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Do not embrace the shadows

for they are all consuming

and devour the soul

leaving in their wake

nothing but a great well of


from which we all drink

from time to time

-Richard Casteel, 1887

And so it begins. From the cobbled alleyways of Whitechapel to a fishing village on the Cornish coast. A series of brutal murders is committed, where the only clues to the killers identity are a copper coin and a poppy found at each crime scene. DCI Crawford assigned to the case soon establishes a link between a series of unsolved murders in 1888.

Four suspects, a deserted manor house, and shadows.

Release dateAug 13, 2015

Mike Carter

Mike Carter is the founder and president of Tours & Crawls of Annapolis and Baltimore, which has been in operation since 2002. His Annapolis Ghost Tours are consistently rated among the top five paranormal tours in the country, while his Baltimore tours are quickly becoming just as popular and well received. He earned his BA from the University of Maryland, College Park. Julia Dray is a professional musician, writer and performer. After attending St John's College in Annapolis she worked as a restaurant manager, technical writer, magazine editor and pianist before joining Annapolis Ghost Tours in 2007. Locals and visitors alike know her as the "ghost tour lady."

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    Shadows - Mike Carter

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/12/2015

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    It stood as one with the moonlight, watching waiting. It sensed change, soon they would arrive and it would begin all over again. The wind whistled through broken panes of glass stirring the leaves that had gathered into a corner. Still it waited and then a sound, whispering voices, the shadow moved closer to the window in the west wing.


    Dan, Dan wake up Dan for gods sake wake up.

    Huh what, what’s wrong, what time is it?

    Never mind the time you need to get up now there’s someone moving around outside.

    Is that it, is that why you woke me up, forget it it’s probably a fox at the bins again. I did warn you to bag the food waste they can smell food a mile away, now is it okay if I go back to sleep its an early start for me, is that the time? One fifteen it’s the middle of the night.

    Listen there it goes again and that wasn’t the bin I swear it wasn’t. Dan Creswell sighed and hoisted his feet over the edge of the bed. Hell this floor is cold must bring in some more wood.


    Okay, okay I’m going you stay in bed no point in the both of us freezing. He made his way to the door opened it slowly and after a quick look round stepped into the living area. Everything appeared normal as he moved towards the fireplace he picked up the poker and slipped into his shoes. There it was again the noise was definitely coming from outside. He grabbed his coat from the peg on the door slipped it over his shoulders and after a quick turn of the key stepped outside. The moon hung low and full on the horizon tree branches like skeletal fingers creaked in the rising wind. He made his way slowly towards the lean too which provided some shelter for the logs they used as there main source of fuel. Nothing stirred as he approached.

    Waste of time told her it was a fox but would she listen, god it’s cold out here. He continued on, reaching the end of the lodge in a matter of seconds. Oh well might as well do a thorough check now I am here. He walked around the end of the building passing by the bedroom window and on towards the front lawn, again he was met by silence and then as he approached the porch he noticed movement within the shadows.

    Hey you get yourself out here do it now, I can look after myself you know. Bet you thought the place was still empty didn’t you? he realised how stupid that sounded especially since the car stood on the drive for all too see. Well are you coming out or do I come in and get you? Nothing but continued silence, he raised the poker to waist height and took several steps forward.

    What the hell, the porch was empty no sign of anyone and yet he knew that no one had passed him.

    The moon being full gave him more than enough light. The door he rushed forward half expecting to find that the door had been forced open, giving the intruder an opportunity to slip inside. Much to his relief it was still firmly locked. It didn’t make sense until he realised that he had been expecting to find someone and that his mind had probably done the rest. Thank god for that, it’s so cold out here. He retraced his steps towards the door at the back of the property. It was just as he reached the wood pile that he heard the voice, it was female very quiet almost a whisper. Why come you here know thee not of this cursed place, know thee not of the souls in torment? Dan froze in his tracks.

    Where are you, why are you talking like that, come out I wont hurt you, why don’t you come inside? I will get the wife up and we can all have a chat over a nice hot cup of coffee what do you say?

