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A Guide to Personal Transformation: Self-Love & Contentment
A Guide to Personal Transformation: Self-Love & Contentment
A Guide to Personal Transformation: Self-Love & Contentment
Ebook353 pages4 hours

A Guide to Personal Transformation: Self-Love & Contentment

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About this ebook

This book was written with the express purpose of bringing about an initial transformation in a person in 180 days.. Instructions should be followed exactly. Just reading it is not as important as STUDYING and DOING what you are asked to do. This guide is a manual that one takes with him everywhere in order to be able to engage its Actions. Its accent is on bringing about a balance between the physical and metaphysical laws of life in order to achieve a permanent Self-Love, Contentment and the personal power to achieve all you desire.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 4, 2015
A Guide to Personal Transformation: Self-Love & Contentment

Gil Magno

As a graduate of the Boston Conservatory of Music, Gil Magno has taught in many schools, and privately, for 55 years. He noticed early in his career that a singer or artist of any kind, will not reach acclaim on the musical or stage of life unless s/he is free on the inside – spiritually and psychologically. This freedom is the elimination of the false ego, or inflated theories about oneself, that s/he was forced to create since childhood in order to fit in an upside down world. With this discovery he engaged his present career of Life-Coach and created the unequaled course, The Path of Hidden Knowledge. This book is Volume 1 of the total Path Course. He has students all over the world through the medium of the Internet program named Skype.

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    A Guide to Personal Transformation - Gil Magno

    Copyright © 2015 Gil Magno.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4033-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4049-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4034-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918779

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/04/2015



    The Lost Key

    To Encourage You



    Chapter 1 - Cause of Unhappiness in People

    Chapter 2 - Declarations

    Chapter 3 - How to Study

    Chapter 4 - Let’s Begin

    Chapter 5 - Before Sleep

    Chapter 6 - Epic Poem Meditation Preparation

    Chapter 7 - The Path

    Chapter 8 - The Square Deal

    Chapter 9 - Next Day Actions

    Chapter 10 - The Twelve Conditions for Self-Love

    Chapter 11 - Study the First Condition: - Health

    Chapter 12 - Study Second Condition: Spirituality

    Chapter 13 - Study Third Condition: Communication

    Chapter 14 - Study Fourth Condition: Personal Power

    Chapter 15 - Study Fifth Condition: Purpose

    Chapter 16 - Study Sixth Condition: Love

    Chapter 17 - Study Seventh Condition: Wealth

    Chapter 18 - Study Eighth Condition: Sex

    Chapter 19 - Study Ninth Condition Inspiration

    Chapter 20 - Study Tenth Condition Teaching

    Chapter 21 - Study Eleventh Condition: Wisdom

    Chapter 22 - Study Twelfth Condition: Creativity in Old Age

    New World Initiation

    Initiation Directions


    This book is dedicated to

    The Universal Beingness

    and His/Her five Sons:

    AJD, JJJ, RS, RC, JK,

    my personal master/teachers

    who enlightened me much

    during this present life-time


    my Path students all over the world

    from whom I’ve learned also.

    The Lost Key

    All disease, unhappiness and discord in life,

    in person or society,

    are the symptoms of one’s unconscious or conscious disconnection from the Source of his Beingness,

    that is –

    what breathes in him, digests his food, and circulates his blood. Without The Source, Man is NOTHING.

    When one comprehends this, S/He is EVERYTHING!

    To Encourage You: Some Testimonials from Students and Readers:

    I loved your audio program. I listened to it going to and from my office every day. Your material gave me the opportunity of getting to know you better and giving me an interesting prospective of philosophy and psychology. I highly recommend your tapes to anyone interested in self-improvement.

    Melvin Powers - Publisher - Wilshire Book Co., N. Hollywood, CA.

    The Path of Hidden Knowledge, along with Gil’s fantastic coaching, not only unlocked my true potential, but revealed to me how it is one goes about knowing and becoming, gradually, who they really, truly are. This process of alignment with one’s self and ultimate purpose is not easy. However, it’s the most rewarding personal work I’ve ever done. The Path is like a beacon of light shining through a dark and sometimes turbulent storm, and has empowered me to move down the path toward achieving my hopes, dreams, and personal purpose on Earth.

