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Hawkeneye: City by the Sea
Hawkeneye: City by the Sea
Hawkeneye: City by the Sea
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Hawkeneye: City by the Sea

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After evil returns to Rippleshank, Oglevey realizes he can longer protect Lexi from the ravenous Demoni. They follow a mysterious message and set off on a quest to find Lexis long lost uncle in the fair city of London. No sooner do they arrive than evil finds their path, and the pair find themselves immersed in a web of riddles and danger.

Soon Kimora and Fiz join the perilous journey and the pursuit of the mysterious Uncle Billingsley and a rumored second, Hawkeneye. Reunited with his friends, the group chase after the shadows of Jebadiah Billingsley. They enter Fiz in the Battlestone Championships as cover for their actions, but their path leads to clue after treacherous clue and the most startling discovery to datethe City by the Sea.

Unlock the secrets of Rippleshank, and join Lexi, Fiz, and Kimora on their most adventurous quest to date.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 29, 2016
Hawkeneye: City by the Sea

Clayton M. Craft

CLAYTON M. CRAFT is the author of Hawkeneye and Hawkeneye City By The Sea. He is believed to still be working for one of the souths largest banks. He is rumored to hold degrees in criminal justice and business administration from Roanoke College and a Juris Doctor from the Appalachian School of Law. His inspiration for his novels came after years of reflection upon his childhood survival of cancer and his will to conquer whatever challenge lay ahead. Dedicating his spare time to charities involving children, Mr. Craft hopes the novel will inspire other children to rise beyond the obstacles of their lives. Mr. Craft is rumored to be hard at work on the next book of the Hawkeneye saga.

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    Book preview

    Hawkeneye - Clayton M. Craft


    A Tale of Rippleshank

    I n the midst of a vast and thick forest, the massive stone mansion known as Rippleshank Manor stood between high rising muted blue spruce and forest green pine. Its twin brick chimneys and multiple arch shaped windows looked out over the morning mists commanding the attention of the surrounding forest. It was the same mansion where a tousled haired young man known as Lexi had experienced his life’s grandest adventure. It seemed like only yesterday that he arrived at the masterful estate in a speeding taxi upon one of the darkest nights he’d ever known.

    Once upon the estate’s illustrious grounds, he made friends with his mischievous roommate Fiz and a rather brilliant young lady named Kimora. Together they learned of the estate’s previous owner Lord Alphamaeus Rippleshank and his many elaborate tasks. They managed each challenging task in turn, leading them to their greatest discovery… the much-fabled Hawkeneye. The carved alabaster statue called to Lexi and he in turn summoned the winged warriors from the sky to his aid. Soon a battle of grand proportions erupted in the swirling night sky and deep within the dark shadowy bowels of the grand manor. In the end, the unlikely trio and the winged warriors from above triumphed over the dark Demoni.

    Things had changed quite a bit since then. Lexi was now the Lord of the Hawkeneye and Lord of the Manor. He still found it hard to believe he was now the owner of a vast estate that stretched out as far as the eye could see. As per the final wishes of Alphamaeus Rippleshank the one to complete the final challenge would inherit all that he had owned including the responsibility of watching over the legendary Hawkeneye.

    Lexi could never get used to waking in the grandest bedroom that money could purchase, nor could he begin to understand having servants to do just about anything he wished. Though all in all, the only thing he had learned to detest was his constant studies. Not only had Oglevey become his personal servant and confidant but he had also provided for Lexi’s personal education as well.

    As the morning sun shown through the bedroom’s arched shaped windows Lexi woke for another day at Rippleshank Manor. Though it had been more than a year since Lexi first came to the Manor, Lexi had changed. Apparently experiencing a bit of a growth spurt, Lexi’s favorite blue striped pajamas no longer fit. The soft cottony material barely reached his ankles and the once long sleeves came nowhere near his wrists. To say the least, Lexi was growing and not just in physical form… Lexi was becoming a man.

    The mansion’s dark skinned butler pressed open the master bedroom door and greeted Lexi with an early morning welcome. He was dressed in a proper suit of clothes with a crisp white shirt and tie. Master Lexi I see you are wide awake and ready for your continued studies. Oglevey pulled back the curtains from the window allowing more of the brilliant morning sunshine to bathe the otherwise darkened room.

