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Destiny's Rules: Book One of the Rules Trilogy
Destiny's Rules: Book One of the Rules Trilogy
Destiny's Rules: Book One of the Rules Trilogy
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Destiny's Rules: Book One of the Rules Trilogy

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Jase Curringtons life was predetermined. After a childhood on Earth, Jase would move with his parents back to their home planet, where Jase would take his place on the powerful Centurion Council when his father becomes president. He couldnt have known that a forbidden human would cause him to rethink his carefully laid plans.

Kelsey Jackson knew what she wanted from life, too. The farmers daughter would become a teacher, marry a loving man, and live near her family in a house with a white picket fence.

When their two worlds collide, Kelseys colorful view of life throws Jase into a tailspin. Perhaps the fate awaiting him on Century isnt what he wants at all. And dating an alien certainly doesnt fit with Kelseys goalseven if he is charming and Hollywood model handsome. When sparks fly, destinys rules go out the window.
Release dateJun 19, 2015
Destiny's Rules: Book One of the Rules Trilogy

Tracy Porter

Tracy Porter has lived her life in small towns, but that hasn’t kept her from traveling to the East and West Coasts, Canada, and Italy. She married her high school sweetheart and has two grown children. She enjoys boating and fishing with her family. She loves curling up in a comfy chair to read a romance novel, but has learned that there is no surer path to sleep deprivation than starting a new book in the evening. She’s addicted to the familiar love story of boy meets girl, and has watched her favorite movie, The Notebook, countless times. While she and her husband wait patiently for grandchildren, furry children with paws keep them entertained.

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    Book preview

    Destiny's Rules - Tracy Porter

    Chapter 1

    Where am I? Jase Currington stretched his neck one way until it popped and then the other way… pop! A woman with long black hair lay sound asleep next to him curled in the fetal position. He could feel their skin touching, from their sweaty torsos down to their tangled legs.

    Jase focused as best he could to piece together what had happened last night. He and his best friend, Connor Levine, had crashed a party with one thing on their minds…find a woman and get laid. There were plenty of females to choose from, and it didn’t take long for Jase to get an offer. A tall, lanky woman with short hair and a coy smile had waltzed over to him and extended an inviting hand. Jase didn’t always go for the aggressive type—sometimes he liked to be the one pursuing—but this night he was ready to go and didn’t want to waste time.

    With the bedroom door closed, the woman began stripping off her short black dress. Jase peeled his clothes off and joined her in the bed. He didn’t know her name. She didn’t know his. It didn’t matter. The woman lay on her back, a smile gracing her face, but Jase grabbed her small hips and flipped her over in a smooth, practiced motion. She hungrily raised her ass and Jase didn’t hesitate. There was no seduction, no magic, and no talk of love or romance. After several minutes, they groaned with the satisfaction of simultaneous release.

    Jase rolled over and grabbed his pants and shirt off the floor. He walked out of the room without a second glance, nearly bumping into Connor, who was flushed and zipping his fly. Connor motioned toward the door, and Jase nodded. The night was still young and Connor had found out about another party in the exclusive Wingate area.

    Jase remembered everything about the first party and his sex partner with the short hair, but the rest of the night was just fragments. He glanced over at the woman he’d woken next to, thankful she was still sound asleep so he wouldn’t have to deal with any of the ‘morning after’ chat. She was definitely not the woman from the first party.

    Calling the Wingate residences ‘houses’ is like calling King Kong just a gorilla. Jase recalled that the party was in full swing by the time he and Connor got there. Loud music blared through speakers in every room, half-drained bottles of every color and shape adorned the large bar, and the kitchen had enough food to re-energize a football team after a rigorous practice.

    Jase and Connor immediately caught the attention of two women sitting on a stark white sofa with shot glasses lined up on a small coffee table. They smiled flirtatiously urging the men to join them for a few rounds. Jase had no idea if the woman in bed was the one he shared shots with all night or not. Oh well. Whatever.

    All in all, it was a weekend just like any other, except that the woman was still around in the morning. Jase and Connor didn’t do the sleepover thing. They wanted sex and nothing more. Sex parties on the planet Century didn’t include introductions, and Jase had no interest in breaking that tradition now.

