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Where Art Thou?
Where Art Thou?
Where Art Thou?
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Where Art Thou?

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There are more people in this world today who dont know where they are in life than ever before. Some of them are very powerful, rich, and famous. This book provides the reader with answers from the word of God that will reshape their lives in a Christ-like manner. When we discover just how much God loves us and how he desires to bless us, its exciting.

Release dateApr 26, 2017
Where Art Thou?

Henry L. Babers Sr.

Henry L. Babers Sr. is the founder and organizer of Parkview Christian Life Center which he began in 1988 with his wife and one faithful member. He also is a television evangelist who loves spreading the word of God. He believes in the power of God's word to transform lives.

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    Where Art Thou? - Henry L. Babers Sr.

    Copyright © 2017 Henry Babers.

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    This book is dedicated to my loving wife and Parkview’s first lady, Ernestine Babers, who has been at my side from the very beginning. Without her love and support, this project would not have been possible. She has aided me immensely by thoroughly reading and critiquing this work. I also dedicate this book to my children, Tangela, Henry Jr. and Travis who have supported me tirelessly in my journey to give myself to the will of God. And finally, to the awesome members of Parkview Christian Life Center, we have much of which to be proud. You have made it all possible.

    But the Lord God called to the man, Where are you?

    (Genesis 3:9) NIV


    I met Pastor Henry Babers, founder of Parkview Christian Life Center a few years ago, and had a chance to attend a service at his church. Right from the start, I found him to be a very impressive man. Extremely charismatic, his message was uplifting, his style unique, refreshing and current. His sincerity and genuine love for the Word of God and for his parishioners was heartfelt and apparent. I could tell that I was surrounded by people who loved him, just as they loved listening to his relevant message for their everyday lives, as well as the lively music from the devoted and talented Parkview choir.

    Being an author I shared with Pastor Babers and his wife, Parkview’s first lady Ernestine Babers, my books: Diversity Blues: How to Shake ‘Em which dealt with diversity issues, and in particular racism and sexism, in organizations and what to do to resolve them, and my mystery novels.

    Pastor Babers told me how he had always wanted to write books himself but he hadn’t had the time to explore doing so since, for the last few years he had been totally engrossed in creating the plans and working out the finances to build the beautiful new Parkview Christian Life Center sanctuary. He told me he had reviewed my books and liked my writing style. When he asked for my help, I willingly agreed. He gave me the first seven chapters that he had started on some time before. We fleshed them out and took off from there. With this, Where Art Thou was officially launched. It was a labor of love.

    My permanent residence is in Cincinnati, Ohio, but I’m fortunate to spend the winter months in Haines City in the sunshine state. So, over a three-year period, Pastor Babers and I met several times in person during my winter hiatus in Florida. Throughout the rest of the year, we talked on the phone often to discuss his ideas for new chapters, and so that he could critique my work as I attempted to put his thoughts into words.

    I had never considered myself a religious expert or biblical writer, and yet it was easy to understand and capture Pastor Babers’ inspiring messages. Working on this project with him, I personally learned a great deal which I’m eternally grateful for. But even more importantly I learned about him as a person and as a pastor. I’ll explain.

    Each chapter has a section entitled Living the Word in which Pastor Babers gives an example of how he has lived the teachings of that particular chapter. Chapter after chapter, after delving into his experiences, what I learned about him filled me with amazement and pride. I learned that he definitely practices what he preaches and is a true role model for living the Word of God. His personal stories were highly inspirational, and I discovered that his faith is completely unwavering. So much so, that when messages from the world were telling him he couldn’t do something, Pastor Babers was not listening to the world. Instead, he was listening to the highest Source of wisdom, the voice of God, the voice that told him he could. And time after time, he succeeded, never even doubting for a minute that he would.

    And so, Pastor Henry Babers has found himself doing what others may have thought impossible. In Chapter 7, you will read about how services in the early days of Parkview were held in a single wide mobile home. At its inception, the church had only one member. After holding church services and conducting church business in the mobile home for 7 years, the Lord burden his heart that it was time to build a sanctuary. This was at a time when the church bank account could be counted in hundreds of dollars versus thousands. However, being obedient, he embarked on the journey, and true to his every expectation, the sanctuary was built. This was 24 years ago. When the doors were open to the public three years after construction started, the church was mortgage free! When God told him to leave his good-paying job so he could devote full time to his ministry, even though he had a wife and small children at home, he was obedient. This too, worked out, and in his words, We have never missed a meal. When some may have thought he would never be on television with a global audience, Pastor Babers, with his undying faith, proved them wrong. He currently appears weekly on television’s Christian Television Network channel (CTN).

