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How God Found Me
How God Found Me
How God Found Me
Ebook120 pages2 hours

How God Found Me

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While attempting to restore the bell of my church with two members of my church school class and my car parked out front, one of the boys noticed a boy from my scout troop passing below and shouted for him to go home. Recognizing my car, he thought that I was the shouter and responded with a derogatory comment. This caused me to feel that I had failed in my teaching to both units under my direction.
Seeing that I was noticeably distressed, God sent me a vision that led me to experience a journey on a path to heaven. Upon reaching the intended destination, I was met by Jesus who invited me to enter and bask in the joy of a heavenly celebration. I was met with a sound of the most pleasant composition I have ever heard with the words being sung coming to my ears enticing me to sing along with the exuberance of my full bass voice that lifted my spirits well into the evening.
The next morning I asked my mother, a light sleeper, if she had heard me singing and she replied she had heard not a word. For a better understanding of this event, you should read this book
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 10, 2015
How God Found Me

Hon.William H. Quinion

The author began his life as the second son in a family of three with an older sister playing teacher to him of the things she was learning in school. A gifted boy having many interests in the arts and model building who was loved by his community for his honesty and willingness to help others. His father was his example for many of his traits and interests and they spent much time together developing these traits. As a cub scout and later boy scout, he developed his survival skills and learned the benefits of helping others. His teachers challenged him to excel in his learning and the understanding of the bible was a challenge later when his first death experience made his understanding so clear it was as if he had written the passages himself. After serving his country in the navy he continued to gain knowledge in the electronic and trade industries creating several inventions and learning that the powers that be wanted nothing new as long as people bought the products they were selling regardless of the lack of quality. He built his own house with the help of his boy scouts but further success was impaired by his navy disability and lack of acceptance by his new community and their sinful attitudes contrary to the teachings of Jesus. That is what prompted him to write this book.

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    How God Found Me - Hon.William H. Quinion

    Copyright © 2015 by Hon.William H. Quinion.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2015912789

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-5035-9370-1

           Softcover       978-1-5035-9369-5

           eBook       978-1-5035-9368-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (AuthorizedVersion). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright ©1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 09/29/2015






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3: The New School

    Chapter 4: My Navy Experience

    Chapter 5: Losing 28 Pounds

    Chapter 6: Headed South

    Chapter 7: Return From the Dead

    Chapter 8: Out to Sea

    Chapter 9: Gibraltar and Beyond

    Chapter 10: California Liberty

    Chapter 11: New York Liberty

    Chapter 12: St. Lawrence

    Chapter 13: Quebec Liberty

    Chapter 14: Home Sweet Home


    Vengeance is mine, I will repay said the Lord. All I ask is that you forgive those who cause you physical or mental distress.

    It might sound presumptuous for me to claim that GOD found me and it might indicate that at one time I was lost. That, however is not the case. Consider that the number of souls he is credited with making over the millions of years that have transpired. It should be understandable that he might be looking for some particular traits that would make a soul outstanding and extremely desirable and useful to accomplishing his special goal. After all, isn’t it reasonable to believe that he placed all these souls on this earth to determine their ability to adapt and comprehend to these conditions using his gifts of sight, sound, intuition, manual dexterity, physical strength, ability of abstract reasoning, comprehension, dreams, and spiritual communication with him through having an open’ mind and contrite heart (pure in acceptance and motivation to follow his Direction); like the members of a Choir following the direction of the Choir Director, to present an unforgettable performance of his musical interpretation of the composers’ creation.


    The early years found me attending Sunday services, followed by a session in church school learning, under the direction of my Mother who was Superintendent of the Sunday school as well as the kindergarten teacher. After the lessons, all classes assembled together to sing songs and sometimes see movies of the Christian history when they were available.

    When I was old enough I attended grade school at age 4 just before turning 5 in a two room school house having an upstairs in which grades 4 through 8 were taught. The downstairs room included grades 1 through 3 taught by the best teacher anyone could ask for. Reading, writing, math and social studies were taught by combining classes with first graders sitting with second graders in two person seats to follow the reading of the lesson and help the first graders to learn to read. All restless activity was treated by having the entire school assemble in the upper room to sing songs and view other constructive activities taught to the higher grades before classes each day. A sort of shop activity using one powered jig saw and coping saws and other hand tools to inspire the lower grades to have something to took forward to was also demonstrated.

    All this activity took place first thing in the morning to get the rambunctious inclinations out of each students’ minds and bodies so they would sit still and be more inclined to pay attention to the lessons being taught.

