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Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm: Seeing Beyond Sight Through the Eyes of the King
Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm: Seeing Beyond Sight Through the Eyes of the King
Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm: Seeing Beyond Sight Through the Eyes of the King
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Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm: Seeing Beyond Sight Through the Eyes of the King

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In the new age occult movement, many seek demonic fortune tellers and tarot card readers and yield to the powers of darkness. Unfortunately, many in the church use dark methods without understanding they are interacting with Satans demons. In Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm, author DeRon Hopkins addresses the deceptions of Satan and his evil devices sent to distract many within the body of Christ from hearing and moving in their God-given position with the Father.

Through scriptural examples, Hopkins shows how these dark powers seduce and manipulate many in the body of Christ because they have unknowingly left themselves accessible and uncovered. Satans spies seek open doors to access the flesh through unidentified sin in the lives of many of Gods people. She discusses that Christians must observe the holiness of God to destroy the witches and warlocks in the church; Christians must be in complete alignment with God and be a holy people belonging to God alone.

Insightful and filled with practical information for victorious living, Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm provides an in-depth knowledge of God and supernatural insight into the sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvarys cross for the sins of humanity. It declares theological and Biblical truths of what this world is facing and shall face according to the Word of God.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 23, 2015
Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm: Seeing Beyond Sight Through the Eyes of the King

DeRon Hopkins

DeRon Hopkins has dedicated her life to serving God. She is a multifaceted business woman, wife, motivational speaker, prophet, preacher, teacher, and a prayer warrior. She lives in Odenton, Maryland.

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    Hitchhikers, Hijackers, and Faceless Hackers in the Earth Realm - DeRon Hopkins


    If My people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    —2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT

    I n the new age occult movement, many seek demonic fortunetellers and tarot card readers and yield to the powers of darkness. Unfortunately, many in the church use dark methods without understanding they are interacting with Satan’s demons. These dark powers seduce and manipulate many in the body of Christ because they have unknowingly left themselves accessible and uncovered to these powers. These spies of Satan seek open doors to access the flesh through unidentified sin, in the lives of many of God’s people.

    The alluring offer Eve received in the garden is the same that Satan entices us with today. Satan seeks whom he many devour (1 Peter 5:8) contrary to the skepticism of many. He and his cohorts manipulate our age just as they did when the prophet Jeremiah foretold of God’s judgment on Israel for forsaking Him and responding to other gods (see Jeremiah 2). The noise of "Nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday" (see Psalm 91:6, NASB) should not be foreign to the ears of those who believe in Christ.

    Although the enemies of the souls of men are actively sending out scrambling patterns of deception in the atmosphere, the ear of the believer ought to catch the sound, address what is perceived, and take authority over the assignment of the sound as the Spirit gives utterance. When Satan attempts to encrypt the sound by displaying it as truth, the Holy Spirit living in us will arrest that demon and the sound before it is manifest.

    Though Satan attempts to distort his demonic frequencies in the atmosphere as normal, we can be so in tune with Christ that we can decode Satan’s message. Christ Jesus has left His mantle of righteousness on us to live according to God’s Word. Even during catastrophic events, pestilence, and devastation, God says to His people that He is God.

    God told Moses to tell the Israelites that He was God and was all they needed (see Exodus 3:14). Today, God announces Himself in like manner to those with open spiritual ears. Where are the ears that will hear God’s message of supremacy and overthrow everything opposed to Him? Our hearts must thirst for God and proclaim His holiness even during confusing times. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we read, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray.

    We must turn to God, who will forgive us, whose spirits have become broken. He will return us to our original state if we pray and seek His face. Prayer is the key. The church must stand on His Word to become righteous and execute righteousness on earth. His name alone produces godly change, but many have become so preoccupied with conforming to the image of this world that Satan’s subtleties have gone undetected, even in the church. Our eyes have become dulled, and we no longer hear the rhythms of heaven and the throne room; we are not clothed in humility and righteousness.