    Lexi raised his hand to shield his eyes from the bright morning rays. Oh you sound like Kimora always wanting to study.

    Ah yes Mistress Kimora, I do miss her. I believe she was a rather good influence upon you, Oglevey replied before again changing his tone. Remember your schooling shall come before any fits of frivolity.

    Can’t we just do something fun for a change? Lexi moaned before turning over for a few more minutes of sleep.

    Now you’re sounding a bit more like Master Fiz, Oglevey chastised. There will be plenty of time for that after you complete a proper day of learning. Now up and atem, I have prepared a proper breakfast.

    Lexi found the main dining hall and the wondrous smells of his favorite breakfast. The long wooden table was already full of fluffy pancakes, a plate of linked sausage and even a side order of Lexi’s favorite chocolate truffles.

    After tending to Lexi’s bed and tidying up the room a bit, Oglevey made his way back down to the first floor. Ah Master Lexi I see breakfast must have suited you, I see all empty plates, he said upon arrival in the dining hall. Indeed, it was a trait Lexi had picked up from Fiz… the love of a good breakfast. Now make your way to the study and we shall begin today’s lesson, he finished already entering teacher mode.

    In the year that Lexi had lived at the Manor with Oglevey, Lexi learned that the older man was quite the teacher. Not only could he explain theories of mathematics, science and history but he’d even taught Lexi a thing or two about Battlestones. Turns out that when Oglevey was a child the kids called the game marbles and apparently, he was quite the player.

    Though Lexi could not complain about his living conditions, he could not help but miss his friends and family. Though he had received several letters from Kimora detailing her advanced studies and a couple bags of Battlestones from his buddy Fiz, there was never anything from his Uncle Billingsley. It had been well over a year since Lexi had any contact with his Uncle, who as far as Lexi knew was his only living relative. Though he could not possibly understand the life of his Uncle, he thought he would at least hear from him every once in a while. A year Lexi thought was a very long time to go without hearing from someone, but for a family member it seemed almost like an eternity. What could possibly be so important or so time consuming to cause one to forget about their family entirely?

    It had become a daily ritual for Lexi to ask about the morning mail hoping to receive anything from his Uncle… but nothing ever came. There were no letters about grand adventures, no packages of unique trinkets and marvels, and certainly no cards or letters celebrating holidays or birthdays… in a word there was simply nothing. Though Oglevey was often prodded about the morning mail, he always politely smiled and returned, No Master Lexi I have no news to report.

    Though always exchanging pleasantries, deep down Lexi felt the same way anyone in his position would… abandoned. Without his Uncle, Lexi had no one, no one save for Oglevey and his friends who were practically on the other side of the world. When he first arrived at the grand manor of Rippleshank, every room and hallway seemed so full of energy with guests running here and there, sharing stories and making friends. Now in this massive empty manor, there was nothing of the sort, only the servants remained and Rippleshank was truly not the same.

    After a proper day of studies and about as many moans as Lexi’s friend Fiz, Oglevey mercifully released Lexi to his own devices. Then as if by cue, the Manor’s door chimes sounded in deep rhythmic tones echoing throughout the vast open rooms. Though quite surprised, Oglevey emerged from his quarters still fully dressed and made his way to the Manor’s front door. He opened the tall wooden door and noted a thin sprightly fellow dressed properly and waiting for an introduction. Good evening sir I have been sent here to deliver a letter.

    Yes, yes well I appreciate your dedication to your job but wouldn’t the mailbox have done nicely.

    Oh I’m afraid not dear sir, I have strict instructions to hand deliver this letter to a Mr. Hawkeneye.

    Oglevey blinked his eyes for a moment as if clearing a bit of fog from his mind. Excuse me I believe my hearing must be going, who did you say?

    A Mr. Hawkeneye. I have strict instructions to deliver this letter in person.

    Still a bit taken with the messenger’s words Oglevey finally found his wits and his manners, Yes, well that would be me.

