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Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave
Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave
Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave

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This book is a combination of short stories with morals and an autobiography.
Release dateSep 29, 2015
Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave

Rosaria M. Wills

Rosaria Wills was born and raised in Naples, Italy. She met her husband, Dave, while he was serving in the air force. They moved to Florida, and she graduated from Rollins College. She spent six years with her husband in Germany, teaching for the department of defense. She is still currently teaching prealgebra in Longwood, Florida.

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    Fables from Around the World and My Life Before, During, and After Dave - Rosaria M. Wills

    © 2015 Rosaria M. Wills. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/28/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2885-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2882-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015912932

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    Chapter 1 The Bird Of Fire

    Chapter 2 Rose’s Italian Vacation

    Chapter 3 Mary And Ann

    Chapter 4 The Boy Who Talked To The Animals

    Chapter 5 The Prince Who Played The Violin

    Chapter 6 Taj Mahal

    Chapter 7 Rabbit, The Thief

    Chapter 8 The Princess In The Tower

    Chapter 9 The Village Without Sweets

    Chapter 10 The Bears

    Chapter 11 The Son Of The King Of Ireland

    Chapter 12 The Eleven Swans

    Chapter 13 The Magic Arrows

    Chapter 14 The World’s Creation

    Chapter 15 The Donkey And The Robin

    Chapter 16 The Shepard From Mount Crystal

    Chapter 17 Lisa And Cows That Knew How To Work The Wool

    Chapter 18 The Calf Walking On Ice

    Chapter 19 The Fable Of The Cats

    Chapter 20 The Early Years

    Chapter 21 War

    Chapter 22 My Well Justified Fear Of Camping Out And Picnics

    Chapter 23 A Good Friend-Rosetta

    Chapter 24 Varichina (Clorox) In The Eye

    Chapter 25 Some Italian Customs

    Chapter 26 Earthquakes In Italy

    Chapter 27 My 11Th Grade Prom Day With My Brother Mimmo

    Chapter 28 Trip With Mimmo On A Vespa

    Chapter 29 Desperately Looking For A Job

    Chapter 30 The Wedding Days October 24 And 25,1964

    Chapter 31 South Carolina

    Chapter 32 From South Carolina Back To Germany

    Chapter 33 Some German Customs

    Chapter 34 Trip To Berlin

    Chapter 35 Camping With Dave, My Mother And Children In Naples, Italy

    Chapter 36 Other Trips

    Chapter 37 Back To Florida

    Chapter 38 Family Trips

    Chapter 39 Dave Also A Joker

    Chapter 40 First Trip To Europe

    Chapter 41 Port Orange

    Chapter 42 Wurzburg

    Chapter 43 Back To The States

    Chapter 44 Meeting With President Bush

    Chapter 45 Our Last Trip To Europe

    Chapter 46 Last 5 Years

    Chapter 47 Poems/Dedications




    * Time begins at midnight DECEMBER 31st

    * JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and MARCH - Desolate, dreary, lots of rain. Land and oceans do not resemble What we know today.

    * APRIL - Single cell living organisms begin to appear.

    * END OF MAY - First vertebrates appear - aquatic creatures.

    * JUNE - Sixty percent of the area we know as North America is under water.

    * MIDDLE OF JULY - First land plants.

    * AUGUST - Seas full of fish. Breathe with gills/lungs. Amphibians.

    * EARLY SEPTEMBER - First insects.

    * MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER - First seed bearing plants. Reptiles appear. (Young born in eggs). Before end of September Dinosaurs will appear.

    * OCTOBER - Appalachian Mountains appear. Half bird, half reptile take to air.

    * Mammals appear. High mark of dinosaurs - size of a goat up to forty tons.

    * NOVEMBER - Some flying reptiles. Modern plants, trees, and insect appear.

    * Dinosaurs disappear. Rocky Mountains appear.

    * DECEMBER - Mammals in control of life. Trees and grasses (seeds) cover land.

    * DECEMBER 25th - Colorado River starts cutting through the Grand Canyon (No people).

    * DECEMBER 31st, at noon - The Java Ape man appears. No tolls. Only wooden clubs. Ice Age starts.

    * DECEMBER 31st, 2300 hours - Neatherthal Man Appear.

                                    2330 hours - Cro-Magnon appears. Living in

                                                     caves/paintings on walls.

