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The Empowered Me
The Empowered Me
The Empowered Me
Ebook67 pages38 minutes

The Empowered Me

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About this ebook

You are the architect of your life, the president of your own personal services corporation- Brian Tracy. Gods plan for your life is real but until you take your position you cannot attract your possession.

This book empowers you to speak positively into your life and help you see how great you truly are because God will only make happen what you have seen and spoken to His hearing Genesis 13: 15; Numbers 14:28.

You cannot achieve what you cannot conceive! So take the wheel of your life now and go where you are meant to go, for your life will follow the direction of your eyes. May you become all that God says you are as you feed your mind with these daily faith based, power unveiling words.
Release dateJun 26, 2015
The Empowered Me

Nkem Dike

You become what you think and say!” This catchy phrase aptly sums up the life, personality and belief system of Nkem Dike. Nkem’s whole personality, attitude and indeed, her life thus far, lends credence to the fact that she is resilient, once she thinks she can, then she knows she can and will do it!! Nkem is a Gospel Artist, A self taught Cake designer/events planner and an Accountant. Nkem stands out uniquely in various ways as a determined, self-motivated, results-oriented achiever with a vivacious personality that inspires others to being their unique best! Her motto: “I don’t have it all together but I keep pressing towards excellence tenaciously”. Philippians 3:14 The fifth born of a family of 7 and empowered with the grace of an achiever! Nkem is a blessed mother of 3 wonderful children.

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    The Empowered Me - Nkem Dike

    © 2015 Nkem Dike. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/19/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4467-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4468-7 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    A~ I AM

    B~ Believe

    C~ Can

    D~ Dream


    F~ Fear

    G~ Grow

    H~ Hurt

    I~ Imagination

    J~ Joy

    K~ Knowledge

    L~ Love

    M~ Meditate

    N~ Nurture

    O~ Overcome

    P~ Praise

    Q~ Quietness

    R~ Resist

    S~ Study

    T~ Time

    U~ Unwavering

    V~ Value

    W~ Worship

    X~ X-factor

    Y~ Yield

    Z~ Zeal


    I have always had this flair for writing but didn’t quite understand the know-how and didn’t have the wherewithal to go about it. The challenge was on how to put my thoughts together as they were cluttered in my mind.

    And due to these seeming ambiguities, I would procrastinate and develop cold feet whenever the thought of writing this book flashes through my mind, but each time I put off the thought, I feel uneasiness and prompting not to give up on my desire. I finally made up my mind to start putting my thoughts on paper and on my laptop every time the inspiration comes and that has resulted to this book, to the glory of God and a blessing to humanity…

    Also, the task of Juggling between being a full time accountant, mother of 3 lovely children and a cake designer is quite daunting but also rewarding. These overwhelming responsibilities are good enough reasons not to have the time and convenience to write this book. However, I made the conscious decision that I was going to overcome every obvious reasons and any minor setbacks to writing; and because of the burning passion within me and the impact this book will make on someone, these apparent challenges and hurdles could not hinder me; rather they became my faith boosters and thermostats which buttresses the message contained in this book in a nutshell. I am glad I followed my heart and you are also about to pursue and birth your own dream and be a blessing as you read through this book.

    Oftentimes, you tell yourself you are incapable, unqualified, and not smart enough. You believe you haven’t got all it takes to achieve your dreams. Hear this; you are more than capable to do anything and everything you set out to accomplish. The innate capacity to accomplishing X, Y, and Z is already in you but, you have to overcome the unfounded fears, and crush that inner resistance or villain trying to hinder you

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