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Angels—They Say It’S Time: Are You Ready?
Angels—They Say It’S Time: Are You Ready?
Angels—They Say It’S Time: Are You Ready?
Ebook367 pages5 hours

Angels—They Say It’S Time: Are You Ready?

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About this ebook

AngelsThey Say Its Time contains clear-cut, illuminating realities handed straight from the heart of Suzannes Angel, Mariette, and her Angelic Reiki healing team. By sharing examples of everyday, recognizable situations, you may relate to them and start to understand:

the many ways your Angel interacts with you each day
how you are so close to seeing through the veil
why certain energies may knock you off kilter
how energy healing can set you on the fast track to a healthier mind, body, and spirit
why dreams or visions feel more real with visits and messages from the other side

By having direct interaction with Angels and Ascended Masters in Suzannes Reiki practice, this ensures incredible and precise healing energy for each of her clients.

After each Reiki attunement, I have watched her gifts emerge, expand and fine tune; Suzanne has a compassionate and loving way with her clients and the people around her. She connects to the divine and is a clear channel for information and healing. I am proud and humbled to walk beside and work with Suzanne.

Candace Hawkshaw, owner, Soaring Spirit, Cambridge, Ontario.
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, Karuna Holy Fire Reiki Master
healer, spiritual guide, teacher

Are you searching to understand more about your Angels, your Spirit, and what resides behind the invisible veil? With the heartfelt guidance in AngelsThey Say Its Time, you may come to understand your life in a more clear and divine way.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 8, 2015
Angels—They Say It’S Time: Are You Ready?

Suzanne Bertolas

Suzanne Bertolas, A Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, intuitive, and multimedia artist, assists women with healing to regain self-confidence as they transcend life-changing illnesses. She has previously self-published two books and was nominated for the Bernice Adams Literary Arts/Communication Award for From Multiple Sclerosis to Marathon in her hometown, Cambridge, Ontario.

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    Book preview

    Angels—They Say It’S Time - Suzanne Bertolas


    They Say It’s Time

    Are you ready?



    Copyright © 2015 Suzanne Bertolas.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3466-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3468-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3467-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909451

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/08/2015





    From My Heart to Yours


    The Angelic Realm

    Family & Friends

    Book Editors

    Publishing House

    A Special Mention

    A Bit about Suzanne

    Chapter One Special Gifts We are All Born With







    Chapter Two Learning Who You Are

    My Path as a Truth Seeker

    My Personal Reading

    Negative Energy Overload

    A Question of Character

    Take Back Your Power

    What I Believe to Be True

    Chapter Three Understanding Energetic Shifts for Your Life Purpose

    Negative Energy

    Positive Energy

    Controlling Negative Energy with Positive Energy

    Mind over matter

    Chapter Four Meeting My Angel

    Introducing my Angel-Mariette

    This is the Moment my Life Changed Forever!

    More about my Friend

    Heart Awakening

    My First Real Angel Visit

    Painting a Vision

    Future Visits

    Chapter Five Angel Intervention


    A Hug from an Angel

    A New Car and Two Near Misses

    You Turn Me Right Round Baby

    One More for the Road

    Old Messages Become New Messages

    Fast Forward 3 Years

    Lesson Learned

    Chapter Six Understanding Your Higher Guidance

    Don’t Break a Heart, at Least Not on Purpose

    Hold Up That Mirror

    Input from Roberto

    Living a Contented Life

    When the World is Not Contented

    A New Friend

    Chapter Seven It’s all in a Dream

    Dream Time Lessons We Can Benefit From

    Dream Time Healing

    Healing Yourself

    A Touchy Topic Inspired by my Dream

    My Dream, Which Sparked This Topic

    The Demoralization of Women

    The Real Problem

    Dream Time, Travel, Visits and Other Fun Things

    I Call These Travel Dreams, Some Call Them Lucid Dreams

    Red Sand Beach Hawaii

    Three Shades

    Meeting a Music Angel

    Sparkly Dream Cord

    Traveling to Cuba

    My Dream with Kayla

    Chapter Eight Family Visions & Visits

    Reconnecting With Loved Ones Who Have Passed Over

    The Angels Say Wake Up!!