    Andrew P.G. Wheeler, BA, MA, Assistant Dean-Excelsior College, Educational Administrator, Concert Guitarist.

    I have studied Voice, Classical Guitar and Music theory with Gil Magno over the years and came to understand that his presence and commitment was to develop the person behind the Voice as he once stated. I have been with many great teachers all over the world in many fields of self realization and development and recognize Maestro Magno as an amazing hard working human being who’s goal is always for the benefit of mankind. Gil is always improving and growing and that is what Ive come to admire and respect about him, he never stands still but continues to develop and grow to share his life-earnt techniques and experiences with his students. Always positive and uplifting his teachings are full of compassion and awareness and without any holding back he gives all that he is for the benefit of others. I feel blessed to have Gil as a friend and a teacher and will always be aware of his guidance and the growth it has created for me. I believe the wonder of Maestro Magno is he comes from a rich heritage of ancient knowledge that he has developed into a force of powerful tools for the world right now and one can only succeed in transcending by using and practicing his gift to us all. With Love and Gratitude,

    Dr. Kamran Khan, Dr. of Oriental Medicine.

    The Magnetism Course is a must for every human being who wants to have a better life. The material is easy to understand, the exercises are short and right to the point.….. I have to attribute a lot to this Course for improving my life, as I am a different person than I was eight months before. The Course improved my voice, posture, better understanding of people, credibility and confidence. All these things helped me make more money in my work. I have a better life financially and spiritually…

    Attila Matyas-Founder/Owner of Hun Realty Co.San Jose, CA. USA

    Gil, you do a tremendous amount to support people’s creativity. May all your dreams come true.

    Jim Leonard – Author of, Your Fondest Dream: How to Master the Power of Creativity.

    Working with Gil has been a great experience: Going from slouching most of my life to having an impressive posture: From being modest and insecure to being outgoing and showing feelings of self-assertiveness: From being passive in relationships to others to initiating conversations with ease: From someone who would never sing in front of the class as a child and having fear of playing the piano for others, to someone that now sings and performs at school events for kids and in front of large groups of people. Thanks for your continued support.

    Lizbeth Potter, N. Miami, FL USA

    Thank you for your gift Gil. Now I feel obliged to send you a Gift. But I am not sending you anything. Just my thanks for giving me strength and teaching me how to live my life properly on earth. And my gift to you is the results of your system. A verification that it actually works and the pleasure that you get in knowing that you are in the process of saving another life thereby helping in the great plan of the universe. If I were you, this would be the gift that I would want. A positive feedback for my work would be more valuable than anything physical.

    Claudio Rossides - Cyprus

    Wow! Where do I begin my praises for Gil Magno and his course, Self Transformation through Personal Magnetism! The synopsis of the course states that, You will begin a new life… and indeed this is true if you choose to apply the 49 Observances covered in his textbook. The exercises are simple yet profound. Even before completing the course, I began to see tremendous positive changes in my life. My personal and professional relationships improved. Career opportunities presented themselves to me. Not only do I see the change in me, but also others are telling me how real I am and how they are amazed at my newfound confidence. I highly recommend this course if you want to free yourself from the chains that have kept you from being your best.

    Susan Cromer Garcia – Entrepreneur, Miami FL. USA

    "The most important thing I have learned from Gil is to think for myself and let go of others’ thoughts and opinions of me. I have learned to reconnect with myself. I feel empowered and a sense of peace like never before. I feel comfortable and with feeling in expressing my emotion. I feel free and liberated from my past. I have learned so much from Gil; he has so much to give. This course has been more than I could have ever asked for. It is incredible the transformation that has taken place in me in just 2 + 1/2 months. Thanks Gil.

    Maria Sanchez Seminar Leader/Entrepreneur,

    Gil, I am grateful for having you in my life. I deeply appreciate all you do and I’m honored to have you as a teacher and friend; and may your light continue to shine over those who continue to transform for many more years to come. Your student/friend.

