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Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life: Volume 1:Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ufo Writings
Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life: Volume 1:Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ufo Writings
Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life: Volume 1:Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ufo Writings
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Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life: Volume 1:Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ufo Writings

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Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life is a travel in time to where it all began. The book shows that the Creator Yahweh was in full communication with his earliest created people, the Igbos, who lived his culture of life. God shares one language with the Igbos, through which he gave them the enlightenment of civilization for humanity. This civilization was documented in the Igbo pictographic writings called hieroglyphics, which have remained unknown until this first ever exposition by this book. It traces this history from the earliest (pictographic) writings dating back 400,000 years ago in the caves in present-day Gabon, the rock paintings in the Sahara desert dating back 45,000 B.C., and in the Chauvet caves in France dating back 35,000 B.C.

The hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt are, for the first time, explained in their original Igbo language with English translations. The original Igbo text of the Holy Scriptures is unveiled in a manner that brings true contextual understanding of the teachings of the prophets and the gospels. Using ethno-linguistics, anthropology, and archaeology, the exact origins of ancient biblical Israel was uncovered with specific names and locations of all the Jewish towns and villages as they existed then and to the present day in Igbo land, Nigeria. The location of the palace of King David and King Solomons temple are revealed to exist in Owerri, Imo State. The exact place of the birth of Jesus Christthe place where he lived, worked, was crucified, and buriedare all uncovered in this book. The discovery of highly developed Igbo technologies in ancient Egypt that were looted by Napoleon in 1799 and now used for reverse engineering to obtain many of the present day technologies including electric battery, aircraft systems, Space Shuttle, submarines, helicopters and others are demonstrated.

The origin of the Igbos of Europe, China, and the Americas are unveiled. The UFOs writings obtained at Roswell in hieroglyphics were explained and the author postulates a fascinating hypothesis that, there are Igbos in another nearby galaxy! The book illustrates the intensifying struggle from the beginning of time between Gods Culture of Life and the Culture of Death. The book traces the prolife struggle against the Culture of Death, which though very much apparent in our time, has never eclipsed the enlightenment of the civilization of the Culture of Life. This book has fundamentally rewritten the World History as we know it. The book claims that, the Igbos are the chosen people of God. The Igbos civilized the world as Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the Kings of ancient Israel, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, Etruscans, Iberians, Carthaginians, Mayans, Olmecs, ancient Chinese, ancient Russians, Babylonians and Jewish authors of the Holy Bible. The spread of the Culture of Life provoked persecution and genocide against Igbos to this day. This is a Great Book of the Secrets of World Civilization. Read it!
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 19, 2015
Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life: Volume 1:Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ufo Writings

Philip Chidi Njemanze

Academician Prince Dr. Philip Njemanze MD (Hons) was born on March 15, 1962, at Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, in the family of the Njemanze Royal Dynasty. He went to school at St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Owerri. His secondary education was at Government Secondary School, Owerri. In 1986, he completed his medical education at Rostov State University Medical School, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. From 1986 to 1992, he undertook postgraduate training and fellowships in neurosurgery, neurology, and angiology at Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich, Germany, Guy’s Hospital London, and Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA. In 1992, he became an assistant research professor at Souers Stroke Institute, St Louis Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Among the remarkable developments of his postgraduate studies was the first in literature description of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phase-contrast technique for examining cerebrospinal fluid pulsatile flow in the brain. He also described the first detailed hemodynamic study of the human brain using Fourier analysis of the flow velocity envelope in cerebral arteries. In 1991, he pioneered the brain cognitive studies of language localization using noninvasive transcranial Doppler ultrasound. He performed neurocardiology studies on brain-heart relationships and was first to describe the cerebrovascular changes during fainting spells that were not accompanied by blood pressure drop. In 1995, as one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, he was selected on a competitive basis to join with other neuroscientists from USA, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, and Italy to design the experiments to study the brain in space. This was a program of the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) mandated by the United States Congress in the Decade of the Brain. He was one of the pioneers of cognitive neuroscience in space. He was first to demonstrate facial processing, motor processing, color processing, and intelligence processing on earth and in space. In 2005, he was first to postulate the theory of lateralization of general intelligence in the right brain in men but in the left brain in women. This has since been confirmed by other leading neuroscientists. In 2010, he postulated the Light Theory of Cerebral of Asymmetry of Brain Function, which unified fundamental quantum physics, neurobiology, genetics, evolution, social and psycho-physiology on the basis of gender complementarity. He has over two hundred published works, including two dozen US and UK patents. He is married to Mrs. Felicia Njemanze and has three children: Nkem, Chidi, and Odera. Some references: See more citations at 1. AJNR 10:77–80, 1989. 2. Brain & Lang 41:367–380, 1991. 3. Stroke 22:721–726, 1991. 4. Stroke 23:1743–1749, 1992. 5. Can J. Cardiol 9:238–242, 1993. 6. Brain & Lang 53:315–325, 1996. 7. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61:356–360, 1999. 8. J Gravit Physiol 9(1): 33–34, 2002. 9. Aviat Space & Environ Med 75(9):800–805, 2004. 10. Brain & Lang 92(3): 234–349, 2005. 11. Laterality 12(1): 31–41, 2007. 12. Exp & Transl Stroke Med 3:1, 2011.

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    Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life - Philip Chidi Njemanze

    Copyright © 2015 by Philip Chidi Njemanze MD.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015908500

    ISBN:      Hardcover       978-1-4990-9712-2

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    Rev. date: 11/17/2015







    Preface Pro-life Theology, Medicine, Population, and Environment

    i. The Title of This Book

    ii. Introduction to Igbo Pictographic Writing

    iii. Drama Divina in Jerusalem

    iv. Letter to the Second Special Assembly for Africa

    v. Pro-Life Theology

    v.a. The Rosary and Contraception

    v. b. Original Sin

    v.c. The Eucharist – God’s Plan for Reconciliation and Restoration

    v.d. The Eucharist and Chastity

    v.e. The Heavenly Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist – An Earthly Reality

    v.f. The Eucharist and the Plight of the Unborn Child

    v.g. The Cross and Contraception

    v.h. The Snake on a Staff of Aesculapius – A Symbol of Modern Medicine

    v.i. Effects of Contraceptives and Copper-T on Humans and the Environment

    v.j. The Way of the Cross – Drama Divina

    v.k. Fourteen Steps of the Stations of the Cross Simulate the Partial Abortion Procedure

    v.l. Judgment of Jesus and the Unborn

    v.m. Mother Mary – Patroness of Pro-Life Campaign

    v.n. Eschatological Re-enactment of the Passion of Christ as the Passion of the Unborn

    v.o. Sexual Revolution at Root of Sin and Death

    v.p. Christian Family Values and Enculturization

    v.q. A New World Order of Globalization

    v.r. The Current End-time War

    v.s. The War Against the Embryo of Jesus Christ

    v.t. The War Against the Little Ones – ‘Embryos’

    v.u. The Destruction of Modern-Day Babylon

    v.v. Timing of Events

    v.w. The Prophecies in Revelations. Facts or Fiction?