    At recess the first day some of the older boys had obtained a rope and were tying up the younger boys. And you thought that bullying was something new in school activity. A thorough study of this activity would show that teachings and attitudes of the parents to which the children have been subjected, through careful listening and direct scolding, the trait of bullying is passed on from parent to child. I suspect that this is what Jesus was warning about when he said, Suffer the little children to come unto me indicating that he intended to teach them the ERROR of their parent’s ways. Before recess ended that first day, five of the older boys attempted to tie me up but I was able to fight them off until the teacher scolded them and shamed them for needing five of them to attack one small boy who was able to fend off their attack.

    Team sports were seldom played as it was necessary to select boys from all the grades to complete a team. There were swings and teeter totters and tag and hide and go seek activity to complete the recess activity.

    After completing my third grade education the school was combined with the high school in the next town which required riding a bus to school each day and getting ready much earlier. My fourth grade teacher was much stricter and disliked talking out of turn to the extent that any one breaking that rule was immediately escorted to the coat room just off of the classroom where much bumping and banging was heard to the extent that we all concluded that the offender was receiving the well deserved beating to discourage any further disregard for the rules by the offender as well as the rest of the class. Needless to say, this proved to be an effective teaching tool as most of the rest of the class got higher grades than the offenders proving that they should have been listening instead of talking out of turn while the teacher was teaching. We were treated to one notable session of show and tell when a student that learned to make false teeth in his dentist uncles’ workshop brought one of his creations to class and got the denture stuck in his mouth. The teacher pointed out that this demonstration showed that we should first learn all the procedures connected with any trade before attempting to present a demonstration to other people.

    The fifth grade teacher used a different method. She introduced us to L.Frank Baums’ The Wizard of Oz book of many adventures which she read upon request by popular vote as to whether we desired to go outdoors or hear more of the adventures of Dorothy and her friends. I particularly enjoyed the second book of adventures where Dorothy visited other imaginary lands with people who had two faces on their heads and were able to change their faces and heads. There were other stories that were told to demonstrate the values of developing the right attitudes. The stories of Hans Christian Anderson just to mention a few.

    The sixth grade teacher was again strict and used other thought provoking games and contests to inspire her students to learn and compete, there were spelling bee’s, the game of gossip, showing that we shouldn’t believe everything we hear from reliable sources, and contests of adding subtracting and multiplication. These were some of the real teachers that considered their profession to be more than just teaching the three R’s.

    Seventh grade we were surprised with a much younger male teacher who had a completely new method of teaching with no homework. This proved to be more readily accepted and promoted more attentive listening to prevent returning to the practice of having to take work home to be done out of class after school on our free time.

    During this year several notable events occurred. I met one of my best friends who introduced himself to me by stealing my cap to play keep away with his other friends. I retrieved my cap before he could pass it on to his other friends and explained to him that this was not the best way to make friends with me or any other person of admirable character. Next, I was present at another event of bullying by the same older boys who tried to tie me up. They were trying to taunt two boys who had no quarrel with each other to fight. I surprised them by verbally reprimanding them saying, If you like fighting so much, why don’t you fight each other to show us how it’s done and what is to be accomplished by fighting? They were dumbfounded and shocked that someone who knew them for their previous motivation who dared to tell them off. Perhaps I reminded them of the scolding they received from my first grade teacher and the fact that I was much larger and more developed than I was at my first encounter with them? Their attention then turned to each other as to teasing the instigator of the gang if he wanted to take me on alone? That broke up that little gathering.

    The next event of note occurred while sitting on the bus leaving to return us to our homes. A girl sitting behind me began snapping the back of my neck trying to get me to notice her and I turned around to tell her to stop. it was then that I was shocked by being hit on the head by a clip board wielded by the bus monitor, a teacher, who told me to turn around in my seat. I didn’t believe that such action was deserved for merely defending myself by objecting to being harassed by a girl. I reported the event to my father when he returned from work and he confronted the teacher about his actions the next day. Two months later that teacher died and the doctor who examined him stated that the cause of his death was due to his stomach being cooked by Radar while he was in the Navy. This did not seem reasonable to me as he had been out of the Navy for several years. I mean, how long can a man live with a cooked stomach?

    Following this event, I became a cub scout and my den mother was loved by all of us and taught us many useful things. As a show of our appreciation we helped her clean her house and for a good deed we washed her windows. We made planters and did soap carvings to be judged at the monthly

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