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Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand
Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand
Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand
Ebook172 pages2 hours

Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand

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About this ebook

Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset is a book filled with modern success principles and techniques for the professional and small-business owner, new and existing. The information spilling over from one page to the next, cover to cover, breaks the myths weve all been following on our journey to success and financial freedom. This book is your very own university of success. You have been provided with seven of the most capable and qualified business professors in the industry. In this program, youll learn how to build a legacy that will last for generations to come. Well alleviate the pain and the frustration for you. Well uncomplicate the most complicated and put you on the right track so that you can officially #BeUnleashed! Get ready to learn how to
overcome rejections in business,
correctly build a sustainable brand,
access and implement the seven levels of revenue,
build a profitable sales team,
create a business that generates profits and not debt,
dominate your industry and become an effective leader, and
disrupt societys norms so youll function and be MORE.

Take a seat, pens up, and phones off. Prepare to meet your professors at the university of success.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 29, 2016
Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand

Natasha E. Davis

Natasha is a registered nurse who transitioned to branding expert, media personality, author, speaker, and businesswoman. Over the past few years, she has learned through various challenges in life and business how to convert obstacles into opportunities and how to successfully shift from being an entrepreneur to being a true businesswoman. Since launching her consulting company, Visionary People LLC, in 2007, she’s gained respect and recognition as a valuable addition to the business community. Having been awarded Entrepreneur of the Year, Woman of Outstanding Leadership, and Georgia Enterprise for Excellence in Marketing, she exemplifies her mission to remain productive, progressive, and successful. In her webinars, programs, and talks, she has a gift for uncomplicating the complicated principles of business and marketing. She has a resilient, welcoming, charming, and funny demeanor about herself; it’s no wonder why people are drawn to her. She teaches entrepreneurs and professionals the key to dominating their industry through the application of the three Ds: discipline, dedication, and determination. Natasha empowers the professional and business community that they should be “busy winning or busy planning to win.” Natasha has learned the principles of unleashing her millionaire mind-set, and she shares these principles with you today along with six other phenomenal experts. Enjoy the journey! #BeUnleashed

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    Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand - Natasha E. Davis

    Copyright © 2016 by Natasha E. Davis.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016903425

    ISBN:      Hardcover     978-1-5144-5485-5

                    Softcover      978-1-5144-5486-2

                    eBook            978-1-5144-5487-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 05/18/2016





    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 1: Things They Never Told You about Business---Myth vs. Truth

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 2---Vision Yesterday, Open Today, Rejected Tomorrow!

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 3---The Junction Where Opportunity meets Victory.

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 4: Leveling the Playing Field. . . My company belongs here!

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 5---Be Marketable . . . Become Your Loudest Cheerleader!

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 6---Taking Leadership to Nth Degree---

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 7: Stop BS-Ing and Start Branding!

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 8---Disrupt Society's Norm!

    Take Action . . . Be Unleashed 9: It's not Work--Life Balance . . . It's Work--Life Integration!

    What are Readers Saying?....

    "I am in the process of reading your book #BeUnleashed and I am feeling so much change in my way of thinking about life and how to unleash what I have bottled up inside of me. I could have been further along in life if I had all this information at my finger tips. I cannot wait to complete this book so that I can really be unleashed and plan a better life. Now, I will definitely have the right outcome. Thanks in advance Ms. Davis you have already changed my life. Thank you for this book #BeUnleashed. I will treasure it forever."

    - C. McQueenie, Social Worker, Entrepreneur


    "The #BeUnleashed book project will mentor, educate, and empower those who are determined to reach their peak in their personal lives and in business. The Author's expertise and results are a perfect reflection of their relentless hearts to maximize and impact thousands around the world to limitless heights of success."

    - L. Oche, Speaker, Author & Businesswoman

    The Prestige Group International


    "This is one of the most real, practical, efficient and easy to read books I've read in years. #BeUnleashed is not about getting rich or some miracle formula; but how to use your mind to get rich and stay rich.

