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Unknown Enemies to a Nation
Unknown Enemies to a Nation
Unknown Enemies to a Nation
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Unknown Enemies to a Nation

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Powerful bold wisdom comes from the author in Unknown Enemies to a Nation. Learn how to identify downfalls and obstacles, and enemies. So maybe your best friend is sleeping with your wife are girl friend, are maybe you are your own enemy. Hear about stories and unidentified enemies that you may not notice, but you will anticipate many stumbling blocks before you stumble.

Please don't get offended with Unknown Enemies to a Nation, because it is all truth , and it is happening in our society. Brutality , racism, and back stabbing . Enhance your knowledge by the stories and the bold wisdom. "If it's wrong to know who what and where my enemy is I would rather be wrong than right"( Jonathan Wayne Ledet) Author.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 4, 2015
Unknown Enemies to a Nation

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    Unknown Enemies to a Nation - Jonathan W. Ledet

    Copyright © 2015 by Jonathan W. Ledet.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5035-5423-8

                    eBook         978-1-5035-5422-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 03/19/2015





    One Unknown Enemies To A Nation

    Two American Employers

    Three Law Enforcement

    Four Government Ghetto

    Five Enemy Of Self

    Six Blinded To Reality

    Seven Television Vs School System

    Eight Mental Defense

    Nine Conversation With Satan

    Ten God Responds To Enemy

    Eleven Doubt

    Twelve The Hypocrite

    Thirteen Gay Marriage And Homosexuality

    Fourteen Enemies Fear

    Fifteen Racial Hate

    Sixteen Uncle Toms

    Seventeen Swines Flesh

    Eighteen Fighting Physical Enemies

    Nineteen Falsified Pleasure

    Twenty Commit Carefully

    Twenty One Enemies In Power

    Twenty Two The Instigating World

    Twenty Three Imitators Of God

    Twenty Four A Shameful Paid To Ignorance



    Twenty Five Untruthful And Poison

    Twenty Six Back Stabber

    Twenty Seven Racism In The Work Place

    Twenty Eight A Deceived Nation

    Twenty Nine Epilouge




    One My Lost Character

    Two Be A Leader

    Three Obstacles

    Four Recess Time

    Five Can A Dream Cause Change

    Six My Thoughts

    Seven Making A Change

    Eight Common Sense

    Nine Why Can’t I Fight My Enemies?


    Unknown Enemies To A Nation

    To be a human being that is mentally blind can lead to disaster, and destruction. UNKNOWN ENEMIES TO A NATION, exposes all different types of people, places, things, and it provides knowledge and divine wisdom. A large majority of people believe an enemy can only be a person that is known. After reading UNKNOWN ENEMIES TO A NATION you will have a new concept in mind. There are unseen forces that control, destroy secretly behind closed doors that you are not aware of. There are some things that we deeply love bringing us to our doom.

    There are people that are pretending among us, but UNKNOWN ENEMIES TO A NATION will uncover them It’s not a book of hate, it is a book which contains a little bit of everything known to man. So read it with under standing. After reading you will be introduced to a contraversial conversation after you are finished reading.

    Every person in power experienced some category of perdition, and downfall in life, even the most powerful. All living creatures have an adversary, are even death.

    Living in a world of deception is a common way of life, because it has to be done to keep the peace. So as human beings communicate falsified love is being introduced constantly. When I was a little kid in the second grade in the second grade I sat behind a little white boy named Cody. Cody was a divinely quiet kid that didn’t say much, are draw attention, but I noticed his appearance was the complete opposite of mine. His hair was stringy, and my hair was napped up. That was one of the first descriptions I observed about him. As these thoughts of mine ran through my head I was provoked into doing something sneaky to him. I picked up a piece of mud off the surface of the floor, and tossed it into cody’s hair. When the dirt hit his scalp, he shook his head and his hair spread open like a mop. He turned around to look at me, and said. If you do it again I will tell. That was the beginning of a second grade relationship.

    This is the way kids are, they have no idea of wrestling with an enemy, because the hatred has to be taught by an individual who has the ability to teach the hatred. Today I don’t believe the world was created for the wicked, I believe it was created for one nation, and that nation is ancient as the world. In this book information has to be given to the reader, because the information will affect the mind frame of the trouble makers who try to impose misery on the innocent. The intelligent among the population know that the key to human down fall is ignorance. So most of the programs we get education from are not intended to up lift a nation from a down trodden predicament. So losing self confidence is a silent weapon, it has to be used to control the masses who are less fortunate. When a large group of people feel worthless self hate is produced, and destruction substitutes. Sexual appetites take over and drugs, alcohol, then the last negative thought is going to an enemy for help.


    American Employers

    The work force in America was designed for the poor to be exalted, but the wages are so low the poor are constantly working for exercise, and living in misery. If it was fruitful for the poor, work strikes wouldn’t be on an all time rise. Take a minute to think about what happened in South Africa in the diamond mines. The same People who controls the banking system, work force, food prices, and the American economy are the decedents of the oppressors of the past. Minimum wage goes up, the gas prices, and the food prices does as well. The controllers are in darkness behind closed doors, and they are very tricky. They’re sleepless, because the evil spirit that the people of the world believe in are in high places. American Employers make it difficult to support a family with the low wages. So times are hard to make ends meet. This is how stress creeps up on the the people who stn1ggle to provide for a family. People are actually being pushed into demonic stages. Crime in society had never pushed to a limit in the past, not even in the darkest days of slavery. So what’s the problem? It is very difficult to live life in a word that is not loving, are caring toward the unfortunate. When a person experience failure, poverty increases. So when someone feels there is no way out of poverty, the only choice is

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