    Many of God’s people are blind to their position in God, and this allows darkness to rule over the dominion God had handed Adam. Though Adam forfeited his position in the garden, Jesus gave us a new covenant through His shed blood. The second Adam—Jesus requires us to call on Him, humble ourselves, pray, and seek God’s face.

    Where are those seeking the face of God? Where is the alignment of the church? Kingdom authority is given only to those called by His name, thus it is accessible only when we humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face. He has given believers the authority to thwart demonic forces by His Word, which strengthens the church and believers.

    Through His Word and our prayers, Christ has given us the supernatural ability to take nations by storm. Prayer connects our spiritual ears to God’s will. Moreover, the power of prayer connects the church to a heavenly language where we are permitted to access by the blood of Jesus the Christ. However, believers must respond to God and His Word just as Christ responded to His assignment on earth—through prayer and fasting. We must comply with the Father’s will to change in the midst of disorder, war, and rumors of war.

    God still has a plan and a purpose for His people, His church. We must comply with the rule of heaven in order to execute God’s will for the church on earth. However, the question is how can the body of Christ change earth when it is misaligned with God’s will? God wanted His children to stand in dominion of the earth, not give it up.

    Many are standing in the spirit of pride, arrogance, self-centeredness, and religiosity rather than in Jesus, the King. Many within the body of Christ have taken on the spirit of the world rather than the Spirit of Christ; consequently, the righteousness of the King is not present in the hearts of many of God’s people. There is a disconnect between the Father and many of His children, who should make up the hedges of protection and sound the alarm about the intruder.

    From God’s eternal chambers of heaven, He is saying woe to His people—the church (see Revelation 8:13). Woe be to those who were sanctioned by the Father to represent His kingdom on earth and sugarcoat the truth of His Word.

    God is speaking, but are we listening? We must incline our ears to His words that call for us to be righteous. Woe be to those who do not listen to God’s truth and fall into the trap of Satan’s deceptions. The earth is groaning for the manifestations of the sons of God, and the war cry heard is Woe. Romans 8:22 says, For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pains together until now. Woe is an anguished cry in response to what is taking place on earth. Creation is groaning because the body of Christ listens to too many sounds, and the voice of the King is hard to decipher.

    John 10:27 tells us, My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. It is imperative that the body of Christ listen to His voice alone and be led by the Spirit of Christ. We must position ourselves under the King to hear His Word and to hear what heaven is saying to the church in this hour. In Jude 1:23, we read, "Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh." Now is the time to shine heavenly light on Satan’s darkness to help those in the church who are distressed, discouraged, faithless, and detached from the King.

    The eyes of faith have grown dull, ears have become compromised, and many have lost the sense of urgency of carrying the message of repentance and truth. The mantle of impartation through Christ Jesus will instruct us as believers to be righteous for His namesake. It will instruct us how to tear down the imagination of the mind, which the Enemy aims for at full throttle. This book will help believers see with new sight and listen with new ears. This is the season of preparation; souls are at stake, and God is calling His sheep to stand in truth. The Father is calling His people—the church back to kingdom order.


    Master of Manipulation

    Be sober, (clear-headed) be vigilant; (watchful) because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

    —1 Peter 5:8, KJV

    T he Devil’s demons make up the dark forces and are hosts of unseen wickedness; they are governed by Satan. They are on the hunt, roaming like lions, and are brutal in their pursuit of anyone seeking safety from them outside his corrupt systems of this world.

    The master of manipulation, who wants to destroy the people of God, wages war on the body of Christ nonstop. These dark forces are after our souls before they are condemned eternally to the lake of fire (see Revelation 20:7–15). In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter told members of the church of Christ to be vigilant and watchful, to walk in the spirit of humility before God and those who labor in the faith of Jesus the Christ. Peter said we must put humility on every day just as we put on clothes. We must recognize the spirit connected to pride that maneuvers in Satan’s darkness.