    Did thou not heed my words, does thou labour under the burden of sin is that why thee seek sanctuary in this place. A figure stepped out of the shadows Dan took a step back. If he had been expecting a woman then he was badly mistaken, the man before him was dressed in jeans and t shirt in his left hand he held a long knife its blade glinting in the moonlight. What, a single word came in reply as the blade cut a path across his throat Casteel.


    The rabbit dashed headlong into the road, there was the sudden screech of brakes as the car came to a halt leaving scorch marks on the tarmac. Jesus Christ that was close, why do we do that, it would have made more sense and probably been safer to hit the bloody thing. But as usual foot down hard on the brake, seatbelt cutting tight into the shoulder. He watched the rabbit scurry unharmed into the hedgerow. He wound the window down drawing in a large gulp of sea air, that’s better, he began to relax. The sound of the horn startled him; he looked quickly in the rear view mirror to be greeted by the sight of an old Volvo with a caravan in tow. What the hell, bloody tourists, think they own the road. It didn’t take him long to realize that he had stalled braking for the rabbit and was now blocking the Volvos path. He restarted the car and then quickly checking the mirror pulled forward and off to the side making sure to leave plenty of clearance between his car and the low stone wall that bordered the field. The Volvo swept past and to add insult to injury an arm was thrust through the passenger window. The two-fingered salute leaving him in no doubt about what the driver’s passenger thought about the whole business? He watched quietly as the car disappeared round the bend in the road, it had been a long and uneventful day well at least until now. Paul was beginning to feel the first signs of fatigue. London seemed a million miles away, and yet just a few hours ago he had been sitting in his publisher’s office in Greenwich a broad smile on his face asking for an extension on the deadline for his new book. As usual the reply had been the same, oh they were very supportive and sympathetic, but then they had moved on to talk about market projections, running close to deadlines, profit margins etc. In the end the publisher had put his cards on the table and stood his ground. Paul’s manuscript must be there within the next three months. Paul reached across the empty passenger seat and retrieved the half empty pack of cigarettes. He didn’t care much for the brand but his local had been out of his regulars and there hadn’t been time to shop around. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was suddenly aware now of the pain in his lower back. He knew that he was lucky not to have ended up confined to a hospital bed and worse still in traction, and all because of his obsession with rugby. The tackle had been hard and he had landed heavily it had taken several days before the pain had receded to the dull ache that he was feeling now. What he really needed was a good night’s sleep and it was looking less and less likely that there would be the availability of a bed for the night let alone the opportunity for renting a property for the next couple of months to complete his research, he realised that it was just a case of self-imposed stress in order to meet the publisher’s deadline.

    He reached forward and turned the ignition key he heard rather than felt the engine backfire before it rumbled into life. It was a stark reminder that the exhaust needed replacing but as with many things he just hadn’t found the time to sort it. He slipped the engine into gear and pulled the car back onto the road, within a minute or two he was approaching the bend he slowed a little and then once again found himself pulling over to the side of the road this time making sure that he left plenty of room for overtaking traffic, then with engine idling in neutral he studied the scene before him.

    Raven point was a typical Cornish coastal village. There was a mixture of slate and timbered cottages, and the usual quaint shops catering for the summer influx of tourists. He noted with interest the one exception to this, was a small modern red-bricked building set back someway off the road. Then he saw the large blue and white sign proclaiming it to be the police station. He was surprised to see several cars and an incident van taking up most of the forecourt outside. It struck him that it all seemed a bit over the top for such a small village.