                                    2345 hours - Neolithic Man appears. Chipping

                                                     stone-sharp cutting edges.

                                    2355 hours - Egyptian appear.

                                    2356 hours - Babylonians appear.

                                    2357 hours - Greeks appear.

                                    2358 hours - Romans appear.

                                    2358:43 - Christian Era starts.

                                    2359:40 - Columbus discovers America

                                    2359:53 - The Signing of the Declaration of


    The last few seconds of the year is the story of all that has happened to us since we have become a nation. Humans will kill and take over the land of the American Indian. Great forests will be cut down and burned till there are no more. The soil, because of the cutting down of trees, will be bare and be susceptible to wind and water erosion. Streams will not longer be clear and clean; they will be full of silt and push it towards our water supply. Humus and mineral salts will vanish, like the forest, at a considerable rate. Asian people will not longer have wood to burn because of the mass destruction of trees, and will have to burn their cow’s dung and every available straw of grass to cook their foods. Dust storms will be covering the earth. Humans will only be thinking and counting their wealth while the soil, the only wealth that will keep mankind alive, will be loose and washed away in the water of the earth…

    Confucius once declared, Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep;

    I am not there, I do not sleep.

    I am not there, I did not die.

    Mary Frye

    Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

    Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Chapter 1

    The Bird Of Fire

    O ne night, in the enchanted garden of Delhi, a young prince Igor arrived, he was chasing the bird of fire.

    The bird kept flying around a tree with golden apples when the prince got close and captured the bird. It was dark, since the moon was behind a cloud, so he could not be seen.

    The poor bird start imploring the prince to let him go free, in return he promised that he would help the prince if he needed him. The prince felt sorry, and let the bird go.

    Days later from the castle came out thirteen beautiful girls, that approached the tree with golden apples, they were playing and laughing under the moon light, and here the prince appeared. First they were scared, but they understood that he would not harm them and started playing with him. The prince made all the girls dance, but he fell in love with the most beautiful of between the girls. The girls were princesses and told the prince that they had been imprisoned by monsters. Igor heard the story, and decided to follow them and enter the castle and try to make them escape. So he did, in spite of the girls telling him that the monster was able to petrify whoever entered the castle and tried to free them.

    As soon as he entered the castle, many monsters appeared and stood in front of the prince and took him prisoner.

    He was to be petrified, and Igor remembered the promise of the bird of fire, and he called him for help.

    The bird came right away, and studied the situation and told the prince the secret of the monster. To kill the monster he had to destroy a gold container made of eggs shells, where the monster’s soul was. In the meantime the bird blocked the enchantment by taking the other monsters away making them dance so much that they fell to the ground.

    With another magic move, he made them listen to lullaby, so they became docile and fell asleep.

    So Prince Igor was able to open the box, and the monster died. He was able to marry the beautiful princess, who was forever grateful to her prince.

    Chapter 2

    Rose’s Italian Vacation

    The vacation started on June 23,2010. My daughter took me to the OIA. I left for Orlando to Detroit. Before boarding the hostess called me and they moved my seat to first class. Very comfortable, the gentleman next to me went to sleep after a couple of beer. Happy to be in first class.In Detroit I boarded another Delta for Rome, Italy, where my brother and his wife were going to pick me up from the airport.

    First time I was travelling by myself except when I went to see Bob in Arizona…I felt very lonesome, but I was lucky the lady next to me travelling with her husband and daughter was very nice, and we spent the whole trip talking about various things. We landed in Rome, Lauren (the lady’s name) and her husband helped me find my suitcase. It took 40 minutes. I thought maybe it was lost, but no there it was. Grabbed the suitcase, said goodbye to my new found friend (they were on a tour for 20 days), I started looking for my brother Mimmo and Rosaria. Did not see them, so I called them on my cell phone…they were upstairs instead of downstairs. They came down, we hugged. I was really happy to see him, he had aged of course, he is over 80 years old, his wife Rosaria was pleasant and cheerful.