    v.x. Poverty Wins Over Greed

    v.y. Charity in Poverty the Precursor to Abundance

    v.z. Catholic Banking – ‘No Interest’ Microfinance Bank for the Poor

    v.aa. Assistance to the Physically and Mentally Challenged Assistance to the Widows and Orphans Catholic Youth Assistance Programs

    v.dd. Assistance in Teenage Pregnancy A New World Financial Order

    v.ff. The Church in Africa and the Press

    vi. Pro-Life Medicine

    vi.a. Foreign Aid and Development in Africa

    vi.b. Contraception and HIV/AIDS Prevention

    vi.c. Africa Needs to Educate Women not Abortion to Reduce Maternal Mortality

    vi.d. The Economic Consequence: More Abortions More Poverty in Europe

    vii. Recommendations Of The Aaac Council To World Leaders

    vii.a. Measures for HIV/AIDS Prevention

    vii.b. Dismantling Aid Programs Based on Contraception

    vii.c. Dismantling Aid Programs for So-called Safe Abortion

    vii.d. Climate Change and Ecological Carbon Exchange Market Replaces Foreign Aid

    vii.e. Micro-credit Loans for African Women – A Valid Strategy for HIV Prevention

    vii.f. Dismantling Foreign Aid for Population Growth Control

    vii.g. Averting the Social and Economic Consequences of Abortion.

    vii.h. National Ethics and Moral Commission

    vii.i. Protection of Life from Stem Cell Level to Full Human Development

    vi.j. Ethical Use of Vaccines for Disease Prevention

    vi.k. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)

    vi.l. Vaccine Solvents Tween 80 and Squalene as Potent Infertility Agents

    vii.m. Protection of Culture and Religion Using National Ethical Code of Conduct

    vii.n. Population Density and Per Capita Income

    vii.o. Philanthropy as Cover-up for Biotechnological Warfare Against Africa

    vii.p. Stakeholder rebuttals on the National Health Act 2014

    vii.q. Stakeholders’ Rebuttals on the Biosafety Law 2015

    viii. Gender Complementarity – Dogma or Science?

    viii.a. Gender and Hemispheric Advantage

    viii.b. Implications of Scientific Advances in Gender Neurobiology

    ix. Population And Environment

    x. Climate Change Conflicts in Africa and New Europe in Africa

    xi. Estrogen and the Environment

    Introduction: The Ancient Igbo Civilizations

    I.1 The Fall of the Igbo World and Rise of Paganism

    I.2. The Non-Igbo World of Today

    I.3. My Confession

    I.4. Igbos as Consecrated Priests

    I.5. Who Is My Neighbour?

    I.6. The World Must Discover Its Igbo Origin To Save Humanity

    I.7. Liberation of the World

    I.8. Fulfilment of Authentic Church Teachings

    I.9. God’s Covenant with David

    I.10. The Promise Is Identical With Its Fulfilment

    I.11. No New Revelations, the Old Is Better Understood

    I.12. The Igbo-Jewish Calendar

    I.13. The Church and State of Israel

    I.14. The Mission of St Pope John Paul II

    I.15. The Church in Owerri, Iyī e rusala m

    I.16. We Are Justified by Faith

    I.17 Abrahamic Genetic Haplotype

    I.18. The Vatican – Israel Diplomacy

    I.19. The Church on Israeli Claims to Jerusalem

    I.20. Igbo Meaning of ‘Son of Man’

    I.21. Other Igbo Expressions Lost in Translation

    I.22. The Divine Names of God

    I.23. Teachings of Jesus in Igbo Expressions

    I.24. Is Jesus Christ the Lamb of God?

    I.25. Igbo Object Form Writings About Jesus

    I.26. Church Choruses Corrected

    I.27. The Mistaken Names of Places

    I.28. The Birthplace of Christ Jesus Revealed

    I.29. Christ’s Life, Death, and Resurrection in the Passion of the Unborn Child

    I.30. Getting It Right with Bible Translation

    Chapter 1 Igbo Origins of Human Civilization

    1.1. Adam and Eve, the First Igbo Family

    1.2. Igbos Are Descendants of Abraham

    1.3. Garden of Eden in the Rift Valley of African Great Lake Region

    1.4. A Revisit of the Original Sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

    1.5. The Pro-life Igbo Family, the Church, and the Eucharist

    1.6 The Oldest Igbo Woman as Ancestor of Humankind, ‘Omu’ – Queen Mother

    1.7. The Ante-Deluvian Humankind and the Second Pro-Life Covenant – Do Not Kill

    1.8. Post-Deluvian Genealogy

    Chapter 2 Original Igbos of the Early Human Family

    2.1. The Genetic Basis mtDNA puzzle – Eve: The Igbo Mother of Humanity

    2.2. The Genealogy of the Nations from Noah

    2.3. Descendants of Noah

    2.4. Descendants of Japheth

    2.7. The Second Generation Descendants of Japheth

    2.8. Descendants of Gomar

    2.9 Descendants of Javan

    2.10 The Genealogy of the Second Generation Semites

    2.11 The Descendants of Aram

    2.12 The Descendants of Arphachshad

    2.13. The Genealogy of the Nations from Shelah

    2.14 The Descendants of Eber

    2.16 The Descendants of Joktan

    2.17 The Genealogy of the Nations from Ham

    2.18 The Descendants of Cush

    2.19 The Descendants of Egypt

    2.20 The Descendants of Canaan

    2.21 The Genealogy of the Nations from Third Generation Hamites

    2.22 The Descendants of Ramaah

    2.23 The Migration of the Aka Pygmies to Igbo Land in West Africa

    2.24 The Pygmies at the Cradle of Civilization – Aka Nri

    2.25 Egyptian God Bes

    Chapter 3 Igbo Invention of Writing

    3.1 The Beginning of Written Knowledge

    3.2 Rock Paintings in the Sahara Desert

    3.3. Grimaldi, the Ancient Igbos

    3.4. Guide to Reading Igbo Pictographic Writings

    3.5. Colour Coding in Igbo Sculptural and Pictographic Writings

    3.6. Igbo Anatomic Writing

    3.7. Igbo Numerology Writing

    3.8. Igbo Animal Onomastic Writing

    3.9. Igbo Object Onomastic Writing

    3.10. Grimaldi Paintings

    3.10.1. Grimaldi Painting on Conflict Resolution

    3.11. Igbo Origins of Europe

    3.12. Grimaldi Paintings on Penitential Rites in Chauvet Cave, France

    3.13. Venus of Wellendorf

    3.14. Population Genetic Studies of Early Humans

    3.15 Religious, Archaeological, and Bio-cultural Models of Igbo Worldview

    3.16. The Igbo Light to the World

    3.17. Igbo Ukwu Gender Complementarity

    3.18. Igbo Ukwu Family

    3.19. Igbo Rock Paintings on Ikom Monoliths

    3.20. Igbo Uli and Ichi Rock Writings

    3.21. Igbo Sculptural Writing in the Time of Jesus Christ

    3.22. Aka Ikenga madu

    3.23. Ancient Igbo Writing System

    3.24. Nsibiri Igbo Pictographic Writing

    1.25. Anaforuana

    3.26. Ukara Cloth, akwa Ụka Orie, Meaning ‘Lamentations at the Church of the Almighty God’

    3.27. Ukara Cloth, akwa Ụka Orie, with Nsibiri Writings on Prayers Through Our Lady You Tell

    About The Author




    Figure I. The Rosary. The Rosary as the anti-dote to contraception.

