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Ancient Alien Theory Decoded
Ancient Alien Theory Decoded
Ancient Alien Theory Decoded
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Ancient Alien Theory Decoded

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For those who undertake a serious investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFO), there can be no questioning their reality. Still, our government would have people believe UFOs are natural earthly phenomenon. Ancient alien theorist, however, claim unidentified flying objects are highly advanced alien mechanical devices. Furthermore, the theorist would have us believe aliens are associated with the genesis of mankind, and during our formative years, they guided us with both technology and the teaching of civil/moral standards. On the one hand, we have our government saying it is nothing, and on the other hand, we have ancient alien theorists saying ancient aliens were the gods we used to worship. We cannot help but wonder why the government denies alien existence and, at the same time, ancient alien theorists preach a coming alien salvation. It is only when the ancient alien theory is decoded that elements of truth are revealed.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 22, 2015
Ancient Alien Theory Decoded

Robert Sickler

The author was born at the beginning of the baby boom and remembers the public’s reaction to “flying saucer” in the ’50s and ’60s. He was an infantry soldier and fought in the Korean DMZ war and in Vietnam. He has four college degrees in hard science and engineering, to include a PhD. He has worked in the field of science, engineering, manufacturing, and business consulting, and he has over ten years working for the federal government on top-secret projects. The author also has an extensive theological background. He was trained and certified in the Methodist Church as a lay minister, he was ordained as a Baptist deacon, and he was also ordained as a minister in the Christian Church.

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    Ancient Alien Theory Decoded - Robert Sickler

    Copyright © 2015 by Robert Sickler.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2015916720

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5035-9820-1

          Softcover      978-1-5035-9587-3

          eBook      978-1-5035-9586-6

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    Rev. date: 10/08/2015






    Chapter One: Ancient Alien Theory

    Chapter Two: Sighting Evidence For UFOs

    Chapter Three: Government Denial And Cover-Ups

    Chapter Four: Extraterrestrial Agenda

    Chapter Five: May The Force Be With You

    Chapter Six: Eventual Alien Disclosure

    Chapter Seven: Government Involvement

    Chapter Eight: What Is An Alien?

    Chapter Nine: General Theory Of Everything

    Chapter Ten: The Secret Alien Code


    It was a cold winter evening, the kind of weather where the snow will crunch and squeak when you walk in it. Dad and I had just gone to bed when we heard Grandma call out from her bedroom, What are those lights up there in the sky … out over the river? I jumped out of bed and went to the window. There up in the sky were two round balls or disks of light. They were rather large, and they were zipping back and forth and all around the sky over the valley we lived in. It was kind of like two kids were shining a bright flashlight on the side of a barn and moving the spots of light back and forth … like they were playing tag with the light spots. I told Dad what I saw, and he got out of bed and came to the window. We watched the lights moving around in the sky for about five to ten minutes. Then they just swooshed off into the distance. To be honest, I was glad to see them go.

    It has been well over fifty years since I saw those lights in the sky, but the image is as clear in my mind today as it was back then. I can also remember the anxiety building up as we watched the lights and considered the real possibility that they were flying saucers. Not many people talked about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) back then; it was always flying saucers. Anyway, I was worried they might land. I remember asking my dad, Do you think they will land? He simply answered, I don’t know son … I just don’t know. The fact is, those bright disks of light had us both a bit shook up. It was a long time ago, but I remember it as if it were yesterday.

    I suppose my first UFO incident is so well ingrained in my mind because it was the first time I was confronted with evidence that flying saucers really do exist; I was truly confronted with the unknown. Since that night in the mid-1950s the world has come to recognize the fact that unidentified flying objects do exist, even if our government has chosen to deny their existence. What has remained unchanged, however, is the fact that I (we) are still confronted with the unknown. We do have a tremendous amount of evidence to validate the existence of UFOs and more than enough to support the assumption that they have a highly advanced and extraterrestrial origin. Yet we are still faced with the fact that we do not know who they are, or why they are here.

