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The Right to Siu
The Right to Siu
The Right to Siu
Ebook277 pages5 hours

The Right to Siu

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About this ebook

It is in some way a love story that evolved from an addiction that to date has not been
addressed as a problem or a sickness in our society. It tries to show how this addiction
can be as costly and destructive as alcohol or drugs. The story details how a mans
fantasies will ultimately leave a man wanting and eventually cause the slow
of his family life. The only beings that profit from this addiction are the women who service
these men under the guise as what is known in the trade as AMPs (Asian Massage
Parlors). If THE RIGHT TO SIU story saved one man and his family then this period of
my life will not be a total waste.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 4, 2015
The Right to Siu

A Ben Ty

A Ben Ty is a retired NYC bank executive and a college graduate. He still resides in NY and has traveled to Hong Kong and Shanghai, which has helped him to understand the psyche of the Asian mind. A father and a grandfather who is still searching, as you will see! A Ben Ty has dabbled in writing but nothing to the extent of his book "The Right to Siu." While in college, his creative writing teacher asked him to write his feelings as a soon-to-be graduate for the college newspaper; it was successful. His story took a little over two years to complete but what seemed to be a lifetime to live. This is his first attempt, but there may be a sequel in the future.

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    The Right to Siu - A Ben Ty

    Copyright © 2015 by A BEN TY.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 06/01/2015







    Chapter I: THE JOURNEY

    Chapter II: LIFE CHANGE

    Chapter III: BURY THE PAST

    Chapter IV: DE JA VU

    Chapter V: ADDICTION


    Chapter VII: SHANGHAID








    Chapter XV: TRIANGLES

    Chapter XVI: AN EYE FOR AN EYE





    I was the investigating officer of a massage business in Nassau Co and little did I know that this would put me in contact with the author of this book. He contacted the prescient that was involved in the arrest because he had additional information about this case and they in turn contacted me, which ended in what will be a lifelong relationship.

    I found him to be a man of his word and trustworthy he sacrificed his deepest personnel feelings to save the life of the women that he loved, his wife. He fully understood that his life would be in danger and that he would meet many oppositions in his plight for justice which might result in her deportation back to her country and her family and that he may never see her again. I guarantee that she will never again find the love that this man had for her. He is honest about himself as you will see in this book as he tells it all.

    I am proud to call him my friend.


    John Birbiglia

    Dective Nassaau Co. PD


    T HE RIGHT TO SIU may lead you, the reader, to believe that the ostensible purpose of this story is to glorify my life style but on the contrary the real goal was to expose what has become an epidemic in our society which is contracted by the frequenting of Asian Massage Parlors also known as AMP’S. In Chinatown they say that non—Asian men who frequent these places have YELLOW FEVER. It took over my life the same way as the misuse of alcohol or narcotics take control of ones world.

    This exposé hopefully will open the eyes of the significant others in our lives making them aware that there is a reason why their men use the services of the AMP’S. We are so obsessed with these women who use our weakness in a very lucrative fashion. We think that these women come from the small villages in the back woods of Asia where their last job was working in a rice field. I try to show how this misunderstanding prompts us to do extravagant things for these so called poor third world women.

    Hopefully my story will re educate your understanding of these women to the point of shock. It took me two and a half years to write my story but it took over twenty years to live this life. If I can save one man and his family from going through the agony and pain that I endured and or open the eyes of our women then, I will feel that this time of my life was not a total waste.



    T he facility to make mental images, particularly of a fanciful kind— fantasy — that’s what my whole life was about, a need to fill a void in my life. This need made me susceptible to an onslaught of predators who live off men seeking to free themselves from reality for a short time.

    I came across an advertisement in a local newspaper that promised relief from what I felt was a boring moment in my life. When I called the number that was advertised, a woman with a heavy accent answered. She was very polite and told me the price for a massage that she promised would make me feel like new. The establishment was set in a small strip mall. The blinds on the front window were closed; I went to the back where there was parking and rang the bell. A petite attractive Asian woman greeted me at the door.

    My name is Nicki. Is this your first time here? What’s your name?

    I replied with a made-up name, Kenny. She led me down a small hallway. To the right were a sauna and a shower room, to the left were three closed doors. Nicki opened one door and showed me into a dimly lit room. In the middle was a table with an opening at one end; at the foot of the table was a night stand with a small lamp and a radio that was playing soft music. On the table was a box of napkins along with hand cream. Above the table was a small mirror. Nicki showed me where I could hang my clothes and put her hand out for the fee. She told me to remove my clothes and lay face down with my face in the opening on the table. Nicki said a young lady would be in shortly and left the room, closing the door behind her.