    Figure II. Copper-T and contraceptive pills.

    Figure III. Staff of Aesculapius, Copper-T, and symbol of medicine.

    Figure IV. The Trilogy (Igbo language: atọ a rị elu ogu Ya, meaning three persons placed on top of stump by God) and Copper-T.

    Figure Va. The front and back pages of flyer for 14 February 2008 AAAC 40 Million Peoples’ March for Life.

    Figure Vb. Partial-birth abortion and Stations of the Cross.

    Figure VI. Contraceptive use and HIV prevalence.

    Figure VII. MMR and contraceptive prevalence.

    Figure VIII. MMR and per capita.

    Figure IX. HIV/AIDS prevalence and per capita income.

    Figure X. Per capita income and abortion rate.

    Figure XI. Ipas MVA plus used for abortion.

    Figure XIIa. The map of Africa in relation to USA, China, India, Europe, Japan, Mexico, and others combined.

    Figure XIIb. Population density and GDP per capita income (PPP).

    Figure XIII. Lateralization in men and women during intelligence tasks.

    Figure. XIV. Colour space in men and women.

    Figure XV. Map of Holy sites in Owerri. Comparison of distances in Israel and Igbo land.

    Figure 1. The Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

    Figure 2. Map of Africa showing early migration to and from the Promised Land.

    Figure 3. Map of Africa showing the migration along the great rivers.

    Figure 4. The descendants of Noah.

    Figure 5. Descendants of Japhet.

    Figure 6. The genealogy of the second generation Semites.

    Figure 7. The descendants of Shelah.

    Figure 8. The descendants of Ham.

    Figure 10. Migration of Igbos to many parts of the world.

    Figure 11. Igbo Ichi and Uli writings at Nyero Cave near Kumi, Uganda

    Figure 12. The locations of Igbo Aka Nri pygmies and other African pygmies.

    Figure 13. Igbo Aka Nri Pygmy.

    Figure 14. Ark of the Covenant.

    Figure 15a. Egyptian God Bes.

    Figure 15b. Egyptian God Bes in another rendition.

    Figure 16. Grimaldi skeletons.

    Figure 17A-C. Garammantes Igbo pictographic writing.

    Figure 18. Deciphering the Grimaldi rock paintings.

    Figure 19. Parts of ten bulls in the Chauvet cave, Southern France, 32,000 BC

    Figure 20. Venus Of Willendorf.

    Figure 21. Igbo Ukwu Bronze Serpent.

    Figure 22. Igbo Ukwu Bronze Coils.

    Figure 23. Menorah and Ichi.

    Figure 24. Gender complementarity.

    Figure 25. Igbo Ukwu Family.

    Figure 26. Ikom Monolith.

    Figure 27. Igbo Uli and Ichi rock writings.

    Figure 28. Ikenga.

    Figure 29. Igbo writings at Serabit el-Khadim.

    Figure 30. Anaforuana.

    Figure 31a. Ukara, Nsibidi writing.

    Figure 31b. Ukara prayers through Our Lady you tell.


    Table 1. Igbo language origins of words for body parts in English and German.

    Table 4 (pages 1–3). Population density and GDP per capita.

    Table 2. RHI database from WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS for Africa, 2006.

    Table 3. The list of European countries with percentage of legally aborted pregnancies and per capita income.

    Table 5. The word ‘God’ in different languages take their common origin in Igbo language.

    Table 6. The Igbo meaning of ‘faith’ in different languages.

    Table 7. The Igbo meaning of ‘neighbour’ in different languages.

    Table 8. The Igbo meaning of ‘love’ in different languages.

    Table 9. The Igbo meaning of the word ‘person’ in other languages.

    Table 10. The Igbo-Jewish Weekdays and Gregorian Calendar in Igbo language

    Table 11. Igbo Colorimetric writing.

    Table 12. Igbo Anatomic Writing

    Table 13. Igbo Numerology Writing.

    Table 14. Igbo Animal Onomastic Writing.

    Table 15. Igbo Object Onomastic Writing.

    Audio and Video Links

    1. Soundtrack for the Song of Our Lady of Guadalupe is given as a link for free download

    2. Video of the Stations of the Cross is given as a link for free download

    3. Video DVD documentary on this book is given at the links:

    Volume 1:

    Volume 2:

    Volume 3:

    Igbo Mediators of YaHWeH Culture of Life

    Volume I: Learn to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs and UFO Writings

    Igbo people were Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Kings of Ancient Israel, Phoenicians, Greeks, Etruscans, Iberians, Carthaginians, Ugaritians, Lemnians, Mayans, Olmecs, Ancient Chinese, Extraterrestrials in UFOs, Babylonians, and Jewish authors of the Holy Bible.

    Igbos built the pyramids and invented electricity, computer, automobile, airplane, helicopter, and submarine.

    Igbo Orie – Mediators of Almighty God. The Chosen People of God!

    YaHWeH, Ya IHo WIHe, meaning,

    ‘God, the Divine Light that enlightens’.

    By World-Acclaimed Space Scientist Philip Chidi Njemanze, MD


    To all the more than 30 billion unborn children and others who continue to lose their lives to contraception, abortion, and embryonic stem cell research.

    To my unborn brothers and sisters frozen in time in the cold storage facilities of in–vitro fertilization clinics around the world.

    To my mother, Lady (Aux) Maria-Celine Ihenacho, and my sisters, Mrs Patricia Ijewere and Mrs Evangeline Ebasa, all of blessed memory. To my father, Sir Charles Ihenacho (KSJ), for the lesson on integrity and hard work.

    To my wife, Felicia, and children, Michelle Nkem, Philip Chidi Jr., and Nicole Odera, for their love and support in the fight for the Sanctity of Life.

    To my fellow Pro-lifers whose relentless battle for the Sanctity of Life has been pivotal to keeping the killing of the unborn child illegal around the world.

    About Egypt, God said,

    [Isaiah 19:25] The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, ‘Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.’


