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The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions
The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions
The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions
Ebook161 pages2 hours

The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions

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Within our daily realities, we all face challenges. It is our choice whether we deal with them in a positive or negative way. Unfortunately, some of us turn to addictive behaviors in an attempt to relieve or forget inner-turmoil or painful experiences. By gaining awareness of these unhealthy responses, we can reverse addictive patterns and learn to look within to create happiness and fulfillment.
Raul Llanos, a physician with more than forty years of experience, shares guidance, ideas, concepts, and techniques that will help others achieve a higher stage of consciousness, create a freer reality full of joy, and embrace Gods unconditional love. Dr. Llanos begins by examining who we are, where we are coming from, and where we are going before moving into a deeper reflection on the twelve steps commonly used in addiction rehabilitation. Included are suggestions on how to release long-held addictions through a variety of holistic methods and move into a better place of health and well-being.
The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions offers wisdom from a seasoned physician that encourages others to shun addictive behaviors and awaken to a new reality that connects spirituality with self-awareness
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 30, 2016
The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions

Raul Llanos, MD

Raul Llanos, M.D. was born in Colombia, South America. He received his medical training at the Universidad del Valle in Colombia, Lutheran Medical Center in Cleveland, and at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. Dr. Llanos is in private practice and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans.

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    The Art of Consciously Healing Our Addictions - Raul Llanos, MD

    Copyright © 2016 Raul Llanos, M.D.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5911-5 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5942-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908732

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/29/2016


    Letter to the Reader


    1. Who We Are

    2. Where We Are Coming From

    3. Where Are We Going?

    4. Pleasure and Pain

    5. Let Us Reflect More on the Spirituality of the Twelve Steps

    • Points to Remember

    6. The Field Is Infinite, Forever, and Within Ourselves

    7. Valuable Techniques to Help Us Release Our Addictions and Find More Well-Being


    About the Author


    I am grateful to my beloved wife who has always been an expression and an example of love.


    Dear Friend,

    Let us journey together in search of more freedom. We belong to something higher, bigger, and lovable. We are in synchronicity; we are right here in this precise moment of our existence to grow, to have fun, and to be successful.

    Every addictive, limited, constrictive thought, feeling, belief, and attitudes is follow by a destructive behavior. It is time to find our freedom, and I am inviting you to recapture it. It is within us; we do not have to go anywhere else to find it.

    We are all looking for more freedom; we are all looking for more experiences where our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are full of brand-new, present, experiential awareness. We are all looking to experience life full of moments of more love, freedom and joy.

    We are all looking for ecstasies. It is our nature, we deserve it, and our wills are ready to help us to encounter it without the destructive consequences of our addictions. Our physical bodies with their marvelous physiology, chemistry, electromagnetic patterns, and other energies have always been ready to help us without side effects.

    Let us do our work, and let us actively and passively receive our rights for more freedom. Let us receive more experiences full of love, joy and success. It is time to free ourselves from the false security of our addictive, stubborn survival mechanism of our negativity.

    Let us break away from our ignorant thinking and feeling. Let us pay more attention to the brighter part of ourselves. Let us cultivate the silence and the solitude where we can get more in touch with the divinity of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Let us impregnate ourselves more with the gifts of our spiritual journeys. It is time for us to change; it is time for us to forgive. It is time to heal. It is time to share the freedom of our experiential knowledge full of humility and authority, where we embrace life experiences as brand-new moments of spiritual awakening.

    Let us do our inner work to be able to experience life just for the fun of living it. Let us share our healing, and let us get more in touch with our freedom and our bliss so we can share with the world more of who we really are.

    Let us be alive; let us be the lover of our reality.

    With love and gratitude


    I n my previous two books, The Power of Self-Healing and Consciously Healing our Webs of Health, Well-being, Success, and Abundance , my goal has been to offer insights into how to be more consciously empowered in the creation of our reality.

    In our reality, we will always have challenges, and it is our choice to deal with them in a positive or negative way. Unfortunately, we continue to ruminate on the patterns of thinking and behavior that we utilize to deal with the challenges instead of embracing the response to the next challenge in a more free and fresh way.

    Fortunately, my present daily experiences, including the ones in my medical practice, are giving me the opportunity to be more in touch with the addictive relationships with myself, with others, and in general with reality.

    Lately, in my practice, I have been dealing more with the destructive addictions of my patients. During these interactions, reflections, and my self-help work, I had the opportunity to discover the many treasures that I want to share with you in this book. My purpose is to help us better understand our realities and ourselves.

    I consider the repetitive patterns of response to our own perceptions an addictive way to live our human existences. Instead, when we look at the reality as new and fresh, knowing that there is always more, we establish ourselves in a fully conscious, present way to experience the instances of our realities.

