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Orally Taken
Orally Taken
Orally Taken
Ebook312 pages4 hours

Orally Taken

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Dressed in all black, an intruder was camouflaged in the darkness of the night. Armed with a loaded pistol and handcuffs, hooded eyes watched its next victim. The night was cool. Trees swayed to the light blowing breeze, but the intruder was sweating beneath the tight-fitting ski mask. The last victim that had experienced the intruders expert oral pleasure caused a smile to appear beneath its mouthless mask. Photographic memories of the last victim was replaced with visions of the nights victim. The intruder could already taste the woman as moves were mentally calculated on how she would be orally taken.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 3, 2015
Orally Taken

Zoraida Kyan

I was born in a house in a small town in Hopewell Hanover, Jamaica, West Indies. I grew up with two older sisters and both parents. My parents worked hard to send me to the best schools that money could buy, but the streets were more influential during my teenage years. I migrated to America a day before my seventeenth birthday, and eight months later I was in jail. Two years later, I was convicted and sentenced to life for the shooting of a police officer. Over a decade later, I was able to get my life sentence overturned, and thanks to the victim who forgave me, I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

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    Orally Taken - Zoraida Kyan

    Orally Taken

    Zoraida Kyan

    Copyright © 2015 by Zoraida Kyan.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 04/22/2015






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33


    Thanks to the father, son and spirit for my gift at writing. My wife, Zoraida; my mother in-law, Marie Rose; and my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bucknor. To Christian and Shanique Castro for their hard work and dedication at typing my manuscript, and the whole Twinlife and Xlibris Production and Marketing team.

    Chapter 1

    It was a hot and humid night, and the trees around the Tamarac community were as still as the armed soldiers at Buckingham Palace. The night sky, just like any other city night sky, was starless, with only half a moon sending out its illuminating light. Scattered clouds could be seen slowly floating, but according the weatherman, there wouldn’t be no sign of rainfall for the next two weeks.

    The eyes behind a full-faced mask watched as the blue BMW-X3 pulled in the driveway, and came to a stop. The full-faced mask that had holes for seeing and breathing was soaking wet with sweat. The intruder, who was hiding beside the house with the five-foot-tall flower edging blocking the drivers view, felt his heart skip a beat, and his breathing accelerated. This would be the intruder’s first victim, and he couldn’t wait for the opportunity to pounce on her.

    He had been watching her for seven days and knew that she lived alone and worked late five days out the week, and he knew almost everything about her. The intruder was dressed in all black and carried a blue steel snub nose .357 magnum five-shooter revolver and a pair of handcuffs with a key.

    He was profusely sweating from the heat of the night, and it felt like he had insects crawling all over his body, but he kept still and watched the woman as she opened the truck door from his crouched position behind the flowers.

    So much for a five-year light energy, the woman said to herself in regards to the porch fluorescent light that was out.

    Her name was Kate Hammershan, but everyone called her Katie. She was a prosecutor who took pride in her work and left family life to the unambitious women who were content with being a simple housewife.

    She was thirty-six years old but looked ten years younger with long flowing blonde hair, a few freckles on her beautiful straight face, nice B-cup breasts and a well-rounded bottom on her five-foot-five frame that was always hugged in above the knee-high skirts or skintight pants.

    The intruder watched as she hopped out the truck with her handbag on the crook of her right elbow, and a Publix bag in her left hand. He watched as she used her right hip to push the door shut and walked off toward the darkened porch swinging her hips in a sensual way that she had mastered years before.

    The intruder licked his lips then rose to his full height. He took the gun out of his waist and took a step, and shrubs echoed loudly in the quiet night. Katie heard the breaking sounds and looked over her shoulder but disregarded the sound and refocused her attention on unlocking the front door.

    The shadow froze because of the sounds that seemed to explode, being more careful this time. He knew he had to make it to the woman before she closed the door, but he also wanted to time it just right by attacking when the door was open, and the woman was entering the house with her back still facing the driveway.

    The intruder took another step, then another, but quickly crouched down when a passing car’s headlights flashed in his direction. He looked around to see the car’s brake lights heading down the street and stood back up to see the woman entering her house.

    Without any second thoughts, he took off in a sprint, closing the gap between him and the woman in five steps.

    With the gun in his right gloved hand, and using his left hand to cover her mouth, he forcefully pushed the short nozzle of the gun in her lower back, forced her into the house, and used his right foot to kick the door closed.

    Katie was paralyzed with fright, and all that she could do was let the tears fall from her bulging eyes and let the Publix bag fall to the ground as her eyes adjusted to the darkened living room.

