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Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam: Insights into America’S Mortal Enemies
Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam: Insights into America’S Mortal Enemies
Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam: Insights into America’S Mortal Enemies
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Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam: Insights into America’S Mortal Enemies

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I hope the essays in this book will help to warn the people of the United States and help them prepare for a nuclear war for failure to heed the warning of Netanyahu. I fervently pray that this will not be so. We must wait to see whether the United States will welcome the warning of Netanyahu. We know what happened after the first warning of Churchill. We must wait to see of the United States will heed the warning of Netanyahu.
Release dateNov 6, 2015
Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam: Insights into America’S Mortal Enemies

Peter J. Riga

Peter Riga was for many years professor of philosophy, law and theology at many universities and institutions around the nation. He has studied in Europe at Louvain, Munich and Rome as well as in the United States at Catholic University and the University of Berkeley where he earned two doctorates in Theology and law. a third doctorate was earned at the University of Louvain, Belgium in philosophy. He has taught at seminaries, the University of Notre Dame, University of Berkeley, University of Florida at Gainesville and at the Southwest College of Law in Houston. He has lectured on these subjects all over America. He has written over thirty books and over five thousand articles on theology, scripture, law both domestic and foreign. He has been a prist in New York and California and was a decorated chaplain in Vietnam with 101st Airborne division receiving the purple heart and the silver star for bravery in the field. He presently practices appellate law in Houston, Texas. His email is and his phone is (715) 819-8435

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    Isis, Fundamentalism and Islam - Peter J. Riga

    Chapter 1

    Insights From The Quran

    It is surprising how little Americans know of the real teachings and holdings of Islam. The core, the heart and soul of Islam is the Quran dictated to Mohammad by the Angel Gabriel as the direct and unadulterated word of God. This word must be accepted as absolute truth by every true Muslim under pain of becoming an infidel. The Quran must be read literally in every respect and never metaphorically or in any other literary form. Every good Muslim is bound to obey its every precept because it contains the wholeness of all truth which cannot be contradicted in any way. As the very word of God it is eternal in nature precisely because it is the word of God. This word tells us something of the nature of God but at the same time God is so transcendent that no word or description of God is remotely possible. But that word of God tells us something about the characteristic of God even if that something is so transcendent that it could be changed tomorrow (if that were to be God’s wish). For the moment, what we know of God is contained in his word contained in the Quran and in sharia which is God’s holy law as a distillation of the Quran. Sharia is God’s law which is the very rule of life given to Mohammad during Ramadan or during the holy month during which God revealed the Quran to Mohammad.

    I have written some of these suras or chapters from the Quran so that people can understand who God is in Islam, what he commands which can never be replaced or allegorized or given a metaphysical reading. The Quran must be read in Arabic and obeyed with no allusion or metaphors or in any other form of literary genres unlike the Judeo-Christian scriptures which have a variety of literary genres.

    I have chosen only twenty five suras to permit unbelievers to view the nature of God and above all what God commands of Muslims to do. As in the words of Mohammad, there can be no peace on earth until the whole world is ruled by sharia or God’s holy law. Until then there can only be a state of war between Muslims in the lands of sharia and non believers in the lands of war, that is, in lands of unbelievers where sharia does not rule. Some of the sura or chapters of the Quran:

    – Those who believe in the Trinity and in the divinity of Christ are unbelievers (5:17)

    – Those who say and consider Jesus as the Son of god are accursed (9:30).

    – The war against Jews and Christians (Crusaders) is mandated in the Quran (9:29)

    Paradise is guaranteed to any Muslim who kills or is killing for Islam (9:29)

    – Jews and Christians are the worst of all God’s creation (98:6)

    – Jews and Christians must be reduced to dhimmitude (9:29) and pay the jizra tax for living in Muslim lands.