    Our pro-life war against abortion, contraception, human egg trafficking for embryonic stem cell research, and human organ trafficking commenced on 26 June 2006 with the establishment of African Anti-Abortion Coalition (AAAC) and globalized into a network of pro-life organisations on 7 July 2008 with the establishment of the Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) including both Christian and Muslim organisations collaborating on issues of Life, founded by Academician Prince Dr Philip Njemanze, who became the first international chairman. Why the globalization? The starting point of the AAAC was to go to the local church. However, the truth was that the mission was too enormous to be under the purview of the local church and local authorities and hence the initial lack of enthusiasm with the project. I realised that the words of the Holy Scriptures have been fulfilled [John 1:11]: He came to his own people but they rejected him. This meant that we would experience the same rejection and resistance from our own people as Jesus Christ (Hebrew: יְהוֹשׁוּעַ; Transliteration: Yĕhowshuwa; Yeshua; Yasus; Jesus; Igbo language: Ya shị ụwa or Ya si ọsa, meaning ‘God from the world’ or ‘God from the masses’; Christ; Igbo language: Chi Orie sị e tii, meaning, ‘the God that the Almighty God said should be put in place’) and the Apostles. The name of Jesus (Igbo language: Ya shị ụwa or Ya si ọsa, meaning ‘God from the world’ or God from the masses’) was in response to the request by the Children of Israel to raise someone from among them [Deuteronomy 18:18]: I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people. Even though times have changed, the human consciousness remains frozen in time. The same Jews of the time of Jesus Christ (Hebrew: יְהוֹשׁוּעַ; Transliteration: Yĕhowshuwa; Yeshua; Yasus; Jesus; Igbo language: Ya shị ụwa or Ya si ọsa, meaning ‘God from the world’ or ‘God from the masses’; Christ; Igbo language: Chi Orie sị e tii, meaning, ‘the God that the Almighty God said should be put in place’) remain in the same mode of character. We were then obliged to take the exact same exemplary steps as the Saints (Igbo language: sa a na-at, meaning ‘people that are used as examples’) and Apostles (Igbo language: apa Ose a tụal, meaning, ‘the converters of unbelievers in Almighty God’) [Acts 13:46]: Then Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly and declared, ‘It was necessary that we first preach the word of God to you Jews. But since you have rejected it and judged yourselves unworthy of eternal life, we will offer it to the Gentiles.’

    We then wrote to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and to all the bishops of Catholic dioceses all over the world and began our globalized campaign within and outside the Universal Church to this day. Since it was founded, the GPA has been on the forefront of the War Against the Culture of Death. The American congressman Chris Smith, from New Jersey, was one of the first international guests to make a presentation to us Pro-lifers in Nigeria on 23 February 2007 at the Pan-African University, Lagos, and provided insightful legislative underpinnings of the Maputo Protocol. Congressman, Chris Smith acknowledged reading in the Nigerian newspaper Champion about the First African Anti-Abortion Coalition (AAAC), One Million Peoples’ March for Life on 14 February 2007, particularly in Owerri, Lagos, and Umuahia.

    I wish to thank my fellow Nigerian Pro-lifers, particularly, Barr Sonnie Ekwowusi, Dr Nkechi Asogwa, Dr Obi Ideh, Theresa Okafor, Barr Ike Nnadozie, Dr Henrietta Williams, Dr Emmanuel Okechukwu, Prof. Michael C. Asuzu, Dr Enoma Bazuaye, Dr Regina Akosa, and Jerry Okwuosa, who all made it possible for us to organise ourselves into a formidable force under the leadership of Jesus Christ (Hebrew: יְהוֹשׁוּעַ; Transliteration: Yĕhowshuwa; Yeshua; Yasus; Jesus; Igbo language: Ya shị ụwa or Ya si ọsa, meaning ‘God from the world’ or ‘God from the masses’; Christ; Igbo language: Chi Orie sị e tii, meaning, ‘the God that the Almighty God said should be put in place’).

    I hereby express my special gratitude to my brother, Prince Vince Njemanze, and my sister, the late Lady Princess Patricia Ijewere, who helped me in the organisation of the First African Anti-Abortion Coalition (AAAC) March for Life in Owerri and Lagos, Nigeria, on 14 February 2007. Prince Vince Njemanze worked with me to design and print all anti-abortion posters, brochures, banners, conference proceedings, including the cover and image presentations in this book. I thank my staff and students, particularly, Adaeze Chukwu, Esther Igwe, Praise Ijezie, Adanna Ako, Ekeoma Ekeocha, Clara Ofoegbu, Ngozi Nwachukwu, Stella Ugo, Gina Ibechukwu, Constance Peters, Dr Ozioma Maduka, Onyinyechi Akagha, Ola Ukanacho, Queen Onyeneke, Chigozie Mbaegbu, Ndubuisi Ajumole, Chidimma Clara Onyeka, Ngozi Rita Onuoha, Ogechi Maureen Nwozuzu, Amarachi Mirian Ibekwe, and others who tirelessly made thousands of photocopies of hardcopy materials and emails we sent around the world. Our special prayers for the fallen pro-life activists, particularly, Lady Princess Patricia Ijewere and Mrs Catherine Hoomkwap. Mrs Catherine Hoomkwap organised our pro-life visit to the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where we had the opportunity to talk with the senators on the need for Nigeria to refrain from cooperation with the UN CEDAW and Maputo Protocol. I also express my deep appreciation to Obianuju Ekeocha, Christopher H. Smith, Brian Clowes, Patrick Buckley, Kenneth Dernovsek, John Smeaton, Antonia Tully, Fr Peter Wojnarowski, Dr Dana Scallon, George Wirnkar and his EWTN Global Catholic Network team who came to the International Prolife Conference, at the Ecumenical Centre, Abuja (5–6 June 2014) organised by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) under the able leadership of Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, Archbishop of Jos Diocese, and his team, CBCN Secretary Fr Raphael Madu and Health Director Dr Emmanuel Okechukwu. We Pro-lifers owe a lot of gratitude to the support of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) for their very proactive role in our pro-life fight against the Culture of Death in Nigeria and around the world.

    I wish to thank His Excellency President Dr Goodluck Jonathan for his initial patriotic leadership, demonstrated by not assenting to the National Health Bill (NHB) 2008 and the Genetically Modified Organisms and Biosafety Bill 2011. Regrettably, he has signed both laws with the same defects as in the original versions of the laws. Both the NHB and GMOs Biosafety bills sponsored by the biotechnology conglomerates sought to institutionalize Biological Colonialism by legalizing human ovarian egg trafficking from Nigeria to Western countries for embryonic stem cell research. Over 100 million ovarian eggs from at least 10 million Nigerians were to be harvested with dangerous and fatal health consequences for poor Nigerian women. Unfortunately, the resolve of President Jonathan did not endure the enormous pressures of international interests to sign the National Health Bill 2014 (NHB 2014). The assented version of NHB 2014, now called National Health Act 2014 (NHA 2014), legalizes human ovarian egg and human organ trafficking. The Donor Consent Clause Protection for gametes (eggs and sperms) and human organs for transplantation (Sections 48 and 51) were surreptitiously removed. The legalization of human ovarian egg trafficking occurred on the backdrop of illegal ovarian egg trafficking trade and racketeering by licensed in–vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics in Nigeria. Nigeria has the infamous first place in the world in human ovarian egg trafficking, a role highlighted in a report to the European Parliament on 30 March 2006 by Jana Tutkova.

    The biotechnology conglomerates financed terrorism in Nigeria and across Africa to forcefully replace all African staple foods with GMOs (deceptively called improved seedlings) so that they could eventually introduce ‘ovarian egg for food programme’ as a means to obtain the ovarian eggs they need to perfect therapeutic cloning procedures. The biotechnology companies funded the terrorist group Boko Haram to kidnap the Chibok girls from North-eastern Nigeria not just as a means to add pressure on the federal government of Nigeria but also used young girls for poaching of ovarian eggs. We must continue to fight until embryonic stem cell research, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, ovarian egg and human organ poaching are banned completely in every country in the world. Even when we lose specific battles, we must take courage because we are winning the war!