    - E. Joseph, International Business Consultant

    Nursing Home Executive Director


    "As an entrepreneur, #BeUnleashed has given me valuable insights on structuring my business, planning ahead, pitfalls to expect and so much more. This book is a must read for any business big or small, from the pre-planning stage or already established, it will definitely give you the tools to be a better business owner. I believe Natasha and the other authors did an excellent job in connecting the reader to the authors with their real world experience."

    - D. Vernon, Registered Nurse, Entrepreneur


    #BEUNLEASHED proves the adage that good things come in small packages. A small book packed with great information, this is a 'must have' for every entrepreneur.

    - L. Minnick, Life Coach, Speaker, Author

    The Linda Minnick Company


    I enjoyed reading this book Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build Your Brand". As a entrepreneur emerging on the scene only 2 1/2 years ago, after being in corporate America for 20+ years, I had a lot to learn. I'm thankful to have this compilation to be a guide as I navigate building my brand and legacy for my family. #BeUnleashed tells the raw and true struggle of how hard it is to start your own business when you have so many odds against you; naysayers, statistics, your own doubt and fears. Without a business plan, a strong team and tough skin you will lose the battle. As I progress in my business and life I will continue to use the concepts detailed in #BeUnleashed to build a successful business and a legacy! Thank you Chief Visionary for your vision and passion for sharing your gifts and talents in business!"

    - K. Dildy, Businesswoman, Realtor

    NAPW- Gwinnett/Dekalb Chapter President


    #BeUnLeashed . . .

    Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset! . . . and Build Your Brand

    Proven Principles to Achieve Success

    Natasha E. Davis, MBA-M, BSN-RN

    Author of Get Grounded; Stay Grounded

    The Chief Visionary of Branding

    Special Words from your UnLeashed Business Owners!

    A Special Thanks

    I would like to first thank God for blessing me with the ability and knowledge to prepare this powerful program for your benefit. I thank my entire family and dearest friends who continue to support me and empower me. If I were to list them all by name, this book would be a novel . . . But a very special thank you to my mother, Cynthia, for always commanding me to be strong and to stay focused. My father, Michael, for reminding me that when the tough gets going, fight back. My aunt and best friend, Diahann, for never allowing me to operate or accept anything less than God's best for my life. Antoinette, my right hand partner, who I always refer to as my other brain. She keeps me focused and encourages me to never give up even when it looks bad. I appreciate and value you all . . . This is how I am able to #BeUnleashed! Continued Prosperity and much Love!

    About your Featured Business Owners! Consider this your personal University of Success . . . Meet your professors!** Please be advised that the contributing writers are not actual professors.**

    Ms. Natasha Davis has over fifteen years in health care as a registered nurse and ten years in business as a strategist. Natasha transitioned from full-time nursing in 2010 and began focusing on growing her consulting company. As an author, speaker, and corporate trainer she specializes in un-complicating the most complicated aspects in business and marketing. Today, she is the founder and CEO of her brand development and PR management firm, Impact Branding Consulting, Inc

    Mrs. Linda Minnick is a twenty plus year veteran in sales and marketing. As a certified sales coach, speaker, and author, she specializes in helping companies large and small develop effective and productive sales teams and sales processes. She has committed her life to advancing people on their personal and professional journey by breaking self-limitations. Today, she is the founder and CEO of her personal development and coaching firm

    Mr. David Nash has over a decade of experience in health, nutrition, and physical wellness. He holds a bachelor's degree in sports medicine and is a certified physical trainer and functional nutritionist. David is the founder and co-owner of Pinnacle Fitness Center. While serving in the Army Reserves and traveling as far as Afghanistan, he trained and educated others to perform at their peak physical levels. Today, David and his wife, Faith, have committed their lives to help others improve the efficiency and capabilities of their body using natural methods.

