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Holiness Is Right
Holiness Is Right
Holiness Is Right
Ebook178 pages2 hours

Holiness Is Right

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About this ebook

Holiness is Right was inspired by the Holy Spirit, as written responses of the Spirit of God to the authors prayers and admiration. These responses are specific messages for Gods children, and this writing is full of His love and expectations for righteous living, with specific regard to Gods love for everyone no matter where one is in terms of their relationship to Him. His expectations remind us that He has prepared a place for believers who choose to live holy lives. Even in dark hours, the Word of God and His presence is powerful, and the author loves reading these letters to the children of God. She finds herself reading them over and over with tears because Gods love for His children is so incredibly unbelievable.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 3, 2016
Holiness Is Right

Candy E. Young

Candy E. Young is a servant of the Most High God. Serving many communities, including her heritage, the grand old Church of God in Christ. She is the creator of several ministries. A former 1980 Olympic track athlete and world record holder, and mother to two adult children, Stefani and Mykele. She has coached and worked for over twenty-five years at several collegial institutions and universities. Recently retired and lecturer.

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    Holiness Is Right - Candy E. Young

    Copyright © 2015 Canzetta Evon Young.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1864-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1865-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-1863-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918562

    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/16/2015




    chapter 1

    chapter 2

    chapter 3

    chapter 4

    chapter 5

    chapter 6

    chapter 7

    chapter 8

    chapter 9

    chapter 10

    chapter 11

    chapter 12

    chapter 13


    Holiness is Right was a slogan created by my father for his church. He was a pastor who managed to demonstrate the power of love beyond his household. His love for God and being in the presence of God was his daily priority. Because of his discipline, I learned the power of love and being close to God. A relationship with God, like He created with Adam is my desire. As I desired to get closer to God, He commanded me to write what I was hearing. As I began to write these words, I could feel the room flood with a loving presence. While writing I would began to write through tears because I could feel His power of love. This world has no hope, and Gods people have to be reunited to Him to help heal a dying world. Each generation goes further and further from the love of God. People are drawn to God through love not a list of do’s and don’ts. If we are not careful we will become like the keepers of the law. We know the law but we have no love and compassion in demonstrating the law. Holiness is Right will hopefully return us to that fountain of love created by God. Remember the world is in trouble because we the church forgot a familiar passage. If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land(2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV). Holiness is Right reminds us to have a close relationship with God and He will reveal himself to you. Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly, in this present world (Titus 2:12 KJV). Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God our Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13 KJV). Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:14 KJV). These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee (Titus 2:15 KJV).


    I would like to acknowledge the holy presence of God. His Spirit woke me up each day for six months commanding me to write what I heard.

    To John (Jr.) and Gertie Young who taught me how to love God more than life; their examples of holiness were firm and true to the word of God. I will always love mom and dad for living out true Christian values. Holiness through love or hell bound through sin.

    My children Stefani and Mykele, God blessed me with you!!! You became the center of my purpose and destiny. I taught you the love, fear, and admonition of our God. You are anointed with purpose that will change the world!! Love Jesus your style with obedience, and you will transform a generation. I will always love you even beyond the grave. To my nieces and nephews use the gifts that God has given you to change the world, remember what Pap-Pap taught, holiness is right!

    To my siblings, alpha and omega, Brenda the oldest is a pillar of strength, hope, and perseverance. Carolyn epitomized structure, discipline, and deep love. Gayle is the visionary, planner, and defender of truth. Deborah is the analysts, manager, and the keeper of the laws. Joann teaches you about laughter when things seem to fall apart. She brings joy and life to dead situations.

    Yes, there are more sisters! Angelia possesses love so deep that her well never runs dry. She has a heart like dads, when she loves she gives you all of her. Stephanie (Stevy) is a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding all wrapped up in love and discipline. The omega of the family, my brother John is John the apostle, he bears witness of our Lord, he is the visionary on the island of Patmos, and the author of prophesy.

    To my Pastor Norman Hutchins I thank God every day that he brought you back to life and every word of God that you share, which is the bread of life for me. Pastor Karen Hutchins, my sister, your love extends beyond the highest mountain, and the deepest valley, and finds me! Frontline Ministries Inc. I love you.

    Ann, Cheryl, Knee-C, Georgette, Mary, Connie and Joetta you are my motivation and inspiration the four letters in love, do not express how I feel about my extended sisters. I love you!

    Aunt Maxine, Emma, Marvan, and Uncle Bobby, thank you for being the extension of the legacy of holiness taught to our family. Shannon, Scott, Hank, and Ronnie thank you for loving my family. Bible Way I love you! To my mentors Russ, Joe C, Harry, Freddy, Henry, Al, Herb, Alton, and Michael thank you for believing in me.

    To my cousins I love you!! If you’re not saved, let these words minister to your heart…

    chapter 1

    Glory to God in the Highest

    For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son and whomsoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

    —John 3:16 KJV

    Life begins when you give your heart to the Creator. God in His eminence created us to worship and adore Him. He created us to be new creatures to dwell in His sight. In His presence is the fullness of life, joy, peace, and love. He created us in His wisdom and in the power of His might that we will have life more abundantly. He created us to dwell in the fullness of His almighty righteousness and the pristine of His glory.

