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When My Season Comes Ii: The Saga of an African American Family Continues
When My Season Comes Ii: The Saga of an African American Family Continues
When My Season Comes Ii: The Saga of an African American Family Continues
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When My Season Comes Ii: The Saga of an African American Family Continues

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This is a novel about a young African American brother and his family who experienced many problems in life. This novel is fiction, and it is not factual in any way form or fashion. I had a hard life growing up as an African American male, but this novel does not tell any true story. It is fictionalfor entertainment purposes only. I am writing this book so people could have hope. I truly believe sometimes in this life many of us are doomed by bad fate. Because of trials and tribulations, we lose our faith in God. We end up believing a change will never come. I hope this novel will inspire you to never give up on your dreams or anything you want in life. This novel is dedicated to my dear and departed mother, Catherine Miller. She was my hero. I have been inspired by many people, such as the Jackson singing family, John H. Johnson, Tyler Perry, E. Lynn Harris, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X., Les Brown, and Denzel Washington. A special thanks to Lois Britton and Devell Porter, who are dear friends of mine. I hope you will enjoy When My Season Comes.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 17, 2015
When My Season Comes Ii: The Saga of an African American Family Continues

Michael Miller

Michael Miller is a prolific and best-selling writer. He has written more than 200 books over the past three decades on a variety of nonfiction topics. He graduated from Indiana University and worked in the publishing business. He lives in Minnesota with his wife Sherry.

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    When My Season Comes Ii - Michael Miller

    Copyright © 2015 by Michael Miller.

    ISBN:      Softcover        -1-5035-5687-4

                   eBook              -1-5035-5686-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.


    Model—Milan Christopher front cover

    Photographer—Marie-Louise Passepartout

    Lois Britton—Helped with Editing

    Corey Trotter—Graphic Design

    Rev. date: 03/28/2015





    Adeeb in Church telling the story of his unpleasant memories

    Season 1   The death of my father

    Season 2   Second day of school

    Season 3   The New House

    Season 4   Big Mamma gets assaulted

    Season 5   Junior year in Morehouse college

    Season 6   My Sister Emerald get pregnant, and Adeeb get jumped on by Marshall

    Season 7   Cain’s abusive relationship

    Season 8   The drug dealer’s revenge & Big Mamma strange illness

    Season 9   The Christian Serial Killer

    Season 10   The serial Christian killer gets captured

    Season 11   Faith Goes To Trial

    Season 12   Peter Fowler avenges the death of his friend David Stevens

    Where are they now

    Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

    Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey

    No person has the right to rain on your dreams. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

    The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

    If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. Barack Obama

    History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. Maya Angelou

    Dreams do come true. If you work hard and believe you can achieve them. Janet Jackson

    Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go life is a barren field frozen with snow. Langston Hughes

    During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams. Tupac Shakur

    If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it. Rev. Jesse Jackson

    "There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not? Robert Kennedy

    Before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation. Michelle Obama

    Truth does not change, only our awareness of it. Attallah Shabazz

    This is a Novel about a young African American brother, and his family who experienced many problems in life. This novel is fiction, and it is not factual in any way form or fashion. I had a hard life growing up as an African American male, but this novel does not tell any true story. It is fictional for entertainment purposes only. I am writing this book so people could have hope. I truly believe sometimes in this life many of us are doomed by bad fate. Because of trials, and tribulations we loose are faith in God. We end up believing a change will never come. I hope this novel will inspire you to never give up on your dreams, or anything you want in life. This novel is dedicated to my dear and departed mother, Catherine Miller. She was my hero. I have been inspired by many people such as the Jackson singing family, John H. Johnson, Tyler Perry, E. Lynn Harris, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X., Les Brown and Denzel Washington; A special thanks to Lois Britton, and Devell Porter who are dear friends of mine. I hope you will enjoy When My Season Comes.

    Thanks to the many people who have helped me, or encouraged me over the years.

    Dr. Lois Britton, Rev Bruce Douglas, Deon Haynes, Abdul-Rasheed Akbar, Kathi Nevels, Deacon Leon Thompson, Rev. James Shannon, Aaron Wissmann, Dr. Pinkey Stewart, Claudett Burchett, Zetta Cowsen, Harold Rule, Ronald Grimmette, Larry Tolbert, Preston Jordan, Terry Murphy, Calvin Giles, Tracey Giles, Zenobia Brooks, Hank Dezutter, Rosalind Cox, Portia Fuzell—Balkom, Caroline Cirton, Mary Hernandez, Tanya Cox, Taneesha Sanja Rollands, Darryl Harris, Dr. Debra L. Fountain-Ellis, Ruth Gillard, Fidal Young, Cory Trotter, Hubert Dure, Vonetta D. Brown, Linda Jackson-Williams, Alonzo Rhoden, Leslie Rossi, Deloris Rogers Watkins, Lillian Bell, Catherine Slade(Theater), Mary Mitchell(Sun Times), Art Norman(NBC), Cheryl Langston(Radio), Carl Olson(motivational speaker), Milan Christopher(Model), Pastor Clarence W. Hopson, Pastor Marvin G. Parker, Iva Dallas, William O’ Donnell, Pamela Lynch, Devell Porter, William Stewart Jr., Corky Lee Henderson, Jermaine Young, Victoria Walker, Minnie Stokes(cousin), Ollie Brown(cousin), Linda Brown(cousin), Dorothy Miller(sister), Debra Robinson(niece), Carol Johnson(cousin), Doris Priar(double cousin) Stella Nolan- Thompson, Tasha Williams,

    Family Poem

    Family is the string that will hold us together.

