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Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies
Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies
Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies

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Mysteries, deaths, and happenings occur throughout the centuries at a renowned college.

Sixteenth century: Magenta, a Mayan princess, is captured by the Spanish conquerors. They take her back to Spain for trial as a witch. Close to England, she is rescued by pirates. Magentas involvement with Captain Eric leads to marriage. He overlooked her witchcraft skills. Years later, while their seven-year-old child was at the renowned college, she is accused of witchcraft, as is her mother. Both are burned as witches. Captain Eric is put to death. His pirates are too late to save him.

Twenty-first century: The princesss descendants, Tarinda and Andre, enrol at the college.
Their friends Cynthia and Alder, two modern-day fairy children, also enrol at the college.
The children become best of friends.
Will OAK from the fairy council unravel the mysteries?
Will magic spells bring forth a miracle?
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateNov 3, 2015
Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies

EBF Scanlon

Born in Leith, Scotland. Now in New Zealand, retired. Mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and wife. I write to keep my mind occupied, and when grandchildren were younger, I told them stories. I was a registered nurse for many years. I like reading regency novels, cooking, writing, and gardening when able to do so. I love listening to music (classical, easy listen, country) and watching TV.

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    Pirates, a Mayan Princess and Fairies - EBF Scanlon

    Copyright © 2015 by EBF Scanlon.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 09/23/2015





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    With grateful thanks to a member of the writers group ( who advised me on this story.

    Chapter 1

    Central America

    A Maya Temple;

    Magenta stood on the parapet of the temple and looked up towards the sun as it was setting in the sky. Golden rays spread out across the darkened blue of the day’s clear vista.

    Quietly the land below gave of an ethereal sparkle of green, yellow and warm apricot over the darker green backdrop of mountains that looked cool with white icing on the top. Tall light green trees gleamed in the sinking rays to a darker shade of green, grey and purple.

    Only small rippling pools of water scattered here and there. Cool wind sweeping over the surface reflected light of a crystal blue shimmer; a calm evening sky.

    Magenta could feel the cooling heat over her face, shoulders and through her flimsy priestess gown to her body. Waist length hair of golden brown loosely covered her back. Deep, dark, green oval-shaped eyes filled the centre of her face.

    Lips full and parted allowed the amber sun to shine on her perfect white teeth.

    Tonight will see the rise of the first full moon of the tenth month. All the people of the land will gather to hear Magenta, their high priestess, first-born daughter of the rulers in this domain, predict events for the coming year’s harvest. What she foresees and relays will help the people direct their lives in that year.

    Growing up in the temple she had had privileges that allowed freedom and the opportunity to study. She already possessed the gift of spell casting and general witchcraft. Her sister, Niema, also studied in the temple but only after she reached the age of fourteen. Her ability was not as acute but she loved and adored her sister and followed her advice in what to study.

    Mistress, it’s time. From behind a fluttering curtain came the sound of a slave’s voice. Magenta lifted high her arms and hands and spread them out above her head as she silently mouthed a prayer to her God of the Full Moon.

    She parted the curtain and walked through. Hand maidens attached her cape of woven flax, dipped in gold and coloured with flashing gems. A headdress of gold and feathers of indigo blue and green was placed on her head. A gold eye mask was worn to accentuate her eyes. Around her neck she wore a locket; a blood red huge gem.

    She looked magnificent.

    Magenta made her way through the labyrinth of tapestries and corridors to the open altar of the temple that over-looked where her followers waited to hear their priest; their Princess.

    Standard tapered oil lamps were used to give light to the altar area. A simple long stone altar stretched lengthways across the centre. On top lay a large pottery bowl decorated with secret hieroglyphics etched around the inside and outside edges; read.

    Wisdom from the moon God will be passed on to the servant of the gods Relayed to the followers of her temple to guide them throughout the coming year

    Pieces of written parchment soiled with blood lay either side of the bowl on a plate.

    Magenta raised her hands and the entire temple became silent,

    My people our God of the Moon has spoken in his wisdom.

    She signalled to an altar virgin who stepped forward with a gold metal jug that contained sacred oil, blood and water. The contents poured into the bowl. The virgin stepped back. A second virgin approached with a lighted taper and dipped it into the mixture and the parchment. Immediately, both gave of a blue, orange and yellow flame. Smoke twirled and twisted its way to the heavens to praise and greet the Moon God.

    Magenta stepped forward waved her hands across and over the flames that changed to a cooling green. She leaned forward and gazed into the bowl.

    The blood red gem around her neck gave of a fiery glow as it suspended in mid air above the bowl. Her voice rang out over the heads of the natives.

    "Our divine ruler, the Moon God, sends this message of wisdom to all.

    Our harvest will yield an abundance of food and our soil shall rest before the next sowing of seeds. I summon now the head of each family to bring forward to the temple their offering with love and gratitude for a bountiful past year. All youths aged twelve will enter training for manhood and all fourteen year old virgins will enter the temple training." She lifted her head and the flame turned from green to red.

    Voices of the people rang out,

    All praise and all glory to our God of the Moon! We will obey. It shall be done.

    Again Magenta lowered her head to gaze into the pottery bowl. Abruptly she stepped back. Her calm appearance was gone and replaced with a look of anguish and doubt. She could scarcely believe what she saw. She stepped forward to gaze once more into the depths of the mystic liquid. A few seconds later she gave out a loud scream as her lowered body frame staggered backwards. The natives became afraid as they had never seen their princess act so. Magenta walked forward once more to look into the bowl. She stepped back quickly. One arm across her eyes as she raised her voice in anguish.

    Ahh! Ahh! No! No! My people RUN! RUN! Gather your loved ones, scatter quickly. Hide! Dangers, death, rivers of blood are coming. Go now, quickly, I see an army of intruders to our way of life, they will slay us all.

    The people turned and looked to one another. Some started crying. Others screamed. Men folk shouted Come, and reached for their families. There was confusion as some ran around in circles getting nowhere. Lamps and ornamental statues crashed to the ground. Fire rose from mats on the floor. Smoke shrouded the temple. Occupants coughed and collapsed on the floor where they were trampled on by others who were fleeing.

    Magenta stood fixated on the images portrayed in the bowl. Her body trembled and shook. Her sister came to her and guided her from the altar.

    In her ante room Niema removed Magenta’s cape and head dress.

    What is happening, my sister? What have you seen? What has frightened you?

    With unblinking eyes, Magenta stared deep into space and stated,

    "Death, rivers of blood. Flee before they come, they will destroy us all. Our culture, our traditions, our way of life has gone!

    Her sister gave her a shake, Awake, Magenta! Awake! Speak to me. What are we running from? Where shall we go? Tell me! Tell me!

    Magenta shook her head, blinked her eyes, threw her arms around her sister and wept,

    "I have seen horrors you wouldn’t believe. Soldiers are coming…war on our country. Evil men, armed with shiny spears and swords. Their clothes gleam in the moonlight. They

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