    Oh very good sir please sign here, the messenger answered holding out a small electronic clipboard with an attached stylus pen. With Oglevey’s filigreed signature that looked more like a series of circles and swirls than anything else, the messenger quickly tucked away the small electronic device and spun on his heels.

    Do have a good day sir.

    Oglevey closed the heavy wooden door and returned to the Manor’s marble foyer before examining the small linen envelope. A number of small stamps decorated the outer edge of the yellowed envelope. It was almost as if someone had planned to mail it at a later date and could not quite estimate the needed postage. He was nearly certain what was placed inside the small square envelope from the moment the young messenger mentioned the word. He tore into the linen envelope and began to eye the scripted words.

    To the Lord of the Manor:

    If you are reading this then I am no longer with you. I truly regret that I am not there to guide you further along this twisted path. I fear I have placed you in a most terrible danger, for you are now Lord of the Hawkeneye.

    Take solace that some still regard the name of Rippleshank in many places fore they shall be your closest allies. They are coming I tell you and nothing can stop that now only the brave souls who stand against them will decide. I do so wish there was another way but there was so little time to prepare. By the time I knew the hand of evil was at work it was nearly too late. I pray my faithful servant Oglevey is there to make the journey with you. There is no one I trust more for his loyalty is unwavering.

    If he is still amongst you find Jebadiah for he shall be in grave danger as well. There can be nothing greater for you now. It is a shame that only at the end of my life, do I now understand. I pray that you shall understand far sooner.

    Alphamaeus Rippleshank

    As Oglevey unfolded the rest of the letter, an aged bronze compass fell from the multi-creased page and into his hand. Its round dome shaped crystal was cracked in several places and the arrow shaped magnetic hand did not move at all. The broad shouldered man was puzzled to say the least. Why would Rippleshank leave behind such strange instructions and such a strange object?

    Oglevey tore open the small wooden door to Rippleshank’s personal study. He quickly searched the many shelves of ancient texts and heavy bound volumes until stopping before a particular book. The rather thin book, wrapped loosely in oiled leather skin and further bound with narrow strips of nogahide rope, stood out amongst its brethren. He turned back the thin cover and found a collection of uneven pages bound together to form a journal of sorts. He quickly spread open the journal to its halfway point and found a sketched globe spread evenly across two linen pages. He placed the cracked compass upon the Manor’s location and steadily slid the small bronzed object across the map. He followed the path of the broken needle through deep valleys, over rolling mountains and across wide spread oceans before arriving upon the fair city of London.

    Alphamaeus you sly little devil, Oglevey said upon discovering the meaning of the strange compass. Even from the grave your riddles still tease the mind. He tucked the letter and the small metal compass into his pocket choosing to preserve them for a more appropriate time to tell Lexi. Now where has Master Lexi gotten to?


    Deep within the mysterious maze of high rising shrubs, Lexi found himself upon an earthen bench within the Theater of the Crescent Moon. The half-moon shaped theater had been the site of many of the estate’s grand ceremonies. He stared out over the theater’s rounded stone stage and could almost see invisible figures moving about. He remembered the rippling torches and the blazing globe. He remembered the butterflies dancing in his stomach churning just moments before receiving a bright shining medal. Most importantly, he remembered the friends that thankfully accompanied him along the magnificent journey. All of that seemed so very far away now. Yes, he had a magnificent estate to live upon, complete with a stable of horses, a forest of trees filled with a ropes course and zip line and a magnificent aviary, but something was missing. Lexi was alone.

    The Manor was now equipped with i-everything, leaving the world only a keystroke away. Though he never hurt for a text or video from his friends, none of that could replace a real friend. Nothing could replace someone to see or touch and nothing could replace his former adventures and the friendships he shared. Lexi quite simply was alone. He wiped a tear from his eye, then gathered his things and lifted his gloved hand to the darkened skies. The golden-feathered Horus circled high overhead stretching his wings. He spotted Lexi’s gloved hand from high above and turned towards the ground.