    He tried to get up so he could quietly sneak out, but one of his legs was wrapped tightly in the fitted sheet. He tugged at the sheet gently, keeping his eye on the woman to make sure she didn’t stir. Nothing. He tugged harder, his patience rapidly draining. Finally, the sheet surrendered and the woman rolled away, still snoring softly. He dressed quickly. I’ve gotta find Connor so we can get out of here!

    Jase snuck down the hallway, peering into each bedroom. There were a lot of disheveled couples (and even a few trios), but no sign of Connor. Jase sleepily made his way to the upper floor, where more bedrooms opened on more couples. Finally, Jase spotted Connor’s T-shirt on the floor in the doorway of the last bedroom.

    Hey, Connor you in there? Jase half-whispered.

    Hmmm… yeah, Connor groaned, I’m here. What time is it?

    Jase peered in to find Connor sitting up in a large bed. The woman lying beside him was sound asleep with her arm draped over Connor’s waist. Connor slid slowly out of her embrace, causing the woman to roll over and pull the sheet up to cover her luscious breasts.

    I have no idea, but I’m ready to get out of here, Jase whispered back.

    Okay. Give me five. Connor stretched his arms high over his head and stifled a yawn.

    Jase leaned against the hallway wall. He didn’t need a mirror to know that his thick, jet-black hair was sticking out in every direction. His hair was always out of control after a romp in the bed…or three or four, in last night’s case. He ran his hand through his hair and yawned audibly, hoping to encourage Connor to speed things up. He wanted to get going before people started waking.

    As he waited, he stared out the hallway window at the rows of identical buildings. Each building was 25 stories with endless walls of windows. The early morning sun’s bright rays were blinding as they ricocheted off windows from every direction. Jase squinted and noticed a man carrying an umbrella; the sun’s glory would be short-lived. The planet Century was in reality a large city with no architectural variety.

    Another loud yawn and patience almost exhausted, Jase scratched an itch on the dark stubble on his jawline. He had taken a vacation from shaving as well. His father wouldn’t approve of his appearance at the moment. Good thing he and Connor made this trip to Century by themselves. It wouldn’t have been a spring-is-finally-here celebration with dear old Dad tagging along. His father had been stuck on Earth for far too long. As the future president of the elite and powerful Centurion Council, he was obligated to make several trips back to Century, and so was Jase.

    Jase poked his head into Connor’s bedroom, ready to drag his best friend out of there.

    Calm down. I’m here. Connor sauntered through the bedroom doorway, stooped down to pick up his crumpled shirt, and zipped his fly.

    They walked swiftly through the hallway and down two flights of stairs, passing through a room with a very large white sofa. Jase vaguely remembered seeing two women kissing on that sofa—their breasts had been pretty unforgettable. The loud music was gone, but one guy was snoring at a decent octave. Several scantily dressed women and half-naked guys slept, with limbs draped over furniture and the floor. Jase grinned. It had been another epic party on Century…on second thought, a more accurate description was satisfying orgy.

    As they left, Jase looked up into the blinding sunlight, relieved they would get to their suite before the rain came.

    It’s going to be another dreary morning on Century, but it was a good night, bro. Connor pulled his shirt over his bulging biceps and pecs, flexing with satisfaction. Jase rolled his eyes; he didn’t have his friend’s strong body, and he couldn’t bench press 300 pounds, but he had a respectable, athletic look that drew plenty of female attention.

    Yeah, it was a good party. At least from what I remember. Jase grinned as they walked to his transporter, which was parked in the large circular driveway. The front lawn was carpeted in lush, thick grass, and featured a gazebo and a fountain with water pouring from the mouths of several bronze sun god medallions. It was truly a one-of-a-kind home.

    Who lives here? Connor opened the passenger door of the small dome-shaped transporter while motioning back toward the mansion’s front door.

    I’ll have to ask my father, but it’s probably someone on the Centurion Council. Jase slid into the driver’s seat. When do you want to go back to Earth?

    I think we should stay another night. Connor raked his hand through his dark brown hair.

    Sounds good. I’ll let my dad know we’re sticking around.