    Mrs. Ting Chiu has a wealth and depth of knowledge. She holds degrees in education and organizational management. As a certified early childhood educator, she was a Montessori teacher for over ten years. In 2003, she decided that she wanted to bring her teaching skills to the adult setting and make an impact in the lives of the whole family. Today, she is a certified financial educator and college planning consultant. Ting is the Executive Vice Chairwoman at World Financial Group where she and her very large team serves families in over thirty states and Taiwan.

    Ms. Lovetta Oche has a twenty-year background in project management for large telecommunication companies. Holding a master's degree and a thirst for more, she launched her own company Prestige Group International in 2010. Her intention would be to change her life and the lives of others. Today, Lovetta is an author of the book Coping . . . as a Newlywed, international speaker, trainer, and successful businesswoman breaking barriers and building wealth.

    Mrs. Marlene Gordon is an attorney who has created twenty plus year trail of success. Starting in a private practice and transitioning to corporate law, she is now the vice president, general counsel for Bacardi North America. With a passion for effective leadership, she has served in several capacities for Women's Advancement initiatives. Today, Marlene holds award recognition as one of the Most Powerful and Influential Women in Florida and is the founder and CEO of the

    Mrs. Octavia Conner is an accountant and business development strategies, speaker, and author. Known as the Profit Maximizer, she helps service-based entrepreneurs organize their business and double their bottom line. This results into freedom, productivity, and profitability while transitioning the entrepreneur into a profitable CEO. As the author of the book Say YES To PROFITS she educates business owners on the principles of building a business for profits and not for debt. Today, Octavia is the founder and CEO of her accounting firm

    ***A portion of all book sales are donated to the Lynne Mitchell Foundation to help support the advancement of underprivileged children*** View more about the foundation and how to support the cause by logging onto

    Author's Reflection

    I am humbled and honored to offer you this labor of love. #BeUnleashed was written from the edge of restoration and in the seat of recovery. I started writing this book in 2011 to help people understand how important and simple it was to stay focused on their dreams. However, the direction of the book shifted when I realized through my own personal life challenge that it takes more than this simplicity I spoke of, to see your dreams come to life. I stopped writing in 2012 when I realized things were not balanced in my world, and I didn't feel qualified to write such a book at that time. The thing is if you don't believe in the possibilities of what you're doing, then you won't take powerful action. As time kept progressing, my life suddenly flipped upside down and inside out while I was working on building my dream. Staying focused wasn't easy, and it certainly wasn't simple. In December 2013, the day after my birthday, my ex-husband decided that he no longer wanted to be married. He suddenly woke up after twelve years of being together and decided that he wanted to be free. When he made that decision, he also made choices and took actions that would financially, emotionally, and physically destroy me. My world as I knew it was now this foreign land, and I felt like I was the only on it. In 2014, I cried and hurt more in that year than I cried and hurt in my whole life. It is a time that I will never forget and in the same breath, it is time that I am most thankful for. Through all the hurt, disappointment, and fear, I developed a new skill that would position me to be a better woman, friend, daughter, sibling, wife, mother, and businesswoman.

    In 2015, I arrived at the edge of restoration, and I took my seat at the table of recovery. I walked into my office, and I opened my computer to begin empowering others on the beauty and the journey to being unleashed in every capacity of your life. I came to a place where I felt more than qualified to write a book of this magnitude. I believed in the possibilities and I started taking powerful actions. Unleash Your Millionaire Mindset and Build your Brand will guide you to understanding how to effectively and successfully accomplish your goals in life and business. It will empower you to embrace the ups and the downs while educating on how to keep #Moving Forward. Nelson Mandela was quoted saying, "It always seems impossible until it is done. And he is so right. I once heard Marlene say, Hope in the future gives Power to the present." And she is so right.

    Each chapter will give you the tools, principles, and confidence to take action and to #BeUnleashed. You will find that your thoughts, desires, and dreams will have No Fear and No Limits. Get Ready!

    Enjoy Your University of Success! May this

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