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Eulogy for America: Brought on by the Liberal  Democrats
Eulogy for America: Brought on by the Liberal  Democrats
Eulogy for America: Brought on by the Liberal  Democrats
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Eulogy for America: Brought on by the Liberal Democrats

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About this ebook

I live in North Carolina with my
lovely wife of 27 years Sandy. I
am retired from AT&T. During my
tenure with AT&T. I was president of
CWA local union for three years. I
also did voluntary work with several
Charities, and was chairman of the
United Cerebral Palsy Telethon for
two years, for the district of Winston
Salem., North Carolina. Over the
years I have been very active in our
churches, holding many positions. I
did much voluntary work such as giving out Bibles, building
free homes for the poor in the mountains of Kentucky, build a
church, etc. I am an avid Bible enthusiast and author of the
book Misconceptions of the Bible being preached. I believe
the most signifi cant thing in your live, is to live by the teachings
of the New Testament. The reason I am writing this book is of
a deep fearful conviction, America is all but lost to the evils
of the liberal Democrats. They are as a cancer eating away
Americas moral values and Gods word. America must wake
up. America must wake to this evil or God will surely pour out
His wrath upon our Nation.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 22, 2016
Eulogy for America: Brought on by the Liberal  Democrats

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    Book preview

    Eulogy for America - Boyd Hanes

    Copyright © 2016 by Boyd Hanes.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016901059

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-5144-5223-3

       Softcover   978-1-5144-5222-6

       eBook   978-1-5144-5221-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    All Bible quotes, scriptures, and reference to the Bible used in this book are taken from the 1611 King James Versions of the Holy Bible.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 03/08/2016






    Statement from the Author

    Chapter 1 Review of Evidence

    Chapter 2 Moses and Columbus

    Chapter 3 Blessings from God in the Dawn of America

    Chapter 4 Children and Families

    Chapter 5 Your Ideology Makeup

    Chapter 6 Women and Children

    Chapter 7 Review: More Sins

    Chapter 8 Judgment Pending

    Chapter 9 God's Laws Will Rule over Man's Laws

    Chapter 10 President Kennedy and Family

    Chapter 11 President Clinton and Hillary

    Chapter 12 President Obama

    Chapter 13 Platform for a President

    Commentary by the Author


    Through much studying and prayer, I feel that I must write this book. A eulogy can be a very beautiful thing but also can be a very sad occasion. America's eulogy is a very sad eulogy, because of the beautiful, bountiful, and respected nation it was. America was carved out of a wilderness by the leadership of God himself. America is now, for all practical purposes, a dying nation. The infrastructure of the government is in shambles and in complete disarray. If any corporation in America had leaders as heads of their companies, as the leaders of this nation, they would be fired immediately and probably sent to prison.

    Seemingly, there is a very fearful uneasiness settling down on America. I am very fearful; the judgment that God will send down on America will be of great consequences. I tremble at the thought of the power God has and what he did to other nations that turned their backs on him. The family life that at one time existed is in shambles. Many man-made laws contradict God's laws. The evil liberalism is flourishing. No honor to the marriage vows. Same-sex marriage. These things are an abomination to God and must not exist if God is to bless America again. I fear time is quickly approaching that we cannot have a Bible in our homes and, if heard speaking the name of Jesus Christ in public, you will be sent to prison.

    Another sad thing about this eulogy is all the evil that is being caused to come upon America is done so by America's own constituency, the liberal Democrats. There was no liberal agenda in the Congress of the United States until around 1960. America did quite well for about three hundred years or into the sixties, when the liberal movement was born. Shortly afterward, the liberals began to show their horns, and America went all to hell in only about forty-five years.

    No nation will survive spiritually without God's divine hand on that nation. If anyone believes God is still not in full control of this universe, you are a poor, misguided, pitiful soul. These are some of the reasons I must write this book. In my book, I will refer to America as the coffin and America's sins as nails being driven into the coffin of America. Now here is America's eulogy. Read it and weep for America.


    In writing this book, I did not seek, ask, or want any advice or information from either political party. It comes from my own observation, from my studying, from the news media, and with the facts taken from the Internet. I am writing about the ills of America, so why would I ask for help from the ones who are the cause of America being demoralized? I am giving America a sure cure for all its ills that, for the past forty or fifty years, none seem to understand or have the ability or guts to cure.

    Boyd Hanes


    Review of Evidence

    How to compose a book of this magnitude so the reader could get a comprehensive opinion of just what is taking place in America is an enormous undertaking within itself. After a lengthy research on this, we came to the decision to use the same procedure that the prosecutors use when trying a criminal case. If you have ever sat on a jury or been in the courtroom during one of these trials, you have seen this procedure. This is a procedure the prosecutors use before the trial actually begins. He will explain to the jury about certain events and evidence that he has pertaining to the case that will prove the plaintiff is guilty of the crime that he is charged. We believe by using this method, it will enhance the reader's ability to more clearly comprehend the message that this book will render. By using this procedure, we are going to write about some of the evidence we have that will prove America as a spiritual and respected nation is dying, far from what it was in the days of its pinnacle.

    At its pinnacle, America was the most powerful, respected, and spiritual nation in the world. We will tell you how the divine hand of God was on America before it was known as America. We will explain in detail how and why the occurrence of certain events that happened in the dawn of America brought God's blessing and also of events, which happen in later years, that may seem to be of little significance, though in later years, their consequence would be devastated.

    We will tell you which three presidents were the most despicable and, in detail, much of their evildoings and how it brought Americans quickly from the most powerful, respected, and spiritual nation in the world to a nation with no respect from any nation or anyone. We will tell you how and when America reached its pinnacle and of its decline.

    We will tell you of some laws our government passed that are in defiance of God's Word and who passed them also how these laws are a great part of America's downfall, and also what God says about women and their part in America's downfall.

    We will tell you unequivocally how the gays will bring damnation to America, according to the Bible. We will tell you in no uncertain terms about the liberal Democrats and how they are solely responsible for the fall of America.

    There are many other things---some small, some great---that play a part in the fall of America's spirituality and respectability. We will tell you how America reached its summit in only three hundred years and quickly was demoralized in about forty-five years by the despicable liberal Democrats.

    No government should execute a law that contradicts God's laws, or his commandments. Make no mistake about it, there has never been a law passed by any government in the history of the world that supersedes God's commandments or his Word. Anything that God's holy Word says is a sin (like how the same-sex marrying will still be a sin), although our government makes a law say differently.

    No Christian should obey any law our government makes that is in defiance of God's Word. The punishment you will receive from our government for not obeying this law will be a piece of cake compared to the punishment God will impose on you for breaking his law.

    I am sure that sometime in your life, you have heard the phrase You are driving another nail in your coffin. This phase is an imaginary description that I will use in this book to better illustrate the spiritual decline of America. The coffin represents America, the nails represent the sins of America, and of course, the jury is the citizens. A coffin can only hold so many nails until you close the lid. By each sin representing one nail, the reality of this could only be, God is about ready to close the lid on America. So here is the eulogy for

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