    No wonder resources were stretched to the limit in London and other major cities, they were all here; he smiled at the irony of it all. That was until he saw the headline of the local paper displayed outside the newsagents

    GIRLS BODY DISCOVERED the body of fifteen-year-old Lesley Moore was discovered yesterday on the outskirts of Bristol. Her boyfriend as yet unnamed has been arrested in connection with the murder and is assisting the police with their enquiries

    Paul turned away. God what sort of society are we living in, poor kid only fifteen not even got the taste for life his thoughts turned to more pressing matters. He recalled with interest, the small harbour he had passed on the southern approach to the village. He knew from the research he had already done that in its heyday the small fishing fleet had been renowned for landing sizeable cod and lobster. But that was before the effects of over fishing and the resulting depleted stocks. He had briefly glimpsed one or two boats tied up alongside the quay. But guessed they were more for the tourists who enjoyed nothing more than paying over the odds for the chance of hooking a shark or conger eel out in the bay. He yawned and reached forward to switch off the engine. With his limited resources and many miles of coastline still left to explore he realised that it wouldn’t be too long before it started to get dark and at this rate he would have the option of either sleeping in the car or moving further up the coast with hopes of having better luck at finding accommodation. The thought of another long drive was rejected in favour of a visit to the police station. Perhaps they could advise him on what amenities the village had to offer. He got out of the car and locked the door. He then started to make his way along the cobbled street. He was about half way down the main thoroughfare when he noticed the estate agents. He had almost missed it; tucked away as it was on the corner of an alley. At first glance he had mistaken the white stucco and black-beamed facade, for yet another of the many mid nineteenth century houses that were clearly a feature of the village. Moving a little closer he was pleasantly surprised to see that the main lights in the window were still on. He couldn’t be certain but thought he detected movement towards the back of the room. He checked his watch breathed a sigh of relief and then opening the door stepped inside.


    Tis a well from which nought do quench their thirst, this will avail me of a resting place for those who defile this hallowed ground. The stranger made his way over to the Body of Dan Creswell and with some difficulty it was hoisted onto his shoulder. Fear thee not, for thine soul is no longer tainted by sin and even now commences its journey into the light. Eventually he reached the well he draped the body over the circular wall his breath clearly visible in the cold night air. With one swift movement over it went seconds later the stranger was rewarded with the sound of contact with water. He returned to the female, lifting her was much easier again a short trip to the well and she was cast over the side. Sleep I beg of thee for soon all will be as it was and as it will be. He moved away and began to gather branches and bracken from the edge of the woods these he threw down the well they were followed by several large pieces of sandstone. Thy sleep within shall not be disturbed. He made his way over to the cottage, it took almost an hour before he was satisfied that everything he needed was loaded into the Cresswells car without a backward glance he started the engine and reversed out of the drive. In a matter of hours it would be daylight and there was much to do, the headlights cut a path through the leafy lane the hum of the engine replaced by an almost imperceptible whisper. We begin.


    Good evening sir can I be of help? I am sorry but I will have to rush you, you see we are about to close for the day. Paul smiled reassuringly

    Sorry to hear to that I will make this as brief as possible, I find myself in a bit of a predicament I need to locate accommodation at short notice so it’s a case of making enquiries to see whether you actually have anything suitable. It appears from what I have seen so far that my timing may be out.

    Timing sir?

    Yes you see I made enquiries earlier by phone but unfortunately both hotels appear to be either full or a bit out of my price range.

    Yes sir quite so, I do understand, and yes come to think of it we have seen a marked increase in the level of tourists visiting the village over the last couple of years tend to be mostly Americans, and of course we are exceptionally busy at this time of year. I’m afraid you’ll find it’s the same with rented properties they are few and far between even out of season. These days very few pass through our books, properties are now being snapped up as holiday homes, and so much more difficult to find. How long were you hoping to rent a property for?

    Oh that’s a bit difficult to say, anything from two weeks to two months. Then again, it may well turn out to be even longer depends how my research goes.

    Oh I see sir you mentioned research that sounds interesting. Paul shook his head,

    Not really I’ve been commissioned to do a book on the history of smuggling; it’s an interesting stretch of coast.

    Yes of course, well unfortunately we don’t really have a property that would be suitable for your needs certainly not here in the village. However there is another possibility the lodge. Paul shifted from one foot to the other.

    Sounds promising, this lodge tell me a little bit more about it.

