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Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past
Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past
Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past
Ebook210 pages2 hours

Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past

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We live in a relativistic society, and many young people do not know what is true and acceptable anymore. Most just believe it is okay to do whatever one wishes. I think there is absolute truth, and it can be found in the Word of God. From my own experiences and study of Gods Word, I have attempted to explore stages of life from birth to death.

Your birth was special and ordained by God. It was a blessed day, but as you read this book you will discover it is not the best day of your life. God has designed a family in which you grow and develop through your childhood and teen years. He has given you parents to guide and direct you to become responsible adults. He has ordained marriage and given us the awesome privilege in assisting Him in his creative power as we bring children into this world.

In part two of the book I discuss your spiritual heritage, spiritual gifts, prayer, your body, your money, your human failings, and other topics. All these topics are from the perspective of the inspired Word of God.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 21, 2015
Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past

David W. Samuelson M.D.

David W. Samuelson was born and raised in the small town of Tchula, Mississippi. He received his BS degree from Mississippi State University in 1959 and his MD degree from the University of Mississippi in 1963. Postgraduate work was done at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. He practiced Internal Medicine with Rugeley and Blasingame Clinic, and later with South Texas Clinics, from 1967 until his retirement in 2004. He is a member and Sunday school teacher at Caney Creek Church in Wharton, Texas, and taught Wharton County Community Bible Study for 12 years. In 2004, along with his wife and others, he organized Habitat for Humanity of East Wharton County and currently serves as the Executive Director. He served two terms on the Wharton City Council and was elected Mayor in 2008. He has also been active in a local food bank and currently serves on the board of a local drug and alcohol rehab center. He has been married to his wife, Becky, for 53 years and has three children and 8 grandchildren. In his spare time he likes to work jigsaw puzzles, read and, of course, visit with his wonderful grandchildren and their parents.

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    Stages of Life - David W. Samuelson M.D.



    Wisdom from the Past

    David W. Samuelson M.D.


    Copyright © 2015 David W. Samuelson M.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® and NIV® are registered trademarks of Biblica, Inc. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica US, Inc.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1229-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1231-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1230-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914916

    WestBow Press rev. date: 9/21/2015





    Part 1: Stages of Life

    Chapter 1   How Did You Get Here?

    Chapter 2   Princesses, Legos, and Fire Trucks

    Chapter 3   What on Earth Is Happening to Me?

    Chapter 4   Those Turbulent Teen Years

    Chapter 5   Decisions, Decisions

    Chapter 6   Marriage: Blessings or Battleground?

    Chapter 7   Babies Are Arriving: Ready or Not!

    Chapter 8   Retired or Refocused?

    Chapter 9   Where Does It All End?

    Part 2: Wisdom for the Rest of Your Life

    Chapter 10   Celebrate Your Spiritual Heritage

    Chapter 11   Discover Your Spiritual Gift(s)

    Chapter 12   Spend Time in God’s Word

    Chapter 13   Talk to Your Heavenly Father

    Chapter 14   Take Care of God’s Temple

    Chapter 15   Manage Money Wisely

    Chapter 16   We All Mess Up Sometimes

    Chapter 17   Divine Appointments

    Chapter 18   How Did We Get into This Mess?

    Appendix A

    Appendix B



    This is quite a book. It covers advice on everything that began with a gleam in your Father’s eye to the last breath you’ll take in this world as we know it and the first new breath we’ll take in that world that we don’t, but hope and pray we will enter. David Samuelson, MD, Christian lay leader, has more degrees than a thermometer and gives an intellectual observation on how to live the good life and live it abundantly. Childhood, schooldays, college, professional life, marriage, kids, grandkids, retirement, spiritual guidance on cramming for the final exam, and some surprising stuff you would never expect—it’s all here, filled with stories and memories from seventy years of living, and he’s dying to share it with you. He may be wrong on a point here or there, but he’s never in doubt. I’m pretty sure Will Rogers will like him; so do I.

    —Doc Blakely, award-winning humorist,

    author, and columnist

    "Life is not easy! What if your learned and wise grandfather wrote you a letter about life and you could refer to that letter any time? Any time you need spiritual, practical, or just downright tried-and-true experience, you can just pick up that letter and refer to the part you know will encourage you when you need it. Well, here it is! Stages of Life: Wisdom from the Past is that letter. This book is great reading and great advice from the pen of a great man. I encourage everyone to read, enjoy, and apply the knowledge of Dr. Sam’s disambiguation to their lives so that knowledge can turn to wisdom also. It’s great when a pastor has someone in his congregation who uses his gifts for God’s glory and for everyone’s advantage."

    —Mickey Reynolds, pastor at Caney Creek Church

    As I read this book, two words continue to surface, faith and commitment. It is a letter of advice to his grandchildren, but more. It is a blueprint for anyone walking their daily journey of faith. Maybe it is even more the story of the life of Dr. David Samuelson throughout his life as a physician, a husband, a father and now a grandfather. His life as a neighbor, a friend and a community leader is inspiring to those of any age.

    Billie H. Jones, Civic Leader and

    Weekly Newspaper Columnist–-Wharton, Texas

    As a father, former high school teacher, and now adjunct faculty for both graduate and undergraduate classes at the college level, I recommend David’s book for invaluable lessons of life as each generation has the blessing and obligation to pass timeless truths on to succeeding generations. His casual, humble, and transparent manner in his writing encouraged, instructed, and enlightened me.

