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Fifth World—A Poetic Journey: Creation Tales to Modern Musings
Fifth World—A Poetic Journey: Creation Tales to Modern Musings
Fifth World—A Poetic Journey: Creation Tales to Modern Musings
Ebook168 pages55 minutes

Fifth World—A Poetic Journey: Creation Tales to Modern Musings

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From the cave paintings of Lascaux to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, from the Moai of Rapa Nui to the totem poles of North America, and from the Giza pyramids to the colossal Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, humans have long used unspoken communication that crosses the barriers of language and culture.

From our ancestors visual acumen to the verbose musings of their descendants, a long journey has transpired. We have only found different portals from which to view, realized our view is surely restricted (Woman Who Fell from the Sky), or simply removed more clutter from a door that needs no key (There Is a Door). Now that we, the modern progeny, can posit diverse and varied marks with standard order and fixed traits and to understand their hidden meanings (The Lost Book), we may, through literature, visit a cave painting or stand in awe before a Teotihuacan. With poetry we make these journeys in record time, with bold imagery and clarity. For the walls and ceilings of life, poetry gives us a great paintbrush.

Presenting a seekers journey, this poetry collection explores ancient creation tales, Cajun culture, and contemporary reflections on lifes momentous events.

Release dateMay 12, 2016
Fifth World—A Poetic Journey: Creation Tales to Modern Musings

Benn Welch

Benn Welch has been an educator, seminarian, horticulturist, and world traveler. He grew up on a ranch in coastal Louisiana, and his love of poetry began in childhood. He currently lives in Southern California, where he continues writing and planning the next journey.

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    Fifth World—A Poetic Journey - Benn Welch

    Fifth World—A Poetic Journey

    Creation Ta les to Modern Musings

    Copyright © 2016 benn welch.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Illustrations by Steven Olson

    Photography by Bryan Wolff


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-9205-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-9204-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016906751

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/12/2016




    Raven with Sun

    Seeker in a Maze

    Lost Tabby Mind

    Cajun Cottage

    Totem Pole

    Book of Creations

    The Fifth World

    Sometime in the Yesterdays

    Woman Who Fell from the Sky

    The Song of the Gods

    Book of the Seekers

    A Theological Maze

    The Quest

    The Lost Book

    There is a Door

    The Source

    The Revel in Life

    A Stone in the Streambed


    Book of Laughter and Logic

    True Confessions (and False)

    roll the dice

    Who Wrote the Book

    What if We Never Left the Garden

    The Greatest Reward

    Why Beauty is Missing

    Today’s Life’s Lesson


    Book of Memory’s Gallery

    A Different Kind of Cowboy

    Gone from the Bayou


    In Memory’s Gallery

    Elegy for Greg

    The Greg Totem Pole









    Do not be content with the stories of others.

    Unfold your own myth.

    - Rumi


    On this poetic journey some creation tales are retraced to see metaphoric truths that have always been there for the seeker. Throughout history many native peoples relied upon descriptive explanations, both simple and complex, of their existence. Growing up on Louisiana’s gulf coast I was early aware of the Chitimacha, Houma, Coushatta, and Atakapa native tribes around me, and of my family’s contacts with some of them. In re ~viewing some tales from indigenous peoples you’ll find some observations from which to draw insight. (Book of Creations)

    Traversing Louisiana’s Cajun bayou country will show a variety of life experience, as we look at the descendants of the refugees exiled in 1775 from Acadie in French Canada. This is my birthright, inheriting from this chronicle by both nature and nurture. Food and language are spiced and peppered from both native and immigrant cultures in a wonderful repas a manger (good food) and pervasive patois (dialect). (Book of Memory’s Gallery)

    Sandwiched between these two cultural icons are modern musings about the now in which we find ourselves. Contemporary man finds an easier path of looking outward, setting life’s course from this judgment. Looking inward, assessing the thoughts about what is seen, may be a healthier and more beneficial option. Along this journey, much like a genealogical chart of human nature, look at your experiences perhaps finding personal truths that may have been overlooked or forgotten. (Book of the Seekers) Take the poetic journey where laughter acts as a medicinal, and look at the logic, the sensibleness, of life’s experiences, ordinary and extraordinary, saddening and sublime. (Book of Laughter and Logic)

    On this rhythmical trek through the language of origins to modern musings, be the seeker you were meant to be and find inspiration to unfold your story, if only to yourself.

    Book of Creations


    Raven with Sun

    Dark was conquered by Raven’s flight . . .

    The Fifth World

    A Maya Creation Tale

    In This Beginning . . .

    There was only infinite Sky above

    and the waters of a vast Ocean below.

    The space between was void, empty

    except for voices thundering in echo.

    For the gods were conversing, the wish

    for creatures was their unending desire,

    but with vapory Sky and watery Ocean

    their creation would firm Earth require.

    So the creators spoke into the mist

    clearing the cloud-hovering Skies,

    calling across the churning Ocean

    for the drowned land to rise.

    First World

    For this new Earth they created animals

    in forms and colors

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