    Grandma by My Side

    Pets Gone but Not Forgotten


    Chloe my Psychic Cat

    Night Visions / Third Eye Awareness

    Golden Hands

    Rescuing Children

    Dreaming is So Beneficial to Our Spiritual Growth

    Chapter Nine God in My Eyes

    Suspended in the White Light -Meeting God

    Strange and Not So Nice Things on the Other Side

    A windy afternoon

    Why Share?

    Chapter Ten Give From the Heart!

    Time to Wake Up, Think with Your Heart

    The Wigs and Hair Studio - My Current Line of Work

    The Universe

    Our Pets

    Our Angels

    Blogs and Blessings

    Mariette’s Message

    Chapter Eleven Spiritual Awareness Alteration

    Reiki Level I

    My First Reiki Healing on Robert

    Reiki Level II

    Reiki III

    Wasn’t I Headed That Way?

    Stepping In

    Depth of Angel Love

    Now Back to Amber

    Chapter Twelve Colours, Energy and Mists

    Deeper Healing Methods

    Chapter Thirteen The Next Step to Spiritual Awakening

    Soul Transformation Healing Modality

    Soul Transformation with Candace

    Chapter Fourteen Sitting in Silence and Taking it All In

    Closing Remarks

    I Would Like to Share This One Last Thing with You

    Words Form my Music Angel ~ Elijah

    About the Author

    How to Contact Suzanne Bertolas

    Supporting Suzanne’s Friends

    All of these people are sharing their truth on the road to awakening

    Other Healing Methods


    Literary Works

    Radio Shows

    I have always followed my Divine Guidance

    When I do, Great things happen!!



    My name is Suzanne. I am a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, Intuitive and a healer. I am extremely excited to be able to share my book with you because I am very passionate about the topic of Angels, and life beyond the veil. I’m excited because I have seen my own guardian Angel, her name is Mariette, and I have seen through the veil with my eyes wide open.

    I was born in Northern England and I have since learned that the land in the United Kingdom is very mystical with a lot of activity going on in the spiritual sense. Apparently spiritual activity is not confined to just one area of the planet, as aspects of it clearly followed me to Canada when I was a young child.

    I currently reside in the same small town I grew up in, Cambridge Ontario where I married my sweetheart Robert in our old Town Hall. I have been a singer/songwriter for more than two decades, and I am just an artsy kind of girl in general who loves to be in nature, and most preferably by the ocean. I like to live a simple life and I grew up around horses on a farm, which I feel has kept me very grounded and aware of the simplicity of life.

    I have been searching my whole life for truth, keeping my eyes on the starry skies of my childhood, and I have always been aware of a presence around me since I was very young.

    The topic of Angels is a fascinating one, and one that people are becoming more and more open to and excited about.

    I am definitely not the first person to write about Angels, and it is very important for everyone to understand from the beginning, that my book is a little bit different than many other books that are available on the market. My Angel and Higher Guidance team are not speaking through me; I am not a channel from them to you with this book. Although I will admit I was given one or two direct messages from Mariette after I had asked her for clarification with one or two particular chapters in the book and I was then guided to share with you what she had to say to me.

    Please understand even though I do channel information from time to time, I don’t consider myself to be a practicing medium by any means.

    I have been firmly guided to share very specific experiences that I have had with what I perceive beyond the veil, and how Angels have interacted with me on a personal level since I was a child.

    I have been asked to take a different approach in the writing of this book, so I am not being repetitive and releasing information that is clearly available by other Authors. The Angels are not asking me to give you advice from them, but perhaps to be a little bit more open than you have been up to this point in your life.

    These are my own personal life experiences and Angel interventions and things I have seen beyond the veil with my own two eyes.

    I will share my stories with you, and it will be just like you are sitting down having a coffee or tea with me.

