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A Lifetime of Learning: Opening My Mind to the Universe, Transformed Me into Who I Am Today.
A Lifetime of Learning: Opening My Mind to the Universe, Transformed Me into Who I Am Today.
A Lifetime of Learning: Opening My Mind to the Universe, Transformed Me into Who I Am Today.
Ebook103 pages1 hour

A Lifetime of Learning: Opening My Mind to the Universe, Transformed Me into Who I Am Today.

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About this ebook

Writing this book has been a very thought-stimulating exercise for me, and I have enjoyed the challenge of it completely. Summarizing my lifes thinking and value took many hours of meditation and note taking to expand upon. I am sure that the text will be strange for some and enlightening for others. It is all based upon my lifetime of learning.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 28, 2015
A Lifetime of Learning: Opening My Mind to the Universe, Transformed Me into Who I Am Today.

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    A Lifetime of Learning - Daniel R. VanGerpen

    Copyright © 2015 by Daniel R. VanGerpen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 10/08/2015






    Personal Beliefs


    Chapter I: In the beginning

    Creation of the Universe

    Chapter II: Infinity

    Infinite Spiritual Being

    Chapter III: The Divine Plan

    The Light

    The Gift of God

    Live and Learn

    Who am I?


    Cause and Effect

    Chapter IV: The Meaning of Time


    Chapter V: Education



    Evil, Good & the Law

    Coming From Love or Fear:

    Chapter VI: Spiritual Principals


    Chapter VII: Living within Spiritual Principals

    Personal Path to God

    Modern Miracles with Human Vision

    Respect, freedom and dignity:

    Pattern of Perfection:

    Trust and Integrity:

    Religious Beliefs:

    Personal Responsibility:

    I Am Old Enough:

    Firing the old God:

    Advertising for a new God:

    Chapter VIII: Immortality

    Life after death:

    The Location of Hell:

    The Location of Heaven:


    Life on other planets:

    Contact with the dead:

    Science Verses Death:

    Another dimension to life after death:

    Chapter IX: The Law












    Chapter X: A Lifetime of Learning

    Family Background


    Teenage Years

    Young Adulthood

    Beginning of Professional Life

    Major Change in Adult Life

    Maturing Adult

    Starting Life Over again

    Family is Calling

    End of a Wonderful Era

    Life Has a New Beginning:



    Personal Beliefs

    Writing this book has been a very thought stimulating exercise for me and I have enjoyed the challenge of it completely.

    The following few paragraphs are a summary of my life thinking and values. I am sure that they will be strange for some and enlightening for others.

    What I believe about myself today:

    I am a man over eighty years of age, who has lived a life of truth and prosperity. I am and have been faithful to myself and my family. I am self-reliant, caring, helpful and somewhat shy. I am withdrawn at times, evaluating my understanding of situations that may be out of my control. I love life and I am one with the Universe and God. I am extremely interested in creation, both God and man made. I wake up in the mornings with a smile on my face and look forward to a beautiful and learning experience day. I go to bed at night with a smile on my face and fall asleep next to an angel.

    What I believe about God and the Universe:

    The total universe and all that is in it are some part of God. I believe that there is not a rock, plant, or creature that is not made from God particles. I believe we are all made of the same particles or elements and are just assimilated in a little different order. I also believe that all matter is alive regardless of how we see and or perceive it. I also believe that God is infinite.

    What I believe about life today:

    More people have some degree of education and yet they are less informed. Governments, Religious Institutions and Educational Establishments through University level are dumbing down and / or slanting the Information and / or material being taught. Rather than being open minded and truthful, teaching and thinking has to be Politically Correct. I would like to see organizations such as, Course of Miracles, Science of Mind and others quietly become more involved with education and public information channels.


    In the fall of 2014 I attended an interesting class entitled Self-Discovery. Before the class was completed, we had to write a short treatise titled How Do I Love Myself. It took a few hours of thought and finally I started writing the following paragraphs.

    "I get up each morning and look in the mirror and see an old man that looks like my father and his father before him.

    I loved those two men very much for they gave me the opportunity to be who I am today. They gave me the self-confidence and self-esteem to learn and do things that I might have thought were not possible. So that brings me to me, I love myself for taking the risks and challenges that I have taken and turned each into a positive and successful adventure. I love myself for stepping forward and bettering my position in life.

    Life has become less of a challenge and more of a game as I age. I love myself for the life that I have written for myself (and others).

    I look into that mirror each and every morning and see myself as I truly am, a successful older man, who enjoys life to the fullest,

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