    Thus, when the spirit of pride is activated, what you and I must understand is that there are other subordinate spirits wrapped in pride itself. If pride is not dismantled and destroyed by the power of God, it will allow other spirits in, those that open gateways to other spirits, and it will be exposed to higher-ranking, demonic powers of darkness.

    What are subordinate spirits? Subordinate spirits are lower in rank in demonic activity having less power than other dark spirits, but they nonetheless dominate in darkness under the powers of Satan. Thus, the individual operating in the spirit of pride opens his or herself up to a host of other demonic activities. The prince of the air, which is Satan, and his dark powers of deception methodically operate under the umbrella of evil lies, schemes, and devices of wickedness, attempting to divert us from pursuing and applying the spiritual truths of God’s Word to our lives. This is why Peter warned the church to be sober and vigilant at all times and walk with God. Peter says to the church that the believer must earnestly seek to walk circumspectly before a holy God.

    Peter told us that you and I are to always be clear headed, watch over our tempers, be godly in character, walk in self-control, and stand in a good conduct before the King. If we do, we will be able to discern Satan’s presence through the eyes of the Spirit of Christ and His Word. This can happen only when we are connected to the King.

    The blood and power of our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the power of His Word and the authority in His name to resist Satan and his powers of darkness. James 4:7 tells us that when we submit to God, He will give us the ability to resist the Devil, who will flee for a season. James says that when we draw near the Father, He draws near to us. Drawing closer to the Father will allow us to stand under His divine protection. Christ Jesus affords you and me the power to stand tall in our armor, repel those darts of evil, and destroy them because of whom you and I have chosen to draw near. Peter said we should be sober and vigilant as we are the chosen people of God Most High.

    Satan’s scheming deceptions are not physical because Satan is not of the flesh. His powers of darkness become evident in our physical being, our behavior, and in our language however, the demon itself cannot be seen by the naked eye. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to see evil through spiritual eyes in order to destroy its effects on earth. God will give us revelation to detect the presence of darkness through dreams, the eyes and ears of the spirit, and visions. We must understand that Satan continually seeks to destroy us, to snatch our souls away from the safe protection of Jesus and the eternal reward due to all who receive Jesus as Lord. Satan’s aim is to subject us to a place of eternal damnation along with him and those under his command.

    This is the plan of Satan. These attacks are not fleshly, although the evidence of physical manifestations of the attack may stand present in the flesh; its origin of an attack is spiritual. Satan is a celestial being and thus operates his system of darkness as the prince of the powers of the air, which is a domain that operates in the spiritual realm outside heaven. Satan is not a cute, friendly, red devil with a pitchfork we can keep in the closet as a stuffed pet; he and his fellow demons are spirits seeking for that place of open access that they may come in and wreak havoc through the corridors of our flesh. Thus, in an attempt to destroy, he plans and waits.

    These spirits of darkness are subtle, well restrained, and crafty in each approach to overtake the mind-set of unguarded, shackled, and defeated individuals. Thus, this polished attack on the unguarded mind-set of men are handcrafted, tailor-made for each individual according to his or her lusts and desires of the flesh (see James 1:4). Each occurrence and every attack is structured and detailed in accuracy according to specific individuals’ desires and enticements of the flesh. These powers of darkness wait patiently for their appointed orders handed down through the chain of command to apprehend and arrest the mind-set of the unguarded person inside and outside the will of God Most High.

    For instance, the lion, as shown on the National Geographic channel, prowls, strategizes, and waits to seize a door that has been left unguarded by that which he hunts. Thus, the lion lies low, ears open and eyes sharp, waiting for and anticipating the opportunity to strike and take down its prey.

    These spirits are methodical just as any wild beast in the jungle hunting for its next victim. They wait for the right opening when we are not on guard in order to slither in and gain an advantage for the purpose of manipulation. Thus, the apostle Peter said that we were to remain vigilant so we could identify the devices of Satan.