    Jase swiped his wrist over the middle of the steering wheel. The transporter chimed and turned on as it recognized his chip. Jase sped down the driveway of the mansion, blowing past a security guard.

    He swiped his wrist toward the black box at the entrance of the underground parking lot. The security gate opened, and he parked in his family’s assigned parking spot. Jase and Connor yawned at the same time, and trudged up the stairs at an unusually slow pace. The night’s activities had taken a toll on their energy level.

    Jase swiped his wrist over a metal disc, unlocking the suite door.

    Hungry? Jase asked as he kicked off his shoes in the foyer. The question was unnecessary, as Connor was halfway down the hall toward the kitchen before Jase had his second shoe off. Last night’s extracurricular activities had been fulfilling but exhausting, and they were famished. Thank goodness the Currington’s housekeeper had stocked the kitchen knowing that Jase and his friend had quite the appetite.

    How about we check out Tower 69 tonight? Jase asked as he slathered mustard on his sandwich. He noticed that his sandwich was half the size of Connor’s and grinned.

    Sounds good, Connor replied with a sparkle in his eye and a sly look on his face.

    Jase peered out the large window at the dark blue and gray clouds forming. Right on time. The Centurion Council couldn’t change the weather patterns so the fact it never varied from day to day fit perfectly into their status quo mentality. An almost black cloud sprinkled the first small raindrops, which splattered on the suite’s large living room window. Jase noticed someone down the street opening up an umbrella.

    Right on schedule, a screaming torrent of rain poured down. Large drops hit the window glass like a child’s angry fists. Seeing the deluge, it was hard to believe that the ominous bank of dark clouds would be gone in an hour, but Jase had seen it before, and he was confident that the sun would return soon. Century would be a weatherman’s dream come true. He could give the same forecast every day and never have to worry about being wrong.


    Having finished mowing the lawn, Kelsey Jackson slouched in a wooden chair with her face tilted up to the sun’s warm rays. She inhaled the smell of freshly cut grass and sighed with satisfaction, opening her eyes to admire her work. She loved the way the lawn looked after mowing, with small tire prints in neat, tidy rows.

    Kelsey was half asleep with her hand dangling off the chair when she felt something tickle her fingers. She looked down to see the family dog, Fritz, giving her a slobbery lick. Fritz was a red miniature dachshund who believed he was a human, even though he walked on four paws.

    What do you want, little boy? Fritz looked up with big, brown eyes and wagged his tail excitedly at the sound of her voice. She picked him up and placed him on her lap, wondering if he ever got tired of being so close to the ground. If his constantly wagging tail was any indication, it didn’t bother him at all. Kelsey’s twin brothers, Dillon and Dex, strolled over from the orchard, interrupting her as she pet Fritz’s head and his long ears.

    You look busy, sis, Dex teased as he strolled by, heading toward the square white farmhouse.

    The neighbor is in the field today, Dillon remarked, hearing faint putt-putt sounds from nearby. A breeze carried the clean, fresh smell of the tilled soil to Kelsey’s nostrils. Dillon removed his ball cap, and a gentle gust of wind tousled his dishwater blonde matted hair.

    Do you know why Iowa soil smells good? It’s because small organisms produce two molecules called geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol. Kelsey said proudly.

    Dillon stopped at the front door, laughing, and said, So, where did you learn that?

    I’m not sure why I remembered this from chemistry because I hated the class. It was terribly boring. Kelsey was thankful the elderly bald teacher took pity on her giving her a last-minute extra credit assignment so she could get a B to maintain her honor roll status.

    Dillon laughed again and placed his ball cap back on his head, tugging at it until it fit just right.

    I love this time of year, with baby calves, sheep, and piglets being born and the farmers busy in the fields after a hard winter.

    Yep, me too, Dillon humored his sister, fairly certain she was in the midst of another one of her daydreaming episodes.

    Kelsey didn’t hear the door close, as she was imagining what the miles of farmland outside her small town would look like from the sky. She pictured the fields of green grass waiting for the tractor’s plow, interlaced with black patches of tilled soil, like a giant checkerboard with tractors as the checkers.