    We thank His Excellency, Distinguished Senator David Mark, and members of the Senate for listening to our petitions and standing firm on the ban of same-sex unions. The position of Nigeria, Uganda, and other African countries was truly based on the scientific evidence that marriage was founded on gender complementarity based on neuro-biology and as well as on socio-cultural development. The National Assembly (NASS) erred in passing the NHB 2014, which was a serious blunder. However, the true test of a sincere act of contrition is the repeal of the bad sections of the NHA 2014. We must pay watchful attention to the attempt by international anti-life organisations to smuggle abortion and same-sex marriage into the New Draft Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. To this effect, we filed a lawsuit at the Federal High Court Owerri (Suit No. FHC/OW/CS/81/2015).

    The Holy Catholic Church has supported the fight of Pro-lifers in Africa against abortion, contraception, and embryonic stem cell research. I must express my due appreciation to Most Rev. Anthony J. V. Obinna, Archbishop of Owerri Archdiocese, whose insightful leadership role and work with us Pro-lifers stopped the legalization of abortion in Imo State by the Imo House of Assembly by a mass demonstration held on Monday, 1 June 2009. The day Monday (Hebrew: Yom Sheni (Hebrew: יום שני); Igbo language: Orie, meaning, 'the day He was offered to Almighty God') is of special significance. The Women’s Reproductive Rights Bill was sponsored by Hon. John Chukwuemeka Egbuchulam. The bill’s passage was allegedly financially induced by the international anti-life organisations under a grant from a major foundation in the United States of America.

    All the anti-life bills were passed under deceptive titles. They all signify a pivotal moment in the unraveling of the end-time events with all its labels and imageries. The end-time events must take place in the Ancient City of Jerusalem (Igbo language: iyī e rusala m, meaning ‘evil should not touch me’) as the seat of the Temple of God. The ‘evil’ in the name is the ‘killing of the child’. The Ancient City of Jerusalem, I will show later, is in the location of the present-day Owerri City, Imo State, Nigeria. This is the theatre of the Drama Divina (Divine Drama) in the end-time!

    The end-time events began with the passage of the Gender and Equal Opportunities, Imo State Law No. 7, by the Imo State House of Assembly under the Speaker Rt. Hon. (Barr) K. K. Nwagwu and Clerk of the House Mr Emmanuel Ngozi Ibekwe. The assent was by Governor Achike Udenwa on 25 May 2007. This Imo State Law No. 7 legalized abortion, same-sex marriage, prohibition of use of the Holy Bible and Holy Koran in schools, banned Catholic priesthood being exclusive for men, traditional monarchy exclusive for men, limited family size, and violated Igbo inheritance and succession rights. This law was deceptively crafted and labelled as part of the domestication of the protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, better known as Maputo Protocol, and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) adopted in 1979 at the United Nations. CEDAW has been rejected as an anti-life law in many countries including the United States. The domestication of Maputo Protocol in Imo State was imposed with financial inducement by the international organisations that promote the Culture of Death in Africa. They deceptively crafted the so-called protocol with the stated aim to eliminate the African cultural practice of female genital mutilation as well as other cultural practices that denigrate women. However, in the twenty-three-page document, only one sentence remarked on female genital mutilation (FGM) and does not even prescribe remedies. The document used deceptive language to destroy all African cultural norms and practices. The protocol legalizes abortion all through nine months of pregnancy, ovarian egg trafficking, same-sex marriage, changes African family succession rights, bans the use of the Holy Bible and Holy Koran in schools. The law destroys religion and African monarchical system of self-governance. It bans exclusive male priesthood in the Catholic Church and mandates crowning of African female kings in communities. To ensure that all black African countries sign on to the protocol, it was tied to debt forgiveness and development aid. It began the process of ‘Biological Colonialism of Africa’. It was at the onset rejected at the National Assembly of Nigeria because of these very serious flaws. The Imo State Law No. 7 marked its eighth anniversary in 2015.

    On 28 March 2012, Catholic doctors met with the Imo State Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha to persuade him to move for the abrogation of the Imo State Law No. 7 on Gender and Equal Opportunities. The governor denied knowledge that Imo State Law No. 7 legalized abortion, same-sex marriage, and prohibited the use of the Holy Bible and Holy Koran in schools. To our surprise, the events took a turn for the worse, when on Tuesday, 29 May 2012, Governor Rochas Anayo Okorocha himself signed a law permitting abortion all through nine months of pregnancy in Imo State, deceptively called Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) (VAPP) Law No. 12 of 2012. This VAPP law also permitted same-sex marriage, mandated four-year imprisonment for parents, who in line with our Igbo tradition, designated their male children over senior female children for traditional succession rights. This Abomination No. 2 called the Imo State Law No. 12 was the twelfth law of the twelfth year of the new millennium. It was passed by the Imo State House of Assembly, under the Speaker Rt. Hon. Chief Ben Uwajumogu and Clerk Barr Christopher O. Duru. We made the signing of Imo State Law No. 12 public, and under intense public pressure by Imo People, the Imo State law No. 12 was abrogated on 2 October 2013.

    A campaign of persecution followed after the public outcry against the government of Imo State for signing a law that permits abortion without any public hearings. Since then, Governor Okorocha persecuted pro-life activists. Governor Okorocha since then demolished my hospital premises and forcefully seized my landed property at Naze, Owerri, Imo State. The persecution was also related to our opposition to the concessioning of 27 new hospitals to Apollo Hospital in India. The Apollo Hospital, which is the second largest human organ transplant centre in the world, was under Indian parliamentary investigation for human organ trafficking in India. In my defence, I filed lawsuits against Imo State Government and others on these matters. The case I filed against Governor Rochas Okorocha, Imo State Government and Hon. Robertson Ekwebelem who was a member of Imo House of Assembly (2011-2015), for illegal revocation and apportioning of my land to themselves for their filling stations, is still pending in 2015. The paradox of these events is that they lack reason. How can the premises of a new ultra-modern hospital and medical research center under construction be revoked to site private petrol filling stations of people in authority? However, at least one lawsuit was filed against me by Barr Martin Ogbede Nwachukwu, from Awaka, Owerri, claiming also a small piece of my land at Naze, Owerri. To the Glory of God, the Owerri High court dismissed the case on 15 June, 2015.

    His Eminence John Cardinal Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, encouraged me to make my submission to the Synod of Bishops at the Second Special Assembly for Africa, which took place from 4 to 25 October 2009 at the Vatican. My submission was titled The Passion of Christ Is the Passion of the Unborn: Pro-Life Theology, Medicine, Population, and Environment. The synod laid the foundation for the path to reconciliation and penitential rites for the church in Africa. The teachings of the synod on reconciliation still remain the bedrock for convening National Reconciliation on the basis of specific steps for National Penitential Rites. Although the Penitential Rites are yet to be fully instituted across sub-Saharan Africa, there are hopeful indications that progress is being made. However, we must hold in view that the National Penitential Rites for the sins of abortion and contraception must be thoroughly instituted by the church in Africa.