    We went to his house, they had prepared Roberto’s room for me, we ate. My brother told me that we would go to Rome the following Thursday. Monday he had to go for an eye operation. Rosaria could not come with us to Rome because she does not walk very far. I called my friend Rosetta at Naples, and cancelled my visit to her house. She had entered a Vialone competition and did not know when she would be called for the finals. I could not go there and found out that she was leaving and stay there all by myself. The first four days at Mimmo and Rosaria house were great, we visited the villas, went to a museum (my brother and I only, Rosaria would not come), then we went every day to the market to buy food. I paid one time. Then the following times I bought dessert for all of us. My brother talked how unhappy he was with his wife. He remembered his old girlfriend Lilly over and over and his friend Domenico. I had come to Italy to talk about me, my loneness without Dave, instead I ended up just listening and listening. During the day, Rosaria will go and lay down from 2 P.M. till 4:30 P.M. She did this everyday. I will go out either with my brother (and listen to his unhappiness), and later out by myself. I had not come all the way across the ocean to sit in a room. I needed to see people, relax and think of other things.

    They fought continually, every time my brother would say something she will call him stupid, and yell. I was getting very uncomfortable. Stayed on the computer to answer my E-mail and helped Mimmo with the computer. She did not like that. One time we went to the computer and were talking, she came in the room and said, I am resting, do not talk so loud… We apologized and closed the door.

    I thought Mimmo how to go to u-tube to listen to his music. She asked Mimmo what he was doing and when he answered, she walked away yelling at the top of her lungs.

    Yes, I came to rest and find peace. We had started watching the soccer championship, one of the finals was between Germany and Uruguay. Mimmo said that they will be 0 to 0. I said Germany will win, and Rosaria said Uruguay will win. We watched, every time Uruguay made a play, she would scream at the top of her lungs..Yes…Yes..

    Well Uruguay lost 1 to 0. She was angry. She called Mimmo and I racist (Razzisti), because we had not teamed up with the Uruguay. I asked her if she knew what the word razzisti meant, and she answered, ‘Oh yes, very well.’

    Mimmo, the next day said again that he was tired of his wife, he wanted for me to write to Roberto and tell him how crazy his mother was. Rosaria hated Stefania (Roberto’s wife).

    I told him I will write but I had no intention to do it. It was none of my business. And I am sure that there were faults in both parts.

    The following day it was the final of the soccer championship Spain and Holland. My brother again said 0 to 0, I said Spain will win, Rosaria looked at both of us said nothing, and started switching channels. Mimmo asked why she was doing it, we were trying to watch the game. She yelled and told us to leave and go in the kitchen to watch the game, she had no interest in the sport. Mimmo reminded her that she said yesterday that she liked soccer, and she yelled, not anymore and either we would go to the other room or not watch it at all. So Mimmo and I went in the kitchen, and on a very small TV we watched the game, in the next room, she kept the TV so loud that we could barely hear each other. It was a good game, Spain won, and we went back in the living room and sat there for a while. She was laying on the couch in her underwear.

    I have my necklace with Our Lady of the Rosary, a horse shoe and horn. I have been wearing this necklace since I was 10 years old. Rosaria looked at my necklace and said, It is a disgrace, you should not wear the Madonna and the good luck charms. I told her I have been wearing since I was 10 and I was not about to change. She smirked away. Fights between Mimmo and Rosaria began every day. I was quietly counting the days when I would leave. Any little excuse and they will both scream at the top of their lungs. One evening (3 days before I would finally leave). I invited them to go for ice cream…we left, got to the bar. Ordered the ice cream, she ordered a drink. Mimmo started talking how he would be so happy to find his friend from when he was a kid Domenico Mazzoni…he went on and on, then I don’t know what Mimmo said, but she said, I will not answer any of your questions…stay in the dark…you are an idiot..

    They starting arguing, and I said Let me pay the bill and leave..

    Almost got run over by a car because she could not ear….she walked that way all the way home, while my brother kept telling me, I am tired of this, I am going to see a lawyer tomorrow, I want to leave, I don’t want to stay with her anymore and so on….

    I was mortified, people were laughing, and she kept walking with her fingers in her ears. We finally arrived home, she put cotton balls in her ears, and went to bed…my brother kept talking to me…finally I said I am going to bed. I was scared, because they both looked crazy, so that night I placed a chair against the door so I could hear if someone was trying to come in my room. That night I cried, I was so upset.

    The next morning I tried to tell Rosaria, why don’t talk things over with a counselor or see a priest …Her answer, You should have done something last night, you are like your brother.

    I answered, I did save you from being strangled and run over by a car.…She said something else, and I just walked away.


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