    What Satan does not want the believer in Christ Jesus to fully understand is that the he and his demons are prohibited, restricted, from operating outside of authority, outside of seasons, and outside of the timing of God. Just as Satan had to ask the Father’s permission to attack Job, the same rule applies to those called by His name today. Job opened the door for darkness to enter into his life through what he spoke out of his mouth. What Job spoke in his life, contradicted the truth of what God spoke, which Satan used for the bases of his request to ask the Father’s permission to attack Job. The attack he faced was on his entire family; nevertheless, what he experienced was not solely about the loss of things.

    The attack was on his faith in God, his life, his family, and all that he was assigned to accomplish on earth. Likewise, the attack on today’s society is not just about a person, it is about a people. It may not be equivalent in destruction or degree to what Job himself experienced or even the same demonic force as Job was up against, but just as God was with Job, so shall He be with His people. The Bible says that at the end of Job’s affliction and disappointment, God restored everything Job lost because God’s hands of protection never left Job (see Job 42:1–17).

    Satan and his minions are subtle, crafty, and wicked in their efforts to overtake unguarded, shackled, and defeated people. Their attacks are always tailor-made; pulling from the corruption that is within each of us, according to our lusts and fleshly desires (see James 1:4). These spirits of darkness are controlled. They lurk and wait on orders from the chain of command to apprehend the minds of the unguarded just as lions waits for an opportune time to pounce on their prey. These spirits are as methodical as any wild beast; they wait for the right time to attack us.

    Just as Satan had to ask the Father’s permission to attack Job, he needs God’s permission to attack you and me. God does permit a time of buffeting, testing, and refining in our lives in order to purify the sinful desires of the flesh; that seek to operate through pride and destruction.

    In 2 Corinthians 12:7, Paul said, But to keep me from being puffed up with pride because of the many wonderful things I saw, I was given a painful physical aliment, which acts as Satan’s messenger to beat me (to buffet me) and keep me from being proud. Paul was given an ailment in the flesh and Job was given painful sores over his entire body, that the glory of God would be revealed in each of their lives on earth (see Job 2:1–7). God’s divine protection never departed their lives, even in the midst of a fight.

    Understand, when facing demonic opposition, we may not experience the attack Job did or the aliment Paul received in his body, but it will be the same demonic forces of Satan at work. When encountering demonic forces, many see the face of an individual but not the manifestation of darkness beneath the flesh; that can be seen only through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Unless God pulls, back the covers of revelation, that which the natural eye sees is only the flesh, not the spirit.

    Unless believers walk in the Spirit of Christ, they will not see or discern the manifestation of darkness ruled by Satan in operation through the individual. According to Genesis 3:1, the serpent was the most cunning of all creatures on earth. Satan wanted Eve to disobey God and her covering—Adam. The plot of the serpent on Eve was to have her begin to operate and live outside His will and exalt herself, and Satan waited until Eve was alone before he seduced her.

    Eve was the one who allowed the seducing serpent to rule over her ears, which enticed her to eat that which God had forbidden her and Adam not to partake of. Once Eve yielded to enticements of Satan, granting her flesh satisfaction over the authority of what God spoke, she chose to satisfy the cravings of her flesh, over the authority of the King. Though she knew it was forbidden, she deliberately allowed the devices of Satan to cause her to rebel against God.

    I believe she felt the same guilt and remorse all believers experience when they rebel against God. When believers rebels against God, the darkness of sin takes root in our lives and the soul becomes restless because it detects that there is a shift in the relationship between God and His children. When this happens, the heart becomes sorrowful within us and Satan tries to use this toward his advantage. When the heart is sorrowful because of sin, guilt steps in attempting to keep us from confession and repentance. Satan uses guilt as a distraction to keep our ears disconnected and our minds bound by our sin. This distraction keeps us focused on the sin and not our ability to see Christ as our way out of sin and back to God.

    Believers must understand that Satan operates only by God’s divine permission, but contrary to the beliefs of many, our flesh, our senses, cannot identify the deceiver by our eyes or diagnose what category of darkness exists in an individual.