    We give glory to God in the highest and peace on earth toward all of God’s creation. Living life to the fullest can only begin when we accept Christ and believe in Him. There is power, authority, and dominion in the presence of God. There is righteousness in serving God. There is peace in the comfort of God. There is joy insurmountable in knowing God.

    Loving God with all that is within you ushers in His Spirit. His Spirit will revive you and create your enemies to serve as your footstool to serve you and fulfill the purpose God has for you in this life. Let His glory be revealed in you that others may see His good work in you and glorify God the Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:7 KJV).

    Our heavenly Father seeks those who are willing vessels to serve Him. We must become obedient servants with sacrifices of praise and adoration to glorify Him. Let God be praised, for His mercy endures forever! Let God arise and all the creatures of destruction be scattered. He is the Creator of all things, and all things are made by His hands that He be glorified.

    God is our strong source and resource—our strength when we are weakened by stress, pain, and disease. He speaks to the mountains, rocks, boulders, and problems in our life, and they must dissipate in the commandment of God.

    He breaks every chain and yoke of bondage whenever we invite Him in our lives to dwell with us forever. I love Him, how about you? He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son. Life to live! We must live life to the fullness of the promises of God and our Savior. The passion of God is His love for us. God is love; love is God.

    Dear Children:

    Write these things to my people who are called by my name. You need to humble yourselves before the throne of God. Pray without stopping as you lift your hands in reverence and worship.


    the Holy One

    Is He not worthy of all praise and honor?

    Give Him the love and adoration that He has given to you. You were created, loved, and cultivated to worship the only true Lord God Almighty. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lamb of God. The power of God reaches every high place that exalts itself above Him. A proud look, high minded thinking, and ways of condescension, He will not receive into His kingdom. It cannot remain in His holy presence.

    Who deserves more honor and praise than the one who allows you to breathe each and every day? Who deserves more than the one who makes ways out of desperate pathways? Who deserves more than the prince of Peace, the rose of Sharon, the matchless King? Who more deserves than the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ—our strong tower in the rockiness of our storms?

    Our God in His entire splendor deserves our praise and worship. To worship Him is to have supplication with Him—to communicate and have a common unity with the Savior. To worship Him calls us to a place of peace and humbleness to sit at His feet and be blessed. To be blessed by the Lord God Almighty! Oh to be near the throne of grace and mercy and to hear the impartation of God’s words to your ears!

    There we receive His instructions of love and peace and His message of hope to save a dying soul. The beauty of His love exceeds beyond the bounds of death. He provides hope for every hopeless situation. The Savior, Jesus Christ, died to rob death the victory over the grave. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, gives us the victory whenever we ask Him to come into our hearts. Are you saved today? Do you know the Savior? Ask Him to come into your heart, to come into your life, to dwell in you, and to forgive you of all of your sins. Ask him to fill you with His loving presence and He will do just that.

    If you confess your words of forgiveness with your mouth to the Lord Jesus, and if you believe in your heart with the conviction of changing that God has raised Jesus from the dead, then you can have a new and fulfilling life. With your heart you believe in a lifestyle of righteousness—and you confess salvation.

    Glory to God in the highest! The angels are rejoicing over your soul. What a wonderful celebration the gift of salvation.

    My Child:

    Write these things to my people, glory to God in the highest. Love me, serve me, and be obedient to my words. Love me with your whole heart, which I created to love me. Embrace my laws, principles, and statutes; abide by my word, and I will abide in you. I will be your King, and you shall be my queen—my bride without a spot or wrinkle and my church that I will receive one day to take home to a place that has been prepared for you.



    All of heaven has made preparations for you. With uplifted hands and praises on my lips I adore you, heavenly Father. You are my all and all. Lift up holy hands and exalt God the Almighty. Praise His wonderful works. Oh that man would praise Him for His goodness and wonderful works to the children of men (Psalm 107:8 KJV). Praise Him, praise Him, and praise Him.

    Let every generation call on His name, the precious name of Jesus. Everyone, in time, will confess that He is truly Lord over our lives. Love Him with your whole heart, and bow down in His excellence. Know that you’re in the presence of the King. It is an honor and a privilege to be in His presence.

    When we worship Him, we must do so with a posture of bowing in humble submission and subjection unto Him. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. The Spirit of God is a dwelling place of righteous fortitude, and a place where no sin can dwell or hide in darkness. The Spirit of God whispers to the natural man and confesses the commandments of God.

    My Child:

    Write these things to my people. Tell them I love them. Tell them I shall return soon for my church, my bride. Oh how I long to return for my children. I love my children and will return to reunite with you soon.

    Great is my faithfulness unto all men, as each morning I bless you with new mercies. With new benefits and with new opportunities you are able to live a holy and righteous life.

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