    It is human nature for us to want to know who made the strange tracks in our sandbox and why they were walking around in our sandbox to start with. And what really drives us nuts is spending time and resources to find the answer, but we end up being no closer to a solution than when we started. When this happens, we have a tendency to start forging our own answers, and some folks take advantage of the situation by peddling fabricated solutions to those longing for an answer. In the case of UFOs, the most recent answer to who and why has been taken up by the ancient alien theorists or ancient astronaut theorists. They would have us believe that UFOs are piloted by beings from a very advanced extraterrestrial origin, and they are here checking up on us humans. They go on to propose that we are the product of alien engineering or genetic manipulation and that these aliens have been sharing technology and social guidance with us since the dawn of time. They go on to claim that our propensity for recognizing gods is because the ancient aliens allowed us to recognize them as gods. Following this train of thought, the ancient alien theorists go on to suggest that perhaps the aliens are preparing to finally make formal contact with humans. This is real feel good stuff; we must admit the ancient alien theory provides us with very logical answers to the UFO questions of who and why.

    If the ancient alien theorists are 100 percent correct, this would be good news. But what if they are slightly wrong? What if the ancient alien theorists’ confidence has blinded them to the real answers, and what if their arrogance keeps them from ever seeing the truth? The fact is that the ancient alien theory comes very close to the bull’s-eye, very close indeed. But close is not good enough when it comes to answering the alien questions of who and why.


    Ancient Alien Theory



    Before we jump into an attempt to decode the ancient alien theory, it would behoove us to define a few things. To start with, we need to come to an understanding of what a theory really is and determine if the ancient alien theory is really a theory, if it is really worth decoding. In a very loose layman’s sense of the word, a theory can be simply an original idea or thought. However, this is not what a professional would consider a theory. For example, while building a tree house for the boys, Dad might say, It is my theory Great-grandpa Smith planted this tree when he was a boy. In Dad’s usage of the word theory, there is little to no true value in calling his idea a theory. While it is true that Dad has what he calls a theory, his statement is not backed up with any collected data, such as family evidence, which would show or even infer that Great-grandpa Smith planted the tree or any tree for that matter. While this usage of the word theory is not totally incorrect, it certainly is not preferred by professionals. For most of us with any type of scientific or professional background, the word theory carries with it the implication that careful investigations, research, testing, and related experiments have been conducted, and they support the stated idea or thought.

    For professionals, a stated original idea or thought, relative to an observation or belief, is not a theory—it is only a hypothesis. A hypothesis only becomes a theory after it finds support through study and/or experimentation. Dad may have said that he had a theory regarding the genesis of the tree, but in reality, all he had was a guess. At best, he had a very poor hypothesis. To be a truly valid hypothesis, it must possess a predictive value, and it must also lend itself to scientific study and testing, which will lead to a conclusion relative to the predictive value. For example, Dad’s guess or hypothesis could initiate a study and investigation of Great-grandpa. If this work were to turn up evidence that Great-grandpa did live here as a child, that he displayed a love for trees, and if we were to find a letter his mother wrote to her brother that contained a statement about how her son planted her a tree for her birthday, then we just might have turned our hypothesis into a theory. Dad may not have conclusive proof of which tree Great-grandpa planted, but he does have enough evidence to theorize that it was the tree he and the boys built a tree house in. If we find that the ancient alien theory is only a hypothesis, then there will be no valid reason to consider it worth investigating and decoding.

    It is imperative that our evaluation of the ancient alien theory reveals evidence uncovered by serious studies, which has stuffiest interlocking support to produce postulates forming the proposed theory. This is making the assumption that our postulate is taken to be declared information that is generally accepted as being true and thus is used as the basis of our theory. So you see, we must maintain the position that a preponderance of people agreeing to a statement does not automatically make that statement a theory. We can only accept the ancient alien theory as a theory if the hypothesis generates predicted values or truths, of which study produces a series of postulates that support the theory’s premise. In other words, just because you call something a theory does not mean that it is a true theory; ergo, the ancient alien theory is not a theory unless we can produce sufficient postulates to underpin that theory. Without evidence produced from investigation and study, the ancient alien theory may not be a theory; it could be just a hypothesis or guess.

    Ancient Alien

    The ancient alien theory proposes that ancient aliens interacted with humans in the past as well as today and perhaps in the future. Such a statement is all well and good, but without establishing boundary conditions and defining our terminology, this is nothing more than a bunch of words.

    We cannot tell exactly what is going on in the mind of ancient alien theorists; thus, we must resort to examining common usage. Our English term alien is derived from the Latin alienus, which means any stranger or foreigner. In its widest usage, an alien is anyone who is not a citizen of the country they are currently in. From a legal United States perspective, an alien is any person born in another country to parents who are not U.S. citizens and who has not become a naturalized citizen. It seems logical, therefore, from the perspective of ancient alien theorists, to say that an alien is any being who is currently on planet Earth that was born on a planet other than Earth, to parents who are not from planet Earth. This is with the assumption that being refers to an intelligent life-form.