    Michael Canciglia, Miami, FL. USA

    The Personal Magnetism book is among the most unique I have ever encountered. Gil Magno is not only a gifted instructor who wants you to succeed as a singer, but also a good friend who wants to help improve your Confidence and quality of overall living. He is truly the best.

    Marq Withers–Recording Artist-Founder Astronome Recordings, Miami, FL, USA

    The lessons on the 2nd DVD are nothing less than amazing! I do hope you come out with more advanced lessons on DVD…. things are starting to fall nicely into place, mainly because of the absolutely systematic and logical approach you have developed…. you have managed with your video to make those disjointed ideas fit into a pattern. The thing I am most impressed with is your emphasis on the development of and expression of the personality. The positive effects on my relations with other people in all domains are absolutely dramatic. I can’t thank you enough, Gil. You are an incredibly inspiring gentleman and I am very glad that our paths have crossed, albeit only in virtual space! Sincerely yours.

    Dr. Don Kiraly, University of Mainz, Germany

    EXCELLENT! You have made an important contribution. I’m thinking your work could have been channeled. You sometimes hear the comment that all great works that can uplift the human spirit here on the earth plane are produced by humans incarnate here who are overshadowed by those from the higher planes or dimensions.

    Bob Guth


    Do not READ this book. It was not written for READING. Its creation was meant for study and PRACTICE only. If you simply just read it you will accomplish very little of what is intended.

    As you’ve read on the cover, A person may understand the meaning of Tambour, but not necessarily its rhythm, this is the reason for not simply reading the book, but studying it.

    That statement came to me in the middle of the night during one of those conditions of lucidity, when I am awake and sleeping at the same time. We might call it the Alpha State; and I was able to record it down immediately before forgetting it. Before it came to me I was thinking of preparing this new book. So the meaning of the statement became one of the purposes of the book. It came exactly as written above.

    Give some thought to this statement right now. Yes, I know…. you’ve read it again…. And you thought to yourself, faintly, I’ll get it later…. NO WAY! Later does not exist. What exists is now. If you don’t have an idea of what I’m talking about, stop here. Study the line again. Reason with it until you FEEL it. Get it now? That’s STUDY!

    I have been a successful teacher for 55 years, so I can tell you without any doubt the reason for most students not achieving their goals in study. And it is this: They read, read, read, but they don’t DO, nor THINK FOR THEMSELVES, nor FEEL. Doing,

    Thinking, and Feeling, in any study for the purpose of bettering and freeing oneself, spiritually or psychologically, are the ingredients that do the trick. The best example of this is in music. You can read a very simple method-book for learning to play the piano or classical guitar in perhaps o couple of days. Now, can you play these instruments in two days? No way. It will take you a few weeks, months, and even years of DOING - PRACTICING – and FEELING, in order to play the instrument. DOING, BACKED WITH UNDERSTANDING, IS WHAT DOES IT.

    Now, your Spiritual Self is what you are going to learn to play. As you play it correctly S/He will then speak to you in that language of progress, achievement, creativity and total mastery of life.

    Most self-empowerment courses in existence nowadays are incomplete because they teach through a pragmatic viewpoint only. And they bring about some positive results temporarily. However, they are not complete, for, they see man from only one point of view, the material, but hardly the complete Man/Woman. To be complete, and therefore free, Man/Woman should reach a point of harmonic balancing between the material and the spiritual, or the physical and the metaphysical.

    So, don’t just read this book. Nor read ahead of what you are DOING OR PRACTICING in the moment. Reading is only to keep up with your DOING. Yes, do read the instructions for the Action to be practiced; then practice, think, and don’t stop practicing until it has been absorbed as a habit of living THROUGH UNDERSTANDING AND FEELING. MAKE IT GO RIGHT!


    This book teaches you a special type of meditation and practices guaranteed to bring you a Personal Transformation with Self-Love and Contentment, Happiness, Well-being, and anything you ever desired in your life.

    We are planning a First Transformation in 180 days. (that’s 6 months). So be sure to perform all Actions and Meditations daily without fail.

