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Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’: (Still Havin’ a Ball!)
Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’: (Still Havin’ a Ball!)
Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’: (Still Havin’ a Ball!)
Ebook744 pages3 hours

Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’: (Still Havin’ a Ball!)

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About this ebook

Kimberella and Prince Roderick try to live a normal day-to-day life in Dubuque, Iowa, but sometimes they fail to do so (quite often, but whos keeping track.)

Prince Roderick grew up in the country, learned how to build houses, played in a family band since age eleven, hunted, fished and explored the outdoors. Kimberella lived in the city, took piano lessons, baked, knitted and never quite grew up.

As husband and wife they manage to compromise by building two houses, playing in bands and living in Kimberellas childhood home in the city. They also go hunting, fishing and camping together.

They raised a son and daughter who are both married with each having two children of their own. Their dog, Fudgy, is the master of the house. Witty Kitty is a smart cat that makes appearances whenever the mood strikes him.

Jack and The Old Folk Band consists of themselves along with their son and D.J. They will play your special request, you just may not recognize it as such.

One thing all of the characters have in common is that they are God-loving Christians who go about their lives the best way they can, using Gods Holy Bible as their guide.

Kimberella hopes that after reading this book every day for a year, and hopefully for many years to come, you will pick up your Bible and read it to receive Gods message for you to get through any situation that may arise.

After writing her first book of the devotional series DayToDay with Kimberella and Prince AintSoCharmin (If the Shoe Fits..Run!), Weires still had many more experiences to share. The Bible always has a verse or two to go along with any activity the Buckskins find themselves in.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 1, 2015
Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’: (Still Havin’ a Ball!)

Kimberly A. Weires

Kimberly Weires and her husband, Rodney, have two married children and six grandchildren. Their half-human dog, Fudgy, is in Heaven now and is more than likely stirring things up. Weires has previously published five books of devotions in the series Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’t–So–Charmin’: (If the Shoe Fits…Run!); (Still Havin’ a Ball!); (Is It Midnight Yet?!); (MY Prince Was NEVER a Frog!); (My Pumpkin Awaits!...It’s About Time)

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    Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’T-So-Charmin’ - Kimberly A. Weires

    Copyright © 2015 Kimberly A. Weires.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-9937-4 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015911837

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/31/2015



    About the Author


    Cast of Characters


    I would like to thank my husband and my very best friend, Rodney, for always being at and on my side from the beginning and all the way to the end. I would also like to thank my family and friends for the many wonderful memories and for the ones to surely come!

    About the Author

    Kimberly Weires lives with her husband, Rodney in Dubuque, Iowa. They have two married children and four grandchildren. Their half-human dog, Fudgy, is in Heaven now and is more than likely stirring things up.

    Weires published her first book of the devotional series Day-To-Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’t–So–Charmin’ (If the Shoe Fits…..Run!) in 2014.


    K imberella and Prince Roderick try to live a ‘normal’ day-to-day life in Dubuque, Iowa, but sometimes they fail to do so (quite often, but who’s keeping track.)

    P rince Roderick grew up in the country, learned how to build houses, played in a family band since age eleven, hunted, fished and explored the outdoors. Kimberella lived in the city, took piano lessons, baked, knitted and never quite grew up.

    A s husband and wife they manage to compromise by building two houses, playing in bands and living in Kimberella’s childhood home in the city. They also go hunting, fishing and camping together.

    T hey raised a son and daughter who are both married with each having two children of their own. Their dog, Fudgy, is the master of the house. Witty Kitty is a smart cat that makes appearances whenever the mood strikes him.

    ‘J ack and The Old Folk Band’ consists of themselves along with their son and D.J. They will play your special request, you just may not recognize it as such.

    O ne thing all of the characters have in common is that they are God-loving Christians who go about their lives the best way they can, using God’s Holy Bible as their guide.

    K imberella hopes that after reading this book every day for a year, and hopefully for many years to come, you will pick up your Bible and read it to receive God’s message for you to get through any situation that may arise.

    A fter writing her first book of the devotional series Day–To–Day with Kimberella and Prince Ain’t–So–Charmin’ (If the Shoe Fits…..Run!), Weires still had many more experiences to share. The Bible always has a verse or two to go along with any activity the Buckskins find themselves in.

    Cast of Characters

    K imberella and Prince Roderick Buckskin believe that the Bible was written by men, inspired by God. There are no mistakes in it, thus making it 100% percent true.

    January 1

    (Day 1 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    R evelation 22:18–19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in the book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in the book.

    K imberella and Prince Roderick were out west elk hunting, and Kimberella was making herself a treat out of her backpack with some Animal Crackers and peanut butter. She thought she better start looking busy and used her elk call that had a sound like a squeaky rabbit. She thought she saw a baby moose on the trail above her and sat there in awe to watch it walk by, but it wasn’t a baby moose at all. It was a full–grown black bear who turned from the trail and started to head down towards her. She yelled over her shoulder to her prince, Bear! He told her to come over by him and so she did. In the process, she left everything behind. He scolded her for not taking her provisions with her, but she said it was like a house being on fire and you should just get out. Did you know that a bear can use a butter knife to apply peanut butter to Animal Crackers? In fact, Kimberella is pretty sure he fashioned the spread into a hairdo on a monkey just before he popped it into his mouth.