    I lay there nervously anticipating who might walk through the door. As promised, there was a soft knock at the door; I picked up my head and turned to see a beautiful Asian woman walking through the door and closing it behind her. She had long black hair and was dressed in white that looked like a Gi. Around her waist she had a red scarf. I noticed that she was well endowed, which I thought was unusual for an Asian woman.

    Hi my name is Tina! What is your name?

    Kenny, I nervously replied.

    What type of massage would you like, hard, medium or soft?

    Soft! She moved her hands across my back with an ever-so-soft and gentle touch that stimulated every nerve ending in my body. Tina’s voice had a heavy accent but was pleasant to the ear and sensuous.

    Have you ever been to a massage parlor before?

    No! Now her hands kept a steady pace over my body, almost in sync with the beating of my heart. My mind was in a different place, it was at ease, I did not have a worry in the world.

    You are a good looking man are you married?

    Yes, but our lives have drifted apart. There’s nothing but sadness in our relationship. There’s most likely a divorce in the near future. Oddly enough I felt at ease talking with Tina, my thoughts just flowed from my lips. It was as if she had turned on a valve—it was so easy, so comforting to tell Tina what was on my mind. Her hands moved down to my legs, working the muscles. Ever gently, ever so softly, she moved her fingers to the inside of my legs. Every part of my body was ready to burst. She knew what she was doing and could tell from my body language that she was arousing my desires. Tina moved her fingers to a spot just under my buttocks and gently stroked that sensitive area between my legs. She did this many times during the massage, creating desires that I had never known existed.

    Please turn over. Now I’m looking into the almond eyes of this beautiful woman. Tina started to massage my neck and chest area, and she could plainly see that I was fully aroused. Her eyes moved down to that telling part of my body. Then she looked into my eyes, and I could see a small grin on her lips.

    Tina put her lips to my ear. I could feel the warmth of her breath as she gently kissed my ear, then moved her lips to my cheek. I couldn’t keep my hands from touching her. Her hands moved to the part of my body that was like a volcano ready to erupt. She fondled that area, teasing me to the point that I wanted to scream, but I help back and enjoyed the desires that she was stimulating in my body. Her hand moved slowly at first then, almost as if programmed, started to move faster and faster in an upward and downward motion.

    I wanted to bring her face closer so I could kiss her, but I was overcome with an almost uncontrollable passion that was rapidly reaching the ultimate end. My body was twisting and lurching, keeping up with the movement of her hand. Out of my mouth came sounds that I could not muffle. Tina had to use her other hand to cover my mouth. My whole body was shaking as if I were coming out of a trance. The sounds from my mouth became shorter and more rapid. I could feel the life spilling from my body as my mind became free of both tension and reality.

    I was spent. How do you feel, Kenny? I just smiled Do you want a hot towel? I had just enough strength to acknowledge her offer. Tina sat on the table beside me and started a conversation, mostly asking about my job, my age and anything else that could give her an idea of what kind of person I was. Are you Chinese? No I’m Japanese Are you married? No I’m single There was another knock at the door; it was Nicki letting Tina know that my time was up. Tina helped me dress, an action I had never experienced before. I placed her hand in mine and put a fifty-dollar bill in her hand. Her eyes lit up and she smiled, saying that she could not thank me enough while hugging and kissing me.

    Tina walked me down the hall toward the back door. As we passed Nicki, I was asked if I had enjoyed myself. Yes, very much so.

    I hope you come again.

    When we reached the back door, Tina put her arms around me and gave me a kiss on my lips. I hope to see you soon, please come back I assured her that I would definitely come back; she closed the door behind me as I walked to my car.

    I could not get this experience out of my mind. These ladies made me feel special, they showed interest in my life; they wanted to see me again. This was what was missing from my life. These women were beautiful not like the street-hardened women that I see walking the streets, looking for money to satisfy a drug craving. Asian women are not only extremely attractive but clean and willing to please. I could not get Tina out of my mind, which made for a difficult situation in my marriage. My relationship with my wife had not been going well to begin with. The short time that I spent with Tina made the marriage bearable, so I thought. The days could not go by fast enough until I could see Tina again.

    I was an executive in charge of night international data processing operations for a large Manhattan corporation. My shift was a smooth, well-organized operation, which afforded me the time to fulfill my fantasy along with the money to afford this pleasure. Finally my schedule allowed me to call Nicki’s place and set an appointment with Tina. I was greeted by Nicki then by Tina; both told me how much they missed me and how happy they were to see me. How lucky I am to have found these people—no problems, good conversation, great service. What else could a man ask for?