    I learned that when he looked around the community in Haines City and saw the unmet needs of the people, he set about to meet some of those needs by purchasing land and building the beautiful Parkview Community Center. This center originally housed classrooms where individuals could take courses to get their GEDs, and where free clothing, food, and medical services are dispensed to those who need aid.

    Clearly, Pastor Henry Babers is not a do as I say do, preacher. Instead, he is a most sincere, faithful, and obedient servant of God, and is committed to spreading His word. He has a fervent and abiding love for his parishioners and seeks to deliver powerful messages that touch and improve their lives. In addition to residents of Haines City, Parkview Christian Life Center services are regularly attended by people from other surrounding cities, some coming from many miles away. There have also been a number of foreigners who have come from other countries saying that they saw him on his world-wide television program and just had to come to see this man in person.

    Although I could add much more about Pastor Babers, I have personally observed that much of what he does is made possible because of the loyal help he is blessed to have. There are several people he counts on to keep things running smoothly, particularly, his wife, Ms. Ernestine Babers. She works diligently on a daily basis to handle the business needs of the church. She is a calm and steady rock by his side and Parkview is a product of their work as a cohesive team. Together, they are a sweet and beautiful couple. There are several other hard-working individuals who help get the work done.

    I cannot end without talking about the brand-new sanctuary. Pastor Babers designed this structure to be a welcoming haven of warmth and beauty where all people will be able to come to worship and serve the Lord. One cannot help but be moved by the breathtaking beauty of this place. Situated on its vast acreage surrounded by lakes, palm trees and fountains, it is the picture of serenity and loveliness. Pastor Babers designed the inside of the building to meet Parkview’s current and future needs in terms of seating capacity, as well as to offer all the necessary amenities and niceties. When I returned to Haines City in the winter of 2015, I was excited to see the pointed church spire peeking regally over the tops of trees from several miles away. When I saw the entire building up close, perched majestically on its foundation, it seemed to greet and welcome one and all. Members and friends of Parkview Christian Life Center can beam with pride at knowing they contributed to this incredible place. I had the extreme pleasure of participating in the open house event on February 21, 2016, when the doors of the church were opened and members and friends filed in, completely filling the over 1,200 plus seats of the church. What a blessed day that was!

    Finally, as I conducted a final read through of this book, it occurred to me that this is a great gift to families. It provides an ease of reading that even the youngest child should be able to comprehend. Parents might want to encourage their children to read it regularly. This book provides a great opportunity for families to discuss, share and learn about the word together. Entire families can grow together in the understanding of God’s word and apply it to their everyday lives.

    I expect that this book, Where Art Thou, will only be the first of other books to come, as Pastor Babers has a wealth of lessons and messages to impart to all who seek to hear his words. I have been happy to be a part of creating his first book.





    Chapter 1   Where Art Thou?

    We Can Count On God

    Living In Obedience

    The Price Of Disobedience

    The Creation Of Disorder

    Where Can We Run; Where Can We Hide?

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 2   Blame – Blame: Who’s The Blame?

    The Impact Of A Leader: You Are A Leader

    Self-Centeredness And Pride

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 3   The Effects Of Sin And The Blessings Of Obedience

    When Sin Becomes Addictive

    The High Price Of Sin

    The Loss Of Dominion

    In Search Of Wisdom

    The Blessings Of Obedience

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 4   The Abundant Life Is Available

    How To Have The Abundant Life

    Spiritual Blessings And Redemption

    Prosperity Is God’s Will

    The Need For Money In This World

    Change Your Mindset About Wealth

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 5   Calling Our Desires Into Existence

    Using Our Minds To Call What We Want Into Existence

    Open Your Hearts And Minds To Receive

    Desire To Fulfill Both Physical And Spiritual Needs

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 6   The Canvas Of Our Minds

    The Canvas Of Our Minds

    A Relevant Message For Our Journey

    It’s What’s In The Mind That Counts

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 7   The Favor Factor


    Finding The Favor Factor

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 8   Only The Pure In Heart

    Empty, Meaningless Words

    Thriving Relationships

    Confessing And Believing

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 9   Forgive, Love And Move Forward

    The Importance Of Forgiving Those Who Have Hurt Us

    Moving Forward Moment By Moment

    Moving Forward Season By Season

    Moving Forward For A Lifetime

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 10   Life’s Growth Tests

    Jesus’ First Trial: The Flesh

    Jesus’ Second Trial: To Tempt God

    Jesus’ Third Trial: The Love Of Money

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou?

