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Master Your Mind: My Scraps
Master Your Mind: My Scraps
Master Your Mind: My Scraps
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Master Your Mind: My Scraps

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Master Your Mind not only gives you natural ways to overcome mental illness but also Master Your Mind is a creative writing that inspires you to change the way you think.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 18, 2015
Master Your Mind: My Scraps

Michelle Cheeks

Michelle Lynn cheeks is currently 31 years old, has 2 brothers and 4 sisters and she lives in st. Louis Missouri with her family. Michelle went to school at Jennings junior high school for 1 year then transferred to Hazelwood Central high school for the remainder of the high school period. She then went to Florissant Community College where she took up Photography for a few years. Michelle is a now a daycare assistant at wee welcome daycare and she is the creative author of Master your mind. Master your mind not only gives you natural ways to overcome mental illness but Master your mind is creative writing that inspires you to change the way you think.

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    Master Your Mind - Michelle Cheeks

    Copyright © 2015 by Michelle Cheeks.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015917405

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5144-1929-8

                    Softcover        978-1-5144-1928-1

                    eBook             978-1-5144-1927-4

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (authorized version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Chapter 1 Faith Controls Your Tongue

    Chapter 2 Overcoming Depression

    Chapter 3 Laughter Heals Mental Illness

    Chapter 4 Little Sermon Scraps

    Chapter 5 Master Your Mind

    Chapter 6 Fight for Your Victory

    Chapter 7 Secrets to Overcoming Offense

    Chapter 8 Forgiveness

    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to the Lord Jesus for inspiring me to master my mind in a creative way. The Lord taught me to value the little things he teaches because the little things prepare us for the greater things that’s ahead. My prayer is that my wounds and healing I share in this book will become a journey to healing to those hurting from mental illness.

    In my book, Master Your Mind: My Scraps, I wanted to take the small things I have learned and put it in position for God to do something big with it. The Holy Spirit told me that when God wants to do something big, he will start small.

    I am reminded that God’s word is like a seed that grows, and of the boy with two small fish and five loaves of bread that fed five thousand people. Elijah performed a miracle of provision in the time of famine with the widow’s flour. There are other biblical testimonies that encouraged me to start small. I pray that this book blesses you and that you can take one small thing from it and use it to be a blessing to you in a big way. God bless.


    I want to share a little bit about myself and why I’m writing this book. This book is not only about redefining myself, but also to strengthen, build, and restore the lives of God’s people. The title of this book came from the Lord Jesus. He told me to master my mind, and started dropping revelations in my spirit on how to evolve my mind and spirit. He wanted to take my fragile, broken mind and make it stronger; he wanted to make me into a great thinker. The Lord Jesus wanted me to master my mind.

    First of all, let me say this—the cause of mental illness comes from demonic activity. I was diagnosed with a mental illness at the age of nineteen when I was going into college. I struggled with my mind for ten years, and was going back and forth between mental institutions under oppression from the enemy. I felt like the devil had me trapped in this tormenting cycle and I didn’t know how to break free with my own will. My will was broken from so much persecution that it made me surrender to God. The type of persecution that creates brokenness God used the persecution to make me surrender to him, it brought me closer to him, and birthed this book.

    In 2015 I joined the David E. Taylor ministry and was being recruited to serve in the ministry. I was introduced to teachings on offenses, and the Lord directed me to read The Bait of Satan by John Bevere, from which my healing miracle came. This book freed me from the tormenting cycle of offenses. I learned how to react to offenses and how to become mature when dealing with others and myself.

    Offense is the root cause to mental illness. Offenses came to me directly and indirectly. That’s why I believe that many people who struggle with mental illness are dealing with direct and indirect offenses. I don’t think people who suffer with mental illness really know how much the devil is after their minds until they start getting purged and free.

    Offenses will come, but it’s how you react to them that matters. If you don’t learn how to overcome offenses by what you think, then the devil will master your mind. The greatest battle you will go through is the war that attacks your minds because the mind is the battlefield. Through much training from the Lord over those ten years, he has taught me to master my mind by overcoming offenses.

    We are moving into times when demons are oppressing God’s people and trying to take them by force; and they are starting with people’s minds. Because the enemy comes to try to steal our soul, we need to have strong minds that are stable and sharpened for the fight. The victory belongs to those who fight for it, and we have to fight.

    We need to learn how to dominate the demonic activity with power and truth of the Holy Spirit. You do this by exposing the strategies and schemes of the devil and then use what they hide from you to gain the victory. God’s people need to rise up and learn how to walk free in their minds.