    With each visit, I was becoming more attached to Tina and less involved with my wife.

    On a warm summer afternoon at about 2 P.M., I went to Nicki’s place and as usual I had an appointment with Tina. After our session, Nicki came into the room and talked with us, saying that she had noticed a special relationship between Tina and me. I feel that both of you belong together. To make that a reality, Nicki suggested that I come back at about 9 P.M, use the small room in front of her store, and stay with Tina until the morning.

    I was scheduled to work that night, but I couldn’t turn down this offer. I had vacation days available, so I took the night off. I arrived at 9 PM, rang the back door bell, and was greeted by Nicki, Tina is busy right now. She led me to the front room. As we passed the shower room, I saw Tina’s slippers outside the door, and the sound of running water was coming from the shower room.

    We came to the front room, and Nicki opened the door to let me in. Tina will be finished in about thirty minutes; I will tell her that you are here. She left the room, closing the door behind her. I sat on a pillow placed on the floor, which is considered a piece of furniture among the Asian people. I sat there, thinking about Tina’s shoes outside of the shower room. There’s another man in that room, and Tina is in there with him. This is when I started to realize that someone else was being serviced by Tina. The anticipation of a night with Tina overcame the reality of what was going on behind the door.

    As promised, Tina came to the back room. Hi Kenny, I am so glad to see you. I missed you so much. She put her arms around me, gave me a kiss, and held my hand. Then Nicki came into the room and spoke with Tina in their native tongue. I didn’t have a clue what was being said. Nicki looked at me and told me that there would be no extra charge for the night’s stay. Then she left the room and the store, putting out the lights and locking the doors. We were alone. Tina excused herself and left the room.

    Tina returned with a bottle of water and a very colorful blanket. I remarked on the blanket, and she told me that this Mink blanket is commonly used by the people in her old country. She laid the blanket on the floor and told me to get comfortable. Only dim light came from a tiny lamp on the table, which added to the atmosphere of the moment. Tina helped me disrobe, and I returned to the blanket on the floor, looking up at this beautiful woman from Asia. Tina slowly started to undress, revealing a body that I believed existed only in my dreams.

    She ever so slowly laid down next to me. I put my arms around her and passionately kissed her neck. Freeing one of my arms, I gently stroked her thigh. Within a matter of a few moments, we were interlocked in a sexual embrace that could not have been reality—this was a dream—it was every fantasy that I could ever conjure up in my mind. All this happening now… this is really happening to me… I’m not dreaming… this is for real. Both our bodies were covered with sweat and the sweet scent of passion filled the entire room.

    As I looked into her eyes, I could feel the life from my body flowing into hers. I felt as if I were able to see into her very soul, deeper and deeper into her eyes. I could feel her pounding heart against my chest. We were as one as we reached the end of our sexual journey. We both lay back on the blanket, trying to catch our breath. Sharing a bottle of water, we turned to look at each other. The feeling I had at that moment was unexplainable.

    I felt love for this woman but how could this be? It’s only the end result of the passion, I said to myself. Tomorrow my feelings will be back to normal and I’ll realize that all this was only a part of the moment. We both fell into a deep sleep. During the night, I would wake up, look into her sleeping face, and listen to her heavy breathing. She was resting peacefully with no cares to mar her face.

    I felt something warm on my face and opened my eyes; it was the warmth of the sunlight, filtering through the blinds at the front window. It was daybreak—the start of another day. I turned to look at Tina, who was starting to wake up. Both of us lay there, talking about how much we enjoyed each other. There were a few hours before the parlor was scheduled to open which gave us both time to just talk. As Tina talked about herself, I heard only the gentleness and serenity in her voice. I looked into her eyes and said, You know, this may sound strange but if I were able to choose a face that would be the last thing I’d want to see before I died, that face would be yours. I do love you that much! She just looked at me and said nothing.

    As usual, Tina walked me to the back door and kissed me. I want to know more about you, she said as she put her arms around me and held me close to her body.

    I felt sad as I turned to walk to my car. I’ll be back to see you, Tina! And remember that I love you. As I drove off, I looked back and saw her standing in the doorway. She waved at me, but I had a hard time seeing through the tears running down my cheek. Why, why do I feel this way, why?



    I n the months that followed, I frequented Nicki’s place so much that they’d recognize my voice over the phone. With each visit, I felt myself becoming possessed with Tina’s beauty and her caring personality. I needed to spend more time with her. I took a chance and asked if she would like to go to dinner with me. To my surprise, she accepted my invitation. I came to Nicki’s place after closing and Tina was waiting for me. She looked as beautiful as always; in fact, this was the first time that I saw her in regular street cloths.