    His Lordship, Most Rev. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, Bishop of Umuahia Diocese, Abia State, Nigeria, who along with His Grace, Most Rev. AJV Obinna, supported the initiatives of the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN) for a successful hosting of the 6th Annual General Conference of ACMPN on the theme ‘Practicing Pro-life Medicine in Nigeria’, which was held on 22–25 September 2011 at the Bishop’s Conference Hall, Pastoral Centre, Owerri. At the ACMPN conference, we addressed other sub-themes on Medical Ethics Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Maputo Protocol, National Health Bill, and Human Egg Trafficking for Embryonic Stem Cell Research. His Excellency President Goodluck Jonathan in his goodwill message to members of ACMPN encouraged pro-life values and medical ethics in the development of medical practice in Nigeria. Hon. Justice Benjamin Ahanonu Njemanze, as Chief Judge of Imo State, presented the keynote address and mobilized the state judiciary to participate at the ACMPN conference. Following the ACMPN conference, we provided the proceedings to the National Assembly, State Houses of Assembly, the federal judiciary, state judiciary, and executive arms of government. The proceedings included information on human egg trafficking for embryonic stem cell research, critique of Maputo Protocol, caution on the UN free contraception program, same-sex marriage prohibition, and termination of UN nursery child abortion mentality indoctrination program on Nigerian Television Authority (NTA).

    The ACMPN colleagues Prof. Michael C. Asuzu, Dr Enoma Bazuwaye, Dr G. N. Nwambara, Dr Barthy C. Okorochukwu, Dr Henrietta Williams, Dr Oliver C. Ibe, Dr Eugene Iwualla-Osuoha, Dr Emmanuel Okechukwu, and others helped to make the 2011 ACMPN Owerri conference a success. Dr Anthony Omolola, as President of the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN), supported the motion to put a stop to the breach of medical ethics in human egg trafficking and human organ trafficking at the National Executive Council Meeting held in Owerri from 7 to 10 February 2013. Many church leaders in Nigeria and around the world have supported Pro-lifers in our fight against the Culture of Death. The Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) has been at the forefront of the fight for a Pro-life Nigeria and has invited me to deliver lectures during CSN Pro-life activities.

    Many presidents, heads of states, and prime ministers have worked with me in support and sometimes against, but always maintaining very useful communication. Of particular mention is Steve Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, who was in constant communication with me, despite my strong critique in a letter to him dated 27 July 2007, of Canada’s involvement in the G8 Africa Action Plan that tied ‘foreign aid to abortion rights’. The change of position of Canada in answer to our critique was well appreciated and helped to moderate the stance of most G8 leaders except for United States’ President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, who still remain holdouts. The Canadian Ministers: Hon. Peter G. MacKay, Minister of National Defense, and Hon. Beverly Oda, Minister of International Cooporation, maintained the discussion with me on the issues I raised. The opposition leaders in the Canadian parliament beyond the politics of Canada expressed support for our opposition to the G8 Africa Action Plan that tied ‘foreign aid to abortion rights’.

    Hon. Gordon Brown, as Prime Minister of Britain, responded to the objections I raised against UK government participation in the G8 Africa Action Plan that tied ‘foreign aid to abortion rights’. In a my letter dated 22 August 2007 to Her Majesty’s Government, and copied to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Speaker British House of Lords—Baroness Hayman, Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of Westminster, Speaker British House of Commons—Rt. Hon. Michael Martin, MP, I provided a detailed critique of the British government’s position. Prime Minister Gordon Brown in response to my letter asked the British Department for International Development (DFID) to provide a detailed response dated 2 October 2007 of the position of Great Britain. These exchanges were very important and placed on record that the UK development aid policy was inconsistent with the developmental goals of African countries, and hence had undesirable impact on economic development and socio-cultural transformation in African countries.

    The President of the European Commission provided a detailed response to my critique of the position of the European Commission on funding abortion and contraception programs rather than actual issues of maternal health in the developing countries in a letter dated 31 August 2007. In response to my critique of the European Commission’s policy on Africa, Hon. Louis Michel, a member of the European Commission, differed on the pro-life issues raised in my letter titled ‘Facts and Figures on the Economics of Contraception and Abortion’ to the President of the European Commission dated 26 November 2007, a follow-up of our previous correspondence with G8 leaders. Mr Michel, like most leaders of the European Commission, showed in his response that he lacked insight into the real development aspirations of the African people, which underscores improved obstetrical services as against access to abortion and contraception recipe advocated by the G8 and other development partners. In fact, abortion and contraception are universally perceived as grave abominations in all African traditional communities. In contrast, the members of the pro-life caucus of the European Parliament have worked in agreement with us to defend Life in Europe. My special thanks to foreign ministers of the Council of Europe who since my letter on Gender Definition dated 10 April 2011 through the Committee of Ministers Chairman, Prof. Dr Ahmet Davutoğlu, then Foreign Minister of Turkey, who later became the Prime Minister, have taken unprecedented steps to stop and reverse the advancement of the Culture of Death in Europe. The World Bank President, Robert Zoellick, in his response to my critique of the role of the World Bank in funding abortion-related programs in Africa, outlined the principles guiding the World Bank policies in a letter dated 11 January 2008. Even though our positions differ, there has been a better appreciation of the positions of the opposing sides placed on record.

    His Excellency President Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia and his Minister, Hon. Dr Albert Kawana provided a comprehensive response to my letter dated 14 November 2009, through Namibia’s UN Ambassador to the United Nations on ‘Sexual Orientation as Ground for Discrimination: A critique of Yogyakarta Principles’. This response was exemplary because the African heads of state demonstrated independence in formulating their views on sexual orientation and discrimination, which has been widely applauded by the African people. The first ladies of Africa who were deceptively clustered in the so-called ‘Synergy Group’ by the international pro-abortion movement, on reading my letters, distanced themselves from the Culture of Death agenda. I would like to mention Her Excellency Natalie Michel, First Lady of the Republic of Seychelles, for her response dated 14 July 2009 to my letter dated 15 May 2009, ‘Towards a United and Prosperous World: The African Policy’. His Excellency President Bharrat Jagdeo of the Republic of Guyana, in his response dated 22 June 2009 to my letter dated 27 April 2009, outlined his views on the issues under discussion. His Excellency President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva of the Republic of Brazil, in his response dated 25 May 2009 to my letter dated 27 April 2009, displayed understanding of our position.

    Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, supported our pro-life campaign in Australia and offered useful advice. Our confrontation with Australian politicians has in some cases yielded positive results despite extraordinary circumstances. Hon. Anna Bligh, MP, Premier of Queensland, Australia, and Hon. Cameron Dick, MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, responded in a letter dated 9 February 2011 to my letter of critique of the pro-abortion stance of the government of Queensland, Australia. Then, the controversial issue of removal of protection for Life under the Queensland law contained in sections 224 and 282 of the Criminal Code was under threat of repeal. I do appreciate that the Government of Queensland did not accomplish its initial plans to decriminalize abortion by repealing laws that protect the unborn Queenslanders.