    January 2

    (Day 2 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    R evelation 13:2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

    J ack and Sara–Sara have a baby girl named Lanore. Mary Lu is her big sister. Grandma and Grandpa Buckskin now have three granddaughters to keep them busy and smiling often.

    January 3

    (Day 3 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    I saiah 32:9 You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; you daughters who feel secure, hear what I have to say!

    D .J. announced one night at band practice that he came up with a fantastic new song for ‘Jack and The Old Folk Band’ to play. He blurted out, Your Momma Can’t Cook and Your Daddy’s a Dork. Jack responded, I know, but what’s your new song that you have been bragging about called? All of a sudden, Jack noticed that the milk and cookie tray that he was familiar with, vanished from the routine of Tuesday nights’ rehearsals.

    January 4

    (Day 4 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    L uke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

    K imberella says there are two types of frosting that are used on large cakes to be served at special occasions. Type #1: The sugar glistens from the dance floor’s strobe light; the flowers are not only on the corners of the cake, but applied all the way around the edges with enthusiasm; it can be stored on a counter (uncovered) for up to two weeks without getting stale; the local dentist is flooded with calls the following Monday after the event; children clap their hands with crazed looks on their happy little faces as they run around the party room’s perimeter fifty-five times; you have a sugar high that lasts until the next morning’s breakfast (which just so happens to be a piece of cake that you wrapped up in a napkin the night before.) Type #2: The other kind, which quite frankly isn’t worth mentioning.

    January 5

    (Day 5 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    J ames 4:17 Anyone, then, knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.

    J ules and The General have a baby boy named Chew-Chew. Izzy Ann is the big sister. Prince Roderick wanted to know if he was old enough to go fishing the day after he got out of the hospital. Grandpa Buckskin said he was just practicing asking the question and took Izzy Ann instead. Witty Kitty likes eating fish, but doesn’t do well around water. Besides, he insists that the new kid needs a couple of more lessons on who is really the boss around the house and there’s no better time than the present.

    January 6

    (Day 6 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    M atthew 4:19 Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men.

    K imberella told her neighbor that if you give a man a fish, he will expect a full–blown meal that is followed by a dessert and coffee. If you teach a man to fish, he’ll never be home on time again for supper, so you might as well order a pizza for yourself.

    January 7

    (Day 7 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    J ames 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

    K imberella’s Senior Citizen Rule #526–3CZ: Only hang around people who are 1–2 decades older than you and then they will refer to you as a spring chicken. This will make you feel like a young adult again…..until you have to put on your glasses to see who just called you that (after you turned up your hearing aids and asked them to repeat what they just said.)

    January 8

    (Day 8 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

    I f it is true that ‘ifs and buts’ are ‘candy and nuts’, then Kimberella needs to give great thought to constructing her sentences in such a way to be able to take advantage of this grand opportunity!

    January 9

    (Day 9 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    P roverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

    K imberella, Prince Roderick and Fudgy were in the kitchen eating breakfast together and Kimberella snapped saying, That’s it! I’m tired of your whining, growling, jumping up on guests, being afraid of trying new food, chasing small and helpless animals, eating out of the garbage can, chewing on my shoes, slobbering and begging at the table! It’s time for you to hit the road! Fudgy slowly walked over to the door with his head hung low, opened the door and thought to himself, " I’m sorry old man ", as Prince Roderick made his exit.

    January 10

    (Day 10 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    M atthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

    W hile looking up a tree, The General told Izzy Ann and Chew-Chew that what goes up, must come down. Jules reminded him that in Witty Kitty’s case, the word ‘must’ does not apply.

    January 11

    (Day 11 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    L uke 19:4–6 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore–fig tree to see Him, since Jesus was coming that way. When Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today. So he came down at once and welcomed Him gladly.

    T he General knows that a nut doesn’t fall far from the tree. He also knows that his health insurance premium has gone up since Jules started hunting with her father.

    January 12

    (Day 12 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    C olossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

    O ne morning after breakfast, Prince Roderick walked to the newsstand, bought a paper and read the following top story: PIGS CAN NOW FLY! Umbrella and tarp sales skyrocket! Sunscreen lotion and beach towel sales plummet! Billions of things are getting accomplished that were once deemed impossible to do! Procrastinators and naysayers world–wide are putting their heads together, scrambling to come up with an alternative phrase to use! You guessed it, the price of pork is on the rise! As Prince Roderick stood frozen staring down at his newspaper, along came THE SHADOW. He got out his trusty flashlight and walked home. He didn’t dare look up as he thought to himself, " Golly, I wonder if I ever used that phrase on Kimberella, because if I did, things could get ugly! When he arrived home, his wife was waiting for him on the front stoop twirling a large job jar in her hands. He muttered, Very ugly indeed!"

    January 13

    (Day 13 of 366)

    Let’s see what the Bible has to say:

    M ark 5:11–14 A large herd of pigs were feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them. He gave them permission, and the spirits came out and

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