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The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Seventh Seal Revealing the Deep Mysteries of God
The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Seventh Seal Revealing the Deep Mysteries of God
The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Seventh Seal Revealing the Deep Mysteries of God
Ebook231 pages5 hours

The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Seventh Seal Revealing the Deep Mysteries of God

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This little Christian faith book called, "The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth"(TROTSOT) is a self-help tool to be used in conjunction with your Bible. It explains in detail the hidden mysteries of God with Scripture and gives you insight into the identity of the beloved disciple, Lucifer, Satan, and the Holy Spirit. This book puts to an end, unanswered questions and Swiss cheese theologies on the" end times." Spoken from the mouth of one of God's true watchmen, this book also offers personal experiences and lessons learned to help those who may be struggling to release themselves from the bondage of pornography and masturbation. This book sets the standard of holy living without the chains of religion, offering insight and hidden manna.

The revelation of the spirit of truth also gives you the formula for decoding the world's most complex book the Bible. TROTSOT is not your typical "church book", it's a kingdom book, meaning it teaches and focuses on the workings of the spiritual realm and government . It also teaches you how to utilize your heavenly hosts to spice up your marital sex life and take it to a whole other dimension. This book tells of the jealousy of the Guardian of your souls, and of his faithfulness. From the unscripted and unlearned to the doctors of the field, there is something to learn for all.

While breaking down spiritual giants such as hypocrisy , tithe hustling, spiritual prostitution, as well as the apostate church TROTSOT is nothing of the ordinary . The straight forwardness of this bookmay be considered an insult to the faint of heart and thin skinned. This work bridges the gap between Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism. From Ezekiel's wheels, to sefirots ,to chakras TROTSOT gives an introduction to the Spirit Of Wisdom of the ages and the annoiting of the Father. This book reveals the mysteries of God.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 30, 2016
The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Seventh Seal Revealing the Deep Mysteries of God

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    The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth - Talita (Ms.T) Johnson Smith

    Copyright © 2016 by Talita (Ms.T) Johnson Smith.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016909109

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5245-0769-5

                    Softcover        978-1-5245-0768-8

                    eBook             978-1-5245-0767-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright ©

    1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 11/30/2016






    How To Read This Book

    You Gave Me Something To Eat


    Return Back To Your First Love (Revelations 2:4-5)

    The Kingdom

    •   Idol Worship

    •   Religion And Tradition

    •   Fresh Manna

    What If Adam Was Atom? What Did Adam Name You?

    The King Of Tyre And The Prince

    •   The False Teachings Of Balaam


    Joseph’s Coat Of Many Colors

    Oh Jesus!

    Who Are The Sons Of God?

    The Course

    Gimme What You Owe! (Matt. 25:14-28)

    Twenty-One Genesis 21, A Prophetic Book?

    The Source Of The Light

    The Year Of Jubilee

    Miracles Signs And Wanderers A Study Of Exodus


    A Story Of Zerubbabel The Descendent Of

    Babylon Interpreting The Prophecy Of Zechariah

    Types and Foreshadows

    Following The Breadcrumbs Of My Testimonies



    My Declaration

    About The Author


    I, Talita, an ambassador for Christ and the kingdom of God, am sent to you by God to tell you the secrets of the kingdom, and to reveal to you the name of our God—the true name and identity. Explaining the spiritual meanings of parables in further detail and in layman’s terms and revealing to you the Spirit of Truth. This time, it will be plain and understandable. Simple, basic, true, dependable, informative, a great study reference designed for you to use as you study the end time prophecy. This book is life changing, but most importantly, ALIVE.

    The truth raw and uncut. For God has spoken to me, and now I’m yelling from the mountaintop!

    I am Wisdom, and you’re invited to my wedding.


    So now that you’ve bought this book, now what? I intend for you to use this book as a study tool to be used in conjunction with your Bible. I don’t want you to become lazy, and to take the words in this book without checking them against the source. The Bible is written in formula and in code providing food for all levels of humanity, while hiding spiritual truths from darkness. The hope I have is, from this book, you get revelation after revelation concerning the jargon and the mysteries of the Bible. In order for that to happen, you must follow my instructions. These are the tools you will need before you start. You will need the King James version Bible, highlighter, composition, book, pen, Webster’s dictionary, Holman’s Bible Dictionary, a quiet space, and preferably Wi-Fi access to Google Bible Hub and Wikipedia. All scripture references are from the King James version of the Bible unless noted otherwise. And most importantly, thank God in advance for the revelations flowing freely and unhindered by any satanic or demonic forces in Jesus’s name. Amen.