    Chapter 11   The Amazing Power Of Our Tongues

    The Amazing Power Of Words

    Ask And It Shall Be Given

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou

    Chapter 12   Under New Management

    What This Chapter Is About

    Under New Management

    Three Little Pigs

    Living The Word

    Where Art Thou

    Closing Message From Pastor Henry L. Babers, Sr.


    T he publication of this book has been a long-held goal of mine. After ministering for nearly a quarter century, I have accumulated an abundance of notes including thousands of sermons, Bible study lectures, DVD’s, CD’s, as well as a host of experiences and ideas. As a man of God, I always wanted to write a book as another way to deliver the word of God, but with a full-time ministry and several weekly church-sponsored programs for our young members and singles, developing Parkview Community Outreach Center where we now have a free health clinic that serves hundreds of people each week, and a community room that gives out free food and clothing each week to large numbers of people in Haines City and our surrounding communities, a weekly televised program that reaches millions of people, and finally, with construction underway for our new sanctuary, I admit to having had neither the time to write a book, nor the experience.

    Along came author Gladys Gossett Ph.D., who graciously offered to help me place my thoughts and materials onto the pages of this book of which I am extremely proud. Her own books, both fiction and non-fiction are, outstanding literary works.

    I have quoted many scriptures throughout this book. We know the Bible is one of the most printed religious books in the world and most of us are familiar with the King James Version, which is written in old English style. You will note that the version I mostly chose to use in this book is the New International Version, because of its ease of use and plain English wording. I hope you will find it beneficial.

    Because of my love of and commitment to God’s word, I wanted to share with others who are seeking a greater connection with God, my thoughts on how they might attain it. I hope to encourage and enable readers to conduct what I believe can be a life altering self-examination by answering for themselves the all-important first question God asked of man – Where art thou? I want the reader to answer this question literally with respect to where they are physically and spiritually, as well as where they are in terms of other areas of their lives. In this book, we will examine the title question from many different angles. Everyone, whether they have accepted Christ or not will want to look within themselves for the answers to this age-old question. The fact that it is the first question God asked Adam, should tell you just how truly important it is.

    Although it seems simple, this question has been avoided by mankind throughout the course of history. Because of this avoidance, just like Adam, mankind continues to hide behind the proverbial bush. The bushes behind which we hide take many shapes and forms. For example, people often hide their true thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or deeds in different ways. We hide when we don’t want others to know what we’re really thinking, making the words we speak not match what’s in our minds and hearts. Of course, that is called lying. When we don’t want others to know of something we did, we can deny doing it altogether. Again, that’s called lying. When we don’t want someone to know our feelings, whether those feelings are anger, pain, boredom, sadness, tiredness, or any other, we can hide behind a mask that shows a neutral face. When we spend a lifetime in hiding, the answer to the question, where art thou can be buried deep within us. But it can be uncovered and brought to the surface for the benefit of all who seek salvation.

    You may wonder how to begin looking within yourself, first, do some soul searching. Take a look inside your heart, really know your beliefs, examine your words and deeds, and take responsibility for them. Then decide whether or not these things are in alignment with God’s desires for you. The important thing is to be truthful with yourself. Remember, God already knows who you are. If you discover you need to make changes, acknowledge this honestly, and make the most important decision of your life — to take the appropriate steps to put yourself on His path. However, if you find yourself already in alignment with God’s will for you, congratulations. Like Gabriel said, I stand in the presence of God! (Luke 1:19)

    In this book, I have broken God’s word down to everyday life so that you will understand how to apply His message. It is important for you to know, too, that my teaching and preaching are consistent with how I live my life. Therefore, in each chapter of this book, I have included a section called Living the Word. This is where I offer my personal testimony based on the teachings of that chapter. I give examples of how my life has been impacted by my beliefs, as well as my love and commitment to the word of God. Depending on the topic, my experiences are examples of God’s words in action. These experiences show how the word of God can be applied in everyday life, and how my teachings coincide with the life I live.

    You are aware that Adam’s actions brought about his own downfall. Because Adam symbolizes all of humanity, his failure represents a failure for humanity. The following scriptures tell us what happened when he and Eve encountered God after his disobedience. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, Where are you?" (Genesis 3:8-9). In Genesis 3:10, God asked Adam where he was. Adam answered that he and Eve were hiding amongst the trees in the garden, because they were afraid of being naked. Essentially, Adam did not accept responsibility for his actions by acknowledging that he had been disobedient. Nor did he repent. Thus, his answer showed his weakness and disobedience to

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