    – Mohammad is the exemplar for living for all men (33:21)

    – Muslims must fight Christians or Christians must pay the tax (9:5)

    – Muslims are commanded to slay all unbelievers (4:88-89)

    – Slay all unbelievers until they convert (9:5)

    – Death for those who leave Islam (4:88-89)

    – Fight all infidels until they convert or be killed (9:29; 9:123)

    – Jews are descendants of pigs and apes (2:63-65; 5:52-60; 7:166)

    – Polytheists (Christians) are unclean (9:28)

    – Slay polytheists (Christians) wherever you find them (9:5)

    – Christians must feel themselves subdued (9:29)

    – Fight all unbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you (9:12)

    – When the sacred month of Ramadan is passed, kill all unbelievers (9>5)

    – Fight against those who do not believe in Allah (9:29)

    – When you meet those who disbelieve, smite at their necks(47:4)

    – Annihilate infidels and the polytheists (8:39)

    – Be harsh and ruthless to those who do not believe (48:29)

    – Unbelievers are the vilest of created beings (98.6)

    There are many other aspects of Islam contained in the Quran which cannot be recited here: inequality of men/women; four wives is permitted for every Muslim male but only one husband for Muslim women; cliterectomy; unequal distribution of patrimony for men and women; indignity of women seen as a field to be used to procreate; unequal treatment of women in court; four male eyewitnesses must be produced to justify accusation of rape; and much more.

    These are only a few of the texts from the Quran telling us something of God, how he rules, what he demands of Muslims and what they must do to unbelievers.

    Conclusion It is difficult to really have a dialogue with Islam since they have nothing to learn from us unbelievers. They posses total truth contained in the Quran.

    How is it possible to live in peace with this religion when their sacred books command your death and destruction? If we compare the mandates of the Quran with the mandates of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, we see a radical difference. In the New Testament, there is not one word of hatred toward those who do not believe in Jesus; only love of enemies and never any violence for and to any unbeliever.

    A good Muslim is one who obeys all the precepts in the Quran

    A bad Muslim is one who does not believe in these precepts or refuses to obey and follow them. Or who tries to change them.

    Another disturbing teaching of Islam is called takkiah or the right to lie to infidels to promote or protect Islam from harm as well as for the individual Muslim who is in danger. This makes dialogue with Islam very difficult if not impossible since you never know when he is speaking the truth vel non (e.g. Iran).

    Since Islam divides the whole world into two parts, that is, lands of Islam where there is peace and rule by sharia and lands of war where sharia does not rule. Between them there can only be perpetual war. In fact according to Mohammad himself, there can be no real peace until the whole world is ruled by sharia and between them there can only be holy war (jihad). These are the very words of Mohammad. There are some Muslims who want to live in peace and are un-warlike but the texts of the Quran, Hadith and the Sura are against them. Islam in fact is at war with all non Muslims in particular against Jews and Christians. Acts of violence against all unbelievers all over the world are instigated at roots with Islam. As long as Islam retains its view of God as contained in the Quran (vengeful, hatred of all non Muslims, violent, intolerant, etc.) there really can’t be any peace between Islam and the rest of the world. And that is not going to come anytime soon. There are only three results for all unbelievers: conversion, death, dhimmitude. Can we really live with that?

    This is similar to other historical groups: the KKK hated and killed Catholics and blacks; samurai killed non Japanese; many Muslims were involved in the slave trade; Indian tribes fought other Indian tribes to the death, Nazis killed Jews; etc. But none can match Islamic ISIS whose intent is global to kill all those non Muslims unless they convert. Videos made showing them slaughtering non Muslims and those Muslims who are apostates prove all this

    Chapter 2

    Summary Of Islamic Beliefs And Attitudes


    In this war with radical Islam, it is important to know some of the basic attitudes and beliefs of Islam itself. Why are we at war with Islam? What does Islam teach that is opposed to American beliefs? It is important to know that when we say ‘radical Islam’ we do not mean Islam as interpreted by some fringe group who misinterprets the nature of Islam. On the contrary. Radical Islam means Islam in its purest form as practiced from the literal holy books and from the paradigmatic example of Islam, that of Mohammad, the prophet of Islam. Such is ISIS and that is what so frightens the rest of the Muslim world. The fact remains that the vast majority of Muslims (about eighty percent) are ignorant of their own faith and consider themselves Muslims by prayer five times a day, charity contributions, observance of Ramadan and a once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca. That is all they know of Islam and hardly any of what I will write in a moment is known to them. Ignorance: that makes then peaceful. That is also why so many call Islam a religion of peace. In reality, for many Muslims, it is the religion of ignorance. True Islam is known by radical Islamists (jihadists) and that is why they are called ‘radical’ i.e. they are knowledgeable about the demands of Islam, that is, they go to the roots of that faith in understanding. There are no radical Muslims and moderate Muslims. There are only Muslims who live by the Quran, the complete Quran. The following characteristics of Islam are known and practiced by the jihadists while at the same time the vast majority of Muslims are really irrelevant for this war and for our purposes here. Consider each of the following characteristics of Islam taken right from Islam’s sacred texts.

