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Chapter Three: (Him, Her and . . . Them)
Chapter Three: (Him, Her and . . . Them)
Chapter Three: (Him, Her and . . . Them)
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Chapter Three: (Him, Her and . . . Them)

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Chapter Three

The storms of life raging. Relentless, winds blowing.

Who can stand? Will the weak survive? Will the strong fall?

Or will the secrets destroy them all? Her, Him . . . Them.
Release dateJan 14, 2016
Chapter Three: (Him, Her and . . . Them)

Renee' M. Wells

Renee’ M. Wells is the author of three fiction novels: Chapter One, Chapter Two, and her most recent, Chapter Three (Him, Her and . . . Them). She prefers to call them Fictitious Truths. Renee believes “life begins at Chapter One and continues. No two chapters in life are the same.” Ms. Wells is a registered nurse, certified diabetes educator, certified grant writer, and director of a nonprofit 501c3 organization, Alpha Horn Classes. This organization teaches diabetes self-care education, management, and support. She is also a member of the American Diabetes Association and Academy of Certified Diabetes Educators and an advisory board member to the Professional Nursing Organization at her place of employment. Ms. Wells resides in Little Rock, Arkansas. “My greatest accomplishment in life is my relationship with God, for this is the one thing I can be sure of.”

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    Chapter Three - Renee' M. Wells

    © 2016 Renee Wells. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/08/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7062-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7061-7 (e)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    About the Author


    Thomas was unsatisfied. He had been for months. Diamond demonstrated the art of sex well, but without a committed emotional expression. Thomas had tried addressing his concerns on numerous occasions, but failed to get that serious feedback he hoped for.

    "Thomas, what’s wrong now? Diamond asked as she checked her cell phone for missed calls. Diamond baby, what’s wrong with you? Do we need to see a counselor, the pastor and first lady? What?… whatever we need to do, I am willing to do… something is not right, he complained. I love you but lately you… you don’t put it down like you use to. We don’t make love like we use to. Is it me? Cause I can make it better." Thomas could not contain the tears. The memories would somehow surface; his father and mothers’ angry divorce when he was ten years old. It took his adulthood to better understand what the problem truly was that lead to their divorce. His father was impotent due to medications he had been prescribed for hypertension, but he refused, because of embarrassment, to tell his mother. The lack of communication destroyed the marriage. Thomas had vowed he would not let this happen to him, even though he took no prescription medications.

    Thomas MacIntosh stood 6’4 inches tall, velvet skin with an extremely toned velvety dark body to match. Dimples deep and eyes sad, as though in a constant search for answers. He quickly gathered his composure and repositioned in bed to face his wife.

    I have female issues and sometimes I just don’t be feeling it. I’m just not in the mood sometimes. I try not to deny you… make you happy, she explained, as she climbed out of bed and entered the bathroom. She loved her husband but his sensitive side was a big turn off. The males in her family were mostly military bruits. Intrepid. They would have rather faced combat then cry in front of a woman. She had a way of tuning him out that he never noticed.

    I don’t remember you telling me that, bae. I would have understood that. Diamond closed the bathroom door to the master’s bedroom of their 3,000 square foot home. Thomas voice seem to echo as it disappeared in the distance. She sat on the comfort height toilet and allowed gravity to evacuate the remaining semen from her physical encounter with her husband. Diamond had gained over 40 pounds from her already overweight frame of 5’5 and 180 pounds. She had suffered depression from the loss of their unborn daughter and food had been her comfort. Several diets were tried and she had failed them all. She looked at her face in the mirror. She smiled. She looked at her body and smirked.

    "Girl, you’re going to have to do something about all this," she said, audibly, as she grabbed a handful of flesh from her waist. Thomas heard. He disagreed with how she felt about her body. He felt she was beautiful and her weight was not a problem for him. He preferred a plus size woman. Thomas opened the bathroom door and wrapped his long, strong, arms around her waist as he stood behind her facing the mirror.

    "I love you Diamond. You perfect to me. The extra pounds? Just more cushion when we pushing, baby." He laughed. Thomas began to cough.

    You taking your allergy medicine Dr. Coldplay prescribed?

    No. It’s just love juices. They laughed.


    If that patient in room D7 call me again?! Lord help me! It’s going to get real up in here! Nurse Carless confessed to nurse Charlotte in the medication station.

    Just take care of as many of her needs when you go in there. Maybe you won’t have to keep going back if you do that, she advised.

    "I did. The heifer told me she didn’t need anything else. Girl, she know what she is doing. She is going to make me tell her a few things." Charlotte laughed and gathered her 6a.m. medications for distribution to her 7 patients. Nurse Carless slowly responded to the call from the patient in room D7. Her once well applied makeup was now only reminisces of such. Her dry cleaned lime green scrub pant and top still held its own, but her hair had taken a turn for the worst. The once naturally curled 20 inch Brazilian hair was now a recklessly placed bond. She stood tall and underweight. Her face perfectly heart shaped with bulging eyes that appeared in a state of surprise most times. Nurse Carless dashed in the room. The patient was startled at her abrupt entrance.

    Oh my goodness! You scared me! She held her chest.

    "Really?! What is it you want now? I just left this room for the fourth time in just one hour. You need a personal nurse… perhaps a maid will do. You needy." She frowned and rolled her eyes. The patient was appalled. She pointed her finger at Nurse Carless and demanded an apology. An apology she would not get.

    "No ma’am!!! Not today and tomorrow and the next day either! And you best hold onto that finger. You just might want to use it again. I am not the one you would want to point a finger at." The patient pushed her call light, furiously. In tears. Her once pale hue divorced her face for a pinker version.

    Help me someone! she cried. Blarney, Mock, and several other nursing personnel rushed to her room. Once they arrived and noticed what was taking place, a few of the employees stepped out the room to laugh. Mock smiled at Nurse Carless as he left the scene but she did not return it.

    Oh, she okay, nurse Carless warned, sarcastically. "It’s just time someone let her know we are not to be used and abused by our patients. She treat us like we are her maids! Clean up this! Move that! Bring this! Bring that! You would think she was bedridden. This woman walks better than I do. And to make matters worse! She never say thank you! I’ve had enough! We all have!" she emphasized.

    Nurse Carless your method, here… is inappropriate. Please leave and meet me in my office, Blarney O’Dell, the Senior Charge Nurse instructed her. She allowed her stretched out hand to lead the way. Blarney O’Dell, the first lady of The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Independence Church of West Little Rock, Arkansas. A cheerful, colorfully dressed woman with just as much energy and vibrancy. Her arriving early was not to settle disputes but to complete the much needed staffing schedule she neglected due to her absence for the church’s annual revival. The churches summer revival was a spiritual reward with fleshly exhaustion. She counted the minutes leading to the benediction, but once home her husband needed his pacifier. The ‘My God!’ continued.

    When Blarney arrived at the office door, Nurse Carless was waiting with arms folded and a crooked expression.

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