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The Messenger's Rhyme
The Messenger's Rhyme
The Messenger's Rhyme
Ebook155 pages1 hour

The Messenger's Rhyme

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About this ebook

Written to evoke thought and intentional reading, timeless truths fill these pages, as well as probing questions of the heart. Inspired chiefly by the veracity of Scripture, this book sets verses to rhyme, brings out meaning in a personal way, and contains marked spiritual observations. As wide as the spectrum of human emotion, so the tone of each poem weaves its own individuality. There are poems of joy, sorrow, redemption, justice, and faith. The contouring line that binds this book together is its dependency upon experience through verity. Therefore, truth, no matter its form, remains the theme throughout the readers journey.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 16, 2015
The Messenger's Rhyme

Jeshua Screws

Jeshua Screws has a B.S. in Christian Ministry (with an emphasis in pastoral ministry) from Lee University, a M.A. in Christian Studies (with an emphasis in Christian leadership) from Grand Canyon University, and and a Master’s of Political Science from Auburn University Montgomery. He has been writing poetry for many years, using it as a tool to minister words of encouragement, life, and direction to others. He has been continually active in outreach and teaching ministry and has a heart to see Christians grow and mature through hands-on discipleship. He currently lives and works full-time as a missionary at a children’s home in central Alabama with his wife, Stacy, and two daughters, Hadassah and Havilah.

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    The Messenger's Rhyme - Jeshua Screws

    Copyright © 2015 Jeshua Screws.

    Cover Art: Nikki Jo Shively

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    CHRISTIAN REFLECTIONS by CS Lewis © copyright CS Lewis Pte Ltd 1967, 1980.

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8507-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8508-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909730

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/16/2015



    Eternal Glory

    Biblical Portraits

    God Said…


    Kiss the Son

    Man of Honor

    Sweeter Than Honey

    My Shepherd

    The Voice of the LORD

    Remember Me

    Waters of Renewal

    Safe and Secure

    Heritage of the LORD

    Virtuous Woman

    A Time for Everything

    Send Me

    Lucifer’s Fall

    I am He

    Suffering Servant

    The Fast That I Have Chosen


    The Potter’s House

    The Lament


    Bad Shepherds

    Dry Bones

    Yahweh in the Midst

    The Day is Coming

    Kingdom Living

    Cross of Separation

    Sheep and Goats

    Word and Light

    Bread of Life

    Go and Sin No More


    Unnatural Desire

    Judgment of God

    Faith to Rejoice


    Freedom from Sin

    Freedom from the Law

    Freedom from the Flesh


    To Eat or Not to Eat

    A House Divided

    Without Love



    Law and Promise


    Fruit of the Spirit


    All in All

    Knit Together

    Walk in Wisdom

    Marriage of Love

    Armor of God

    Humble Unity

    Name Above All

    The Prize


    The Visible Image

    Established in the Faith

    Holy People


    Sound Character

    Heirs of Grace

    Loving Request

    Milk and Solid Food


    Tongue of Fire

    Friends of the World


    Friends of the World

    Inspirational Verse

    A Mother’s Smile


    Blood Stained Hands

    Born to Die



    Closer Than a Brother

    Consuming Fire

    Dishonest Scales

    Empty Womb



    Hands that Shed Innocent Blood

    His Face

    How Old Am I

    Instrument of Praise

    Joy Unspeakable



    Mouth of Babes

    My Provider

    Nabiy (Prophets)

    Not Ashamed

    On My Knees

    Out of Joint



    Reduce Me to Love

    Rose of Sharon

    Set the Captives Free


    Still Small Voice

    The Book

    The Gift Rarely Chosen

    The Sacred Dance

    Wandering Eye

    Wholly Committed

    Zeal Hath Consumed Me

    Individual Edification

    A Star

    A Symbol


    Fathers’ Joy

    Gentle Ruler

    Gracious Lamb

    Heart of Compassion

    Holy Declaration



    Purely Spoken

    Resurrection Life



    Son of a Champion

    Valiant Protector

    White Roses

    Who is Like God?



    An author should never conceive himself as bringing into existence beauty or wisdom which did not exist before, but simply and solely as trying to embody in terms of his own art some reflection of eternal Beauty and Wisdom.

    All the greatest poems have been made by men who valued something else much more than poetry.

    C.S. Lewis, Christianity Reflections

    It is true that poetry expresses itself on a different level than other genres. There is something delightfully unique about its harmonic qualities. And it is through the lines of its beautiful symmetry that a poet’s heart is truly revealed.

    All of the poems in this collection were divinely inspired by Yahweh Himself. Without His revelational and literary direction I truly believe I would be lost. Every line was carefully crafted by His hand, and it is because of this I know that every word in these pages bear His personal imprint, thus making each poem special to me, and I hope to you as well.

    Eternal Glory

    Unending and immeasurable is the vastness of Christ’s eternal glory

    It far extends the limited constructs of time

    And exceeds our most clever and imaginative thoughts

    But concealed within its domain lies the recesses of all life

    This eternal glory, which no one can apart from Him obtain, exists everlasting.

    Eternity is placed in the heart of man,

    And without end he seeks to reach it;

    Whether it be by external or internal means

    Self-contained in Him is this excellence of which I speak

    Only through acceptance can one embrace it.

    Looking past the shadows and into the deepest of space

    Going beyond the now and into the real—casting of restraint

    Acknowledging only what is true—clinging tightly

    This weight that is worn so lightly, this glory which never fades

    This life so freely imparted, in Him fully remains

    It exceeds our expectations and puts all doubt to rest

    Making a mockery of fear and failure—eternal life at its best

    Salvation, Redemption, Purpose, and Power; culminating in glorification,

    Divinely constructed—Divinely accomplished,

    By the One who is highly exalted.

    He hath set the world in their heart (Eccl. 3:11b).

    Biblical Portraits


    The poems in this section are labeled Biblical Portraits because each one is directly based on the passage of Scripture referenced at the bottom of each page. Yahweh placed this form of inspiration on my heart several years back and He has continued to speak to me in this area ever since.

    Because of the awesome message of His Word it is easy to find inspiration in it. When you read these poems it will be helpful to read the Scripture passage first, read the poem, and then read the passage again. It is amazing how the Word comes alive in a new way when it is put to rhyme.

    God Said…

    In the beginning God Created

    All life He initiated

    His Spirit on the waters brewed

    He spoke a word and light ensued

    The name He gave to light

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