    Listen to me and do as I say and you won’t get hurt, you hear me? the intruder whispered with his voice muffled by the mask.

    Katie frantically nodded her head in reply as she mentally pleaded to God to save her life.

    Okay, slowly put both hands behind you.

    Katie dropped her keys and her handbag, and slowly put her hands behind her back. She was now visibly trembling, and her tears ran down her cheeks and over the gloved hand that was covering her mouth.

    Now I’ll take my hand from your mouth, and I promise you if you as much as snicker, I’ll shoot you, you understand?

    Katie once more shook her head. The intruder removed his hand, quickly pulled the handcuffs from his waistband, and cuffed her hands.

    Okay, you’re doing well. Now take a deep breath and relax. Remember, I’m not going to hurt you if you don’t scream. I can stuff something in your mouth, but I want you to be able to breathe and relax, so just do as I say and I’ll be gone, the intruder explained in a muffled whisper.

    Katie took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it was impossible for her to do so. Her nerves were shattered, and she just wanted the whole ordeal to be over.

    The intruder tucked the gun back in his waistband, held Katie by her right arm, and walked across the dark living room to the couch. He sat down, pulled Katie between his legs, and probed his gloved hand all over her body.

    Please, just take anything you want. I got money, and jewelry—

    Shh. Just breathe and try to relax, he told her as he looked up at her while his hands explored her body.

    He slid his hands under her skirt, and she yelped. The tears started to flow faster with heavier drops, and she fought back the scream that was in her throat and shivered with fright.

    Just breathe, he whispered.

    He slid her skirt up to her waist, and Katie bit down on her bottom lip until it bled. The intruder looked to both sides of him, saw what he was looking for, and stood up.

    Don’t try nothing slick, he said and walked to a lamp, turned it on, and walked back to the couch and sat down in front of Katie, who was still standing.

    The light wasn’t bright, but it was good enough for him to see her body and admire her pale white skin and her curves.

    You’ve got beautiful skin, and you’re real sexy, he said, and lifted the mask above his mouth.

    He slid her panty down to her knees, and Katie begged him to stop, but all he said was, Be quiet and breathe. He used a leathered glove finger to part her vagina lips and slid a finger in to gently stroke her.

    Katie was crying even harder now, and her lip bled profusely from where she had bit herself. The intruder removed his finger, licked Katie’s juice from it, and said, Relax, Katie. I told you I won’t hurt you.

    Katie was now even more surprised. The man who was violating her body was someone who knew her, but that knowledge didn’t ease the terror that was swimming through her body. She looked down at the masked face that was looking up at her to see if she could recognize the eyes, but he turned away, and before she could ask who he was, she felt his tongue lick her vagina lips, then his fingers parted them and his tongue slipped in, and he started licking her clit.

    She tried to back away, but he used one hand to grab her thigh and hold her in place. Katie tried to fight the sensation that was building inside of her, but the more she tried to fight it, the more she gave in to the warmth of the tongue that was licking and sucking her in all the right places.

    Katie heard herself moan and felt her hips begin to move to grind her vagina in the mouth that was giving her so much pleasure. She then felt her right foot lift up and rest on the couch, giving her intruder easier access to probe her insides with his tongue.

    It’s as if her body was being controlled by an outer force, because minutes before she was crying for her life, and now she was moaning with pleasure, and enjoying every minute of it.

    The intruder licked, sucked, and gently nibbled on her clit and used his tongue to probe her insides until she came. He was about to stop, but Katie urged him to continue with his oral pleasure, which he did, until she came two more times, causing her to slump forward on the couch in exhaustion.

    He quickly took the handcuff keys from his pocket, unlocked the cuffs, kissed her on her exposed booty cheeks, and hurried to the kitchen.

    Who are you? Katie asked as she sat up. Don’t leave. Who are you? she yelled, but the kitchen door closing was the reply that came.

    Katie didn’t know what to do. Her mind was in a turmoil. She didn’t know if she should report what had just taken place to the police or shower and go to sleep.

    What should I tell the police, that I was raped by a man who only gave me oral sex? she said to herself.

    She stretched out in the couch with a smile on her face. She winced from the pain from her cut lip, but her smile stayed in place, and she decided to keep what had just happened to herself.

    Chapter 2

    Honey, I’m home, Martin Loche said as he closed the front door to the house.

    He was a tall man standing at six foot five and could be considered handsome despite his receding hairline. He was 220 pounds of solid muscle and tried to maintain a tan on his white skin, but lately his private investigating job was causing him to work more hours, so his three-day beach workout had been put on pause for the time being.