    Peter H. Johnston, M.B.A., J.D.

    East Bernard, Texas

    Dedicated to eight awesome grandchildren:









    You make me very proud to be called your PaPa. I love you more than you will ever know.

    In memory of my three brothers:

    Norman Wesley Samuelson Jr. (1926–2013)

    Leslie Alvin Samuelson (1930–1947)

    Melvyn Owen Samuelson Sr. (1932–2013)


    I never intended to write a book. The book you are holding began as a letter to my grandchildren. As I continued to write, the letter morphed into this book. It was impressed on me that its contents might benefit others. I wrote this book to share my experiences and things I have learned as I close out more than seven decades.

    My primary purpose in writing is the great concern I have for the influence of the media, government, educational institutions, and society in general on the younger generation. Is there any absolute truth anymore? I think there is, and I think it is found in the inspired Word of God. For that reason, you will find numerous biblical references throughout the book. So I suppose you could say Stages of Life—and Wisdom from the Past is written from a Christian and biblical perspective, and for that I have no apologies.

    The book is aimed at the younger generation. However, I do feel anyone will find something in its contents that at least stimulates their thinking and maybe affects their attitudes.

    Any comments are welcomed on my blog, I would love to hear from you.


    My father, Norman Wesley Samuelson Sr., wrote the poems in appendix A, and they are his without change. Some are humorous, but most contain more wisdom from the past.

    My sister, Rosemary Samuelson, wrote the introduction to our father’s poems.

    A young friend Samantha Beard typed my father’s poems into the manuscript, and for that I am very grateful.

    The poem Silence was written by another young friend Roy Grosser and is used with his permission.

    I am more than grateful for the suggestions and first editing from my wife and helpmate. I am also grateful she has allowed me to retreat into my man cave to work on this book and other projects.

    My daughter Julie Grosser has been a valuable resource with suggestions on font, style, and chapter headings. When struggling to find an image for the front cover of the book, my granddaughter Jenna Grosser got on the computer and found one in about 30 seconds. Thanks Julie and Jenna.

    I am eternally grateful for the publishing staff at WestBow Press. My first contact, Sarah Smith, has been of immeasurable assistance as my check-in coordinator. As one who has never published, I have been helped greatly by the editorial staff at WestBow Press who made many editorial suggestions that made the book more readable. Also, those responsible for actual production and marketing have been of great assistance. Without all these folks I doubt the book would have ever been published.

    Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.


    May I ask you some questions? Have you ever wondered about the events surrounding your birth? Surely you have dreamed about graduating from high school and heading off to college, trade school, or the job market. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be married and have children? If you’re young, you’ve probably never thought much about retirement. All these events and others are stages of life.

    In part 1 of Stages of Life—and Wisdom from the Past, I share with you events from birth to end of life. In doing so, I share personal experiences that will hopefully be helpful to you. As one closing out my seventh decade, I have experienced all the stages of life, except of course the last one, which I title Where Does It All End? I feel very qualified to help you understand these stages and give you some advice that will assist you as you travel down your life path.

    Part 2 is about a number of subjects that apply throughout all of your life, such as spending time in your Bible, spiritual heritage, prayer life, and human failings. In each section, I impart wisdom to help you as you maneuver through the stages of your life.

    As a disclaimer, I do not give you exhaustive advice on any subject. People much more qualified than I have already written good books on marriage, child-rearing, and the other subjects I have covered. What I give you are tidbits of information from my experiences that hopefully will assist you along the way.

    As a note to parents, I consider the contents appropriate for high school students. However, parents may want to review certain sections before younger children read the book. For example, in the section on teens, there is a discussion of teen sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Also, in the chapter about how we all mess up at times, there are discussions of homosexuality and abortion.

    The last chapter of the book is the part I enjoyed writing the least. As I read of the prophets of doom in the Old Testament, it is evident they were hated and ostracized. I suppose the same will apply to me. I feel that reality needs to set in, and we need to understand the decline of the United States and the reasons for that decline. I suppose that subject is one most young people—or anyone else, for that matter—are not interested in. I do, however, make an attempt to end that chapter on a positive note.

    For some this book will be a look back, for some it will be a look forward, and for some it will apply to where they are at the moment. Some might wish to pass on the information to their children and grandchildren.

    Many will take issue with some of the contents of this book. Well, while Will Rogers was known for the comment, I never met a man I didn’t like, I would say, I never met a man or woman I completely agreed with.

    Wisdom from the past is generally gleaned from mistakes of the past. As Uncle Ben says, We learn from failure much more than from success.¹

    When I attended public school in the forties and fifties, each report card contained a quote from the Bible: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom (Proverbs 4:7 KJV). Isn’t it amazing how something like that sticks in your mind after so many years? Makes one wonder what our world would be like if our children were taught a little bit of the Bible as part of their education.

    This book of wisdom is a combination of teaching, advice, and personal testimony. My hope and prayer is that some of my comments and experiences will be helpful to you as you experience the stages of your life. So let’s get started. Turn the page, and as you read, be reminded about the events surrounding your birth.

    It is the duty of the aged to give wise counsel to the younger.

    —Author unknown

    PART 1

    Stages of Life


    How Did You Get Here?

    Take a moment to think about the events surrounding your birth. Better yet, think about all the events that had to transpire prior to your birth. There are millions of things that did

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