    Kelsey’s daydreaming came to an abrupt halt hearing her mom’s impatient bellow. Kelsey, come inside to help with the potatoes!

    Mom, I’m right here. You don’t have to yell. Kelsey gave a wave from the nearby chair.

    Did you see your pretty tulips? Kelsey pointed to the graceful flowers with their stout, proud stems tipped by large petals. Her mom had planted the deep purple, burgundy, and bright yellow blooms last fall and her hard work had been rewarded. A beautiful palette of color was on display on both sides of the front door.

    Yes, I noticed them. A smile swept over her mother’s face as she took a minute to admire her handiwork from last fall. Can you come inside to cut potatoes?

    Okay, Kelsey replied as the door closed, leaving her alone once again to the grandeur of spring spread in front of her.

    Kelsey’s parents married young after graduating from the local high school. They immediately settled in their small Iowa town, Atlantica, where, the farmers plant corn, wheat, and soybeans with pride. Kelsey loved it.

    Kelsey’s dad was a quiet, hardworking man who sported a thick salt and pepper moustache and goatee. Kelsey attributed her height to her dad as her mom was a petite lady. Mrs. Jackson had short strawberry blonde hair and always wore a smile on her face. They taught their children right and wrong by being the perfect example of a loving, devoted couple with a strong work ethic and good morals.

    Jackson Grocery was located smack-dab in the middle of Atlantica. Because it’s the only grocery store in town, it’s a busy, thriving business in and of itself. Kelsey’s parents added Jackson Market a couple of years ago, where they sell local organic produce and homemade goods. The two businesses keep the entire Jackson family busy, but spring is especially hectic. There is too much to do in too little time for anyone in the family to be idle.

    Kelsey sighed, knowing she had better quit daydreaming before her mom made another appearance. She went inside the old farmhouse and instantly a sweet, syrupy smell hit her nose. Her mom was baking cinnamon rolls! Hopefully, some of the delicious rolls would stay home instead of going to Jackson Market. Kelsey glanced around the kitchen to see baking pans scattered everywhere. The remodeled kitchen had three commercial ovens and plenty of counter space. A small oak mission style kitchen table and four chairs were on one side. It was the largest room in the farmhouse and for good reason. The separate dining room was used for mainly holidays. The upstairs had two bedrooms and two bathrooms for Kelsey and her parents. Kelsey’s twin brothers lived in the renovated basement with their own kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. The basement’s patio doors allowed her brothers to come and go as they please.

    Kelsey’s family would eventually plant a wide variety of fruit and vegetables but today, the focus was on cutting whole potatoes from last year’s crop into smaller pieces that would get planted. It was a task she had done many times before. Her hands were on autopilot, which allowed her to daydream once again about all the fun she’d have this summer with her best friend, Caitlin Currie.

    This would be her last summer before graduating from Iowa State, and Caitlin had promised Kelsey that it would be full of fun, insane antics to help her forget about her college ex-boyfriend. Elementary education was the only career Kelsey had ever considered. Caitlin had never strayed from her goal of becoming a physical therapist. This summer was going to be a last hurrah for the 21 year old best friends before they crashed into the adult world of bills, full-time jobs, and responsibilities.

    Dex, what are you and Dillon doing today? Kelsey asked her reticent brother without looking up, as she continued to inspect the potatoes.

    Dex filled his glass with ice and poured it full of lemonade. He chugged half of it down before answering, We are clearing weeds out of the orchard, if you must know. His tone suggested that it was a bother to answer Kelsey’s question.

    I was just curious… that’s all, Kelsey answered softly with a shrug, shooting her mom a surprised look as if to say I’m just trying to make conversation. After throwing down another glass of cold lemonade, Dex went back outside.

    Why is he so… you know… Dex? Kelsey asked her other, friendlier brother.

    I can’t answer that, little sis. What are you and Mom doing? Dillon stood by the fridge chugging a glass of sweet tea.

    Cutting the potatoes to plant, Kelsey replied, gesturing towards the box on the floor. Her mom scurried back and forth collecting the dirty dishes, then turned on the sink water for them to soak.