    Martin had retired from the Margate police department after being shot. His beautiful Jewish wife had gone berserk after he had got out of the hospital, and he entertained the thought of going back to work, so with a wife that was mad at the thought of him going back to work, and his four- and two-year-old sons to think about, he decided to become a private investigator.

    The four-bedroom Tamarac town house was nicely decorated, but the furnishings and bright colors throughout the house were more chic than unisex, but Martin didn’t mind. It was home, and whenever he entered it he felt at home.

    Marie, he called out again to his wife.

    Marie came to the top of the stairs with a towel wrapped around her head, and another wrapped around her upper body and said in a whisper but loud enough for Martin to hear her, Could you be quiet? The boys are sleeping.

    Well, bring your sexy behind down here and give me some love, he replied in a loud enough whisper.

    Marie descended the stairs and was wrapped in her husband’s arms. She was two years younger than Martin but was looking real good for thirty-eight. She was more on the petite side but beautifully attractive with a nice personality. She was a doctor at the Florida Medical Center that specialized in pediatrics, but she sometimes did freelancing jobs in her neighborhood whenever kids were getting ready to go back to school.

    Marie tipped up and locked lips with Martin, and they exchanged yet another passionate kiss as if it was their first. He cupped both booty cheeks in his big hands and squeezed them like he was juicing an orange.

    Marie broke the kiss and said, You smell like stale perfume. What whore you’ve been huddled up with? She was only joking, but he entertained the question and said, Some Jewish pediatrician who don’t mind giving it up for the right price. Marie laughed and slapped him on the shoulder.

    Dad, they heard their four-year-old say, and they turned to see him standing at the top of the stairs with his right thumb in his mouth, and his left rubbing his eyes.

    Hey, Junior, Martin said, as Marie and him climbed the stairs. What’s up, little man? Martin asked.

    Nothing, your voice woke me up, Junior explained.

    Okay, well, let me get you back to bed. It’s pretty late, and we all have to get some sleep okay? Martin explained.

    Okaaay, Junior replied.

    I’ll be waiting, Marie said and gripped a handful of his bottom as he walked off with their son.

    Dad, can I have some juice? I’m thirsty.

    We’re gonna skip juice, son, because you might wet the bed, and you wouldn’t want to wet the bed to make Mommy mad, right?

    No, Junior replied.

    Martin used his hand to ruffle his son’s thick jet-black hair as they entered the room. He lifted him up, kissed him, put him in bed, and tucked him under the covers.

    Dad, could you read me another story? I didn’t like the one Miss Fisher read tonight, he asked.

    It’s late, J. I got to be up early, but I promise you that I’ll read your favorite Spider-man comic tomorrow night.

    Yes! Thank you, Dad. I love you.

    I love you too, son.

    Martin kissed his son once more then walked over to his two-year-old who was in a deep sleep, kissed him on his head, then walked out the room.

    Hey, sexy, you ready for me? Martin asked as he entered the bedroom.

    Go wash up real quick, she said from between silk sheets.

    How about you join me? he asked as he shed his clothes.

    No, honey. It’s too late to get my hair wet plus I want to finish this chapter, she explained.

    What are you reading?

    Romance in the making, she replied.

    What, is it one of those romance erotica novels you like to read?

    Yup, now leave me alone and hurry up. I want us to try a new sex position I just read about, she said.

    Martin, hearing that, hurried to the shower, and Marie read on while gently rubbing her clit and getting herself wet in preparation for her big hulk of a husband that would fill her insides and make her moan with pleasure.


    Morning, morning, morning…, Marie-Ann Loche said in greeting as she hurried to her office.

    Only hours before she had been the biggest freak between the sheets, now she was a woman of business with a no-nonsense attitude

    She and her husband had taken forty-five minutes to sexually explore each other. Martin had had her screaming with pleasure, not wanting her to wake up Miss Fisher, who was the nanny, and the kids. Martin had stuck his penis in her mouth to pacify her and let her suck it until he came, then they had went to bed.

    Marie woke up at six o’clock, showered, ate fried fritters and crispy fried bacon strips that Miss Fisher, who had been up all night listening to her screams, had made for her, then she kissed her still-sleeping sons good-bye and hugged and kissed Martin, who was getting ready to roll out of bed. Then she left the house at six forty-five with her coffee cup in hand and took ten minutes to get to the hospital that was only five minutes away from her house without traffic or the interruption of stoplights.

    Marie said morning to her lesbian secretary as she zipped by her and went into her office. She had a few 7:30 rounds to make, and she was right on schedule with twenty minutes to spare.

    She made herself comfortable behind her desk as she sipped her coffee and began to go through her early-morning files. Ten minutes went by and a knock sounded at the door.