    With Horus in tow, Lexi moved swiftly back through the twists and turns of the deceptive maze of shrubs. He passed the round bronze sundial etched into the pathway and the swirled Victorian gazing globe tucked into a shadowy corner before finding the open gates of the maze. After taking the Manor’s steps in twos and threes, he opened the massive door and quietly slid inside. He pressed the Manor’s massive wooden door back into place then jumped when he spotted Oglevey seated just inside the foyer.

    Sleepwalking again Master Lexi? Oglevey questioned, referring to a rather memorable event within the maze of shrubs.

    I… uh . . . um.

    It’s quite alright the master of the manor should be able to come and go as he pleases. But what in the blazes were you looking for in the maze after dark?

    I was… I was.

    I’m afraid you won’t find anybody in the maze Master Lexi.

    That’s right, everybody’s gone, Lexi finished before bounding up the stairs to his room.

    The echoing words stung Oglevey’s ears. Lexi was right of course. The halls of Rippleshank once rang with the chatter of a hundred others about Lexi’s age. Indeed, there was Oglevey, Horus, a house full of servants and even the house cat Mortimer, but the truth of the matter was… the halls of Rippleshank were empty. Oglevey couldn’t keep the boy tucked away here at Rippleshank. He needed to be with people his own age.

    As the late hour faded into the darkness of night, Lexi found his bed, but sleep would not come easily. Though very much asleep, Lexi’s mind was not at ease. Deep within his mind, Lexi could see something in the distance. At first, it appeared as nothing but a faint light in the shadowy darkness, then the tiny flicker erupted into the flaming blaze of a small campfire.

    Surprisingly there was no heat, only an icy chill shivering across Lexi’s body. He could not tell if it was the fear of what lay ahead or something more but every step seemed to grow colder and colder. Cautiously moving ahead Lexi grew closer and closer, but something was wrong. Though Lexi had only moved a short distance the flame seemed more than twice its original size. Then to Lexi’s horror, he suddenly realized he was not moving closer… the fire moved towards him. The flames grew larger and before he could even move, the flames rose high over his head and began to dance all around. Before Lexi realized it, he was standing within a circle of red orange flames with no way out and no escape from his deepening nightmare.

    Lexi… Lexi. A familiar male voice called out.

    Rippleshank… Rippleshank, Lexi repeated in his sleep. His sleep became fitful. He began to toss and turn with sweat beading upon his worried brow.

    Lexi you are in grave danger. The voice again offered.

    He continued to toss and turn until his eyes suddenly flashed open. He quickly took in his darkened surroundings, before frantically checking himself over. He expected to find burns to his body and soot stains to his clothes yet he found nothing of the sort. To his amazement he was quite all right. Yet with another glance about the darkened room, he realized he was not free of his nightmare.

    Lexi could hear voices echoing throughout the manor as flickering amber light danced beneath his bedroom door. He quickly slipped from his bed and tip toed toward the door. Then the door burst open with a blaze of brilliant flame and a cloud of thick black smoke. He stumbled backward before falling to the floor. His nightmare was far from over. When he again looked up, Oglevey’s soot stained frame filled the doorway.

    Quickly Master Lexi, we must exit the Manor! The Manor is on fire, there isn’t a moment to spare!

    They tore from the bedroom. Neither had time to gather their things, they would have to face this nightmare barefoot and in pjs.

    Lexi could not believe the images that flooded his vision. Wicked dancing flames now engulfed the once beautiful Manor. Amidst the growing fire, servants zoomed from one room to another with buckets of overflowing water. The scene before him was a war between water and flames, a war the servants were quickly losing.

    Quickly we haven’t much time, Oglevey directed as the pair started for the staircase.

    Everything was aglow with crimson and amber, shadowed by flames rapidly overtaking the Manor. Lexi and Oglevey shielded their bodies as best they could, before rushing headlong into the blazing inferno. Blackened smoke instantly seared Lexi’s lungs. He choked for a breath of clean air but there was none. Flames leapt up the walls, before rippling across the ceiling in a river of molten fire. Plaster peeled from the Manor’s walls revealing rib like slats and the hollowed nothingness that matched the feelings in Lexi’s stomach.