    – Islam is considered a superior culture that encompasses all aspects of life (political, social, sexual, familial, economic, etc.). Islam is more than a religion; it is in addition an ideology. Because it is revealed by God in God’s holy law (sharia) Islam is superior to all other religions and that is why there is so little assimilation into western culture when Muslims move to the West. Since Islam is a superior culture and religion and has God’s complete truth, it is the West that must accommodate itself to Islam and not vice-versa. Why mix un-truth with the truth? This is a matter of pure logic. Other cultures must die or be submissive to Islam by God’s will and why the West must submit by accommodation to Islamic customs and laws. God’s law is supreme over all human law and all laws and peoples must submit (the meaning of Islam) to Islam. There is a logic here flowing from this teaching. Each person must submit to Islam or die. That is the logic of ISIS. Be converted or die.

    – Muslims are therefore a superior and chosen people over all the rest because they are God’s people. The rest are unbelievers and must submit to Muslims and Islam in every way. Others simply live in error and Muslims can learn nothing from them. The only ones who have any rights in Islam are Jews and Christians who live in Muslim countries - ‘people of the book’ - who must pay a tax and submit to very second class citizenship (dhimmitude). Everything belongs to Muslims by the will of God so that any help from the West is seen by Muslims as their due. They very seldom thank the West for its help. I have never heard a ‘thank you’ for western help during earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. from Muslim countries. It is the right of Muslims to inherit the whole earth given to them by Allah and to rule all people by whatever means necessary. Unbelievers must serve Muslims and be submissive to Muslims and to God’s law. Those infidels not of the book must either become Muslims or die. The numbers of people killed by Muslims over the centuries number in the hundreds of millions. One survey shows the number at 250 million since the seventh century. No other totalitarianism can match this number.

    – One of the holdings of Islam is that to kill an innocent person is to kill the whole race. But the definition of ‘innocent’ means a fellow Muslim because non Muslims are not innocent since they are not Muslims and must die and be killed for that very reason (e.g. Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, Shintos, Be’hives, etc.). In addition, it is often said that Islam is a religion of peace. That is true but only after the whole earth is submissive to Islam. Only then can Islam be a religion of peace. Until then, the whole world is divided into lands of Islam (where sharia rules) and lands of war (where unbelievers rule). There is enmity and perpetual war between the two until all peoples of the world are submitted to Islam and God’s law. That is why there is a perpetual form of war called jihad, started by Mohammad himself to which every Muslim male must be dedicated. Mohammad led his armies into seventy two different battles. This warfare may be non violent (soft or stealth Islamization when Muslims are weak) and violent jihad (when Muslims are strong). This jihad is going on all over the world today. It is a division between radical Islam which is considered to be apostate by the first group of Muslims. Such jihad has nothing to do historically with self control or a spiritual overcoming of evil. The example of Mohammad and fourteen hundred years of violent jihad as conquest proves just the opposite. Mohammad is seen as the perfect man in Islam to be followed and imitated in all things and in all attitudes.

    – The West is ruled by a unitary logic, rationality, dialogue, negotiations - all seen as weakness by Muslims. Muslims throughout the Quran admire strength, conquest, submission of all other people and any method to achieve this end. Even lies may be used to promote Islam. This is known as taquilla where Muslims may lie and deceive infidels as long as it is in the interest of Islam and its conquest of the whole world or the protection of individual Muslims. Muslim ethics are dualistic which may be used to deceive for conquest because it is God who commands it. Alliances may be broken if it advances Islam and observed if not. In Islam, God is so transcendent that he may lie, deceive, etc. and command his followers to do the same. There is no golden rule in Islam because infidels are scum and pigs who must he hated, submitted to Islam and/or be killed. They can only be the servants of Muslims who are destined to rule over them and that is why they conduct jihad against all infidels. It is a humiliation for Muslims to be ruled by infidels. When Muslims are weak they may follow the ways of tolerance of the West until they are strong enough to overcome the infidel. A Muslim must not make friends with infidels because they are cursed by God and destined to be killed and consigned to hell after death unless they convert before death to Islam. There is no love relationship between the believer and God because God may change his mind and consign even a Muslim to hell if that is what Allah wishes. Terms such as father, love, forgiveness, sons - are all anathema to Islam because the only relationship there is between men and God (even believers) is one of submission and fear, hoping that God will not change his mind. All this is radically opposed to Judeo-Christian ethics (see the Sermon on the Mount).