    "Well sir, it stands at the entrance to the Crag side estate. The Manor itself has been unoccupied now for many years, about two years ago lightning caused further damage when it partially destroyed west wing. It is unlikely now that the trust will invest in rebuilding the place. It’s a great shame I think the building should have been listed many years ago. Anyway to the point, the lodge would I think suit your purposes it comprises several rooms there’s a lounge, bedroom small kitchenette and bathroom oh and there is a back boiler that provides the heating, this is maintained via an open fire but there is an ample supply of logs available from the estate, and of course there is off road parking.

    We would naturally arrange for the local council to attend the property in order to empty the bin once a week but of course that depends on whether we can come to an arrangement. Incidentally the estate itself is only ten minutes outside the village."

    Sounds perfect but there has to be a catch?

    Well sir I think you may find the terms very reasonable.

    I see well if it is the bargain that you are saying it is, then why is the lodge still empty?

    Well you might as well know sir it’s all a matter of Reputation,

    reputation, not sure what you mean by that.

    Well sir the locals are very superstitious and basically no one will go near it not since the Creswell’s disappeared.

    I take it you don’t mean that literally do you, the disappeared bit?

    Well it’s difficult to say really what happened. I do know that they rented the lodge four months ago; everything seemed fine the rent was paid on time until the day before yesterday. I wrote to them asking for an explanation but heard nothing so I decided to pay them a visit. They were nowhere to be found I had to use my spare keys to enter the property everything seemed in order the fridge was well stocked with food. But all of their personal belongings had gone. It was as if they had vanished into thin air, of course the police are investigating. DCI Crawford decent sort, he doesn’t tolerate any nonsense if you follow my meaning.

    I see and that’s why the place is still vacant is it, because someone took off at short notice without paying the rent? Anyway about the rent could you give me details and would you consider renting the property on a short term lease? Most certainly I’m sure we could come to some arrangement.

    Oh there’s just one other thing, would it be possible to have access to the old Manor, it could prove useful in my research?

    Well sir unfortunately not really you see as I pointed out to you earlier the Manor house is in a state of disrepair, in fact the upper floors are almost on the verge of collapse.

    Oh come on be reasonable, I wouldn’t hold you responsible in the event of an accident and I would be more than happy to sign an agreement to that affect, I will give you my personal assurance that I would leave everything just as I found it, Think about it for a moment I mean what harm would it do it certainly wouldn’t be a case of me causing damage now would it? You did say the place is on the point of being demolished, not exactly going to go round telling anyone that I have been having a look round the old place, am I?

    Very well sir but I do advise strict caution while in the building, it really would be better if you restrict your activities to the ground floor it that understood?

    Of course I can assure you that I will be careful and will avoid the upper floors.


    The coastal wind was just beginning to whip up the waves on the rocky shoreline, as a large brown rat scurried quietly down the main staircase of the Manor, small trails of dust the only evidence of its passing. The shutters on the old library windows which had long since given way to decay now allowed the last remnants of daylight to cast shadows against a moth eaten tapestry hanging long forgotten on the south wall. The rat entered the room through a large crack in an empty book case. Its bright black eyes darting first left and then right as if searching. It began to advance slowly into the room pausing only to sniff the air it was alert and very hungry. Suddenly it stopped whiskers twitching nostrils flaring to every scent, ears to every sound. It was almost as if it was nervous unsure as whether to proceed any further. After a brief pause it continued on its journey. And it was a journey of familiarity for it had passed this way many times before; it followed the wall until it reached an open door, this in turn giving access to dark deserted cellars below. Again the rat stopped, whiskers twitching as if familiarizing itself with the room before proceeding. And then just moments later it disappeared into the darkness. Moments later unobserved a shadow detached itself from the wall and began to follow.