    It is the bund that will set us free.

    It is the love that will keep us at peace with one another.

    Family is a thread that can never be broken.

    It is the blood line which we come from.

    It is the roots of our ancestors.


    Adeeb in Church telling the story of his unpleasant memories

    Here I am sitting in the Walk into Your Season Missionary Baptist Church reminiscing about all the problems I have experienced in my life. I am a very wealthy and prominent man. I have my own entertainment company called MBM entertainment. I have my own TV show called Ebony Funk. I have mostly everything I have ever dreamed of, but Rev. Shannon I do not feel like I am loved by God. I keep asking myself is it because I am a black man? Is it because my family was not born with a lot of money other than my grandma Paradise? Is it because of my life style? Does it have anything to do with a generational curse, or am I fighting the sins of my parents. I do not know what it is, but until this day I cannot serve God or forgive him for all my pain and suffering. Rev Shannan said I do believe God love you son and what you are experiencing is what many people experience in life; Most of us were not born rich, and as far as being black we are God chosen people as a race; Jesus came from Egypt which is in Africa. I then said I thought his chosen people were Jews. Rev Shannon laughed and said they were black Jews, and being Jewish my son is just a religion, or culture you were born into; It does not determine your race, or ethnicity; Many people do not understand in those times there were black Jews; As far as what type of life style you have God knows all about you, because He has numbered every hair on your head; If you believe your life style is not right then you’re wrong doing is no worse than killing, lying, cheating, fornication, or adultery; The bible said God cannot tolerate any sin big, or small; No sin or wrong doing to him looks pleasing; We are all sinners and we all have falling short of his glory; We all make mistakes, and We will not be perfect until he returns, because this world is not a perfect place. Reverend Shannon then said What you are doing you believe in your heart you are doing out of love for another, and No matter who they are love is love; How many people can say that their sin is loving the wrong person, or gender, I would like to think because God is love, he would understand. Just wanting to be loved Adeeb is not wrong; I do not know what you have gone through, but why don’t you enlighten me, but First do you mind joining hands with me in prayer? I said I do not mind praying, I guess.

    GOD GIVE US GRACE TO ACCEPT WITH SERENITY THE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED, COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS WHICH SHOULD BE CHANGED, AND THE WISDOM TO DISTINGUISH THE ONE FROM THE OTHER, LIVING ONE DAY AT A TIME, ENJOYING ONE MOMENT AT A TIME, ACCEPTING HARDSHIP AS A PATHWAY TO PEACE, TRUSTING THAT YOU WILL MAKE ALL THINGS RIGHT IF I SURRENDER TO GOD’S WILL SO THAT I MAY BE REASONABLY HAPPY IN THIS LIFE. AMEN Rev Noah Shannon then said Adeeb before you start talking I need you to know everything happens in seasons. Then he told me he was going to put me in a deep sleep. I thought it was a bit strange for a Minister to put me under hypnoses, but he said" tell me everything Adeeb, tell me everything. I fell into a deep, deep sleep and then I started talking about all my troubles, or as big mamma would say, I gave him my testimony.

    Season 1

    The death of my father

    I will never forget it was Christmas of 1972 when we drove up with my parents, me my sisters Hope, Faith, Honesty, Emerald, and my oldest brother Cain. I thought it was the most wonderful time of the year. Trees were lit in every window, and it seemed like houses were lit up everywhere in the neighborhood. There was snow everywhere, and it was blowing all over Chicago. The only people that were on the street were those trying to get their cars out of the snow. I could smell the pine trees when we got out of the car and the exhaust pipes from cars trying to get unstuck. I also could hear the song This Christmas by Donny Hathaway playing from someone living room window. Christmas of 72 was a wonderful year and it also was a night mare, and this is when all my troubles begin. I was only 10 years of age, and very shy. My eldest brother did not live with my mother father, four sisters and I, but we all made sure we spent Christmas together. I thought nothing could go wrong. I remember my Papa John staying out all night to find a Christmas tree, because we were poor, but he did not want us to feel like we had less than anyone, even though I think we did. My parents sheltered us as children, and they refused to allow us to see what the real world was like. When the light went out we had to be in the house. I can hear my mother calling me as loud as she could Micah, Micah where are you? It’s time to come in. On this night I remember my mother saying good night to each of us, and it’s funny, because even though it was the middle of December our house was pretty hot. I opened my window just enough to get some air, and I could feel how nice it felt that night with the window open. I was a very light sleeper, and many times I would wake up through the night to use the bath room, or get some water. On this particular night I woke up as usual, and it seemed as though my window had been ajar, because I woke up very cold. I did not worry I just closed my window and got back into the bed. I remember falling into a very deep sleep, and could not wake up. I felt something lying on me, and pushing against my body. I immediately woke up. I looked around my room and said to myself I must have been dreaming, but the window was open. I said to myself I remember closing the window before I used the bath room and got some water. I also felt very wet, and I knew I had had another wet dream. I called my mother to my room to change my sheets and when she came she asked Micah what’s the problem? I said I did something in my bed. My mother did not say anything, because she knew sometimes boys did things like that. When she got into my room, and looked at my sheets, she yelled out Micah what did you do? She pulled me to the side and asked did I masturbate on my sheets? I said no big Mamma! I must have had a wet dream. Big Mamma said "Micah there is too much semen on these sheets for it to be a wet dream". I begin to get nervous, because I was about to get a whipping for lying even though I was not. I explained to Big Mamma how I left my window open and then closed it and fell into a deep sleep.