    Despite the news ban on pro-life issues sponsored by pro-abortion international organisations, we have been able to inform the people of Africa on the evils of abortion through the courageous efforts of some journalists. Among whom, I would like to mention Steve Ezechi, whose many reports included the article ‘Medical experts, activists raise alarm over dangers of foreign donor vaccines’ published in Compass News Saturday, 20 March 2010, which raised the national security alert on dangers of mass infertility from foreign donor vaccines. Another courageous journalist is Chris Dimgba, editor of SkyNews, who published my interview on a detailed critique of the National Health Act 2014 and the international conspiracy against Nigeria on human organ trafficking. The news broke first when Ozioma Akubueze reported the interview with me titled ‘Trafficking in human cells, tissues is big business, in Sunday Champion on 28 January 2007, page 6. His report on ‘Trans-Atlantic Human Egg Trafficking between Nigeria, Europe, and America’ was an eye-opener for many people in Nigeria. The church newspapers have been exemplary in their reports. Rev. Fr. Emmanuel-Lugard Nduka and Fr. Ray Nzereogu, as editors of the The Leader, the Owerri Archdiocesan Catholic newspaper, published several reports on the dangers of advancing the Culture of Death in Nigeria. The report on ‘The Dangers of the National Health Act 2014, Part 1 published Sunday, 22 February, 2015 and Part 2, published Sunday 1 March 2015 in The Leader informed the faithful and the general public of the challenges we face as Nigerians confronting the legalization of human organ-trafficking by activities of the Cartel sponsored by Western Biotechnology companies. A similar report titled: National Health Act 2014: The legalization of human organ trafficking was published on Tuesday, 17 February, 2015 in DailySun ( Another report titled Biosafety bill: A danger to food security and health was published in Sunday Punch, 22 March 2015. There are other young and energetic journalists who against all odds including intimidation and threat to life continued to publish our interviews and press releases on the internet and several print media. They shunned the bribery and corruption of the media world to keep silent about the killing of the unborn children, poaching of human organs and ovarian eggs from Africans under the cover of development aid.

    Pro-life journalists have made an intense effort to reveal anti-life government policies. Among the activists is Ifeanyi Nwanguma of the Nigerian Horn, who was the first to report my interview titled ‘Doctors raise alarm – Concessioning of hospitals will encourage Otokoto in Imo’ published in Nigerian Horn, 4–5 March 2013, exposing the concessioning of new Imo State hospitals to Apollo Hospitals, India. The red flag on Apollo Hospital was raised because of Indian Parliamentary investigations into Apollo Hospital involvement in human organ trafficking. Another activist is Innocent Onyeukwu, who reported my interview in Trumpeta newspaper on 27 August 2013 titled ‘Imo Government legalises abortion’, which broke the news of the legalization of abortion in Imo State Law No. 12. The government of Imo State moved to victimize pro-lifers, journalists, and others. As chairman of Chidicon Medical Centre, Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN), Owerri Archdiocese, Global Prolife Alliance (GPA), Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN), Imo State branch, I also fell victim. The position I took personally and on behalf of these associations was seen by government as being in opposition to its interests. The events that followed were reported by Innocent Onyeukwu in Trumpeta on 5 September 2013 in an article titled ‘Rochas Moves Against Anti-Abortion Crusaders’. The ‘land’ duly acquired with valid certificate of occupancy and buildings under construction at the permanent site of Chidicon Medical Centre Mega-Hospital were revoked by the Executive Governor and re-allocated for private petrol filling stations. This land, which came to be known as the ‘abortion land’, became the symbol of the struggle for the Life of the Unborn Child. I will later show that this land has biblical historical antecedents. The broadcasters were not spared. Pro-life journalists of the famous local radio station Hot 99.5 FM were intimidated and threatened. The building of the radio station was marked for demolition just because they aired my interviews on anti-abortion campaign. The Hot 99.5 FM radio station from where I spoke directly to Imo People during an interview with Ogechi Iwu and Alex Ogbonnaya became the voice of opposition of Imo People against the legalization of abortion.

    The St Mulumba pro-life organisation under the leadership of Fr. Justin Okoro, Christopher Okoro, and Enyinna Nwogu coordinated the most active group of Pro-lifers in Owerri Archdiocese. The pro-life group at Seat of Wisdom Seminary through activism and publication of their Wisdom Prolife Journal has continued to inform the seminarians and the public. To all other pro-life activists I could not mention, please know that your work is appreciated by Our Lord Jesus Christ Who will reward you for all that you are doing.

    I am grateful to Prof. Amagh Nduka, Prof. Ben Obumselu, and Prof. U. D. Anyanwu who agreed to review this manuscript. Others who also made valuable contributions to the understanding of the Igbo text include Mrs Felicia Njemanze, Mrs Susan Ugwuegbulam, Clara Ofoegbu, Margaret Ofoegbu, Mercy Onwunali, Patrick Ofoegbu, Uloma Orjinta, Francisca Chigozie Udeh, Glory Kasarachi Uchegbu, Uchechi Ejiogu, Nkechi Iheme, Chinwe Nzekwe, Chioma Nwankwo, Nneoma Ukeje, Esther Igwe, Cynthia Akuazaoku, Rosemary Ubochi, and Queen Onyeneke.

    Special acknowledgement to Sir Charles Obiyo Abakporo Ihenacho, Dann Jacobs, and Prof. Michael J. C. Echeruo.

    I wish to express my gratitude to my father, Sir Charles Obiyo Abakporo Ihenacho. At age 94, he listened attentively to my recounting of the history of Owerri and our village Amawọm also called the City of David (Igbo language: Ama owe m, meaning ‘the settlement of my leader’). He agreed with the high points of my story, and further affirmed the sacredness of our compound called Orukpu (Igbo language: ọ rị ukpu, meaning ‘it is sacred’) of the Royal clan of Njemanze (Igbo language: na-eje ama ana eze, meaning ‘they go to be the indigenous Kings’). He also said that the old people during the time he was a small boy kept asserting that where he is living is a sacred place and called the old hut that was there ụyọ Ada Igwe, meaning ‘the house of the Daughter of God’, referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary. These independent assertions and his recollections made me ever more confident with my findings.

    I wish to express my deep appreciation to all those who helped me to improve my knowledge and writing skills in Igbo language that made the writing of this book possible. I particularly wish to express my immense gratitude to Dann Jacobs (Media specialist), who volunteered time to work tirelessly with me on the text of this book. His patience and useful comments were very helpful to bring clarity and brevity to the text of this book.

    Prof. Michael J. C. Echeruo’s Igbo-English dictionary was most useful to me. Prof. Echeruo’s in-depth research into words used in ancient Igbo was very helpful.