    During dinner, we just exchanged small talk. She didn’t seem to want to give out too much information about herself. I had no problems telling her about myself, keeping it simple but interesting enough so as not to bore her. Here she as sitting at the same table with me talking just about things. I noticed how well she spoke English even though she had a heavy accent. Tina had a great smile, a smile that could light up a dark room. In fact, she told me that a friend of hers called her sunshine because of her bright smile

    After dinner, I drove her back to Nicki’s place. It was late; we must have spent more than a few hours together. She told me that she was divorced for many years and that Tina was not her given name. Years before, she married a GI and moved from Korea to the U.S. I asked her real name It’s Mi-young; you probably think that’s funny?

    No not at all!

    Do you like to dance? she asked.


    "Nicki told me about a club located at the hotel, would you like to go there?

    OK, how about next Saturday night?

    That’s fine with me, Tina replied. We said goodbye and Tina drove off in her car.

    As she drove away, I had that lonely feeling again. How could I be so sad after spending an enjoyable evening with Tina, I mean Mi-young? My home life was getting worse; I really did not want to be there—somehow I had to address this situation in my life. There were so many things to work out, but I put everything on the back burner. I had my outlet—I had someone who I really loved and who looked forward to being with me. It had nothing to do with money or business; it was a match made in heaven. This is what I kept telling myself and I believed it.

    Saturday night came around and I arrived at Nicki’s place where we had planned to meet. Nicki opened the back door and let me in. There was another Asian woman inside along with another man. Nicki introduced me, This is Nina. She was the other girl who worked for Nicki. The guy was her American boyfriend.

    I didn’t see Tina. Where’s Tina? I asked.

    She is getting herself ready. Just then the door to a closed room opened and there was Tina. She was wearing a long dress and high heels and her hair was done. She wore very little make-up and what she was wearing accented her Asian eyes. She stood in the doorway just looking at me and then she walked towards me. She took my breath away—what a beautiful woman.

    I took Tina to a disco club in the Marriot hotel in eastern Long Island. She was a good dancer and on this night we didn’t miss a single dance—especially the slow dances. Just holding her in my arms with her face close to mine and the smell of her perfume was intoxicating. After a while we went for a walk in the lobby and sat down on the couch. What seemed like a few hours but in reality only thirty minutes later, we were awakened by the sound of the night manager’s voice saying, Sorry, but you can’t sleep here! We were so relaxed and spent from dancing that we had fallen asleep. The rest of the evening went by so quickly. At the end of the night, we went to a local diner, and then I drove Tina back to Nicki’ place. I didn’t want the night to end but time didn’t stand still, and once again at the end of the night, I was left with that lonely sad feeling.

    The reality of the type of business Tina was involved in started to bother me. I had the feeling that what went on between Tina and myself was only happening to me—she was only intimate with me. This is the fantasy that these women create in the minds of men like me. It can be likened to the introduction of drugs into your life. The more you indulge, the more you need a fix. These women fill a void where wives have failed.

    Many summer nights were spent with Tina, away from Nicki’s place. We frequently returned to the same night club to dance, and on some occasions spent the night together in the hotel where the club was situated. Those nights—just like most of the hours that we spent together—showed time did not stand still; the months just flew by. Tina told me when we first met that she lived in New York City, which I never questioned. I had no idea that she lived locally until one night (before the time of cell phones), she beeped me, I had to find a pay phone to return her call.

    She actually invited me to her home and said that she’d give me directions if I was interested. She didn’t have to ask me twice! To my surprise she lived on the east end of Long Island about 45 minutes from my home.

    When Tina opened the door, she was silhouetted against a rose colored hue which added to the ambience. She was dressed in a silk floral nightgown, sensuous but in good taste. Dim lighting came from a night light in the living room. Tina led me past a piano into the hallway leading to her bedroom. The room was roomy enough to house a king size bed, covered with a Korean blanket similar to the one at Nicki’s place.

    This was a night filled with emotions that I had thought I wasn’t capable of having. I was oblivious to my surroundings. I only saw, felt, and heard Tina. Her gentle touch, her soft voice, the scent of her perfume, the taste of her lips put me deeper and deeper into the recesses of her heart. Without a doubt, I was deeply in love with this woman. I needed to be with her for the rest of my life, no matter the sacrifice.

    That night was followed by months filled with laughter and sharing as well as concern, self doubt, and tears. Yes, this relationship had everything that a man could want as well as what he needed.

    Tina had two children who I was introduced to. Both children accepted me into their

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