    If you are the type of person who doesn’t like to think and wants to be told everything by others, by word of mouth, don’t waste your hard-earned money purchasing the book nor your time studying it. Forgive me for having the audacity to say that the material in this book is the most advanced knowledge up to the present, that will transform your life into one of Joy, Freedom and Success, whatever success means to you. BUT…… you have to think it out – and DO.

    On the other hand, if you are and have been dissatisfied with life and yourself, and you can’t seem to put your finger on it, then make this book your constant companion throughout the next half year or so, and I can guarantee you a personal transformation that you have been wishing for but not knowing how to go about it.

    But you have to THINK AND DO. Not a little here and a little there between sandwiches at lunch time and looking at your watch. It must be a true dedication in Thinking and Doing – a love affair – with YOURSELF.

    The object of it all is to develop Self-Love with which to transform your life for the better. No, not the self-love one has for his false ego; meaning the sweet little nothings most of us engage in so as not to step on anyone’s toes, along with the, what will they think of me? type syndrome. True Self-Love is the natural outcome of the Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding you will gain from the present techniques.

    The present book is Volume 1 in, The Path of Hidden Knowledge Series, including much new material calculated - with the one shot intention - to transforming your life in 180 days - that’s 6 months - without having to study the rest of the 11 Volumes in the total Series. And I believe that this Volume can achieve that intention. But you have the remaining 11 Volumes of the entire Course just in case your transformation does not become a reality with the study of this Volume alone.

    When humans get a hold of a book of this nature, they get all excited and say, This is just what I needed! And so they start reading it, and instead of DOING WHAT THEY’RE ASKED TO DO, they read MOST of the book LIGHTLY, and though finding it interesting they simply don’t have the time for it; they’re looking for some little secret that they can extricate from the text that will save them time in living their rushed life. They think they already know most of this stuff, and that they’ve read it elsewhere and, so on and on, without realizing that the biggest hindrance to study and comprehension is thinking one knows it already, as if there were SOME KIND OF MAGIC OR METHOD THAT DIDN’T REQUIRE THE THREE T’s - TIME, THOUGHT AND TRAVAIL.

    What is The Path of Hidden Knowledge?

    The Path of Hidden Knowledge alludes to the ancient private paths of wisdom that were created in secrecy by the old philosophers and seekers for personal freedom. Their study had to be secret, otherwise the fanatic followers of common religion would have them burnt at the stake. They called it the occult Path; not so much because their researches contained secret knowledge but because these students had to live a double, hidden life; thus occult. I borrowed the term from those days. I created The Path of Hidden knowledge Course as made up of my four original books, and then added some of the work of Webster Edgerly which I revised, edited and expanded.

    Now, there are 12 Course/Volumes on The Path of Hidden Knowledge total Course; of which the present Volume is the first. These are distributed through 4 Levels of Personal Attainment. For each Level there are 3 Courses; as follows:

    Level 1 – Feet Firmly on the Ground

    Course/Volume 1 - A Guide to Personal Transformation, Self-Love and Contentment by Gil Magno.

    Course/Volume 2 - Foundations of Personal Magnetism by Webster Edgerly, Revised & Expanded by Gil Magno.

    Course/Volume -3 - Developing Confidence and Personal Magnetism by Gil Magno.

    Level 2 – Living with Others

    Course/Volume 4 - Handling the Negative Influence of

    Others by Webster Edgerly. Revised & Expanded by Magno.

    Course/Volume 5 – The Voice – Instrument of Calm by Webster Edgerly, Revised and expanded by Gil Magno

    Course/Volume 6 – How to Find Your Purpose in Life by Gil Magno and Webster Edgerly.

    Level 3 – Life in Every Facet

    Course/Volume 7 – Restoring Youth by Webster Edgerly. Revised and Expanded by Gil Magno.

    Course/Volume 8 – Life Electricity by Webster Edgerly Revised and Expanded by Gil Magno.

    Course/Volume 9 – Beginning Mastery by Webster Edgerly – Revised and Expanded by Gil Magno.