    I wrote this book to help people who have suffered from mental illness because I believe if a person can get free in their minds, then their surroundings will change. When our mindset changes and we begin to speak positive we begin to see positive results. Everything around them has the possibility to change because they can choose to change the way they think. People have got to change the way they think. They have to start thinking that the uncomfortable place that God has them in, he can teach them how to be an overcomer in that area of their lives.

    Mental illness for me was very uncomfortable, but the Lord used what was uncomfortable to teach me. That’s why I wrote this book to get people to see that the uncomfortable places can turn into being a place of great blessing.

    God can use a life to save another, and he will always start with what’s uncomfortable to push people into their next level. I tried to run to other people to comfort my mental illness without them knowing I had one, but I had to deal with it myself because it was my mind.

    The Lord taught me that it was not other people’s job to comfort my offended thinking; it was my responsibility to take authority over my own thinking. I believe if more people started taking authority over their own thinking, then a lot of mental hospitals, occult counseling, and psychics would be out of business.

    Anyway, none of those people that I ran to and who counseled, prophesied, and prayed over me could really keep my mind stable, even though they were very influential to my deliverance. What I’m saying is that I had to learn to do the work for myself. I had to take the teachings and instructions that I got from God himself and apply what I learned to my own life. I had to work, and so can you. You can learn how to get into the presence of God.

    One of the secrets to overcoming mental illness is discovering what’s hidden. It’s all a part of the journey that we are embarking upon each and every day we get a little closer to God. Don’t let persecution or pressure persuade you into walking away from God. God loves you, and the devil is trying to deceive you with oppression to make you think that God doesn’t love you and is trying to make you think that God is angry when he is really not. God is only training you how to fight back.

    According to 2 Samuel 22:35, He teaches my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken in my arms. That means God will teach you how to fight against the weapons of the enemy. He will teach you how to defeat the enemy. He will give you strategies concerning war and will give you the victory in war. So as I begin this book, I want to give you the revelations that the Holy Spirit gave me, sharing with you some insights on how to grow, change, and mature.

    I didn’t write this book to give you statistics on how the world expects for the body of Christ to function and why the world is doing a census on people who have mental illness in the kingdom. I believe that when a person gets to the truth, they drop from being a statistic. Facts only keep people bound to their current condition, but the truth from an eternal perspective sets them free. I think America has committed a great sin against God by numbering the people with statistics, especially in trying to infiltrate God’s kingdom. For example, when David numbered the people and was punished, but I pray God will be merciful if America repents. It’s time for God’s people to rise up in authority. It’s time for you to master your mind!


    Faith Controls Your Tongue

    I really believe that the tongue is one of the greatest weapons that you have in your body. It has the ability to speak good or evil, but the tongue only speaks what comes from the mind and heart. So with that being said, the tongue and mind work together; they are the power force and steering wheel of your faith. The tongue and the mind will act as a steering wheel to how you react to everyday situations that seem to present itself in your life. Could it be that a lot of situations turn out the way they do because of what you speak and what you think? Then I guess you have to let faith rule what you will think and how you will speak. My question to you is what does your faith tell you to do? And does your faith challenge you to think and speak what has yet to manifest? Does your faith move you into what has yet to manifest? And if it doesn’t, then you need to be asking yourself if you really believe. Faith is supposed to push you into the manifestation of what God has spoken over your life.

    Sometimes, the church teaches that you have to just wait for the promise. No, that’s wrong; you have to move in what God has already promised. Sometimes the more you move toward the promise, the more likely you will fulfill what was promised. But sad to say, some people do not receive their promises because of their mind-sets and mouths.

    Believe it or not, some people are speaking and thinking very negatively because of offense. And it is offense that’s making them think and speak with no control. I definitely believe a person’s level of faith has a lot to do with how they react to offense. If people knew how to react to offense, it would definitely make them more secure in their faith.

    One of the things the Holy Spirit said to me was to start seeing offenses as an opportunity to help people. What he meant is when offenses come, make moves of peace with the offensive person to get the situation resolved and get an understanding of what first caused the problem so it won’t manifest into confusion. God is the author of peace and not confusion.

    First of all, God wants us to be at peace with people whether they agree with us or not; peace is ultimately the goal. Sometimes, God’s will offends people because it always works out the way we never expected, but we must always try and see the good God wants to bring out of it and why that situation happened the way God ordained it.

    But for now, I want to get into the revelation that the Holy Spirit gave me about the tongue:

    For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

    Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.

    Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth.

    Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great matter a little fire kindleth!

    And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

    For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:

    But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

    Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.

    Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

    Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet

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