    When discerning the powers of darkness on earth, all believers should understand it is not with the five senses of the flesh that darkness is recognized. It is not with the taste, touch, hear, smell, or sight, which are all God-given to use in the natural realm. Darkness is unrecognizable unless it is exposed by the Spirit of Christ to the spirit of man that has been born again through Christ. There must be a connection through surrender to the realm of heaven through Christ, the Word of God wrapped in prayer and fasting, which will unlock our vision into the supernatural realm, all the way to the throne of God. God has to bring revelation to our spirits, not to our flesh.

    Demonic spirits are real, and only through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can believers see beyond sight, hear beyond hearing, and sense beyond sensing what is demonic and thus false. The Holy Spirit awakens our spiritual knowledge of God’s will. These evil demonic powers, seek human bodies in which to dwell to cause destruction to the person as well as others in the world.

    As a result, darkness attempts to paralyze the mind-set of men and undermine their ability to recognize his schemes and devices, rendering the mentality discombobulated and crippled. Once an unguarded mind has become mentality discombobulated, crippled, and weakened, one’s conscious state of being provides minimum results at best of vitality. So then, defeated in its position, it presents itself as a counterfeit, a falsified origin of truth, while fiction rises up and rehearses its position in the mind. If the powers of Satan are able to seduce the mind’s eye to remain crippled in the person, the counterfeit spirit of darkness will continue to be undetected unless the Spirit of Christ brings revelation to the spirit man of the presence of darkness.

    There has to be a relationship with the Father before spiritual revelation can take place. There has to be submission to God. His Word, along with prayer, will expose Satan’s darkness on earth. Such intimacy with God brings us a level of sensitivity to Satan’s devices, tactics, and schemes. The Word of God neutralizes and destroys the plans of Satan every time. The Bible instructs us to submit to God and resist the Devil. We must never submit to Satan, his army, his wickedness, or his beliefs; we must submit only to God. Submitting to Satan renders the mind powerless and causes death of the physical and of the spiritual.

    Therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Scripture tells us what to do—obey God, not men. How do we bring ourselves into alignment with the will of God? By submitting, which means to give over or yield to the power of authority of another, to defer to another’s judgment or opinion. Therefore, submitting to God aligns us with Him, which reveals His person and moves His mighty hand in our lives.

    Therefore, in the act of submitting to God, we must position ourselves under the authority of the almighty God, thereby yielding to Him in action, word, posture, and position daily. In this way, we will demolish the gates of the Enemy through the power of Christ. The Word of God, the blood of Christ, and the power of command causes Satan and his powers of darkness to cease their activity in our lives. This is power in the blood of Jesus.

    We must learn to stand on the Word of God and appropriate the blood of Christ, which has all authority and is sufficient in what it has been sent to do—win the final victory. Doors can be open to darkness if Jesus Christ do not reign in us. We must be in total compliance with God’s will before we can victoriously stand against Satan’s many wiles.

    On the Mount of Olives, Jesus prayed in the posture of submission unto God. In Luke 22:41–42, Jesus prayed to the Father during His time of vulnerability and agony as he was facing death on the cross. He showed us how to surrender to the will of the Father.

    The eternal part of Jesus was not concerned about His crucifixion; as He knew it would not be His permanent position. Nonetheless, Jesus in His human robe of flesh became weary of the agony of the cross He was about to experience. Nevertheless, King Jesus surrendered to the Father’s will. What does it mean to surrender to God? It means to agree with Him, to stop fighting or resisting Him. When we stop resisting the will of the Father and relinquish ourselves to Him, change occurs. We will gain clarity, soundness of mind, and the peace of the Lord beyond what we have ever experienced.

    Choosing God increases our spiritual insight and awakes the kingdom of God in us; we become new vessels of honor for God. The Bible says we live in this world but are not of it (see John 18:36). In Christ Jesus, God the Father shines His light on darkness revealing hidden lies appearing as truth. In John 17:15–17, Jesus said, "My prayer

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