    – There can be no real dialogue with other religions because Muslims have nothing to learn from infidels and their various religions. Any truth in other religions is already contained in the Quran. Muslims have the fulness of truth in their holy books and in the paradigmatic example of Mohammad. In fact, any Muslim who converts to any other religion (or to atheism) must be put to death as an infidel and betrayer of the truth by the command of God himself. When Muslims are weak, they may use the rights of the West (tolerance, accommodation, religious freedom, etc.) until they are strong enough to defeat the infidels. In other words, Muslims use the freedom given them in the West to overcome and conquer westerners by soft Islamization i.e. accommodation to Muslim values in a liberal society, schools, etc. as a matter of religious accommodation. But it is a one way street. Any objection to any of this Islamic doctrine and practice will be met by charges of discrimination and Islamaphobia where Muslims use the useful idiots of groups like ACLU and the American way to accomplish these ends in the name of religious freedom and accommodation until they are strong enough to overcome the infidel.

    – There is in Islam a doctrine called abrogation whereby the softer and peaceful holdings of earlier Islam (Meccan) are abrogated in favor of violent jihad of later writings of the Quran (Median). Why? Because of the transcendence of God who is bound by no law, no promise, no covenant - not even by his own word. This is because Islam is ruled by a dualist ethic whereas the West is ruled by a unitary logic of truth and faithfulness to one’s word. In the Bible, God is bound by the words and promises he has made to man, to his covenant, to his loving relationship with Israel and with all men. Allah owes men nothing and may even contradict his own word.

    – It is therefore crucial to understand that given this logical relationship (unitary logic and ethics), the West believes in negotiations, promises made to be kept, contracts kept, dialogue to arrive at truth and accommodation. This is normal in the West. This is hardly so in Islam. This is used by Islam as a simple ruse to gain conquest and the upper hand. That is why Iran has been talking with and lying to the European Union, the United Nations, IAEC and to the United States et al for years only to gain time to develop its nuclear program. Like Islam, Iran is in no way bound by such negotiations and it is uninformed people like the present President of the United States who actually think that some good can come from such talk by extending a hand of friendship to Islam. This is seen as weakness by Muslims. Such talk for Muslims and Iranians (there is no difference here between Shiites and Sunni Muslims in this regard because they are all Muslims seeking a global domination by Islam) is only a way of gaining strength to ultimately defeat the infidels. This ignorance of Islam simply betrays the deep ignorance of people like President Obama who think like westerners in unitary logic whereas no such logic exists for Muslims. Christians are bound to love their enemies whereas Muslims are bound to hate and defeat them so as to bring about their submission to Islam. It is freedom versus slavery. The difference between the two is monumental and staggering. One is built on hate and conquest. The other on love and freedom.

    – The whole basis of the American value system resides in the few words of the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to secure these rights governments are instituted among people…. This is absolutely contrary to the holy books of Islam where only Muslims have basic human rights and infidels do not. In Islam, all men are not created equal because only Muslims are created equal. They are the people of God and the rest are condemned. This is the most crucial and radical difference between the values of the United States and Islam. The two value systems are irreconcilable no matter how hard the politically correct among us try. Sharia contradicts American values profoundly and absolutely. Those who seek to replace the American value system with sharia are really traitors. Some American judges have actually tried. Radical Islamics are therefore a clear and present danger to everything we Americans believe in, in America. Not to understand this is to commit an act of suicide for us, the West and a Judeo-Christian civilization preserved by the blood of our forefathers. Muslims have been trying to destroy the West this for fourteen hundred years. They are succeeding.

    – It is important to remember how much multi culturalism and political correctness help Muslims in this country to accomplish their goals here and in the West by a

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