tan glistened in the sunlight.

    I could feel the passion building inside of me. The sun was starting to set, and the sky began to change from sky blue to pink. As we walked toward each other, our eyes locked. The passion inside of me was ready to burst. His eyes were a seductive, deep black. I found myself sucked in by his trance, and my body was screaming with an intense, powerful pulsing. Shock waves rippled throughout my body as our hands touched. The electricity was flowing, and my mind was racing with a million thoughts and emotions. I was hoping that my feelings of elation were not apparent on my face. I was trying to be cool—like it happened to me all the time!

    With a soft, sexy voice, he said, I’m Kane.

    I said, I’m Rayne.

    He asked how long I was going to be on the island because he would love to give me a private tour.

    We started walking. For some reason, I had a strong feeling that I had known him all my life. I felt oddly comfortable, like we were one. He took me to see a volcano that had been dormant for more than one hundred years, which sounded like a long time, but isn’t a very long time in volcano years. The moon and the stars lit up the sky as he turned and looked at me. His eyes were speaking to my soul. I didn’t want to look away. I had waited for that moment my whole life.

    When he wrapped his arms around me, I could feel his strong body up against mine. My heart was pounding out of control. I had never felt that way. I did not know how to stop my heart from beating. I sensed he felt the same way. He began to caress my body; his lips were soft as they moved all around my face and neck. I wanted him so badly I was quivering at the thought of him being inside of me. I could not believe that we were actually making love; it was one of those moments you try to hold on to because you know how special it is. I did not want him to let me go. I had never felt so safe and loved. Don’t let me go.

    When we were done, he whispered in my ear, There is something else I want you to see. I was aching for his arms to be wrapped around me as he took my hand and led me to the small village where he’d grown up. They were having some kind of celebration. He told me the luau was a tradition in his culture. Torches outlined the perimeter of the luau, lighting up the party. They had cooked whole pigs that were displayed as centerpieces. They had pineapples, coconut cups, and flowers of every color around their necks. The women also wore flowers in their hair. Everyone was hula dancing.

    Kane explained how the hula was very different between the men and the women. For women, the hula was a very sensual swaying to the beat of the music, telling a story like sign language. The male hula dancer was more aggressive in his style, reflecting his warrior spirit. Everything seemed so primitive; I felt like I was back in another time period. The evening went by so fast I could not believe when it was over! As Kane walked me back to the lagoon, I kept thinking, I hope this is not a dream.

    When I woke, I could see the morning sunlight coming through my bedroom window. I was saddened by the idea that it was only a dream; it seemed so real. I’d never had a dream that touched me so deeply. I just wanted to stay in bed and be with Kane. I tried to let the dream go, but I could not. For some reason, it was like a recording in my mind that would not stop. I decided to do some research to see what island I might have been on. It appeared that I must have been there during a more primitive time because the clothes, the village, and the landscape were not of this day and age.

    The dream seemed so real, though. Kane seemed so real. Why can’t I stop thinking about him?


    I wanted to get on with my day so I could hurry and get back to Kane. I did my usual routine—I dropped the kids off at school, ran errands, cleaned up the house, did laundry, picked the kids up from school, and prepared dinner. It was much more exciting than usual, though. I couldn’t stop thinking about Kane. My mind kept drifting back to the island. It was so beautiful, and everything had happened so fast. It was magical! I wanted to see him again—I needed to see him again.

    I couldn’t believe what a hold this dream had on me. It was just a dream, but it couldn’t have been more real. I felt as though I was living a double life, and it was hard to determine what was real and what was not. At dinner, my husband said I was acting differently. I really didn’t know what to say. Oh, honey. I had a dream about this gorgeous man named Kane. I think I’m in love. Instead I just said, Oh, and I asked him about his day.

    Meanwhile, I was counting the minutes before bedtime. I thought it would be difficult getting to sleep. Surprisingly, I felt myself going into a deep slumber. I awoke to find myself on a train, which startled me at first because I expected to be on a tropical island. I immediately noticed I wasn’t on Amtrak. I heard someone say Dr. Deutsche Reichsbahn. The train was black and white as well as everything else. Even the people were dressed in black and white. There was no color. Everything appeared very drab. Everyone wore uniforms and was speaking a different language. It sounded like German. What was strange was that I could understand everything—and I didn’t speak German! My hair and my clothes were different too. By the looks of things, I think it was around the time of World War II. I knew I would just have to see where this dream took me.

    As the train began to slow down and come to a stop, a strikingly gorgeous, tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed man quickly took a seat on the aisle beside me. Oh my God. You are so gorgeous.

    He leaned over and whispered, Pretend you are with me. I’m going to lay my head on your shoulder. So many things were running through my head. I wondered if he

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