    Kelsey’s thoughts went to her hair appointment tomorrow. She loved the Midwest but was intrigued by the trending hairstyles, clothes, and make-up in Hollywood. She was going to come out of the salon a new woman!

    Kelsey’s daydreaming was once again interrupted. Tap, tap, tap…

    She looked down to see Fritz in his begging stance pawing at her leg. His water bowl was bone dry. She filled it with water and a few ice cubes, and Fritz’s tail wagged the entire two minutes he slurped up water.

    Kelsey went to the fridge to pour a glass of lemonade, but of course, the pitcher was almost empty since Dex had drained it. Hmmm…. those brothers of mine! Opening the freezer, she found a can of lemonade to make a fresh pitcher.

    Her mom had started her next project, which was pie crust. Kelsey watched her mom put flour, shortening, water, and a dash of salt in a large mixing bowl. Next, she cut the shortening into the flour to form coarse crumbs. Kelsey had seen her mom do this a million times. The dough would go into plastic wrap to refrigerate overnight.

    Kelsey’s dad bolted through the front door like a tornado with his small Coleman water jug swaying to and fro. He went to the fridge to put ice in his jug and then filled it full of water from the sink. His boots were dirty, leaving a messy trail through the kitchen. Kelsey’s mom never complained about the men in her family tracking landscaping material into the house. It was part of living in the country. She would simply clean it up and go back to her housework or baking. Today was no exception.

    Kels, are you busy helping Mom with baking today? He set his Coleman on the floor and washed his hands in the warm dish soap water before grabbing a banana off the counter. The banana was too ripe for Kelsey’s taste, but she knew her dad would love it. His large fingers began carefully peeling the skin.

    Baking will be tomorrow, but I did make an excellent pitcher of fresh lemonade if you want to try some. Kelsey snickered; making lemonade didn’t qualify as baking, cooking, or much of any assistance in the kitchen.

    Pour me a glass of lemonade. I’ll try it. He gave Kelsey a wink as she poured a tall glass. He downed the glass in one swig. His eyes squinted and his mouth puckered. The lemonade’s sweet flavor didn’t mix well with the leftover taste of banana.

    I finished mowing the lawn, Kelsey said proudly.

    Her dad thanked her and gave her a smile, even though lemonade after a banana wasn’t something he would repeat anytime soon. The Coleman jug danced happily in his hand as they both went back to work.

    Chapter 2

    Did you get the names of the women you were with last night? Jase asked Connor before biting into his sandwich.


    Jase had assumed the answer, so he wasn’t sure why he asked. Names don’t matter when you get what you both need.

    Jase grinned face as he watched Connor grasp the sandwich at both ends in an attempt to keep it from flying open. Unfortunately, it was too much for even Connor’s large mitts, and a swirl of mustard found its way to the tapestry couch.

    Good timing for that, considering my mom isn’t here to see her expensive couch get a splatter of bright yellow. Jase grinned and immediately went to the kitchen for a wet cloth. Connor rubbed the spot until it was gone. Jase’s parents liked the finer things in life, whether it was their home in Canada or their suite on Century.

    When I asked my father if we could go to Century, he wasn’t keen on the idea, given we had been here a couple weeks prior.

    Connor let out a loud sigh of disgust. God, at least we’re not in our Maturity Year! If only our parents had moved to Earth after our 20th birthdays. He paused only to roll his eyes. It was hell on Earth being surrounded by forbidden female humans. I think I had a wet dream every other night!

    Jase laughed at his friend’s outburst. Over the years, Jase and Connor had many getaways to Century but during their Maturity Years, it was frequent. Jase was three years older than Connor. When Jase turned 19, it was the beginning of his Maturity Year. Everything in life took a backseat to his new obsession… sex, sex, and MORE SEX. Jase was no different than any other Centurion entering the Maturity Year. When Connor entered his Maturity Year three years later, he finally understood every frustrating word Jase had said. They jokingly referred to this period of time as the year from living hell, but it only felt that way given they were on Earth with the temptation of human females surrounding them. Blow jobs and under-the-table handies didn’t quench their insatiable sexual desire. Thankfully, Jase’s father made frequent business trips to Century and allowed Jase and Connor to tag along for relief of their sexual cravings.