    Doctor, these are your afternoon patients. Where do you want me to sit them?

    Just sit them on the chairs right there, Marie said, pointing to the chairs on the opposite side of her desk.

    Marie’s office was plain with only family pictures hanging behind her on the wall and on her desk. A file cabinet took up one side of the wall and a sofa on the other side that she used for her naps, and a coat rack was beside the door with her milk-white doctor’s coat hanging from it.

    How are you this morning, doc? the secretary asked.

    I’m fine, thank you, Mesha, Marie replied as she flipped through the files and signed her signature.

    Mesha stood there in her all-black nursing uniform looking down at Marie. She was about the same height as Marie which was about five foot eight inches, but she was a little more plump, and into the goth world with pale white skin, and hair, nails, and makeup jet black. Mesha thought it was cool, but Marie thought of her as eccentric.

    Marie looked up to see her looking at her with jet-black lustful eyes and asked, Can I help you with something else, Mesha?

    Oh no, doctor. I was wondering the same, she said with a smile that lit up her twenty-four-year-old face that made her look sixteen.

    No, that would be it, thank you, Marie said with a smile of her own.

    Okeydokey, Mesha said and walked out of the office.

    Marie shook her head and looked at her watch, saw it was 7:25, and decided to start her rounds. She drank the remainder of her coffee then fished the pack of Tic-Tac from her pants pocket and put two in her mouth. She then rose from her chair, opened her top desk drawer, and took out her stethoscope, placed it around her neck, then walked to the door and grabbed her coat from the coat hanger as she walked out the door.

    See you later, doctor, Mesha said with her eyes glued to Marie’s bottom as she fought to get her hand in the coat sleeve."

    Please page me if something important pops up, Marie said.

    I will, she replied and added, I’m gonna get you, doc. I can see it in your eyes that you want me to turn you out, she finished and watched as Marie disappeared into the flow of the early morning traffic that was moving to and fro in the hallways.

    Chapter 3

    Katie was still high from the incident that had taken place the night before in her living room. It had been one of the most unusual things that had ever happened to her, and deep down, she wouldn’t mind if the intruder once more held her at gunpoint and take her the way he did the night before, but she knew it wouldn’t happen again.

    Katie had dressed a little more provocatively this morning. She was feeling sexier than normal when she got up to get ready for work. She was dressed in a navy-blue-with-cream-pinstripes skirt suit that was tighter and shorter than her normal skirt suits. She wore a cream satin blouse, with six-inch red pumps and red lipstick to complement her shoes and to cover her bruised lip.

    Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail that enhanced her beautiful face with its high facial features that had a little makeup.

    Katie saw the lust in the men’s eyes when she entered the state attorney’s building—and the hate she saw on the women’s faces—and the thought that one of the men she worked with was the intruder who took her the night before got her so wet she had to clean herself up upon entering her office.

    The courtroom was also in awe when she entered. She had the two male bailiffs loose jawed, and her male and female coworkers, private attorneys, public defenders, inmates, and other court attendees were all watching her every move like a hawk getting ready to snatch up its prey. When the judge took the bench, he seemed normal until he called up her case and saw how sexy and seductive she looked when she rose from behind her desk and walked to the podium.

    The AM court docket was a short list being that it was a Friday. All the cases were only status hearings that the judge rescheduled at a later date before going into recess to prepare for PM court that had a few motions that he had to hear.

    Katie was packing away the morning files in a box when her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket. She pulled it out and retrieved the text that read See me in my chambers. Katie smiled an evil smile, finished packing away her files while making small talk with her peers, then hurried out the courtroom to Judge Lions’s chambers.

    The two had a short fling months before, but Judge Lions had put a stop to their affair without giving Katie a reason. Katie knocked on Judge Lions’s door, and she heard his gruff voice telling her to enter.

    Morning again. How can I help you? she asked when she entered.

    The chambers furniture was spotless and shining as if they had just been cleaned. Photos, university degrees, diplomas, and Army pictures lined the walls of the room, and comfortable leather chairs were strategically placed around the room.

    Judge Lions got up from his big oversized leather chair, leaned over, placed his hands on his shining pine wood desk, and said, Katie, what has gotten into you?

    Katie was surprised by the question but quickly recovered and said, What are you talking about, judge?

    Judge Lions was twenty years her senior with a crown of milk-white hair. He was a few inches taller than Katie and overweight for his height.

    You know exactly what I’m talking about. How dare you walk into my courtroom dressed like some tramp that’s, that’s—

    Oh Al, shut the hell up, she said, cutting him off midsentence. "This is what you called me for? I guess you forgot when we were both

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