    1. Do not skip ahead, or skip chapters.

    2. When you come across scripture verses, read along in your Bible, and highlight them.

    3. If you come across a word you do not know, stop, look up the word in Webster’s dictionary—if not there then Google it. Do not continue until you know the meaning of the word.

    4. Make your own personal notes in your composition book only, so you will always know where they are. This will allow you to reflect back on your progress.

    5. In most instances, you will only see the verse address. It is your responsibility to do the legwork of looking it up in your Bible, highlight, and bookmark.

    • If you keep these five simple rules, this book will change your life forever. It will ignite a fire of wisdom so deep within your members that no one will be able to take it away or quench it. This is why it is vitally important for you to use the Bible in conjunction, so you will know that you know that you surely know. This book takes Bible study to another level with a fresh and true perspective. Line upon line, precept upon precept. God did not put all his eggs in one basket. There are spiritual truths within many religions. We just have to find them, and separate truth from fiction. The Holy Spirit is not limited to scripture within the Holy Bible. All scripture is inspired by God, and so is every ramah word. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is food for the soul, and life to your spirit.

    Divine Numbers

    1= The first covenant, Alpha, The first person of the Trinity (God the Father)

    3= The trinity Godhead

    4= The new creation. The Trinity plus you, The apocalypse, The fourth = the fourth kingdom, The cherub

    6= The adversary, The unredeemed man, The sinful man

    7= Completion, The seven churches, the seven spirits of God

    8= The eighth king, The eighth day = the day of circumcision of the heart

    10= The law, the plagues, the 10 sefirot in kabbalah, the powers of the soul (serpent power)

    12= The kingdom of God/ Heavenly government, The twelve tribes, The twelve houses, The Apostles

    14= The going into another generation

    21= The wedding of Christ to your soul. The marriage of the two is what makes his church.

    24= The elders. The kingdom times two. The kingdom of light and of darkness under Christ.

    *Note. In the ancient days, the people of the era only knew of seven planets. Although the Sun and Moon were luminaries not planets they were included in the count. Only the planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known. Because It was thought at this time the Earth was flat, it is unclear if Earth was counted. However, Earth making the count eight. Considering now with the advancement of technology more planets were found.


    Mark 5:41-43, KJV … And he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is been interpreted damsel, I say unto the arise and straight way the damsel arose and walked for she was of the age of 12 years, and they were astonished with a great astonishment and he charged them straightway That no man should know it, and commanded that something should be given her to eat.

    I would like to dedicate this book to my spiritual parents, Apostles Ed and Yvette Brinson of Redeeming Word Christian Center International in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and to my extended family of believers. I can remember riding down Oakland Park Blvd. at the corner of 441 on my way to Taco Bell, I saw a huge billboard inviting us to RWCCI. I can remember staring in your eyes, mom, and it was as if something was pulling me, and I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Your stare was hypnotizing. Who knew you were a prophet of the Lord? I didn’t. I had no clue of what it was!

    But every time I would go to that Taco Bell, I would just sit there and stare at that picture and say, One day, I’m going to go there! I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anxiousness and anticipation, so I would just pass by that billboard for months before I would actually get into the door. Then one day, I was shopping at a local retail store, and I began to just chat with this woman who was shopping there also. I come to find out she was a member there. She invited me to the church, but I didn’t go, so there was this thing again—that urging. Then if that wasn’t enough, a very close acquaintance of mine invited me to church. I said okay, and she came to pick me up. Lo and behold! She pulled up in a RWCCI van. I said, You know, God, I hear you. Well, needless to say, I went to church that day; and from the time I stepped foot through those church doors, the spirit of God overwhelmed me with love, and my life would never be the same. I gave my life to Christ that day for about the tenth time lol, but this time, it was for real. To be under the tutelage of an awesome dynamic duo of husband and wife. I would sit and be taught the uncompromising word of God with great understanding. Your commitment, passion, and love for the sheepfold—and not to mention your patience—you would feed me and make me fat on the word, and help to build a platform for further studies. I love and appreciate you so much for that. Thank you so much for obeying the call of God for your lives, and staying faithful and true. And also, to some of my most influential men of God. Thank you Apostle Caleb Jean, Dr. Renny Mclean, and Apostle Joseph Prude. Thank you guys for helping to build this church.