    Our English term ancient is derived from the Vulgar Latin anteanus, which literally means from before. The general usage of the English word ancient is to indicate from a long time in the past. There is no agreed-upon time frame, but many scholars seem to associate ancient with antiquity, which is the period prior to 500 AD or before the Middle Ages. This does not, however, allow for the time period preceding antiquity, which is the prehistoric period (before written history). It would seem logical for us to define the term ancient alien to mean any ‘being’ born on another planet to parents who are not from the planet Earth, which was on Earth after the prehistoric period but before 500 AD. It should be noted, however, that many ancient alien theorists seem to view ancient alien to be any being born on another planet that was on Earth before the nineteenth century. Then we have the more fundamentalist ancient alien theorists who seem to imply ancient aliens can be any being born on another planet that was on Earth from before mankind came into existence up until the present.

    It would appear we have a theory with a key parameter that is undefined, or at least poorly defined. This does not, in and of itself, negate the theory. Because the ancient alien theorists’ concept of alien is poorly defined, we will link alien with the term extraterrestrial, where the term extraterrestrial is taken to mean originating beyond the physical earth, to include the earth’s atmosphere. And because the ancient alien theorists only loosely consider the implications of the term ancient, we will assume that the term ancient merely accents the term alien and that it does not restrict analysis of the theory to a specific time period. In this way, we allow the theory to address all extraterrestrial intelligent life forms throughout all time.

    Ancient Alien Theory

    In its abridged form, the ancient alien theory proposes that extraterrestrials, with a clear agenda for dealing with humans, visited Earth and fulfilled that agenda, and perhaps they are still fulfilling that agenda. In other words, beings from outer space came to Earth and were involved in the creation, development, and evolution of humans.

    The ancient alien theory can be said to contain three contributing postulates: (1) extraterrestrials do exist, (2) extraterrestrials visited Earth, and (3) extraterrestrials had/have an agenda for interacting with humans. For the present time, we are going to assume the first two statements are valid postulates. As for the third, most ancient alien theorists believe extraterrestrials had/have superior knowledge of science and engineering and social behavior, and they shared portions of this expertise with humans, thus guiding in the development of mankind. In other word, beings from outer space shared their science, technology, and religion with humans, which helped us become what we are today.

    Our study would not be complete if we did not include a fringe group of ancient alien theorists who believe that we were created by extraterrestrials, or that we are a product of evolution but we have been genetically modified by extraterrestrials, or that we are really extraterrestrials who were genetically engineered for planet Earth. This may seem to be a bit farfetched, but this aspect of the theory is something we need to be aware of.

    Considering the fact that many ancient alien theorists seem to be more driven by philosophical emotions than pure science, it would be meaningless for us to try and ascertain the theorists’ motives for the individual postulates. It is a historically demonstrated fact that no amount of scientific reasoning will alter the thinking of someone dedicated to philosophical or emotion opinion. Where philosophical faith is concerned, emotion will always trump evidence. For this reason, we will integrate all three ancient alien theories into a single theory, stating that (1) extraterrestrials, with superior knowledge of science and engineering and social behavior, were aware of or instrumental in the genesis of humans and that (2) during our evolution here on earth, the extraterrestrials shared portions of their technical and social expertise with humans, thus guiding in the development of mankind.

    Origin of the Ancient Alien Theory

    It is very important for us to recognize that the foundation of the ancient alien theory is not rooted in the creativity of twentieth-century man. The concept of extraterrestrials interacting with humans is as old as the oldest written record and, in all probability, much older. There are numerous cultural stories that tell of extraterrestrials that descend from the sky and interact with humans. In almost all cases, the extraterrestrials are humanoid in form. Probably the earliest writing that details the interaction of extraterrestrials interacting with humans comes from Mesopotamia or modern-day Iraq. The Sumerians, people who initially lived in Mesopotamia around 5,000 BC, documented stories about extraterrestrials that lived in heaven interacting with humans here on earth. One of the earliest religions that we know of (Zoroastrianism) is rooted in the belief that heavenly beings created mankind and worked with mankind. The prophet Zoroaster’s teachings were coalesced into a clearly defined religion by the beginning of sixth century BC. The resulting religion entails a supreme god, Ahura

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