    Well sir I really must hurry you along we are past closing time already I am sure you understand, look why don’t you give this some thought and come back tomorrow we are open a little before nine? Paul shook his head

    Not a lot of good really it means I will have to find accommodation tonight. The manager looked briefly at his watch, look I can spare a few more moments, normally it wouldn’t matter but I have an anniversary dinner tonight and there are things I have to do, I don’t think my wife will be very forgiving if I am delayed for more than another ten minutes or so. If it is merely a question of the rent I am certainly confident that we can come to an amicable arrangement. However there is a potential issue that we must deal with, and in the circumstances you may decide that you may not want the property after all. It could take sometime to acquaint you with the facts and time is something I cannot spare at the moment. Paul turned as if to leave the disappointment in his voice obvious,

    oh well knew there had to be a catch, there’s always is why not just tell me and get it over with?. The manager reached for a small slim file that lay on the desk, he opened the file and studied it for a moment or two, he turned a page and then with an almost imperceptible nod of his head closed the file replacing it on the desk. You said that ideally you really need an isolated property somewhere off the beaten track and away from the high street; well the lodge certainly meets that criteria and would allow you to continue your research in peace and quiet. However I do feel it only fair to mention that there is a small group of archaeologists working in the grounds on the edge of the property. Paul shuffled his feet nervously his hopes of securing a place to stay seemed to be slipping further and further away. Archaeologists how many of them are there?

    Well sir as a matter of fact, there are three of them on the site. From what little I know they are excavating a burial mound under the supervision of a representative from a university of which I forget the name at the moment. It all seems a very low key affair they have certainly not installed any machinery on the site, and we haven’t been notified that any will be required, you see it’s a private estate and it took several months for them to obtain permits to excavate in the first place. No I think this is more of a hand on type of situation.

    Oh well that’s something I suppose,


    You know machinery or rather the lack of it mini diggers or whatever they are called, anyway so you have already rented the property, and in fact I would have to share with a group of strangers? it was the managers turn to smile. No sir the lodge would certainly not support the three of them let alone another individual, no in fact they are using tented accommodation, And for that matter we have seen very little of them since they arrived, they do turn up in the village from time to time for provisions but to date have tended to keep themselves to themselves, with perhaps one notable exception. But no, you would hardly notice they were around.

    Fine well there you go then, shall we get on if you’re in agreement, the crux of the matter of course is really the question of the rent and any other fees Etc, and all that comes down to whether I am in a position to be able to afford it? The manager smiled as if in triumph,

    Well sir given the current situation that you find yourself in. I am sure that you will find the terms and conditions that I am in a position to offer you, more than agreeable. Paul reached into his inside pocket for his chequebook and pen. Hang on though before we make arrangements for signing contracts, are there any limits in terms of the length of stay, I mean are you prepared to rent the property to me say per calendar month, that type of flexibility would allow me to budget just for the actual time required, rather than renting for six months and requiring only three or four months which would of course entail me actually paying out far more than I can afford so do you have a flexible contract that you can offer me?

    Well it is not normal practice to let our properties on a month to month basis but in the circumstances I am sure that we can accommodate that, but with the provision that we agree to review it monthly. We would of course need a months deposit in advance also we would need the standard handling charge of sixty five pounds to administration charge for the documentation, and of course telephone calls to the local council and others providing services, the usual thing standard utilities including electricity and water. So if you are happy with the arrangements I am proposing then I suggest we provisionally sign an agreement and then tomorrow we can finalise all of the necessary paperwork.


    The rat flew through the air colliding violently with the panelled wall it’s back broken instantly a plume of dust rising where it had fallen to the ground, and now illuminated by the last rays of the sun through cracked and broken windows it appeared to be asleep. The only evidence of sudden and violent death was the presence of blood at the corner of the rat’s mouth. Suddenly one of the shadows seemed to shrink and fade. And then as if from nowhere came the sound of whispering, like autumn leaves in the breeze. It begins the words echoed around the deserted room lingering briefly before disappearing up the crumbling staircase. Then the silence was broken moments later by a resounding crash its origins somewhere in the west wing. And then there was laughter, a scream, and the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor. Another scream seemed to echo around and around the room like a wind borne symphony. The last blood red glow of the sunset faded, leaving the room in darkness, a darkness where it felt safe, concealed as it was from all. A final whisper before silence returned, It begins.