    They pressed on through the collapsing Manor, navigating more twists, turns and dead ends than the Manor’s green-hedged courtyard maze. Throughout the crumbling Manor, timbers yawned and moaned threatening to collapse under the weight of the ravaging flames. Finally they found the former grand staircase.

    Hurry Master Lexi! I’ll be right behind you. Oglevey offered before ushering Lexi down the first step.

    They feared it would not support their weight but they had no other choice. It would carry them to safety or carry them to their doom. They started down creaky stair after creaky stair, eyeing the once chocolate brown carpet now blackened with soot in places and glowing with red embers in others.

    It’s not gonna hold! Lexi yelled with another cautious step.

    It’ll hold Master Lexi! It has to.

    The former grand staircase was nearly in shambles, it was a wonder it stood at all. With hurried footfalls, the pair found little room between the whipping flames and collapsing stairs but somehow worked their way down the treacherous staircase with steps and banisters giving way to the searing heat.

    Halfway down the crumbling staircase, the pair passed the statue of Lord Alphamaeus Rippleshank. It now lay broken, shattered by a large piece of plaster that had fallen from the high rising ceiling. It had served as a physical reminder of the former Lord of the Manor to all who passed through the grand foyer. Lexi paused for only a moment to stare at the remains of statue. It would appear the ravaging fire would not be sparing anything.

    Hurry Master Lexi we have no time to morn our losses. Oglevey offered as he placed a stern hand on Lexi’s shoulder. He knew if they did not press on that would be their fate as well.

    After a few more hurried footfalls, they finally reached the bottom of the sweeping staircase. Ordinarily that might have been comforting, but after hearing something overhead they braced for an even greater horror. High overhead the grand chandelier swung wildly as a piece of the ceiling dislodged.


    Lexi watch out! Oglevey bellowed before shielding Lexi with his body. In an explosion of shattering glass, the elaborate crystal chandelier crashed to the hard marbled floor. With splintering shards raining down upon them, Lexi and Oglevey did their best to cover themselves.

    When they could again open their eyes, the once brilliant chandelier lay scattered across the marble floor. Having barely regained their footing, the pair started for the main entrance when a second noise echoed throughout the foyer.


    With a shower of flaming embers, a once sturdy support beam gave way tumbling onto the foyer’s marble floor.

    Oglevey look out! Lexi yelled as he lunged toward his friend.

    Barely rolling free of the worst, the pair again opened their eyes only to find a wall of rippling flames. The once elegant foyer lay in ruins with an immovable column now blocking the Manor’s arched shaped front door.

    Master Lexi are you hurt? Oglevey said as his head turned like a swivel searching for an alternate exit.

    I… I think I’m okay, Lexi mumbled with a rub of his head. With the main-door blocked, Oglevey panned his head in every direction but found nothing but blackened debris and searing flames. Master Lexi I fear we are out of exits, Oglevey resigned before slumping his head.

    Lexi rapidly continued his search. They were running out of time and he knew all the obvious choices were out of the question. Then from the corner of his eye, he spotted their exit. It had been there all along, it just had to be opened. Hurry Oglevey, this way!

    Lexi drug Oglevey by the shirtsleeve, guiding his friend between ravaging flames and collapsing walls to Rippleshank’s personal study. The pair barely managed to shut the door before another wave of flames seared its polished wood. No sooner than the door latched behind, Lexi bolted for the rounded bookcase behind the wide wooden desk.

    Master Lexi this is nothing but a dead end, quickly we have to get free of this place! Oglevey pleaded knowing the flames were already lapping against the small wooden door. Lexi ran his hand down the bookcase before finding the odd shaped book. He pulled upon its aged spine. The wall of books revolved and the darkened passage once again stood open.

    Hurry! Lexi shouted as he again grabbed Oglevey by the shirtsleeve and pulled his friend into the darkened passage.

    Master Lexi I hope you know what you’re doing, Oglevey added struggling to find his way through the inky darkness.

    In no time, the pair emerged into the Rippleshank Guesthouse miraculously spared from the blazing inferno. My, my Alphamaeus you never cease to amaze me, Oglevey said upon entering the rounded Guesthouse library. Apparently, the library

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