    I have been guided not to hold anything back especially in areas that my Angel has specifically asked me to speak about. Some of the chapters were a bit challenging to talk about, because they made me uncomfortable. However my Angel felt it was necessary for me to broach those topics to make you aware of their importance in today’s society.

    I have been told to be as specific as I can and not to be afraid of judgment from others. Apparently I am not here to sugarcoat or embellish anything. I was told to say it like it is. That is how I live my life, and that is how some people need to hear truth.

    I guess my writing is supposed to get you to try and nudge your own spirit into recognizing signs that your Angels want to become a bigger part of your life. They hope that you will recognize the signs on your own, so that they can help you to understand your life and spiritual path more clearly.

    Maybe you do not understand their signs of guidance or the messages they give you. This is where my story may jog your memory. It may give you a ‘light bulb moment’ where a switch goes on and you will open up to a new way of thinking about your spirituality in your current reality.

    I really hope you recognize yourself in some of the things I share. I hope it awakens a curiosity in your soul to dig a little deeper, and to not be afraid.

    I have been guided to put it all out there and seriously, people might think I’m nuts for some of the things I will share. But I am listening to my Angel because she would never ask this of me if there wasn’t a very good reason or urgency for me to let this much information out of the bag.

    People, who are guided to my message, will take from it what they need, what they believe and what will resonate within their own spirit. I have always believed the Universe will guide you to the things you need to understand in order to progress in a positive direction in your life.

    So before you really get into reading my story, clear some time just for you without distractions. Snuggle up somewhere with a nice cup of tea or coffee and take the time just for you.

    Open your heart and soul and thank your Angel for alerting you to the things you need to understand and she will open the floodgates of knowledge for you!

    Enjoy 46446.png


    With All My Love,

    Angels –They Say It’s Time, is dedicated to my husband Robert.


    (Robert & Suzanne ~ Best Friends)


    You are clearly my biggest fan with everything I do. Your enthusiasm, encouragement and honesty have been extremely helpful during the writing of this book. Thank you for understanding who I truly am, for accepting me for who I truly am and for always wanting the very best for me.

    Thank you, for ever and ever for making this opportunity available on such a big scale for me, and also for my beautiful big, red, acoustic Taylor Guitar so I have an amazing instrument to play when I sing my songs. I’m so spoiled and I love you!!


    From My Heart to Yours

    For those of you who have not yet seen beyond the veil or ever witnessed a real Angel, you’re not alone. However, some of you may have experienced something beyond your own scope of explanation and you may feel like you experienced an Angel intervention. If this is the case, you probably did.

    I have seen Angels in the form I perceive them, and I am very humbled to have been guided by my own Angel, to help open your mind to new possibilities and ideas. Perhaps by reading what I have to share, it will trigger something in your heart and soul to start you on the path to believing just like I do.

    For those of you who already believe and have had your own Angel experiences, it’s kind of fun to compare stories and learn of other miraculous ways Angels intervene and appear in our lives.

    When I first saw my Angel, and I realized what I had been blessed to see, my heart felt like it would explode from the unconditional love that was radiating down on me.

    When you are in the presence of Angels, you are extremely humbled. I have always been a spiritual person but I have learned the hard way not to try and convince anyone of anything that they are not open to hear about. There are many forms of Angels and everyone experiences them differently.

    Throughout the writing of this book, it took on a different direction than I thought it was meant to. I now know, after its completion that Angels and the way they interact in our lives is not the only thing I was guided to talk about with you.

    In the beginning talking about Angels, and how they interact with me, was their way of warming me up for the deeper messages they wanted me to bring forth to you.

    I was guided to broach some topics that make me extremely uncomfortable, but topics that need to be brought to the forefront of our awareness.

    Some of us have gotten off track with the reality of why we are here on earth and how we are supposed to be living our lives. Our Angels are waiting in the wings, nudging us to pay attention to the signs, and to awaken from our slumber.

    Our society is so distorted to how reality really should be and a lot of us have been caught up in the deception through manipulation and mis-information.