    Centurions are immortal, but it comes with a price. Immortality is gained during the Maturity Year, when the demand for sex is equivalent to a Centurion’s need for oxygen, food, and water. At the conclusion of a Centurion’s Maturity Year, his or her sexual desire subsides to a more reasonable level and he or she is now guaranteed to live to 100. After that, they’ll sleep for the next 100 years until they are reborn, beginning the cycle over again.

    There is, however, one rule that ends a Centurion’s immortality. A Centurion cannot have sex with a human. It is a hard line that can’t be crossed. If crossed, it means permanent death to a Centurion. Fortunately, most Centurions never set foot on Earth and have the temptation of a human of the opposite sex.

    I remember overhearing my parents talk about the Maturity Year with disgust…

    Connor interrupted, It’s ironic that Centurion adults feel it is lack of control on our part when everyone, and I do mean everyone, goes through it. The precious members of the Centurion Council went through their own Maturity Year escapades too. It’s part of our DNA and what makes us immortal. Connor finished his rant and went back to corralling his large sandwich.

    Well, I’m surprised the Centurion Council hasn’t pushed Dr. Newton to find an alternative way for our immortality to mature, Jase replied with a smile, thinking of his elderly friend, Dr. Newton.

    We had a lot of fun during our Maturity Year visits to Century. It’s a nice place to visit, but I’d never want to… Connor stopped. He never held back his opinion when speaking with Jase about any subject matter, but he knew his words were a poor choice.

    Go ahead and say it… live there. I’ve always known my destiny. I’m glad I got to live on Earth as long as I did. Anyway, I’m relying on you to make my last year on Earth a damn good one! Jase took the final bite of his sandwich.

    Connor finished his sandwich and licked his lips. Earth has its drawbacks too, but I like being away from all the Centurion politics and rules. I’m more of a rebel than you. Centurion life is regulated to the point that spontaneity has been replaced with predictability.

    The protocols are in place to preserve and protect our culture, Jase protested. But maybe the time has come, for the Council to consider some changes.

    That would be a major undertaking. Does it ever bother you that we’re basically under surveillance all the time with our body chips? Connor rubbed the skin on the underside of his wrist where his body chip was embedded.

    I guess there are advantages and disadvantages of having them. It’s convenient to not carry ID, money, or keys when we’re on Century. Besides, my father says the Council doesn’t do anything with most of the data they collect. Jase and Connor had discussed, debated, and at times fiercely argued over certain aspects of Centurion culture. Every time Jase instinctively protected the Century way.

    Your father may say that, but I don’t believe it. You think differently because you’re the son of the future Council President and I respect that. I just don’t believe everything the Council tells us. Anyway, you’re going to be part of the all-mighty Council very soon so maybe you’ll have luck changing some things. Connor picked up their plates to take them to the kitchen. Connor knew Jase was looking forward to the day he would take his place on the Council with his father at the helm of the presidency. Connor also knew his best friend had no choice in his destiny.

    Jase was a believer that the positive outweighed the negative when it came to the ultraconservative rules the Council put in place to govern their planet. Connor never hesitated to give Jase his view on any topic. They were best friends who shared a mutual respect for their opposite opinions when it came to Century’s politics.

    Have you talked to Lindsey about going to Century with you?

    No, but my parents have asked her if she wants to come with us. I suppose it’ll happen. I really like Lindsey, but I feel like I have an arranged marriage. Jase didn’t want to discuss the subject any more. Hey, I’m going to visit Dr. Newton while you catch some zzz’s. Better get some rest before we hit up Tower 69. Jase stretched his lean 6'4" frame out on the oversized couch.

    Sounds good, Connor answered with a wide smile.

    Jase closed his eyes and listened to the rain pelt against the window glass like the hits of a thousand miniature hammers. Connor retreated to one of the suite’s bedrooms. Jase glanced at his watch; he had a few more minutes to relax before the torrential rains would stop.

    Today’s conversation with Connor was typical. A visit to Century always seemed to provoke these friendly debates. The Centurion Council believed in rules beyond law and government. The Council was deeply intertwined in the everyday lives of Centurions in a way humans on Earth would never tolerate. There were rules for the number

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