    Thanksgiving for Miracles of God’s Protection for Pro-lifers

    Many have volunteered to fight in the pro-life campaign. We give Glory to God for sparing all our lives. However, for the reader to understand and appreciate the immense gratitude we all owe God, I must tell a short story about one day of exceptional grace of God. I took the campaign against the National Health Bill 2014 to all Nigerians on the Sunrise TV program at Channels Television, Lagos. After the TV program, on arrival back to Owerri, a group of fifteen heavily armed policemen disguised in plain clothes had stormed my hospital, Chidicon Medical Centre, at No. 1 MCC Road, Owerri, at about 4 p.m. on 27 November 2013. They entered the reception and aggressively queried the nurses and patients on admission on my whereabouts. Fortunately, I had landed at Sam Mbakwe Airport, Owerri, in the flight from Lagos at about 3 p.m. and was yet to arrive at the hospital while they were there. The television program was aired on Channels TV on 27 November 2013 at about 8.45 a.m. The topic was on National Health Bill 2014 and the controversy over sections 48 and 51 that permit human organ and human ovarian egg trafficking. I explained the implications of the sections and the enormous dangers they pose to the lives of millions of Nigerians. I also explained the role of the international biotechnology organ and ovarian egg trafficking cartel, to create in Nigeria a ‘legalized’ human organ transplantation tourism and human ovarian egg harvesting market. Other issues I discussed included the role of the Imo Government in the domestication of the Maputo Protocol as the Gender and Equal Opportunity, Imo State Law No. 7, 2007. I also mentioned that the same law was signed in Ekiti State. I also remarked that the effort of the biotechnology conglomerates in the likes of Monsanto, owned in part by Bill Gates along with other international agencies such as United States Agency for International Development (USAID), DFID, UNICEF, and others, influenced the passage and assent to the National Health Bill (NHB) 2014, now an act (NHA). These international groups also have a role in promoting the Imo State Laws No. 7 and No. 12, which directly legalized human ovarian egg trafficking and same-sex marriage. I described in detail the deceptive and illegal introduction of the Monsanto genetically modified (GMOs) cassava, yam, maize, sorghum, into our staple food-chain in Africa. The aim is to capture the food security of Black Africa by the biotechnology conglomerates. Regardless of the fact that, according to the United Nations, GMOs do not increase crop yield, the crops are still promoted on this basis by sponsors. The international reaction was swift and precise. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched a counter TV program on CNN profiling the foundation’s ‘charitable’ work in Nigeria, just forty-five minutes later. I would arrive at my hospital only five minutes after the would-be assassins departed. I had arrived at the hospital later than would be expected for a thirty-minute drive from the airport due to an event I could only but describe as miraculous. As I departed from the gates of Sam Mbakwe Airport, someone appeared by my side in the car as I rested in the backseat, urging me to take a ‘right turn’ through Mbaise-Owerri Road. This path is twice as long as the Aba-Owerri Road that I could have taken. The would-be assassins departed abruptly because a 9-year-old girl who was a patient on admission recognised the team leader as a security officer in the cavalry of the governor Rochas Okorocha. She came directly into the reception area and pointed to the police officer and said, ‘Uncle, you were the person who came with the governor and gave us 100 naira in our school.’ This event was witnessed by many patients and staff at the reception at that time. The police officer then placed a call and said, ‘He is not here, we are going.’ We concluded that they were assassins because they disguised themselves in plain clothes worn over police uniforms and said, ‘Dr Njemanze called us now to come and help him, where is he?’ As the staff responded that I travelled, they searched the premises. It was this event that proved that they were assassins that came from the governor. On arrival I was told of their visit and that they just left five minutes before. I placed a call to His Grace Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, as President of the CBCN, and informed our local ordinary His Grace Archbishop AJV Obinna. His Grace Archbishop AJV Obinna intervened by calling the governor. The deputy governor Eze Madumere was then instructed by the governor to call me while he was in the company of my relation Bob Njemanze. He asked me on the phone if there was a way to resolve the stand-off between myself and the governor on the issues of abortion. My answer to the deputy governor was simply abrogate the abortion sections in Imo State Law No. 7, 2007! This would create a new abortion-free Imo State that will uplift all our people, physically and spiritually. The latter and other similar events did not stop our zeal in the anti-abortion campaign. I had similar interviews on Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Panorama Program recorded on 26 November 2013 and Radio Nigeria on the same day. I have also written to all members of the National Assembly, federal high courts, Supreme Court, and the presidency on the topic.

    Another day of exceptional grace from the many days of grace that are now countless was the day I escaped from the hands of kidnappers. At about 6.00 a.m., I drove for my usual morning Mass at St Joseph Carmelite Monastery in the compound of St Mulumba Catholic Church, at 160 Wetheral Road, Owerri. At the gate of the church, I saw a young man who exclaimed to my hearing on his cell phone, ‘He is here!’ I sensed danger and became apprehensive. I took note of him and drove into the church premises and, on looking up, saw cars parked at the Carmelite Monastery in an unusual manner. I then made a quick decision directed by the Holy Spirit in me to attend the Mass that was in progress at the main church, and not at the Carmelite Chapel as usual. Later, I was told by the Carmelite nuns that there were three strange persons who were sitting behind my usual seat position at the chapel. This made the nuns apprehensive and they started praying for me before the Mass commenced at 6:15 a.m. I escaped the trap of the kidnappers and went home after the Mass with the large crowd from the main church. It turned out that, in the early morning hours of that same day, the police had arrested a notorious politician who was said to have planned a kidnapping at St Mulumba Church. The police was tipped off by an informant from among the kidnappers who had a change of heart and reported the matter just before the operation commenced. The police went to the notorious politician’s house and arrested him in possession of police weapons, uniforms, guns, bullets, and other items. He was charged to court as a kidnapping suspect. This notorious politician was forced to resign from his position because of the ongoing criminal investigation. The politician was an appointee of the governor in the Imo State government service.



    Pro-life Theology, Medicine, Population, and Environment

    i. The Title of This Book

    Since Roe vs. Wade more than 57 million children have been murdered in the abortion ‘death mills’ in the United States. In Britain alone, 600 innocent unborn children are killed every day, and 200,000 each year through abortion. Since the Abortion Act of 1967 came into force more than 8 million children have been killed as of January 2015. This is more than the number of Jews murdered by Nazis in the Holocaust during the Second World War. At the seventieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, where more than one million Jews were killed in gas chambers, there are close to sixty Auschwitz camps operational as abortion clinics in the United States alone. The statistics are no less frightening in Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America. Death and darkness has eclipsed the world in a Culture of Death. This is called the apocalypse, the highest point of manifestation of evil called the Culture of Death before its final end. The name apocalypse (Greek: pokalnyz, apocálypsis; Igbo language: a pịakọọla iyī apa Ose meaning, ‘the final end of the evil of unbelief in Almighty God’) has Igbo etymology that means that at the end of this evil period all peoples will see proof and end their unbelief in the Most High God. His Holiness St Pope John Paul II has characterized the Culture of Death. The events of this apocalypse will culminate in the emergence of a Culture of Life.

    The title of this book the ‘Igbo Mediators of YAHWEH Culture of Life’ derive from I gbo meaning ‘to mediate’; in the YAHWEH, Ya Iho wụ ihe, Culture of Life, meaning ‘God the Divine Light that enlightens the path to a Culture of Eternal Life’. The book reviews the Culture of Life from the very beginning to the present end-time. The end-time is also referred to as the apocalypse (Greek: pokalnyz, apocálypsis; Igbo language: a pịakọọla iyī apa Ose meaning, ‘the final end of the evil of unbelief in Almighty God’) is unfolding before us. This book describes in detail the Culture of Life from the very

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