    Sure there are many other books available talking about similar topics, but this one is mine and we are all unique, experiencing things in the way we alone perceive them. It is meant to reach different people and I understand that it will get to those who are searching to discover their own truth and spiritual essence.

    I am Suzanne, just an ordinary woman. I’m a mom first and foremost, a wife, sister, daughter and friend. I am a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, Intuitive and healer, who loves to write, paint and follow my passion of music as an accomplished singer/songwriter. I believe in my own truth in regards to spirituality and I have been blessed to become aware of my own very special gifts that I have developed from a young age. I have been guided by my Angel to share those gifts and experiences with you because she has told me it is time to do so.

    Throughout the book as I share my story with you, I am truly amazed at how Angels are a very big part in my life. I am not afraid to admit that to anyone, even though I have been made fun of at times. I am not worried if people think I am crazy any longer because I know the stories you are about to read and how I explain things, are not lies. It is the straight up honest truth from my heart to yours. The people who may laugh may be the ones who need to open their minds a little bit wider.

    Everyone takes their own time to spiritually awaken to the degree I will talk about. Those who can’t see and experience Angels for themselves may find it hard to believe that they are real. Those are the people I am writing for, because maybe a block that they have, will be removed and they can also start to experience and have a relationship with their own Angels and Guides.

    Once you trust your higher guidance you start to understand other things and your current reality will start to shift. You may then start digging to find your own truth, and that is a great thing.

    Learning new ideas about the other side of the veil can be scary for some of us. We have been blindly conditioned into thinking things are set in stone. We may feel we have to honor how we were taught by our parents, teachers and society in regards to religion and our understanding of what is right and wrong.

    It really is wonderful when you truly become comfortable enough to understand and follow your own inner guidance and the inner screening process done by someone who only shows unconditional love and who cares about your highest good at all times. That is your Angel.

    One thing I have learned the hard way is to not question or go against my divine guidance, because it has never steered me wrong. It is only when I allow my own ego to step in that I have problems in my life. That is because it convinces me to do something in a different way from the way in which I am clearly being guided. It can be a push and pull situation with your higher self, or Angel, and your ego. Sometimes your ego will try to steer you away from a positive direction by planting fear in your mind. Never let the ego win. It does not have the vast amount of information available to it that your Angel does. Nor does it have your highest good at the top of its list.

    I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time and giving your energy to read my book. I truly hope you enjoy it and that it may help you along your spiritual journey.

    Love and Hugs, Suzanne


    The Angelic Realm

    Thank you, Mariette, and my Guides for always protecting me and walking with me throughout this life time.

    Thank you Archangel Michael and my Angelic Healing Team for being present during my Reiki Sessions, and for trusting me to be a conduit for your pure direct energy as you step in to give my clients a stronger energy healing session.

    Family & Friends

    Mom and Dad, (Ed and Stella Couchman)

    Your love and support is never ending. You are the best parents on the planet! I have learned so much from you both and I love you more than you will ever know.


    Suzanne with her parents

    Kayla, Steven and Andrew,

    You are the three very inspiring children in my life and you are each unique in your own way. The one thing you all have in common is that you keep me grounded. Each of you reminds me of how important it is to have a sense of humor, to laugh out loud and to have fun in life. I love you all.

    Michael, 46446.png my favorite nephew,

    You have shown me at such a young age the abilities we possess before we forget we have them. You taught me never to doubt the things we see.

    I would like to give a special thank you to Kayla and Drew for giving us our wonderful grandchild Julian. He is an amazing addition to all of our lives and a reminder to all of us just how precious life is.


    I truly appreciate your honesty and integrity in every situation. I love our talks and all the laughs we have together, you are a true friend, Reiki Master, and healer in every sense.

