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The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation
The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation
The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation
Ebook102 pages1 hour

The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation

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The purpose of this book is to cause the reader to see and understand the Lords plan of salvation for us. And to see that his plan; is not starting to be established; but has already been established. Its for the reader to see that the Lord has picked a certain people beforehand to do his will; and by him finish what he started when he walked the earth.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 20, 2016
The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation

Alfonso Hunter

Alfonso Hunter lives in Shawnee Mission, Kansas, and has never published any books before. Throughout his life, he has always been inquisitive about the Lord. He has encountered individuals who have told him that the Lord has something for him to do. And he has always wanted to know more about the Lord. But he couldn't get all the answers from some of the pastors he encountered. So he sought to seek the Lord for himself and said to himself, "If I'm going to study God's Word, I might as well write while I learn." And here it is what he's learned. The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation explains how the Lord has planned from the beginning to save all people by building his church and his body, which is the church. It explains how he uses his predestined to be his members for saving others. The author knew he wouldn't be able to write this book without the Lord. Therefore he had to wait months and years for the understanding from him, so he kept the faith and waited. And the Lord provided him with all the understanding he needed to finish it. And now here is the finished work, which the author and the Lord completed together.

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    Book preview

    The Lord's Established Plan of Salvation - Alfonso Hunter

    The Lord’s

    Established Plan

    of Salvation

    Alfonso Hunter

    Copyright © 2016 by Alfonso Hunter.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015914834

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5144-0592-5

                    Softcover       978-1-5144-0591-8

                    eBook            978-1-5144-0590-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 08/09/2016






    Chapter 1 The Plan

    Chapter 2 The Word

    Chapter 3 Baptism by Water

    Chapter 4 Baptism by the Holy Ghost

    Chapter 5 Communion

    Chapter 6 The Blood

    Chapter 7 Faith

    Chapter 8 Godliness

    Chapter 9 Long-suffering/Temperance

    Chapter 10 Love

    Chapter 11 Righteousness

    Chapter 12 The Body of Christ

    Quotes from the Understanding That the Lord Has Given Me




    T HE PURPOSE OF this book is to cause the reader to see and understand the Lord’s plan of salvation for us and to see that his plan is not starting to be established but has already been established. The reader will understand that the Lord has picked a certain people beforehand to do his will and understand him finishing what he started when he walked the earth.

    This book will also help the reader to see that those people whom he picked beforehand are his predestined, his chosen, his called, his elect, his ordained, and his foreknown. The reader will also realize that we, his predestined, are to be the members of his body. And we lift him up as he draws all others unto him.

    It will also show the reader that all the power that the Lord had while he was upon the earth is made available to his predestined and others who come into his body. It will also illustrate to the reader that his predestined must do all he did so we may become as he was.

    This book will provide each reader a broader scope of what it means to be the members of the Lord’s body, along with our importance to him. It will cause each and every person to see that the Lord uses his predestined in the same way he used his own members (limbs) when he walked the earth.

    The book’s purpose is not to change anyone’s perspective on what he or she understands or believes about the Lord. Instead, it is intended to cause him or her to go further in unto the Lord, who always wants us to do better. And that’s why he’s given us all the tools we need to reach this goal.

    He wants us to be successful and does not intend for us to fail in any way. We become failures only if we quit. But if we remain in him and continue by him, success will be the end result of all we do.

    This book will help others see that we have more at our reach than what we thought. It will reveal to others that we have all he had—all his power, strength, and understanding—within our reach. This is no joke. It is the honest-to-God truth. It’s all in his Word, and we only have to seek it and learn of him.

    This book will help others see that nothing is out of our reach and he has, by his death upon the cross, made all he had and has available to us. And it’s not only us as his predestined; it’s all others who come in.


    The Plan

    T HE LORD HAS a plan of salvation for us, and it involves us, his predestined, and others who come in being just like him and doing all he did. It involves us being separate from the world. It involves us

    • being of his bones and his flesh (Eph. 5:30)(KJV);

    • allowing our members to be his;

    • being of one mind (1 Pet. 3:8; Rom. 15:6)(KJV), one spirit (Phil. 1:27; 1 Cor. 6:17, 12:13) (KJV), one soul (Acts 4:32)(KJV), one blood (Acts 17:26)(KJV), and one flesh (1 Cor. 15:39)(KJV);

    • allowing his way of life to become ours;

    • understanding his Word and following his Spirit, the Holy Ghost;

    • understanding why he shed his blood for us upon the cross;

    • having communion by eating his broken body, the bread;

    • drinking the cup, his blood, with the New Testament in it;

    • participating in every area of his life;

    • not practicing the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19–21);

    • not being part of the perilous times in the last days (2 Tim. 3:2–9)(KJV);

    • doing all he did and still does so we become as he was (is);

    • being able to receive all he received; and

    • becoming all the fullness of the body of Christ in one.

    His plan is to have us live in him as he lives in us.

    When the Lord came to the earth, he came to teach all and sacrifice himself for all. He knew he would die and shed his blood for all the world’s sins. But before he began his mission, he selected certain people, specific individuals (male and female), to be the members of his body and finish what he started after his departure from the earth. But for us to do this, we must become as he was by acting as he does. His plan involves him building his body by us, his predestined, those whom he picked from the beginning to be the members (limbs) of his body.

    Our involvement in the Lord involves our whole being. All and everything we had once done before should be no more. And all the sin we once practiced must not be part of our lives anymore. He never planned for us to be how we are. He always meant for us to be better people and individuals. And the lives we lead are not to be part of his plan.

    Satan has sidetracked or brainwashed most of us, leading many in a completely different direction. What Satan intends is not what God (the Lord) intends for us. The Lord wants us to be just like him; Satan wants the same. The devil knows the Lord’s plan but wants to try and make sure that none of us learn what his plan is. And he recognizes that our learning of the Lord’s plan comes to us by his Word through his Spirit. And our involvement in the Lord’s plan can only be made known to us by him through his Word and Spirit. And no one else besides him can fully teach it to us. And nowhere else can we fully receive it except from his Word and Spirit.

    I’m not saying that the ministers, preachers, and teachers of today don’t have a clue. But I am saying that we all must seek the Lord for ourselves, even though the Lord sent us these men and women. The Lord wants to teach his people as well as those who come in. He aspires to have his people and those who come in by him teaching others. His plan involves him saving every one of us, and he wants his plan to be done how he wants it. There must be complete obedience unto his ways, which comes by learning his Word through his Spirit, the Holy Ghost.

    The Lord has picked certain people whom he already knew from the beginning would do his will. He chose these individuals to accomplish what he set out to do because he wants to save the entire world.

    He started when he walked the earth, and he wants to continue by using his predestined, the people whom he’s picked to be the members (limbs) of his body. But these chosen must do everything he did (and still does) to become as he was (is). We must live how he lived so we can do what he did. We must be exactly like he was and always is.

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