    The wind had been rising steadily for several hours, and wisps of sea fog had swept in silently over the low ground gradually reducing visibility at the site. Ruth was suddenly distracted from the task in hand as she paused to brush aside a strand of damp hair from her eyes David this is hopeless, why don’t we break for a bite to eat and try again when this fog starts to lift. David sighed brushed the soil from the trowel and placed it into the small canvas bag hanging loosely from his hip. Stop are you sure Ruth? I mean we are so close now to opening up the chamber. Ruth turned her back to the wind she could just hear the sound of waves breaking against the rocky shoreline at the base of the cliff. Yes I understand you’re keen to get on but we are not making a lot of progress at the moment, I am sure another hour won’t hurt Maybe then we can finally break through,

    Okay Ruth whatever you say, oh and by the way where is Simon.

    I’m not sure, the last time I saw him he was off down to the village to pick up supplies but that hours ago.

    Come off it Ruth you know that was just an excuse. He will be in the boar’s head having a pint and eying up the barmaid.

    David as long as we keep to the schedule and he does his share of the work I don’t really care what he does in his own time. In fact I prefer it that he does keep disappearing, that way I don’t have to listen to a constant barrage of complaints. David shrugged his shoulders and began carefully climbing up the muddy sides of the pit. For once Ruth I have to agree, as if things aren’t bad enough already what with hostile locals, fog, rain and penetrating cold and as for that place over there, I have to admit it gives me the creeps. He was pointing in the direction of the fog shrouded remains of the manor just a few hundred yards distant."

    Don’t let it get to you David you know what it’s like around these parts nothing is ever as it seems. Raven point is like many of the villages of its type along this section of the coast all of them traditionally reliant upon fishing, but now mostly over fished especially with competition mainly from the French and Russians, alternatives had to be considered. This part of the country is steeped in legends; this place certainly has the atmosphere for it. But you and I both know it’s a cultural thing, most of it invented by the locals just to earn extra cash from tourists. Most townies enjoy tales of pirates and smuggling its just a bit of harmless fun, something to tell their neighbours about when they return home, with their pirate plates and books about ghostly goings on. David shook his head

    Well that’s one point of view I suppose but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with you. Not if last night is anything to go by because there are certainly things that happen, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t explain them away. Ruth turned back to face him, a puzzled expression on her face.

    Last night, what about last night, I slept like a log. Come to think of it you never said anything just before I turned in.

    Well I didn’t really like to say anything, you know while Simon was around, god knows what he would make of it all, and I’m about at my limit with his sarcasm.

    Yes but you know what Simon’s like its just his way you just need to learn to ignore him like I do. I mean it’s a case of having to, but anyway back to last night.

    Ruth it’s difficult to explain, it was so strange we have been here for a fair while now, and so far everything has been for want of a better word boring. Anyway it was late I had just left the tent to, well you know. Ruth smiled

    Yes I think I get the picture, go on then what happened?

    Well as you know it was a cold moonlit night and I was just on the way back towards the tent when. He looked a little nervous, if not embarrassed. Come on David is this conversation going anywhere or not? She was smiling, or can I go and make some coffee, perhaps we can talk later when you have gathered your thoughts. He signalled for her to stay, well it was a shadow; at least I think it was but I’m not really sure now,

    David sorry to say this but your not making much sense, okay so you saw a shadow but where, and what of it?

    It was passing by one the windows up there; he was pointing towards the manor. Somewhere near the damaged section the west wing I think.

    But David it was overcast last night there wasn’t that much light from the moon. And anyway how could you have seen a shadow from this distance? David picked nervously at some Soil trapped beneath his fingernails.

    I wish I hadn’t started this conversation now Ruth was still smiling, and her voice softened a little as she spoke, this shadow you saw, or thought you saw?

    Well like I was saying it looked like a shadow, but it was then that I heard the sound as well, it was very faint at first, difficult to pinpoint, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.

    What was the sound you heard?