    JoeZep, By stepping back from our music, it gave me the opportunity to focus completely on the writing of this book. Thank you for understanding my heart and for jumping back in to our songs and my life, when the time was right again. We are lifers and I’m so excited to follow our musical path together 46446.png xo

    Friends and family not mentioned, you have each influenced me in ways that has allowed my spirit to learn and grow. Thank you

    Book Editors

    Lea Porter, thank you for your constant faith in my writing abilities. I am inspired by your vast wealth of knowledge in so many areas of culture and you are an amazing story teller. You have been part of every book project with me and I am so glad we have kept our friendship alive for more than two decades through the love of music, book events, hair styles, and vacations.

    Georgina Hawkshaw, you are also an accomplished Author and Editor. When you edit, you really crack the whip! However, when I was finished all the corrections I felt such a sense of accomplishment and peace knowing so many of my typos were found and that I wouldn’t sound like a total spaz.

    I would like to thank both of you very much for taking the time to read through my book. I appreciate your insight and help with the toughest part of writing and your willingness to do so. Thank you Ladies xo

    Robert Bertolas and Kayla Noel. Thank you for help with my final proof reading.

    Publishing House

    To Balboa Press/ Hay House, Thank you for providing a platform for me to share my story with the world. It is so nice to have a publisher who shares my vision and understands the necessity of healing the world through positive works.

    A Special Mention

    To my friends and family who didn’t mind me sharing our experiences together, thank you.

    Robert, Kayla, Steven, David & Candace

    A Bit about Suzanne

    I will go into further detail about the things I will introduce to you now. So here we go!

    Yes, I do see Angels; I see them in their different forms as they present themselves to me. I see them with my eyes both open and closed. I also hear Angels speak to me. I hear an actual audible voice usually in my left ear. And no I am not schizophrenic and I don’t need medication.

    I feel their energy when they are around me, especially when I am giving Reiki treatments. They step into me during healing sessions to assist and give stronger healing to my clients and because they do this I feel the vibration change in my own energy field.

    I have seen through the veil, in fact I have been seeing on the other side for almost twenty-five years now. One of the first sightings I can recall was of my Grandma and I have seen her twice. I have consciously traveled to the white light everyone talks about, without the aid of any drugs, without the intention to hurt myself and without having a near death experience.

    I have felt first hand that all-encompassing loving energy while I was in the light. I did not want to come back but I really didn’t have a choice in that decision because here I am.

    I have learned that sometimes I become consciously aware of what I do in my dream time, and that makes me understand the other side a whole lot more easily. I have seen my Angel in her absolute loving brilliance right next to me. I have seen her above my bed and through the veil where all that resides is love, unless you look for the bad.

    I was reduced to uncontrollable tears, almost sobbing, when I shared what I saw with my husband the first time my Angel appeared to me. The only thing I can relate it to is holding your baby seconds after birth, or a scene in the movie ‘The Ten Commandments’ where Moses comes down from the mountain after witnessing the burning bush and hearing the voice of God. How he looked in the movie, is how I felt.

    Angels are very big, and when you are in the presence of them and believe me there are more than your eyes can even comprehend, you are extremely humbled and you realize how small you really are in the scope of our multidimensional Universe.

    Not all is good on the other side of the veil however. I have seen evil in a very scary way to me, and I have been involved in some heroic measures rescuing children from an unknown location. (I will explain that dream later)

    Healing in many forms also takes place on the other side of the veil when we are in our dream zone.

    There are just so many things to talk about and I’m anxious to dive right in. I hope you are able to read this with an open heart and an open mind. I hope that one day if you haven’t already, you will also be able to see your own Guardian Angel with your eyes wide open and start to see beyond the veil.


    Special Gifts We are All Born With

    I am fortunate in some ways to have become aware of most of the six psychic senses that seem to be available to me. I can’t control them all, but they are definitely an active part of who I am. Sometimes only one or two senses become prominent for a person until they are activated or the person becomes aware of their abilities.

    I clearly seem to have them all except for the tasting ability. I have provided a minimal amount of information on our psychic gifts. Everyone is different in regards to how we perceive and implement our abilities. But what follows will give you a bit of an idea, and if your spirit guides you, you may want to do some further research about this topic.


    This is the ability to pick up different vibrations in food. If you have this ability then you are able to go beyond knowing what

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