    Level 4 - Ultimate Personal Freedom

    Course/Volume 10 – Advanced Mastery by Webster Edgerly, Revised and Expanded by Gil Magno.

    Course/Volume 11 – Living Life’s Secrets. Textbook - The Secret, by Gil Magno - Separate large manual with 40 experiments for class work.

    Course/Volume 12 - The Path of Hidden Knowledge- Create your Own New World by Gil Magno.

    Some Examples of Transformation

    Lack of confidence, problems with others, insecurity with the opposite sex, bad finances, lack of purpose in life, bad communication, common illnesses, and many other life-problems, will be replaced with a confident approach to life, harmony with others, openness with the opposite sex, your personal purpose in life, magnetic communication and permanent daily health, and more.

    I feel that I am well prepared to guide you in your transformation as I myself went through a personal transformation many years ago. My case was quite heavy and I had no one to guide me. With the exception of 4 telephone sessions, and 2 in person, with Nathaniel Branden PhD, which were greatly helpful, I did it all on my own. You can read and listen to my story in my autobiography, Transcending Their Lies – An Artist’s Struggle to Free Himself From the Lies of Civilization, and the two CD set, The Story of my Transformation and How You Too Can Transform. See my web site: I went through another transcending Transformation in January of 2010 as a result of research for Course 12.


    I, coach Gil Magno, declare from experience, that the integration of principles and laws in this system of achieving Personal Transformation and Self-Love, and the results they give, are not to be found anywhere else. After spending half of my life researching Personal and Spiritual Freedom, Confidence, and Personal Magnetism techniques, I found most of the courses in use nowadays to be specious and much ado about nothing. In this course we make use of timeless principles that are based on laws of Being and nature. I have collected them from ancient teachings and my personal revelations. I have stayed away from the sweet platitudes that propel one to ecstasy in one weekend seminar, only to be back to where one was, a week later. The contents of this book will get you ready to transform without doubt; but they require you to think and meditate often at home between classes, and doing so will shorten the time of completion. However, do not entertain nor rush towards a completion, knowing full well that Personal Freedom is ongoing.

    This is a do-it-yourself Course in that you are responsible for your own advancement. You can do it by yourself alone, with a friend who is studying similar things, or you can join my classes or the classes of others who have graduated from my Course and are now Life-Coaches. I am here to open doors for you and to instruct you in the proper method of application. But you are the one who does everything.

    The best way is to take a one hour and a half class once a week. However, if this is not possible, some students study on their own and when ready for a check-out on the principles, they simply ask for a session – on Skype - in person, or by phone. The check-out is extremely important. So important, in fact, that it will cut down the time of completion with a full 100% percent success in understanding..

    Do not believe what I, or anyone else says and teaches without giving it some application, and then coming to your own conclusions. Go slowly from one item to another, take your time, fully concentrate on what you are doing, and above all, do exactly as directed.



    Cause of Unhappiness in People

    Suppose you live in a beautiful, enlightened little planet that makes use of little flying saucers that you can hire, much like taxis, to go visit other planets. You are told by those who know, that as part of your personal development in mastership you should go live, at least for one life-time or two, on the beautiful planet Earth in order to learn some lessons in self-physical-mastery.

    You arrive on earth, all eager to learn but as you look around nothing makes any sense to you. Part of this senselessness is created by your having lost part of your memory due to not being accustomed to the planet’s density which is a much lower frequency of life-vibration. You are conscious but simply can’t remember where you came from nor who you are. You remember some of your values, however.

    Then you begin all kinds of practices that don’t make sense to you; but since everybody does them you do them also. Soon you are so confused by what everyone does, and forces you to do, on this planet, that you now begin to doubt your ability as a Being and/or your very sanity. You consider yourself very intelligent but your values and talents simply do not fit in with everybody else’s programs. So you blame yourself for everything and become very unhappy in life. You believe what the successful authorities say and promote. You also believe the medicos that give names to your confusions, such as neuroses, obsessions, phobias, etc.

    Then you read that a certain life-coach says, mainly: that we are lost and unhappy in this world simply because our heads have been filled with lies. He asks you to look at yourself so as to discover if it is true what

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