    To my biological parents Juanita, Samuel, and Warren. Thank you so much for raising me to be the woman that I am today, and allowing me to depend on you even when I should’ve been independent. And thank you for cutting the cord. I hope your lives will soon change, and you be filled with the glory of God and his holiness. See mom, I finally did something right! I hope this makes you proud and show you that dreams aren’t just wishful thinking and they can come true. So I want you to dream again, and fly.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to the LGBT community, and to all the people who suffer from mental illness, or have been misdiagnosed, and are outcast from society from being labeled as such. Everyone has a voice and has the right to be heard and counted as worthy. But guess what, even if society says you’re not worthy, God says you are. Keep your heads up. And a word to the wise, earthly wisdom is fleeting and is only for a time and season, but kingdom knowledge is a whole different ball game. Better to be spiritually whole and sound than to desire earthly wisdom. God will use the most foolish things to confound the wise, and will make a mockery of you all. What man deems as useless, that same thing is precious to God.

    And last but not least, I would also like to dedicate this book to the prostitutes, drug users, strippers, divorcees, single mothers, prisoners, and backsliders. As long as you have breath in your body and you desire to be redeemed, there is hope. If God delivered me, He will deliver you too because he don’t play favorites. Not only will He redeem you, but exalt you also. Everyone has the same opportunity to come to Him at any time, just don’t ignore Him when He calls. Know your worth. Know that you are worth saving, and let no one tell you different, not even yourself. Let God redeem you and give the world your testimony. He has need of you!


    Seven years ago, I embarked on a personal spiritual journey to find the truth. My studies would eventually lead me to the brief study of other religions trying to connect the dots. I always knew there was something more to the gospel that wasn’t being preached in the pulpits on Sunday mornings. I quickly found that all religious practices and moral rituals were stolen from the scriptures. There is nothing new under the sun! Couple that with a boatload of my own personal experiences and whalah! Revelation and ramah. God is forever speaking. If only we can get into the right place within our spirit, we would forever be changed. Most books about God just recite the scriptures without giving you relevance to today’s problems or unhindered truth. Well, this book is not a typical church book. This book is a kingdom book with kingdom (spiritual) rules that govern them. Kingdom teachings focus more on the inner workings of the spiritual world giving us an inside peek going behind the veil. After the resurrection of Jesus, he taught the unhindered truth about the kingdom he had just acquired. My goal is to edify the church by correcting erroneous teachings whether taught in error purposely or not. My hope is to give you answers to life’s most difficult questions when the Bible seems contradicting. Allowing God to shine his light on our minds to correct errors, so we can live the abundant life he purchased for us. It should be a sin not to take advantage of it. We are our worst enemies, and we hold ourselves to impossible standards that even God himself never would hold us to. Provision was already made to finish your race. God’s race was won a long time ago, just run yours.

    Many of us get the wrong idea when we go to church. We have this preconceived idea that the pastor is supposed to be perfect. So the minute a man or woman of God makes a mistake, we hold them hostage to that situation, always pointing out their mistakes, and how they missed the mark. Ladies and gentlemen, that is a bad place to be. Our very lives depend on the messages that we get from God through them. It is not our place to pass judgment on anyone, and that includes the man or woman of God. Looking at someone else’s faults always takes the attention off of our own faults. We, as people, can’t stand to see what we’re doing wrong. It’s always easier to pay attention to someone else rather than to ourselves. Yes, our spiritual leaders are supposed to live a life according to God’s standards, and I won’t argue with that. As teachers, we are held to a higher degree of moral excellence. But our leaders are our leaders, not God. Do we truly understand what the scriptures mean when they say and the Lord said to my Lord, or the Lord your God? (Isaiah 54:5-8,41:13, Mark 12:36, Acts 2:34). We have been preaching Lord is the title for the husband in those days. While rightfully so, the true meaning has gone unnoticed and untaught. The phrase the Lord your God is referring to your spiritual bridegroom. Our personal Lord who lords over our soul. The very one—the lover of your soul, and the lifter of your head. Remember, God is the Lord of lords, and he is the God of gods (Deut. 10:17, Eph.4:6, Rev.17:14).

    We have the wrong misconception about church. Yes, it is a place of worship and learning, but it is also a place of listening for your personal messages. God wants his kingdom to be revealed in you so he can let you behind the veil of ignorance and blindness, and get an idea of what truly goes on at church. In the house of God, there are vessels of honor and dishonor (Rom. 9:21,2 Tim. 2:20). No matter what vessel you may be, your Lord is standing in line waiting his turn to use the mouthpiece of the apostle or prophet to give you your messages.

    One must be able to hear in the realm of the spirit to be a mouthpiece because you have to speak the words you hear. On earth as it is in heaven, the angels carry bowls of prayers to the throne of God (Rev. 5:8). When the presence of the living God is

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