    You’re not going to believe me Ruth but for a brief moment I heard a woman singing way up there, he pointed again towards the manor. Ruth you have to believe me there was a woman singing up there in the west wing.


    Sunlight streamed in through the shattered windows of the west wing, remnants of torn and faded wallpaper flapped in the rising breeze. But it noticed none of these things as it looked down upon the camp in silence. It watched as a man and woman exchanged pleasantries. The fog was starting to lift and then the view was obscured as rain drops fell on the grime ridden glass. Then it remembered, it was as if it had been waiting for a sign and suddenly there was pain and a sense of loss, an overwhelming need for revenge, anger born of nothing but a fragment in time. And it also recalled a hot summer the beach deserted and lonely, flashes of light the warmth of the sun on exposed flesh, waves pounding against the rocks and it remembered.

    Child remove thee from the waterline for the waves will deceive thee and carry thee off into the deep and creatures will devour thy flesh leaving nought but a memory of your passing. She duly ran back up the beach towards her father, he sat quietly on a rocky outcrop; his priests garb protection from both sun and wind. Know thee this child, for this is of the lord’s making and we are blessed with such wonders as far as the eye can see. look yonder at the birds, white and pure as driven snow as they soar into the heavens on unseen hands, but the devil is full of envy and will scorn a smile to embrace a frown, and the devil does make his minions hide beneath the smooth velvety waters they wait patiently for the innocence of youth, and when the time is right they become devourers of souls."

    And it remembered


    Paul slumped back uncomfortably against the driving seat his back ached and his shirt felt damp. He had loosened his collar earlier but even that, combined with the window fully down, did little to disperse the remaining heat of the day. He sat quietly for a moment or two just taking in his surroundings gathering his thoughts. Several noisy teenagers crossed the road, he watched as they made their way into a brightly lit amusement arcade. To Paul it all seemed a bit out of place but that was the way of things. The village certainly seemed at odds with itself a mixture of the quaint with the quirky, he sat lost in thought for what seemed like an age before realising that the sun was beginning to set, and he was still a long way off being settled for the night. He pinched the bridge of nose between thumb and forefinger, but it did little to help. The long drive from London had left him more tired than he had at first thought. All he needed now was a few hours sleep before facing the challenge ahead. The thought was quickly dismissed from his mind as he focussed on events of the last half hour. The paperwork seemed to have taken an age and at one point he had been on the verge of leaving, with hopes of finding an alternative solution, but in the end exhaustion overcame him. But the deal had been more than generous and he was pleased with the arrangement. That said he still had to view the lodge that was to become his temporary home for the next couple of months. Eventually everything was sorted and he had signed on the dotted Line. He had initially suggested that the agents prepare the papers and that he returned the following morning, but the manager who while very friendly and in a hurry, was still determined to close the deal. He was very persuasive and before he knew it Paul was caught up in the formalities. After what seemed like an age, there was a shaking of hands and then he had set off to have a quick look around the shops before closing time. His priority now was to stock up on necessary provisions and essentials, in the end he settled on candles, a torch and an ample supply of batteries. These were just a few of the items on an ever expanding and much to his annoyance expensive list. He had been undecided at first about investing in an additional sleeping bag and in the end not only had he purchased one, but had also selected a thick car blanket. Both had been on offer in a sale so it had worked out well. Both items costing about the same as one under normal circumstances, it meant now that there would be extra warmth until he could organise things after a good nights sleep. Since the property had been vacant for some time he assumed that there wouldn’t be any fresh bedding available to him. Before leaving the estate agents the manager had provided him with a set of keys which would give him access to the lodge and the manor. Then armed with a set of directions he was at last ready. Paul leaned forward towards the ignition ever conscious of how tired he was feeling. The sound of the engine somehow reassured him, at least now he had somewhere to stay and a base to work from.

    He was beginning to realise how lucky he was in renting the lodge because it would ultimately give him access to the deserted and decaying mansion, and he felt sure it would provide just the inspiration needed for the work that lay ahead.

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