    As a physician with more than forty years of experience, I am able to understand the importance of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. As a human being, I have come to have a better understanding of my metaphysical and spiritual bodies. I am able to better integrate and understand my complex reality as a magical manifestation of the interaction between all the bodies in my reality.

    Our spirituality includes all religions and all faiths. Our spirituality is our relationship to the immense, powerful, indestructible, everlasting, beautiful, joyful reality that we call God, which never begins, never ends, and is infinite and all-powerful. Believe it or not we are part of that reality, and we are created in the image of that reality. In other words, we resonate within that reality.

    It is very important for us to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies if we want to create a freer reality for ourselves. It is imperative that we also nourish our spiritual realities in order to fulfil ourselves in a more magical way and find more personal freedom, joy, and self-empowerment.

    Throughout history, we have given more importance to the pain and suffering in the conditioning and response to the challenges of our lives. No pain, no gain is our way, not God’s way. These painful ways of response need a form of release, change, and establishment in a more comfortable reality. Without awareness, we reinforce these patterns of conditioning and response and perpetuate addictive patterns. We need to be more part of the evolution of our awareness and consciousness.

    In God’s true reality, there is no pain, there is no suffering, there is no struggle, and there is no sacrifice. We are part of God’s reality, and consequently in our human realities, God’s attributes exist. By nourishing our spiritual realities, we can awaken the true essence of ourselves that is God’s image. We will always become more a part of our awakening and our evolution in God’s reality. Let us be more conscious.

    In the addictive patterns of behavior, we are denied of joy and success; we are denied self-love and God’s love. We are limited by time and space, but the more we accept and the more responsible we are for our addictions, the closer we can become to the abundance of our magical realities.

    In this book, we will work on ideas, concepts, and techniques as well on the necessity of the utilization of the attention and the intention to create for ourselves a freer reality full of love and ecstasy. We do have the necessary chemistry and pathways in our brains and our bodies to create and recreate more pleasure, more joy, and more ecstasies without the side effects of the chemistry and the pathways of destructive addictions.

    The physical body has organs, and they all function in synchronicity for the well-being of the entire body without jealousy or envy. They function in complexity. Our organs are working on their own tasks, in their own time and convenience, and in their own ways, they are enjoying themselves. They do it for their own benefit and for the benefit of the whole.

    As I mentioned above, we have different kinds of bodies—the physical, the mental, the emotional, the metaphysical, and the spiritual—and we have the capacity for them to work happily and successfully for their own benefits but also for the benefit of the entire self.

    We do have challenges, but we can turn them into assets. We can have more self-liberation, we can have more freedom from our addictions, and that is just the beginning. In the past, we looked for different kinds of adaptations and forms of being to survive. In the past, we embraced the anxiety, the rage, and many times the panic and the destruction to find a false security. It is time to end our pain and suffering. In our own ways, we needed that past, but it is no longer necessary. Let us take advantage of the energy of the negative and positive emotions that we can find in the future to transform ourselves.

    Allow me to show you some more positive ways to look at reality. If we establish ourselves within these ways, we can enrich our lives. It sounds complex, but it is actually quite easy to do. We must choose the fear or the love. Let us take responsibility for our beliefs, our attitudes, for what we think, what we feel, what we say, what we have, what we do, but mainly for the quality of the relationships we have with God’s beautiful reality, which is everything.

    We are always looking to identify ourselves with God’s qualities. We are always in the process of imitating God consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously. We are always looking for his, her, or its presence. Let us be more conscious of our capacities, our elegance, our easiness, of the process and realization of our identification with the qualities of God. Although this identification is an ideal that we will never reach, we can always satisfy ourselves, have enough, and realize that always there is more.

    Let us embrace our unique spirituality. Our lack of a conscious relationship with God’s reality sets us up for pain and suffering, and as a consequence, for the addictions. When we embrace our spirituality, we establish ourselves in a more comfortable and joyful way with our realities, which are part of the bigger reality that we call God or the higher power.




    We become complacent, and we forget that we are more.

    D uring our existence, we function as children, adolescents, adults, and as spiritual, more mature beings. In other words, those parts of us are continuously looking to express themselves when the opportunity arises.

    If we pay attention to our behaviors and our experiences, we can observe our child in that stage, acting in a self-centered, narcissist way or in an innocent way, exploring new realities, just to mention a few of the characteristics that define our child.

    Other times, the adolescent, with all of his or her dreams and adventures, comes in and plays his or her realities, including the times of panic, control, and worry.

    Regardless of who is trying to take possession of the self, it is important to remember that we always have the capacity to be more conscious of who we are. We always have the capacity to make decisions to be different, more comfortable, and in accord with our evolution to be more mature beings.

    We are more

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