    Big Mamma became very worried, so the next morning she took the sheets to the doctor to see what problem I was having at such a young age. The doctor said to Big Mamma I do not want to alarm you, but after running some test I found out that the semen on the sheets is not your son, but It belongs to someone other than him. Big Mamma stormed home and said to me "Micah, you know I love you and if you left your window open for some little girl to come in I will still love you, but you have to tell me the truth. I became frustrated and told big Mamma for the last time I did not. Big Mamma did not tell me what the doctor said, but I had an idea someone came into our house and raped me while I was sleeping. They were already in there when I got up to use the bath room. Big mama wanted some more test run on me. She thought maybe I could have some type of disease. My Papa John was a very strict man and he was furious about what had happened. He said I cannot believe we have allowed some mother fucker to come into our house and molest my son".

    We found out later there was a strange man going around the neighborhood lurking into windows. My mother wanted to make out a police report, but we were a very private family, so my mother agreed with my father not to. It was very difficult but we went on with our lives as though nothing had happed.

    Meanwhile as time went on my Papa John could not look at me the same. He started drinking very heavily and at times we did not even know him. One day I came into the house and my mother was crying, and she did everything she could not to let me see her face. My father had beaten my mother until she was black and blue. I was so saddened I did not know what to do. My sisters and brother was in the room, and one of them said we have to get father some help He’s just not the same anymore. I blamed myself for opening up a window; if I had not been hot that night my father and my family would not be falling apart? I went to my father’s room to speak with him, and he was listening to Mercy, Mercy Me by Marvin Gaye. I did not disturb him.

    It was summer, and my dad was still drinking and rumors had gone around that he was even on cocaine, and was not at himself. Big Mamma signed my father into a hospital so he could get some help. He was only there three months when he signed himself out. A friend of mine said he saw my Papa John in a grocery store with another woman. I had heard the rumor all in the neighborhood, but could not believe it, because my father loved my mother so much. They were like high school sweet hearts. He even called my Big Mama Black Pearl, and I remember Papa John telling me at a very young age he will never love another woman. A friend also said it was strange, because he did not recognize me. I said well we have grown up, and my father just got out the hospital, and are you sure he was not with my aunt or someone? My friend Jacob said no! He then stopped me before I could walk away to say something else happened, and I really did not want to hear anymore, but he told me anyhow. He said I called out his name, Mr. Burnett, and he said very nicely, and respectfully do I know you young man, or look like someone; He then said my name is Allen Miller "I told Jacob he was lying, because Allen is my father’s middle name and Why would he use it with a different last name? Jacob said one more thing. I started to get very upset with Jacob because it seem like he was either loving this or straight out lying. He said "you may want to sit down". I said no Jacob just tell me so I can go to class! He said "your father introduced the lady as his wife." I told Jacob I never wanted to see him again, and he was a terrible friend anyone could have, and I walked away.

    Two years passed and for some reason Papa John came back home and we hoped everything would be okay. My father was sitting in the kitchen drinking some wine when my elder brother came out the room, and my father asked very loudly" who are you? My brother said Papa John it’s me your son, you do not know me? Get the fuck out of here my father said or I will kill you. My mother and my sisters ran into the room and asked what’s going on. My mother picked up the knife and said "baby please do not do this", But my father acted as if he did not know who we were. He grabbed the knife from my mother with his bare hands and slapped her down on the steps. Then he threatened to kill all of us.

    I ran into the room, and looked into my father’s draw to get his gun, and when I came out he was choking Big Mamma on the steps he had knocked her down on. My brother was trying his best to remove his hands from my mother’s neck but it was like he was a monster or something. My sisters were screaming to the top of their lungs. Meanwhile I am standing their holding a loaded gun in my hand with tears running down my face and I could not stop crying. My mother looked like she was about to take her last breath, when I called out to my father as loud as I could please, please, stop Papa John; You’re going to kill mother. My father looked at me with his hands still around Big Mamma neck and said with his eyes closed "shoot me Micah! Shoot me Micah!" I could not believe what I heard my father say. He actually wanted me to kill him. It was like he could not control his own self. I said No I can’t, and he said again "Shoot me, Micah or I am going to kill the woman I have loved all my life". I said no

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